Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Mar 1914, p. 6

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ft MOUNT v CONCERT The Institute intend the Temple of Fame in a most of hock- played at on Friday night at which Hi Mount Albert players wore victors thy a score of to time being to 3 It was a good clean and the Pooling on tho part both teams Donald and Stanley Coot stirred for Mount Albert After game supper was served un dec the auspices of Ladies Aid and a pleasant Social time enjoyed by all CHAIN Some one in our town or vicini- has been busy circulating an endless chain prayer We give the letter in full Oh Lord we pray thee to bless us and keep from all evil and to bring us to dwell villi thro a last This prayer was lo sent Jill over tho world Copy it and sec what happens It was said in Jesus time those who wrote wore delivered from all evil and those who passed it toy met with great misfortune Please do not this chain fcop it and send it to nine other friends within nine days and on tenth day some great joy will lo you FARMER SUED a produce agent in the County Jury Court on Wednesday before Judge Den ton sued Mainprise t farmer near Ml Albert iff on June he con tracted with the defendant purchase two aces potatoes for down and the re mainder to be paid later Plaint iff claimed that he paid the first installment and thai the defend ant kept putting him off until the fall he found that the potatoes been dug up and soloiy the defendant J Pi rfilofsky sued for 50f the return of his first payment of Defendant claimed that the plaintiff failed lo carry out his part of the contract and thai dug md sold the potatoes save them from being spoiled Squires- and her two daughter- and returning week to her husband has taken up farming In She has been spending three month it with her parent Mr and Mrs Aaron and friends after a serious spell of in tho West The funeral of the lalo Mr Daly Was held in the Methodist Church on Monday afternoon A McNeill conducted service Interment was at Cemetery Mr Jay of Toronto Uni versity spent the weekend under the parental roof Ms Alvard visited her sis ter a couple of days last week Mrs Pressor of Keswick is vis her daughter Mrs Ross Cunningham The lecture given by Rev J Stewart of Aurora on Marriage before and after under the au spices of the League was well worth hearing It was refreshing and wholesome throughout The introduction brought forth con tinuous laughter There was much advice and the hints on homemaking could with pro- lit be put into practice by all especially those contemplating matrimony is tot now March Is certainly more like a lamb The service Sunday evening was conducted by Prof J Dales There will bo service next Sunday Miss Delia Horner spent the weekend at Mr John Todds The Market will continued very Tuesday every HOLLAND LANDING Miss Greer of Toronto was the guest of Miss a few days last woek Mrs and Mrs Wilson of Toronto visiting Mrs Sweczie a few days this week Mr J Chapman of Toronto was in town this week taking or ders or cucumbers Mr Kd of in- leuds moving into the house va cated by Mr Hell Mr spent Monday last in the city I ZEPHYR BALDWIN BREEZES FARMERS The next meeting of the Farm ers Club will be held in I Hall evening of March at eight oclock sharp It will be the annual business meeting election of Officers Also a report will be given of the Con- in the Labor Tempi Toronto March 19 and 20 The object of this convention is to unite the several hundred farin- organizations in the province the officers of the farmers asso ciations and farmers clubs Sub ordinate granges and fruit grow ers associations feel that the time has come when the several organizations should unite in movement for the pro motion of their interests a call is being extended to these organiz ations lo be represented at this meeting At- our last meeting on March a very interesting and in structive address was given on Commercial Fertilizers J of Newmarket Wedding Hells Orland Kay tell us pray When will be your wedding day Dame rumor says Well whenever it may bo wo wish joy is one of our model young men doesnt meddle with booze or tobacco in any Well Undo Johnston and Aunt Sal ly have gin up and are now located in town Bald wintown They ate very comforta bly and we trust may enjoy many happy years in retirement I rather think their hearts cling to the old homo Mrs Tommy Ladies Aid Tea was on Friday P M in the in terests the Christian Church and was exceedingly well patronized It was got up in mo3t excellent taste A Mercury period set in on Friday last and I must say behaved A Venus period is deck which somewhat tones down Mercurys Sunday and contiguous days Mercury and the Storm King will howl and growl like a pack of wolves Local news at present is of a quiet rural character Not much My dear friend Mrs Joseph Clark made Joe a happy dad by the presentation of a liVtle Miss Flossie Albert now tuns affairs at the Castle and hes quite well qualified to do it as he is reck oned a model farmer I do so- much enjoy and Sharon tidbits of news It is like a good dinner very refreshing It is over sixteen years sine I was there- A very pleasant evening was spent on Friday last by Ze phyr Sporting Club at homo of Mr Curl The event of evening was the banging of one of the finest moose heads north has ever produced which was shot by bis son William After usual ceremony arid singing For hes a jolly good fel low about forty rifle sportsmen with their wives and sweethearts did justice lo an oyster supper prepared in the dihing by the hostess Mrs Cud The monthly rifle shoot held the fol lowing afternoon for the chal lenge donated by was one of the best matches of the season The highest score was made by of Toronto being points and winning the cup for the second time Tom I ins on of Baldwin the previous winner was a close second at The following is the score Latimer HO A Tomiinson J J Koslor It Curl J Woodcock F Curl Sa il J W Thompson 75 SOOO Mrs and child of and Pearl Brooks of Toronto- visited their mother here during the past week Mr Millar is away in Col on- vacation Mrs entertained the Euchre Club last Friday night Mrs A Dixon attended funeral of a in this Messrs Green Thompson and Addison of Toronto spent over Sunday at- the Point with AVI Auction Sale at Mrs Brooks residence en the tomorrow at p m has been served that an appeal against the decision of Magistrate in the early closing bylaw case bo heard at the next sitting of the Division Court The Misses entertained a number of their young friends to progressive euchra last Thursday night A petition is being circulated omongst the merchants to have early closing bylaw repeal ed is prepared to show you bis Easier Bonnets any lime pick out before Easter Order your new suit now arid have it come along for Easter There is lime yet if you do it now shipped over fifty cattle out of here this week also a number of other animals A new store is being opened up here in Sutton in premises recently occupied by A Dixon It is to be a dry goods establish ment Sutton will soon have more stores than customers Miss V is having her Spring Millinery Openings on Sat urday March and follow ing days She is showing among other lines some Paris Pattern Hats Everybody welcome Tea served The I 0 brethren who went over to last Wed nesday report a nice time There were about two hundred present from Lindsay lodge and they put on the first and second degrees with about twenty candidates Crepe Cravats are the new ties for Spring They are birds has them The show and dance to be giv en by the longhaired artist did not come off last Friday night on account of no crowd Dr is latest purchaser of an auto- He has a Fish were plentiful in Sutton on Saturday and trout were sell ing at per was most encouraging to the members Specially those who responsible- for gram which was arranged in three parts The of Irish Readings Selec tions Choruses Vocal Duetts arid The second part was a guess- game arranged to give one present opportunity lest their knowledge of Irish names and places The game was In- the form of nine slips of p or each bearing words and which were characteris tic of places and names These slips wore pinned arourid To prevent lh6se taking part from rerhaiang loo Jong in one place the gdi- was to ervoufl present an meet els given for thVinosl cornet box of chocolates The part following game the social when refreshments were served consisting of sandwiches cakes and instead lea or coffee This- pleasant and social was brought to a close by the singing of God Save King The League as a whole wishes to thank the friends both in the viliage and from the country for their help and support in this evening such a success JOHN YATES j ill i yitem of warn N S AB Bj- Ira EKeBv j Vi f Golden It to work Mt at toj It a food Tones up Soon bring Ilk If fU3 tnnodInjS Wood and now Sold by In or tablet tend 60s i I to Pierce for tW box the Social At the Manse on Friday even ing of this week A good pro gram with refreshments are an excellent means for an evenings entertainment tT HP A- General Manager If You Live At A Distance from this branch of The Dominion lake advantage of our system of By Mall It will you many trips to tow and at the same time give you all of the advantages of a Savings Account Deposits may be made and cash In fact any banking business transacted by mall without trouble or delay The manager will give you- full of convenient way of Banking by Mall 9 j i J MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH a TERRY MiWm IT1 J PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Ferguson Miss Page Miss Colbert and Miss of were visitors at the home of Mrs John on Sunday last Mrs Milton of New York and are visiting at the borne of her mother Mrs Mr Jacob look of was in town on Saturday calling on old friends Mr J I Cook is out again ter being laid up with an attach of Grippe Mrs Dr Johnston entertained a parly of young people at her home Thursday evening Mr who has fllleil the position of teller in the Do minion Hank here for some time left on Saturday for Toronto where he has boon appointed to a better position His pleasant courteous manner and obliging disposition made him very popu lar with the customers A very pleasant gathering look place the home of Mr Arwed Case on Thursday of last week to bid farewell lo his son Arthur who leaves shortly- for the West A vesy pleasant Social was held in the Schoolroom of the Method ist Church on Tuesday evening under this auspices of the All thoroughly enjoyed solves a somewhat late hour Would I were with thee That dear old horn The theme sweetest thoughts That seem almost divine If I ever do have the exquisite de light I hope I will remember and not give away to my feelings as old Daddy Wallace used to do Return at a late hour from the he would pipe up My name is Wallace I came from Cromarty My George can lick Dan Morton When Daddy made preparations to meet his Creator he gave up that which at last stingeth like an adder and biteth like a serpent What a fight it must have been The decease of Fred re moved another wellknown resident from this locality last Thursday He was eightythree years of age and a pioneer settler here He stuck to his pioneer cabin until a few years ago when it was replaced by a modern dwelling The iceman has gone home happy He has all he was after Uncle Owl as my girls affection ately call me is not in good form for blowing Breezes Hope to bo 0 by next week THE OWL East Council Sharon March IB Ilia meeting of the Muni Council of the Township of was held on tho above date in the Municipal Hall Sharon- AM membera present of meeting and confirmed Communications read from Canada Steel Company The General and I committee re the building of I ched and stable at Municipal Hall Sharon reported and pres ented tenders for the same from the following I Rose Walter Collins Bike and Geo Proctor Reeve and Clerk be authorized to procure furniture and equipment or tho proves care of the town- chip records Carried That where 2d the Clerks office and most records the on the destroyed by fire therefore the Reeve and Clerk be appointed to make a record from available sources and present same to Council an coon as Carried the The Irish Social Given by the Methodist League last Monday night was an overwhelming success in every way and far beyond all the members Since there was no charge of any kind the large attendance could not be exactly Enumerated but judging from several- individu al counts present be tween one hundred and forty and one hundred and fifty This was certainly a record attendance and the largest since the League commenced last fall and clearly shows that a rapid growth and deep interest is taken by he friends both in the country and the village Such an attend- Free 1 1 How is the to Rid Those Ugly Spots of Do you know how easy it is to re move those ugly spots so that no one will call you freckleface Simply get an ounce of dou ble strength from your druggist and receives a ja few applications should show you from John Tate that Ed Williams how easy it is to rid yourself has delivered cubic yards freckles and get a beautiful complex- gravel on fllderoad Lots ion The sun and winds March 3 that ho pay sum of dollars pec order hold by him in connection therewith Carried That have a strong tendency to bring out freckles and as a result more othne is sold In three months Re sure to ask for the double strength othine as SMS FLOUR the West wheat Monarch and Daisy exchanged for wheat shorts always on bud and mixed grains for ale Chopping promptly done avowee How Albert A AC Having opened up a Harness busi ness in the Shop formerly run I am prepared to the public with all kinds of Heavy Team and Light Driving Harness at Mod erate Prices Horse Furnishings kept on hand Repairing Promptly Attend to BARRETT 8EED GRAIN FOR SALE American Banner Oats No Barley Canadian Beauty Peas Red Clover and Timothy Seed No Standard as far as pur ity Also orders token for Spring Pigs old J Queensville MOUNT- ALBERT Dealer in ill Wads the very beet makes Farm Deere line Peter Hamilton nd best the Cream Separator BranUord engines and the I best Stoves made Please let me know what vou want of Sharon o a walks Carried Proctor That the Reeve and bo instructed to transfer from the School to the records the Township were the Bum of Carried Cote of Dike the building of a shed and stable at the Muni cipal Hall Sharon be Carried proctor And resolv ed that the Reeve issue his order on the Treasurer payment an follows vis back if it fails to remove the freck les noa IJJIIHWW I SYSTEM Excursions Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chicago St Paul or on sale each Tuesday until Oct in clusive at low rates Through Pull- drawing man Tourist Sleepers to Winnipeg on Andrews drawing gravel above dates leaving Toronto pm Geo King drawing gravel No change of cars LIMIT TWO MONTHS Church drawing gravel P drawing gravel iM fiETTI drawing flreekon as collector One- ay act Renfrew and West to points in Hiown and each Tuesday Amos tap- Prom stations Ontario Kingston AptU S two grader W uLQfT Toronto Co- map Oneway Secondclass Time and Co lies Prom stations In Ontario to certain A fi points in British Columbia Cody California Oregon Washington etc Douglas And ftat the corporote be hereto attached Carried Council to meet on Apr 190k at at Sharon Spinsters would have a mat- show if widows would keep out of the game On SALE SEARCH to APRIL Inclusive HORNING P A Union Toronto- J C Phote J 14 UpTorn AfM The literary evening of the Christian Endeavor on Monday evening will be taken by Miss Stewart who will tell the most interesting and famous story of Jean from Victor Tju- gos Les with Farm The members of the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union are pleased to stale that for arc prepared to distri bute into every Township of On tario material of high quality for experiments with Grains Fod der Crops Roots Grasses Clov ers and Alfalfas as follows No Experiments Plots I Testing two varieties of 2aTTesting A- C Barley- and Emmer 2 Testing two varieties of tworowed Barley Testing two varities of Barley Testing two varieties of Spring Wheat 5 Testing two varieties of Buckwheat 6 Testing two varieties of Field Peas Testing two varieties of Spring Rye Testing varieties of Soy or Japanese Beans 9 Testing three varieties of Huskirjg Corn Testing three varieties of Mangels Testing two varieties of Sugar Beets for feeding purposes Testing- three varieties of Swedish Turnips 3 13 Testing two varieties of Fall Turnips Testing two varieties of Carrots 15 Testing three varieties of Fodder and Silage Corn 3 Testing three varieties of Millet 3 17 Testing two varieties of Sorghum Testing Grass Peas and two varieties of Vetches 3 Testing Rape Kale and Field Cabbage 3 Testing three varieties of Clover 3 21 Testing two varieties of Alfalfa Testing four varieties- of Grasses Testing varieties of Field Beaps 3 Testing two varieties of Sweet Corn 2 Teslirig two varieties of Potatoes Testing three grain mix- for grain Testing three grain mix tures for fodder produc tion 3 Each plot is to be two rods long by one rod wide except No 28 which is to he one rod square Any person in Ontario may choose any ONE of the experi ments for and apply for the same The material will be fur nished in order in which the ap- are received while the supply lasts It might be well for each applicant to make a second choice for fear the first could not bo granted All material will bo furnished entirely free of charge to each applicant and the pro duce will of course become the property of the person who con ducts the experiment Each per son applying for an experiment should write his name and ad dress very carefully and should give the name of the County in which he lives A Director Ontario Agricultural College Mar ill ft are now open for entry Free Homesteads in Western Canada The bulk these are located along or near the CANADIAN NORTHERN which is recognized in the West as the PIONEER FARMERS RAILWAY From March 3rd to the end of October HomSeekers Excursion tick ets are on sale every Tuesday and are good to return within two months from date of issue Prior to tickets may be obtained or two months on payment of to Agent at destination for each month or part thereof Stopover permitted at any CANADIAN NORTHERN Station West of Port Arthur SOME CANADIAN NORTHERN PUBLICATIONS FortyFive Vital Questions Ffeace River Alberta and How lo Reach It Western Canada Has a Honro for ThirtyFive Thou sand Free For Tourist Car Accommodation- and all particulars in addition to above publications apply to your nearest N Agent or to General Passenger Department King Street East Toronto Ontario R Genl Pass Agt Can Nor Ry Toronto c Get the Best Fence at the Lowest Prices DIREST FROM PAGE Freight Prepaid 23 28 no STYLE J3 HEAVY FENG No Pago la ttd Red FrtigM in 40 48 4 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 22 11 AT 47 48 55 22 16 ft 16 22 16 16 22 16 10 8 9 10 oj y 7 7J 5 61 7i 9 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 81 9 9 5 7 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 5 7 8i 9 9 4 5 5- 7 81 9 9 7 7 7 8 7 7 71 8 7 81 9 9 51 7 81 9 9 4 7 9 10 21 23 23 26 28 26 29 29 31 29 33 33 18 48 60 SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING No Top and Bottom Intermediates No Upright 8 inches apart 8 Close bars Close bars PAGE RAILROAD GATES WALK GATE in high ft opening BRACE WIRE lb rolls STRETCHING TOOLS Complete outfit 42 47 300 450 235 75 70 Mail your Order to our Nearest Branch Page Wire Fence Co ltd King St West TORONTO Montreal St John Winnipeg Write for 101Page Free Catalog Page Fences Wear Best i I An digram is a mk people it In A AC I

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