Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Jan 1914, p. 5

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J Notary J St i i I A AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR i V lv V r s up from Toronto last night and installed tho officers of the Encamp ment They verc loud In their praise of OddFellows DENTIST in Street v- Or Office Block p en con Main Street Newmarket to MB to pm to Graduate in medicine Toronto also the of Physicians and mem ber College of Surgeons Former Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Offioo-Cor- Main and Timothy PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER 2nd house from Street Now market mm week ago last Mrs A Ego her when taking off her glove and Wood-pof- net In which has given her much pain and anxiety harvest has The ice la about inches thick A young- fellow got a scvoro rap with- trolley pole at the-Metro- depot on KrWay Bolton Practical Painter and House Decorator Niagara Streets sC JEWELLER Mcthodfat Church Under Studio Ave Under Clubbing Rates tor i 91 and Montreal Family J and Toronto Scientific American Era and Dally Globe in North York only for 360 Era and Toronto Daily Star Era and Saturday Illustrated Globe for Era and Montreal Weekly Wit- Era and Canadian Countryman Era and Farmers Sun Do Ihc danger why dont get can It off even it I- to a time if you go right out In the fresh air as as yon can build up with of whoteaettieliAKl and Syrup of Unseed Licorice and Chlorodyne reliable household rcuieoy broken of hacking per- were just as and what It has doneforsomanyotbeiaitwindoforyou Syrup Linked and contains absolutely no harmful and so cart be given safely to children as well a adults Your physician or druggist can confirm this statement for ate ready to send on request complete fist of all the Put up In and bottles by the Drag and Chemical Co of Canada Limited to r Hughes REAL ESTATE INSURANCE All Insurance Written Estate Sold on Commission- If Property call on ym P I Building REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE u you buy Boy Lost Friday afternoon a boy about six years of ago got on a Metropolitan car- apparently tbo of getting a ride thought he beloved to one of the but when they all got out at New market be got out too and wander ed around town- landing at the R Depot Ho wanted to got on the train to go homo but and reported the to Station Agent Ho telephoned to Constable who down to the depot and took charge of lad He said his name was Harry The Constable telephoned to Richmond Hill and no body knew anything about such a family Mrs kept him all night and after vainly enquiring all along- the Metropolitan line Con was about to take him to Toronto on Saturday evening when his father arrived from from where the lad had strayed REAL ESTATE BROKERS Street Newmarket Bundles Fax and Property SoU A NEWMARKET of Piano Voice and Violin Dealer All Kinds and Repairs PIANO TUNING Ageat tor Columbia and Records S Prompt No 15 meets the 2nd ThuxdXay In Lodge Rooms over llala Street Newma Produce Regular winter market last Satur day Butter egga and poultry keep up in price Following was the usu al figures paid Butter lb Dressed Chickens por tb and A A Dressed Ducks per lb Geese per Dressed Turkeys per lb Apples per Apples per obi pet has banket I Celery per head 10o Beets Turnips per bag Carrots per per to Old Hens per lb to Live pucks per lb Live Geese per lb per pair per pair per lb 12o Skins per to to Tallow per fic Lyman Issuer of LICENSES lra Office Newmarket Office Papers issued at resl- if desired Newmarket Fair The following officers and directors have been divided into Committees for the work of the year OFFICERS DIRECTORS President VY 1st A 2nd VicePres Treasurer K ROBERTSON Secretary KEITH DIRECTORS J H Proctor P Pearson Verne Cane Geo Trivett George A T J Stephens Schmidt J Mathews on COMMITTEES NWMARK LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- lvCrH ordering MO The statement nude Mali that Provincial autlioritics are pre paring to put up a warm fight against the attempt to bo made in courts to nulify local option passed by the citbens of several weeks ago It has been definitely decided to a Bureau of Municipal Ro search in Toronto To this end steps will be taken to securo on endow ment fund The Committee of One Hundred Citizens is behind thb pro position By a vote of three to two the of Control endorsed the Cabi net system of city government Tile motion that- each Control ler bo responsible for informa tion with reference to a specific of the civic administration It looks trouble for somebody on the Hoard Isaac a welltodo mer chant of Toronto was and costs at by Magistrate House for violation of the immigra tion laws tried to bring his brother Joseph Ruben into the country and told a fictitious story to the immigration authorities Ru ben was fined costs ami was de ported Another drover was summoned to appear in the Police Court yesterday named Huston charge was cruel ty to animals by failing to provide thorn with proper accommodation And now word comes to the city that St Catharines people are giv ing a to the butchers of that city who recently raised the price of meat throe cents per pound Em ployees of Wetland Vale Works to the number of have pledged selves not to cat meat bought from St Catharines butchers A sort of boycott as it A new motor truck has been add ed to the- Berkeley street Fire Hall It has a speed capacity of an and cost Pour hours after snow has North Toronto householders are re- to have the beautiful swept from the sidowalks If this is no and residents a little slow the police drop into their houses a little red card with the admonition your snow oil the hint is not regarded the negligent are summoned Thats business farmers sausage in large quanti ties was to be seen on tho St Law rence Market last at per lb Eggs were and per dozeo and butter and per lb- Last week Toronto Jail had The majority of those In carcerated are there for petty theft although a number are old offend ers who erfdeavor to take up their winter quarters as guests of Gover nor- Chambers from east Riverdalc are deploring their inability shoot rabWts within the city limits The district east of Greenwood avenue is overrun with them and residents say they have never seen them so thick Happy Johnson third year Med foil downstairs Friday and knocked himself unconscious He and a cou ple of others were fooling on stairs coming from Dr Hendersons Pharmacology laboratory when the accident occurred By the first of May if Hocken has his way the question of purchasing the assets of the Toronto Railway Company and the Toronto Light Company will have been settled by the people to either one way or the other physio by of hundreds of pitalft comes to Panada to Phaldol is known and through- pain and cure Lunftwgo Neurit is Grippe Fevers and similar troubles has received the highest commendation from the Nodical feeslqn because of atrenth- action the nerves without injury to the heart ana its lasting regulative and curative effect tho whole system Unlike other painkilling retried Kepbaldol Is It causes no intestinal irritation and has no depressing effects Kephaldol will now bring to pab- wracked Canadians the untold bless ings which it has already conferred In the Old of Perfect life again to those who perhaps for rnany yoars have dragged through a tormented Get a tube of Kepbaldol tab lets at your Limited St Montreal first robin reported in Toronto this season was seen by Mrs Arch- Peden of Beech avenue Baling Beach on Friday morning last Mrs was feeding some sparrows when robin flew down and in the feed The bird was a very large one and quite tame were very numerous in this vicinity last About CO people were present at tho debate under the au spices thb Club at Isling ton on Saturday evening The de bate was conducted as a mock par liament and was held at the Mason ic Hall Bitten weeks ago by a span iel dog Frances Stewart 155 Bedford Park a wee Scot tish lassie began to act on Saturday nighV and it is feared at tho Hospital for Sick Children that it is a case hydrophobia The childs nose and mouth were torn by the animal Mr I John R delivered a fascinating and instructive address in Convocation Hall on Sunday ev ening The speaker is President of the Student Volunteer Movement in opinion of President who spoke briefly at the close of the offertory for the Indian mission it was one of most remarkUlo addresses I have ever tho privilege of hearing Tho vivid description of his tours through Asia with the marvelous results held the vast audience entranced contract been let for the new Book Room and Publishing House of the Methodist Church John and Queen streets the price Wang fiOOOOO likely to receive a large number of this year They are leaving their native land on account of persecutions Investigation now pending into the Civic Architect Department looks as if tipping was effective in securing privileges Edward Watson of Owen Sound and Eva John Street in this city were arrested on Friday on charges of shoplifting Stolen goods to the of were found at womans home The Onjtatio Fairs Association Convention will be held in Toronto next at the end were not iWto Informal program was arranged Mr TV and Impromptu speeches were by Rev H Rev Mr Gray Rev McKistick Messrs J J Cameron A D Car- 8 and others- The pleasant affair wound up with a dance The home of Mr and Mrs HI Harrison Toronto was the of pretty wedding at three clock Wednesday afternoon last of their younpest daughter to George of King was The rooms were prettily decorated with ferns and rosea andj the was performed by the Rev Mc pherson rector of Chalmers Church Mendelssohns wedding march was played by Miss V The bride who was given away by fcgr father wore white voile over white silk am carried cream roses Miss Minnie Robin son sister of the bride was brides maid and wore Kinks blue silk and carried pink carnations and re- a pearl necklace the groom Mr Harrison was his brothers best man and received a pearl tie pin from him After weddingdinner had been of the happy bride and groom for trip to Hamilton Buffalo and Southern Spates amid showers of confetti and congratulations of all present On their return they will reside on boo Buying From Us Paints Oils 4 to S A It l Sows This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY CO To ledo We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe him perfectly hon orable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by firm Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo 0 Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of system Testimonials sent free per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for coa- WHEN BUYING SKATING BOOTS DONT OVERLOOK I Man and Horse by Trolley Sleigh Struck Radial Car George James residing at North Toronto was instantly killed at York Mills last Friday night when the sleigh in which he was struck by a southbound Metropolitan car James was hurled about feet and- the horse which also was killed was thrown feet The was smashed to pieces some of the chips of wood being picked up al most 250 feet from the scene A the accident The body of James was carried into Hotel at York Mills McCormlck and Brown who were summoned stated tlat death bad been instantaneous The scene of the fatality was a few yards south of the hotel James who been peddling his wares about the countryside was returning home As deep ruts in the snow in the center of the road made the For from Simpson s hard he travelling Store was sent to jail fcbe car for ten days sweeper- bad levelled the road The proprietor of tho Woodbine H he failed to notice the ft had- to fork out for recent Mr e THEY GIVE MORE WEAR COMFORT THAN ANY toky FOR SALE AT I r n MENS UTFITTI To mourn tho death of one The President Mr by I M his office a ill Committees to Lord a Feed AND GRINDING 0MR Promptly Attended GEO SELKIRK all EXECUTIVE r- Messrs Schmidt and Pearson PROPERTY Messrs Schmidt and FINANCE Messrs Pearson Proctor Robertson and LIGHT HORSES Messrs and Mathewson HEAVY HORSES Messrs and CATTLE SHEEP AND SWINE Messrs Proctor Spaul ding and Stephens POULTRY Messrs Brimson and GRAIN SEEDS AND ROOTS Messrs Spaulding Proctor HORTICULTURAL Messrs Steph ens Pearson and Trivott DAIRY AND DOMESTIC Messrs and LADIES and CHILDRENS Pear son ahd Kwiife NATURAL HISTORY AND FINE ARTf Messrs- Schmidt and EXHIBITS Messrs Schmidt and Cane TRACKMessrs son and of- the ever Neil re ferred to Lord three thousand people gathered at the memorial service Massey Hall last Sunday The Hall was suitably de corated for the occasion On Sunday last Rev J Aikens of the Metropolitan Church took oc casion to denounce the present situ ation in Ontario in regard to Prohi bition of the sale of liquor A Pro- law is hie remedy The Street Mission is doing a noble work along lines this winter Fetor hundred and six ty hungry men received a good fasu of heel sandwiches and coffee at the Street Mission early Sun day morning Rev a Margrett led in religious which follow ed mission distributed over articles of clothing while 30Q families were supplied with bread la that ye are alwafl When through old age the bodily become give gentle timely and aid without or distress a out violation of the License Act There are at present in the city jail men waiting to be ransferred to Central Prison having been sentenced to that institution lun atics committed and 3 women sentenced to the Mercer Reforraatory a total of Chauffeur Walter Reynolds was ar rested on charges of manslaughter and criminal negligence in connec tion with the motor tra gedy Rotysrti Barker was elected 3rd DeputyReeve of York Township last week to fill the vacancy at the Council Board Mr John Annette street who passed away on Thursday of last week was years old He was Worn in this city At one time he moved to Newmarket but returned to Toronto years ago and has remained here ever since In his younger days he belonged to the York Rangers He leaves a widow and one son By jumping through a window on to an adjoining shod a daring young burglar made good his escape from the second story of a house on Dow- ling avenue he had been sur prised He secured a gold watch and chain with some other On Friday evening last over 200 of the Girls Friendly Society at Holy I Trinity school house partook of tea together The Lodge has only open for nine months but has prov ed very successful In giving judgment in an action brought Dr J against R Cattle and Hill recovery of paid lor a share in a lamp patent the judge said that the case would rank fairly well with a Western land deal The judgment was entered for plain tiff Dr was formerly of The civic survey of Toronto report ed a million and a ball waste In re pairing track allowances Another serious accident at the Slides Wilson a fractured leg couple Mr and Mrs John Richards week in their room circumstances which appear to have due to- the leaking of gas from defective tube to a car which was said to have been travelling at a high late of speed for just as he ifce hotel he drove directly across the tracks in front of car the was the mans intentions the car th sleigh smashing it to and hurling the man and horse a considerable dis- j Several of the guests at the hotel who witnessed the accident ran out and picked the man up and carried him into the building They then notified the doctors and the police James was a familiar figure in North Toronto and the surrounding country He was an Englishman and had been- engaged in the fifh trade lor the past two years He is survived by a widow and a mtfnier of children most of whom however are adults cO Judgment for Mr Walder BUTCHERS BAKERS BLACKSMITHS a OR ANY OTHER TRADE On Quick Order AT LOWEST PRI See Sample Before Ordering Elsewhere ERA PRINTING OFFICE Newmarket One night last February Mr Isaac was returning from one of I his northern trips and when about opposite Mr gate atJefferson his sleigh got into the Metropolitan Railwaj track and owing to deep snow he was unable to get off until he was run down by a car coming down the grade Mr was injured the sleigh and load were damaged and the were hurt Suit was entered against the Company I and last Friday judgment was plaintiff for Injuries to self and for damage and injuries to horses also the cost of suit If WASTING ENERGY A physician was called in to exam ine a young girl who was with a nervous breakdown to that her parents were earing the- necessity of her out of school As she entered the room where he was wait ing for ho ootiqed that h slightly and asked her if she were lame The girl colored high and explained that- her shoe hurt her a tod she was rather annoyed It as to how she had ft Wore to she considered the purpose his call She was still more surprised at his perscription Get yourself a com fortable pair of shoes he shoes which dont pinch and with low heels And after a week if you are not better send for me and I will come But it was not necessary to call in the specialist again after the slight nagging pain ceased to rasp the nerves An amount of energy waste through enduring unneces sary discomfort Girls more ire than their brothers are of fenders In this respect though the HE KNEW NATURE young man whose neck is encircled The typical carmanis Per son of much sagacity a returned missionary took car a dubious frame of mind He had been invited to dine with some friends at the house of an acquaintance whose name had forgotten- He only knew that his liydd Street WbaX am I to do he asked of his driver Never mind Ill find him for you yM me with a red ring when he takes off his collar at night and the who heaves a sigh of relief when he re moves his shoes not rare speci mens But an number girlsf suffer uncomplainingly from a dress that is too tight collar that Is too high shoe not suited to she shape of the toot and use up no in entrance torvouv forcpViTtf enough to accomplish something real- IXjmrth By Richard Miller ave It to me Lave if to i- They drove to street tho man at the top knock ed at every and in quiry Halfway the street gaily rejoined his employer said all rijflW 5dr here sor Does the Reverend MrBlaUve-reVAnthaWd- 1 1

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