Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Jan 1914, p. 4

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I VV V- at I V J Would not give EPtafc Vegetable Compound for of MMm I female VtiVtfwBiititiiiiviiirT urn end dtxiy bed my back acted to I could hardly eland up My face own wy and I I too vegetable i Now the antilocal Oft were cut dfHoKW The three must fee dry from now April dry now until April and thereafter local on will bo Evening Telegram of Saturday has a picture of rail way mad at Goods dry corner of Yoiige Queen in and Huron Hallway it transported down Street to westward to then located at tlw corner Front and Bay Btrcots Mr IacVon seeing the engine on the way down Street faincheU along on iron rail by workmen with crow- engine was built In the of I Provincial Polities Both candidates for the next gen eral for the and good dido ore nominated throughout at the t next contest will be indeed pleading to payment wpcotcd that in future On preparing accounts and U other necessary pa pera hd service in ttuditlngiA passing of of on executor i North on January most enthusiastic Con- ever the Constituent nominated Scott Davidson of Paris for the- Provincial House alter four conteated ballots- John nominated for toe P age flt mm mm ire STYU JPA6B administrator guardian trustee wl but although an c la zy Compound and now I am well and healthy I can do oil own work and can walk to town and not got I would not grva your Compound for nil of In world I tried doctors med icines and they did mo no good Mrs Ohio Another Case C was bothered for ten years with troubles and did not help me I was weak and nervous that I could not do my work and month I had to spend few days In bed I read so many letters shout Vcgetablo Com pound coring troubles that I got of it mo more good than anything else I ever took arid now it baa cured me I feel better than I for years and tell everybody what the Compound done for me I believe I not be living today but for that Mrs Work Referring to the vast amount money the present Dominion Govern ment Is expending on MiHtla De partment Saturday its gratification to dep Men at the head of Can adas that money put into armaments armies and war Is money wasted an actual destruction of wealth The same Journal further Mr lead should bo follow ed by others equally prominent in financial matters we might in time make soma impression upon men of the Sam Hughes type who are now wasting our by the mil lions In armories and other things equally useless The electors will talk when next appeal is made to the country Parliamentary Notes and including toe fixing of remuner ation receipts do riot exceed but not W000 but not MO nut not 000 hut but not loo the receipt exceed the fees shall be such as tho judge deems air and proper subject to approval of Judges of supremo court In all contentious cases and pro- not hcoeiitjefore provided for the same fees and disbursements as are provided for in the county court so far as the be ap plicable may be charged and allowed on taxation Iu addition to the foregoing all made by tho solicitor shall be allowed Where it has been proved to the salptfacWon the pro ceedings save costs or compromise Plumbing Our Specialties THE See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop TINSMITHS SONS Next to Smiths Qrocery popular man he may not fee to accept Rowing toWsUisines3iespowJtflith Scott Inee declared trff unqiaHncd cup- port of the poll He veM one of wboi took attjvo Jntbe recent Option campaign in Paris whicli was lost by tho threefifths requirement and has up discontent among the Conservative Temperance men of the town J- In both where John is the nominee and now in North Brant confidence and among tho Liberals are plainly policy is the support only of the Liberals but of the independent vote and a considerable section of the Conservative vote In cottsti moreover the women are showing a and a to work actively for the Abolish the Bar policy At the PAGE HEAVY FENCE f ceodinyi costs or compromise actions or disputes a fee may be al lowed thereafter in the discretion of the judge ttt0- mm a r i ways of thorn two and lot toll you and Why and If Wo vce- and upon careful ji nu to dentist ISO riS In Ask tor our free Montreal T Time Card GOING NORTH t am pm 250 340 Leave GOING SOUTH Leave am pm Newmarket Toronto ar Parliament adjourned on Wednesday almost immediately after prayers as a national tribute ol respect to the memory of Lord Prem ier Borden and Sir Wilfrid in moving and seconding the resolution spoke eloquently ol tho distinguished services and life of the High Com missioner Funny things with points to them are sometimes said on the floor of Parliament After the Minister of Finance had concluded his speech try ing to make the House believe the ex isting hard times were not the fault of Government Hon Frank Oliv er declared the Government had its sand like an ostrich Hitting hard In the Senate last week Senator Mason of Toronto delivered his maid en speech In moving tho reply to the Speech from the Throne Senator Thome seconded the motion latter stated that stringen cy in Canada was largely due to ov erspeculation in the West Major Sam M P for North Ontario is slated by the gov ernment to succeed late chair man of the private bills the commons Justice Crockett Ger ald White member for will take Major place as one of the Ontario whips for the government Henry the kings printer died this morning at Otta wa He was born in Waterloo Que on June J 1865 He fiat in the ol commons to for the constituency of Que and was appointed controller of stationery and kings printer on Feb ruary He had been ill for several months Mr E Lewis P is credit ed with the purpose of introducing a woman suffrage bill He is repotted as being favorable to a clause provid ing that only mothers be permit ted to exercise the franchise This will mean No no vote Mr A K Maclean M P for Hal ifax and Mr R Bordens associ ate for that constituency has given notice of a resolution to lessen the out of court to expedite pro- Paris meeting they were in large numbers Mr who attended vention dealt with a number of is sues including agricultural situ ation the Factory Act Workmens Compensation Tax Reform and the Temperance question At present both Brants are by Conservatives but serious predic tions are being made with every sign of confidence thau both these Ridings Will turn over to the Literal column Whooping CougK SPASMODIC CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS COLDS A fc for troubles Avoldinl Crviolenc the Covhzrid Croup JtlsaDOON Asthma air carrying the fjr tree breath the r4 tf It Is I M to mothers postal ALL DRUGQIBTa Try CRR80IBKR TA Of Irritated art slrnple and Of to I- u Vapo Co j OVER YEARS i j i r Good Roads Following is a copy of tho resolu tion passed by the Good Roads Com of the County Council and presented to the Provincial Highway Commissioners at Building Toronto on Thursday last week Moved by Mr and by Mr Keith That Whereas tho Provincial Commission of the Pro vince of Ontario have requested ttio Council of the County of York to present to the Commission the views of the County Council on road con ditions and methods of improvements throughout Ontario Therefore be it resolved that in the opinion ol this Commtteo of the Council the County of York Government should establish a system of Provincial Roads that such roada should bo the leading roads running out from the large centres of population and should be built and maintained entirely by tha And That an increased grant be the County Roads systems with the same proportion towards maintenance And Than roada leading through municipalities united with county purposes treated the same as other portions of the County System And That adequate tax be imposed on sdlfpropeUed vehicles such tax graded according to weight and pow er And That the revenue derived from such tax be apportioned among the municipalities according to the cost of maintenance of approved roads built by said municipalities And That an increased tax be im posed upon all railways and this aenue bo used for the purpose building and maintaining good roads And That the Dominion Govern ment be petitioned to make a sub stantial- grant annually for Good Roads purposes A Heros Widow Tells of the Rescue S f V ft iVV 8 mm 5 MjftUM Top tod Ho If tilth It n i 4 I I i V J J rvltit vj vj I SPECIAL POULTRY l at for the past 30 amazing The demand for QU means thrt no farmer other fenced get PAQB QUALITY at QaaUtyrlij PAGE wire reaJly perfect fence 8ce how PAGE Pence after la till good for Price That Speak 1 4 and i X Incbt opart Close ban i PAGE opening opening opening STAPLES box freight BRACE WIRE rolls paid STRETCHING TOOLS Complete outfit ft Compre these low prices with the of common fencing After years of leaderthip PAGE Pence Is still PIR8T In quality and highgrade fence Competition ecm lower PAGE QUALITY nor- reach tame high standard as PAGE A Rare Opportunity can get PAGE PENCE direct from lie movers at ordinary fence You get quick from- a nearby PAGE ware freight paid on rods pounds or over You get per rod discount on carload lots You can order through your dealer well perron You can buy from PAGE the best fenca at low cash prices To save time and get quick delivery send yoor order to the nearest PAGE Branch 104PAGE CATALOG sent on PAGE WIRE FENCE CO 1268 King St W TORONTO ST Page Fences Wear Best We didnt have th least that he was dead said that with the valua bles ho and his accomplice took 6 from their- victim Their they fle4 from the city going first to Balti more and then to St Louis and other j points west in these cities they tne jewellery They quarrel led in Denver and the last heard his partner he said- He went later to New Orleans and thence to Buenos He was constantly a prey to his About a month alter the death in New York British husband and lather in a heroic to save a woman and child Irom death a Toronto widow and 3yearold daughter have been awarded annuities by the Carnegie Hero its meeting in Pittsburg yesterday had y and is Mrs Frank- ranee j make a with her mother and Jessie her daughter at ie avenue She is a New Yorker but Toronto as homo because HydroElectric engineers are mas her husbands andher own- acquaint- preliminary for a radial lived here- She is to receive railway from Guelph Owen Sound a month and the child 15 a Ottawa Jan train month until she is years eld Reich left Montreal at Toe Stat visited the family loday jjag night was wrecked by the and askefjvthe circumstances- the reading ofa rail at husbands death Must how dd it m east ot Pembroke early tjis happen What was the One passenger was killed the reporter about injured seven of whom Well said Mrs Ranee who would have been removed to Pembroke- I WHY WORRY Choose your variety and ask grocer for Clarks yi not seem to be more than hallway between twenty and thirty Well- It was all very sudden and very aw ful I dont suppose It doesnt seem much Yet it was a great deal to us Frank was a chauEeur He had work with Commodore the New York Yacht Club He had been there for let me must have been fifteen years it was a long time We bad just fteen married going on four years continued Mrs Ranee Wo had a comfortable place and pita London Jan Ten thousand coal porters in London went on strike for pay yesterday Prac tically no coal was delivered in the city which is in the midst of the longest and worst cold snap of many years It will take only a couple of days to great misery in thou sands homes where coal is daily only by bucketful at a time who are paid cents a ton for handling coal are demanding an increase of two cents a ton and everythmg And then one day there was a wedding across from practica rafse tbe pay where Frank w They had a lot of flowers and there were so many Mir Fa Then stop it I Stop it now You can do it with Hair Vigor Does not color the hair Ask Your Doctor for carrying on practices in Dominion elections Surrogate Court Schedule of Feet A new schedule of Surrogate court drawn up by the board of coun ty judges has been ratified- by Sir William Meredith chief justice of On tario It operative on Mar 2 Its provisions are Drawing all necessary papers and proofs to lead grant- and obtaining order for probate or letters of ad ministration in ordinary cases and taking out same When value of property devolving is or unjder over and not exceeding 5000 oyer and not exceeding over and not exceeding over and not ex 50000 over an not exceeding over- in cases of tempor ary administration 10- on appli cation to revoke any grant incrbaso must be at discrc- lion of tho judge In oases of special or important nature subject to ap proval by a judge of supreme court upon a report from the judge Letters of Guardianship For obtaining letters Of guardian- discretionary increases Drawing affidavits veartories cod ficbedulea under the Succession Duty Ait form where the aggregate of property not ex ceed where no also to in in To Improve Dairy Herds A bulletin issued today by the Do minion Department of Agriculture says During these short winter days when cows are dry and the cows that are milking are not giving very much would it npt be wise to Jay plans for improvement of the dairy herd Seeing that the average household consumes a fair quantity of milk daily and through the win ter and seeing that the ice cream trade is not by any means dead dur ing the cold months is it not a pity that there is not more good milk and sweet cream available Cur rent prices and good demand should prove an inducement to a larger num ber of producers to go in more strong ly for winter dairying Some ot in yields arc very marked it is a common thing month after month to find groups of cows in four adjacent sections aver aging one hundred pounds of milk dif ference for instance from by ov en stages of pounds Many of these Poor cows could eas ily bo giving under better condi tions of feed and care another three or four pounds of fat each month af ter a year pr two at cow testing herds will average as many already have- down considerably more of en than that even as much as forty or fortyfire pounds In tie year extra per cow Those farmers who desire Increase are Invited to write to dairy commissioner Ot tawa to ascertain stance is glTeri deparUnent6f agriculture in organized cow testing associations ot J ft nOE they put them in the stable behind the house Died Two Somehow a fire started Some it was spontaneous combustion and the place was suddenly filled with smoke Frank saw it from his age and saw a woman and child at the third storey window of the stable where were apartments He ran into the stable to get them But the firemen came saved them from the outside The woman Mary Ryan dropped the baby Ry an into a blanket and then the fire men took her down by a ladder But nobody saw anything of Frank in and lost trackof A little while later when the fire was under control found him lying in a room oh the third floor He was Unconscious And did he regain consciousness a little while He died two days after It was pneumonia from the smoke a-OODO- Murder Will Out New York Jan S3 Henry aged of Long Island waiter and worker has confessed to a part in the murder ol Win Martin theToronto milliner who was done to death in his lodg ings on the evening Aug 13 in this city He placed the on his alleged accomplice Sarago Solaefer says he met Martin out side a restaurant I made- a with him for eight oclock that night- and then I to tell my room mate Jack about it We agreed that the man would be picking that Sarago declared in on the job He tOokofl his shoes and Wd In the closet of our room Then I went out and got Martin saw that the milliner was wear ing a valuable gold watch and and- hi had rings At a signal sprang out of the closet and tackled our man gripping him by tbe throat for fear of an outcry Didnt Know Dead In fight to the floor on- back of his head- He was imcbnidui when we picked him up- We carried him In- fed W feUga for our A la the field is worth two Id Lam anl pretest RiogboLt or Cnrb patting your horse the barn tat can these troubles from in the tarn very can get SPAVIN CURE a for farcers and say so Our book Treatise on the free CO TO California Florida and the Sunny South AT LOW RATES RETURN TICKETS AT LOO RATES The Logical Route TO THE WEST FOR WINNIPEG Leave Toronto p FOR VANCOUVER Leave Toronto pm Compartment Library Obscura tion Car Standard Car Tourist Sleeping Car Car Car on both trains Full from any Agent MURPHY D P I J Be Particular ABOUT THE KIND OF SEEDS YOU SOV I In Seeds as in everything yoa buy there are many grades And since It impossible to judge their quality by examining you trust en tirely to your Seedsmen You can depend on us absolutely We will send you on request our big 80page Catalogue Free cat of fa partJeakft- It Today A HUNTER SEED CO LIMITED Borl260 LONDON ONTARIO is mm CALIFORNIA AND THE SUNNY SOUTH IN gppicr Grand Trunk Railway 13 racS route from all through Canada via or Buffalo Fell etc from or write Agent Ontario J Y Ticket Agent J Depot I mm AC Manufacturers of the Celebrated

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