Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 27 Jun 1913, p. 4

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HAY FEVER j CompUUly Curia Her r I IBB A recent pamphlet issued au thority of Central Information Office the Canadian Liberal Tarty at as a actor iff the election ouNfiib forceful distinctness that Quebec he loyal parly left Jo Mr Mr and Mr Monk to stir up and play upon the ears and prejudices of their French Canadian fellow eitiens telling them that because of their efforts to consistently carry out- the naval resolution of Parliament Sir Wilfrid was too his policy too imperial and that he was doing much for Whilst in Ontario and other parts pi the Dominion Mr Borden and his col leagues denounced Sir Wilfrid antjBritish or not British enough discountenance the efforts he was making by referring to his proposed naval service as a tinpot navy and alleged that his govern ments on the trade question was one of annexation to the United States The result ally concluded these seats were won by the Nationalists partly be cause or the adherence of the Liberal party to which recognizee Canadas obligation kin matter of naval defence and partly of pledges given in the name up on the alleged Authority of Mr Bor- and if returned to power he the naval Service Act dopt no policy as re- naval service without first perfect cure fortius disease submitting it the People or proval proceeding on this understanding ance Cornwall Ckntrk November a martyr to Hay Fever for probably fifteen years and I suffered terribly at times I consulted many and toot their treat I tried even remedy I beard ofas J fry did any good J iTvcV No me A press despatch from Ottawa states that Hon Louis who is Minister of Mines well as Secretary State purposes making a western fouiy approach ing August as far as Dawson He will accompany the members- of the Geological Conference from Toronto to the Pacific coast and on into the Yukon The despatch staesthait is the Ministers purpose to himself with the natural conditions of the Dominion and thus better qualified to deal with prob lems of his department ana- 1 Ocean travel in these daysas com pared with four score years ago is not only very speedier but safer pamphlet commenting oh this The the largest- ship the proceeds to say- is arrived in New York week carries no less- than eighty- three large lifeboats thereby assur ing capacity for every passenger on board It is further stated two of- the- lifeboats are motor ves sels with powerful engines capable of towing Tall ethers and equipped with wireless telegraph Evidently ocean steamship equipment for com fort and safety is keeping pace with the spirit and progress of the age in we live I f of Ontario and Quebec address a series next ses sion Parliament It Is morotban September will- be the y me for the meetings The York Liberal Association should and a Ridi In Work on can Insects Prof peo ple iri and farreers j something think about He dixrlares that- Insects cause a loss over yearly to the V and fruitgrowers of- this and agriculturalists to wage uncompromising warfate upon posts On the other hand farmers should welcome the aid of every agency that will assist him in the struggle to lessen this enormous regains birds as the most zealous enemies of insect damage- done 1y birds be gins to- equal the good of the feather ed songsters to fruit and field I i a I At the conventionn held in Toron to week of the Bread and Association of Can- Training School frSS Workers fc The only building material that has hot increased iripriceis k da Prof of many way of NO and lot ua toll you and If and Haalthnd your h matter Ihient constituencies so that where- Nationalist candidates were most likely to carry no Con servative candidate was placed in nomination but Conservative sup port was accorded to Nationalist candidates and where it was thought a straight Conservative was most likely to carry no Nationalist was proposed It was a regular give and between them So far indeed was this coalition made apparent that in Ontario where there were large numbers- of French Canadian electors Mr assa the Nationalist leader made his appearance at their political gath erings The result n the return of the party to power hut he has in his promise appeal to the people Hoii Mr Monk has resigned from his Cabinet as W the Chair of Chemistry in the culrural Ciuelph in his ob servations as to the value of bread as food product took occasion to remark that in no other food sub- is there so perfect a balance of proteins fats as in bread and that it is one of the cheapest foods giving as it docs calories or heat units for dollars worth as compartd with each for eggs sirloin steak and 11000 for milk The ter was also declared to be one of the cheapest and best foods so that the oldfashioned diet of bread and milk or cheese- cannot be improved upon for and economy Prisoners sent to the Toronto Jail Farm up Street on are allowed to work a for farmers in the neighborhood The second session of the Summer Training of the Sutt- Association is arranged for at Geneva Park Longford Station July to This is the only School On tario devoting its entire attention to Sunday School work members of Faculty this year Karie Rev Palmer Lake Rev Myers Ph Rev P A Rev Farewell Miss Preston Or wig of Toronto of the special- features of this year will be the attention given organized recreation under the man agement of the school Another fea ture which prevents the criticism of all work and no play is the re ception given on Saturday evening July- to the students of the school the members of thfe Fa culty- On Sunday tho will he demonstrated a Combination Service of Sunday School and Church at 10 in the morning Details in the hands of Mr Preston of the Ontario Sunday School Asso- Toronto It you cap depend open for you use it for a A or a f and low are made ocgajtioo and due to a large and growing demand See thai bag of cement buy bean the Canada label- your guarantee of v Canada Cement Company Limited Montreal M At MO CcrU a Uiii country on ho globe where aily work has ever been begun will be represented this Worlds Convention At the Sixth tion- in Washington three yeatH ago Ontario hai Some representatives and never more than at any previous gathering This Shows an increasing interest Among the Canadian delegates who appear on the program are Justice J J of the Supreme Court J- Robertson General Secre tary for Sabbath Schools General As Presbyterian and HaliennyHl- General Secretary Ontario Sunday School As sociation Co Proprietors Agent for the FAMOUS STUDEBAKER CAR 1 V Manual Treatment and Massage PERMANENT HEALTH THROUGH PERFECT CIRCULATION Vapor Health and Medicated Baths I remove cause nature cures treat for Asthma Pleurisy Neural gia Lumbago s I consequence and Nationalists have become so openly dissatisfied that the Government is now afraid to go to the country on their naval policy The occasional gibe of the Ontario at the Quebec Na tionalists indicates with pretty toler able certainty that the coalition tie with the is fast passing to the has been Out this too has grown the action of the Commons in striking at the of tlie people by gagging freedom of de bate by closure vote Hut though delayed- an appeal to the country must tome round when the voice of order to earn money to hsp Keep the wolf from the their home their term of sentence The farmer who employs Ihem not only pay the wage upon but must give a for the care of the prisoner oth er hand the prisoner- is required to report himself to the on the Prison Farm every Saturday evening The has right to visit the FaiM one of his prisoners is engaged at any hour of the day or jight to see that he all right and Their Coutrol Chron ic Constipation Hay Fever and Loo Ataxia Nervousness Appendicitis Pnralu- Female Weaknesses of all kinds and removed without Drugs or Knife a Specialty Hours to am to 5 1 in Sunday and other hours by appoint ment Office Park Ave Opposite Shod aminations Free Phone O T Time Card GOING NORTH Leave am pm Toronto 545 Newmarket 250 ar 1025 340 805 1650 GOING SOUTH Leave am pm Newmarket 850 Toronto the electorate will be heard with no uncertain sound Poultry Profits Raise Hens that Lay Rhode IslandReds ANI EGO Eggs for 8etting 100 Eggs per 100 600 To make Room for Young Stock OHer Hens at Each AUBREY NEWMARKET Millard Ave Because one of the Serpent River an employe to clean up a potato and fire followed John Johnston ol Orlllia sued the i company for hi burned logging camp Mr Mlddleton gives lohhutan The Hamilton Herald last week sug- remarked Adam had bolter conic home and look alter his Hydro system which seems to be going wrong- North Grey is in the throes of a byeelection to the Ontario Legisla ture cause by the resignation of Hon A Nomination Is announced to be held on July and polling one week later Mr Ioh is the Liberal nominee and Mr Collin Cameron Conserva tive A warm contest is being wag- fid- Toronto has a bylaw making the offence of throwing broken glass and bottles on the roadway punishable by six months imprisonment or a fine of The Municipal World re marks In the other urban munici palities similar lylans should be en acted but they should also provide I against nails- tins and Here is necessary work for our newly elected Council Live Stock have asked Dominion Government to appoint a to enquire into ttio feas ibility of a National Winter Show of live Block horses poultry and grain a recent press despach from Ot tawa intjmatcs that the Government is- likely to accede to the request is not to interfere with the existing district or Provincial shows but rather to have these all join in an exhibition of a character Toronto will likely be chosen the place tot the show A good teal of attention is being given by public mm to Now Ontario and a resolution moved by the Op position in Legislature voted down by the Government and its ma jority find warm endorsement throughout the Province when next appeal made to the electorate It reads as follows An aggresslvepublicityvjainpaign to make Known the character and sourccsf the in telligent and vigorous immigration policy to secure the right kind of settler adequate transportation and drainage facilities to promote set tlement Improved conditions of- settlement i It is treated by the farm er Report has it will place next year to County Prison Farms throughout th Province Jail Inspectors to decide what prisoners shall be allowed to bo sent to the Jail Farms Ever since certain Conservative members of Parliament have been urg ing the Dominion Government to re imburse depoistors who suffered loss through the collapse of tire Farmers Dank the question asked by those who object to such an appropriation from the treasury for a tangible rea son for such action remains un answered There have been no less than nine Hank failures in the Dom inion since and when the Dank Villc Marie closed its doors deposit- were only paid per cent If the Government can rightfully make good frmn the public treasury losses of depositors In the Farmers Dank case then in all fairnesVand depositors of the Dank Vlllo Marie who suffered loss should likewise he reimbursed Where will this action lead to If Dank depositors arc be indemnified why not reimburse losses through brokers insurance panics tc Such an idea js simply preposterous The Division of of the Farnis Drauch of the Dominion Agriculture Ottawa has recently issued Entomo logical Circular No on and Their Control The FleaHcvtles art- an important group of insects which attack the foli age of plants They are par ticularly destructive to the leaves of several of vegetables crops such as turnips potatoes tomatoes radishes etc The chief injury is effected in Spring and early summer wkd the plants are visited by large numbers the beetles Numerous small holes are eaten into and through the leaves in fact of the species completely defoliate cer tain plants Owing to their jump ing habit these insects were given the popular name of fleabeetles size they range from onetwentieth to Onequarter of an inch In Canada there are five species which arc of considerable economic importance these are discussed and figured In addition descriptions are given of eight Other species which occasional ly appear In destructive number A Methods of Control gives full particulars as to remedies which been found most successful in the control of these rnsectfl Copies of this publication may be obtained from the Publication ranch Department Agriculture Ottawa Canada and Worlds S S Convention The three degrees in medical treat mentpositive ill comparative pill superlative bill Tho little eigJntfCivmonthxoUl child of Mr and Mrs Win Dale Mid land choked to death with a pea nut The child was in the yard play ing with other children who gave it some peanuts I One the kernels stuck in its throat and despite des perate efforts by the physician tore- niove the nut the chUd succumbed It taken to the hospital and an operation performed but it did not result in saying the life With cue arm around a tree Mrs Catharine Murray grabbed the ress of her sister as latter came tumb ling down Palisades oh Hud son and saved her from falling over the almost perpendicular rocks to her death Mrs Murray her IS yearold sister Marian and other relatives and friends had sealed almost to the top of the high Miss fell thirty feet over raggl rocks her sister caught her The Palisados at the point at which the party landed is steep Mrs Murrays and tho others led the way up Miss following and Mrs Murray being last The party had almost reached the top the cliff when Miss Lonbury stepped on a loosc stone and fell backwards Her sister heard hhc shriek ac companied the fall and threw her arm around a small scrub oak As her sister came tumbling down tfte steep path Mrs Murray grabbed at her She caught her sisters skirts and hung on until Murray and the other J members Die party could relieve J her of her burden lily the time they could clamber down to the two wol GAR Touring Car 1060 Flanders O WalUrville PHONE i time you If at any time you are in need of any Assistance in Our Line usa Call We will do Our Beat to Satisfy Our Customers at All Times both In Workmanship and Charges CALL UP THE RED DEVIL JUST TRY Diamond INSIST ON Brand I j FINE BUCKWHEAT CAKES v MONEY BACK IP NOT SATISFACTORY Guarantee of Purity on evew tin by Sugars Canners Limited Montreal FOR SALE AT THE BEST GROCERS EVERYWHERE men both were unconscious Speaking of the selfsacrificing for the Redeemer of Rev p Anglican of Lake Harbor Damns Day who last week Underwent an operation In Hospital at Toronto Globe remarks If he had paid his ter rible toll campaigning for his coun try he would be wearing the Victoria Cross Men would be him as a hero Jingoes In the safety and allegiance of the banquet hall would bo his in cham pagne unfurling the flag a exuding memorized eloquences in his praise But his was a mission of peace and good will He was just a young missionary serving his cause with faith and zeal and paying its sacrifice And the noisy Jingo in these days of navy talk hasnt an time for the quiet earnest selfsacrificing soldier ol peace Yonder In the far Nlorth Rev Percy Anglican Missionary of Lake Harbor Ratlins Land served and sacrificed For three days and two nights March of last year He was lost In a cre vasse mar the sea coast of that awful Arctfc wilderness In his life death struggle with the elements he Was forced to Cut off three of his toes and perform five opera tions upon other parts of his body For a year he has travelled from place to place In search of treatment and health Children About two hundred mpi and wo men chiefly those especially interest ed in Sunday School wink are on their way on almost twenty different steamships tobe in at the Worlds Seventh School Convention to held in Zurich Switzerland July Of this num ber are from the Province jOt from Alberta 12 from 1C from Nova from New wicklO from Columbia and from Saskatchewan Almost The Home Attractive For keeping the young folks at home there no quite the home attractive For making home attractive there are few things quite so as a 1 THE PERFECT SHOE SUMMER SPORTS IM EVERYBODY 1 which anyone can play ft Make a centre of attraction for your their friends iiusio will help perhaps ore than you They will take pride and delight in producing any and all music which they may like dance musio ragtime thing f iff FOR FLETCHERS Made In Smart Styles Suitable For Every Outdoor Occasion YOUR DEALER HA3 THEM Send for complete descriptive Wet It will you Your present instrument taken as part payment THE BEST CANADUN RUBBER CO BIOHTRKAU it i GERHA it i urn a- Street Opposite City Hall it I ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO

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