V T far Ate A traveller who visited no hotels ianR the els County Newmarket of 1 wui recopr fork Comity Council will hold its reports uidofrctioii first session- Ihis year Tuesday ftooW Inst in their Council pkoe f the fire Toronto MoiwVir evening transacted is the a mob make an den and it Is that Mr Mo ERA prtorVto pfofltir as there is to i King Newmarket- the one ft had lively- gAntA or an hour arid V 1 kcftu fox awl How is ft ioMft TV in lural Mr were shlpp to Ml St Pauls Church Wcdnsday vinlo wiU as rector WcttinrtrfcVJ The be iiutttticinc and is to owybodv TV for corporate cohinmninn Sunday morning at ot the iiaXy invited to be touniOite half of hist week sections to Itto COtbK and It At and ftrfi tip ftn atntost cheer Mr the- Mr oy- on ice The stood in favor Second raatth last arc to win three out of wtit be man chosen There is a great ehflnjP in toe personnel at ell ibis W1 old at and it is diffleuli to tor a who in wciuh Si the Comedy j Hraiieh thoAnfUtui the To- and ttMosUdl acts ftt the TVafi market on oytiibff It is entitled Knct or of v This promises to ia lBSoWtVtfe the season K same company the own year ago ability reserved seat at Drug Store it oclock iPrhUy ftveairig- Select Canadian of A large ami above as held in IIAU ort last tluiy In to the and the year tt year for this hint Very for a of foi staried afnt rlsV rates or ah fcittu of Twenty feat of death last year were paKlhy interest of which the Society well ice proud vty first and third Fridays each st Mr and of bis Mr and inoved to at has to for a nA a have sick list but are Mrs J spent a couple or at Indies- Aid met liiito Mrs on Friday had an enjoyable The InstUutc very at YeeiV ftVer ftero tallied by Of by Miss ins at the A tier the Wednesday Morning Jany Bargains All Along the Line -v- All Furs At Cost to Clear y I I W A BRUNTON tytt follow OitHVrs were elect- before the fcone and Tench 1 Ass Murray Organist Miss Thomas Mrs Miss I nam Miss tyaam Dr Methodist Church ttfligregfttioia Sunday Rev Howies of preached sermons l His familiarity with statistics of missiobs work all over the world was remarkablo tlie was surprises- in maay respects will regret to St holds with The party dispersea lldn iJlHpng that they might another Italepavers not tied that the Collector will to distrain for all taxes hot paM by Feb Mrs Miss Marshall that Mr Earl Mew the Mr 1boiixas Mrs NMiss Wesley Miss Miss Robinson Mr ft 1 Meeting on the of Jan- in the schoolroom of the Methodist Church Commenting at riju that they oVlolUmUy meeting similar occasion lo- a Cot la Child rens Ward in KngKilwaid Me- inpria Htepiui for ihilgh loads of Newmarket attended tfklea BlackOubBear much- interest and enthusiasm shown and choir has tendered his resignation to take next month is such a demand for his services in Toronto a the reports came the va rious otganift lions Wedding Anniversary Jan at their bouse on Mr Mrs save a Musical An honour of their first wedding Owing to the inclement weather- several of the invited were able a this a enjoyable evening was spent guests having much fun and mer riment in the games Miss presided at the pi ano songs were rendered by Mr and Mrs MrA Mr Mr J Mr gave a the quests left the house with strains Aula Lang still ringing ears We- niuchlastjng good Alisses and Jessie MA the Me- i r I The School Work is progressing finely on the public school an St Andrews Ward and the contractor Mr to have the three corridors on the ground floor completed ready cupancr after the Easter holidays Nearly all the glazing was done last week 0o Wednesday two tke furnaces were- going and the third was expected to be ready- to flight yesterday expected to finish the mat plaster on the outside and the carpenters the Sunday School having adopted the grading recommended by IhoPrOr vincial Association There are three sections and three teachers are yet to be appointed Mrs Davis chtosen as of tle and Mrs Dr Wilkinson- as Manning and Mrs J who have con ducted the class successfully of years are assisting in grading and the new departure will start off next Sunday thc room divided by curtains- each scot Ion having different lesson suit- able to the age and mental grasp of the children Newmarket Cemetery Co I he annual meeting of the holders of Newmarket Cemetery Co took place in the Fire Hall on Mon day evening ami was rather attended On motion Mr Jackson pre sided Robertson Secretary- Treasurer presented the the Directors ami Financial State ment which were adopted as very satisfactory During the year there were in- unanimously voted tlie tor by ol appreciation or his earnest ami de voted services total receipts from all sources amounted to nearly The Sabbath School is well mn last at the home- Mr and Mrs when daughter Eva in marriage to Mr OrmsbjvA William sons the Clements per formed the ceremony Their home is to bo in Glen Bryan On evening last a good I for tor for for for lor for Trunks i for for mflO S33aotioD l for J for for M Bridles Collars for i00 with- Teachers arid Oflicers the j pair- Class which is steadily increasing in the they spent an prospectsare very encouraging par- both younfe and old ot the Mens Bible neighborhood their way to an exceedingly pleasant evening r N MARKET The Children are taking a deep al Tib Vine Orchard Branch of the I a at active their not Yet Chosen Jan at invited to attend on- the strips ready foci died in feu a Newmarket making the total now in- The plumbers nac commenced l the interipr of the is a The leoples Guild are with rinich success in their gath erings on Monday evenings in the school room of the j Ottawa Jan Notwithstanding There has been a large increase published- to which has now cached a total hundred n as the lSfe The Willing Workers Womens For o Rail- dpi Missionary Society and Young Wft definitelv at open rink every Tuesday Thursday Kris Mission Band are each doing department of and IJL earnest work sever- inthe The Mills long matter has vet been reached Nothing final will upon until Mr the chief engineer of the department who has been in the The Orchard Branch of the i Maw Womens Institute Willi meet the lAf of Mrs Van luven on Wed- I I I II I afternoon Jan at Ml I law I J THE LADIES STORE hive of industry The heating veiutllating are working with great satisfaction and both the architect and contractor feel that the teachers will have trouble in this respect in the Protection Society The annual meeting thu North Protection Society took place Last summer the Directors spent in installing a wateMistrihut- plant with tank filled by engine punning from the flow- well Its work was very satis factory and the Convenience will add much to the appearance of the wry in dry weather The receipts and interest from were sufficiently large to pay all the running expenses and tlie whole of the extra alluded 16 ir nail M Mr 1U Jg f Fund last year Secretary report that tlfe kid no claims made on the So ciety the pawt year and tlie books the Treasurer show a balance The election of Officers and directors resulted as follows Donne 1st VicoPris ill departments Mr William Barron was appointed lo Board of Managers to ill I the position left vacant by the retirement of Mr Boss who active service on the Board many years Whitchurch Council Council at Van- Jan present Communications wero presented Jioio The Sick asking for grant V A Clarke p cat ton or Raker and Stephens applications for Hills presented by Ft A tegge hauling gravel J BrlllingcA gravel Mrs Smith gravel sons timber hours en account of good suppjy of water and the big demand for flour The Black Orchestra are in- large t VicePros Joliri Dennis Directors Win Silas Use Addison Wilklains Geo Mil- Hill Starr Oliver Walter in mortgages on farm Tlio elccUonof Directors resulted as Bart Co follows Messrs Webb Trivett lolm W Dr Scott Duncan and A Thompson The meeting then adjourned and the Directors met- immediately hov oh report in the minister of ways his return from a of in spection last Mr Cochrane expressed himself as being in favor of Port was tentatively agreed that should be the Later information by engin eers of the department fa vored Port Churchill and Mr Coch rane therefore decision bo reached until the re port which Engineer llaen shall make is thoroughly gone into in all To brown dishes that cannot bo placed in the oven heat a or round iron plate with a handle at- red hot and pass oyer the dish being to scorch- 1 ing the following Chairman of Com- fNT I and Cole ouditorsI Jackson J A Pupils Recital An interesting event took place on 21M if i 15000 ore w bed to iines ham loss- A t store store store A f afternoon Jan the home of Mrs JK lldjjins- whii a of pupils gave a recital of merit composers represented wore Handel Chopin and ethers taking part were Master Teddy Misses fcya- lino Hughes Vera Pie heller Florence Bacon Howard Gladys Bessie I Simpson Claire Watson and Mary All from to To the Interest the prograuwiu interspersed with the Aftr dainty refreshments T1h audience const stWLVe pupils who were not motlicrs numbering about a 1 0 Watches For Ladies Tlicse are GoldFilled j or Elgin Watches of Guaranteed For these arc without They are id Cheap and Just Jackson supplies gravel The Treasurer was instructed to nay the bills presented to the Hospital lor Sick Children to pay Alberi Blizzard and each refund of og tax and to fidbscrlbe for coptea Municipal World for members of Council and clerk also to trans fer the account to Stand ard Bank Resolutions were passed ap pointing Baker and deputy Reeve Spaulding committee to claim of Lambert Hamilton ISO aspects Alberta Farmers Meet at Calgary Calgary Jan four farmers front all the pro vinces present the Farmers of Alberta their Paget Hall this morning- and when all the delegates are registered is estimated that fully seven hundred will bo in attendance Alter the opening address by the Mayor Hon IVmenri Marshall Live Stock Market- v The market in Toronto this week was slow and prices were week was the highest paid and this for only a limited choice lot The aver- ago range for choice Butchering sifters was from to grade to 5U10 Common to Si Milkers and- springers from to each- and feeders from 125 to per cat Yearlings to Calves MAINS vCream Net Blouses Mk Lined all sizes for White Lawn and Mull Fancy Blouses reg and for Ladies Childrens Wool Gloves and 33c Sweater Ooats at Cost Price V See our Arrival ot New Prints Ginghams Chanteys Delaines and Curtain Nets and Screens W It GONNAUGHT GARDENS Lambs to Hogs off cars in Toronto quoted at country points The District O N A K BOULEVARDS PARKS Appointing councillor Leggoj jho elevator policy of the province on St with lne viewed it hut Good an what Yon Want authority expend on same Granting of tor between lots on condition that gratia work as promised be said amount payable en order of cpmmlsslouee The Clerk was instructed to 1 invite for shpply of cedar Deputy was to supply of sta tionary for use of members of Council ByLaws were appointing J VanNostrand and Percy Forester auditors J Clarke S Medical officer of Health Vi CO and op a P Ticket A Marriage as he saw it it was his opinion that the way to handle the was for the Government to loan 75 or per cent of money the vators then the take stock to the extent of the balance and pay the money loaned back to the Government on time Alter the elevators were built he believed It best to allow the Grain Growers to operate under a definite agree ment with that who handle grain should also have a say in the manner in which it al ter it grown In our experimental he Newmarket Markets Jan Fall Wheat- per- bush V 092 Goose Wheat per hush 0 Buckwheat per bush 50 Barley per bush 500 Oats per bush Bran per ton 0 pel ton 26 Hay per ton new 100013 CO per w0 30 per lb j 30 Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Geese pec lb fl 1 Ducks per lb M Turkeys per lb x 0 Markets A Smith member Board Health J A J aanitaryspeetor Gideon or Collect Council adjourned torn rt said very coming the t the- farmers do and hard is to West NEWMARKET eighth our In i TORONTO KAjUk Sk ietSiS3 fl