Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 Nov 1912, p. 3

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IHn v j i iK Hems W j the many up open bar of the sa loon people was one that women were to tipple Surely this is mistake fotVve arc creditably inijtmcd only one lone ladys name ftdorped ho ask i for Ureal Option NOVEMBER f Bought Stock at Co bought a slock at London a fuw jajs flco to estate of Jo mens clot tang boots Mid harness fur coats robes etc to amounting to was made by Abe Harness Co- of to ll in Newmarket MDHH SiinV to A meeting organic the com- log winter w bo held at the I We have JhtrJ- IT at material In town for two strong Birthday pinner WT We clip Ifcfcnr market has Intermediate team of In the A Tho town la grow- wife the number T young players we cominR to 12 root there Is no tvason why Canal Town cannot be factor In the Oar Toronto letter I idisNts FOR lIUTTKUICK PATTERNS a family A tola We want of Mr and men j old attend this Mr was years a resident f was In of this I or a HI to paid foe ftauU- tH rice f n day ind by well alien led and of new member were added to the ijinrjh roll The Womans Soeoty will in Church Nov A full is present p the burning Utile on a hint- of what may be in the hear future this day who want any stkthl Article or they in to lo lat the J Complete THREE A I i ALL POWDER Groceries Preserved jar So Jar Mr I Ins on by Mr inakhij m- Ids Jeweler Ladles lUnford On hive lyjlikVil line body ttUn Ihfe result rlendif nlmtbe Ifcit as iff him rears double too double Ilalilty to ha KprJld fa Juitfbwi mis reuii a in M As todav await V have Canned lied l Worker Sauce feoap 10c ITurpot All Hoy Sohp 3 bars In all Oil In all and Boots and Shoes tern Shades ail Art Cold sliced to Dressing iLiir At any fcoxfs assemble takes a to note fc styks in the fair sex I And now comes another Cohering S5 Vo tot to note of year to hem and very silk a Wide a vWress- Meats Icy Shall call for quality Solid Tips better at any No rejected or Shoes enter this store Quality Firs I Trice For Quality remain nn after Is In mind Desirable Shoe l on altar of Price Fair sell are Guaranteed A BRUNTON MMarf for imlcK Sale hse notes fashion tbe i r I in the West are report that of formerly of away on Oct th after a short leaving a wife and nine ihiMienMrs Rig Keswiek Mrs Grosser Colorado William California Mrs Harvey- Wash Mrs Mrs P California one son and daughter at home was by all who know him Institute The of the Institute will hold their home of Mrs on Saturday at yrongs ledofiiestie Art and Science- Class Sunday Worlds Sunday is sot by Section the Session That Commit- too has altered the date originally named from the to the of the town ladies a bus will leave the Kjn Hotel at oclock Mrs Armstrongs will continue their series leelutes rat ions in the room the Department Agriculture on Tuesday Nov miss Hughes wiinecture SbirtWhisrts and tail ored Skirls i those desiring to only single lessons- a small tee will be charged the hair in the latest fashion West Toronto Noi eun to went out on lor more em- brace height and employees ftey J of Hoard has returned from a weeks trip to United States cities where he to secuie ideas respecting laige modern- publication It is that street through North Toronto will lo widened on completion of tW annexation to lo Mayor that the and have- to form a terminal company the supposed to have fallen backwards of eteet- two flights S Jil mte l whoa found bv milkman on Tuesday and other for i fi las up ones has passed to the other extreme that v the flat is long step that ffif On- must leaked by the women Who t would style lufl have way to graceful rolls of P LUNDY THE LADIES STORE i I I day in November was made We are told this U 9tmmmmwm The regular was held in the of Mrs lM pane on Queen street meeting opened by to suit the singing and Mrs Morton vans of Great as the thoiht and Mrs A of that denomnation is absorbed by Scriptule lesson by Mrs Maw The special services for Advent in untied called the roll when at- of members answered to their names November In the middle of tlie I Minutes of last read an month Worlds Temperance Sunday proved Treasurers Report was receive more than at j the end and preparing for Worlds Sunday work is the Church Bazaar ba Ever v preparation is being made- A a Social the lle- tte Church to held in verI Street Church last Tovn Hall en f 1920 and the mortgage oh the church was worth useful attires work and Willi Wash your hands before eating on sale all three days on the first especially if waiting on a sick per- the Hall the advice of Dr Hastings Under the direction of an American case of typhoid fever are progressing the Amateur Theatrical a the doctor says pressing finely and proms due to neglect of those simple surpass any attempt previously made ions in this town Mr H 1 Assistant In- About 10 fine turkeys are now of Weights in to saerirC themselves for the he Revenue Department dieil lot Fowl as well as duty of churches and next is Sunday and it is honed that the lMcdp Rolf will signed in all Hay Schools i en showing a balance on of after paying air expenses After reading correspondence etc a lengthy discusion followed on Improved on our Work Solos were then given by Miss Stephens Miss Fisher en Mrs Howard Cane Meetlng closed by all repeating the Lords Prayer in unison 21 members of the Aurora Union wero were The forma Opening of this res in Toronto for Ministerial students which is owned and the were se Conference of the Christian Church in Ontario will take place the vote of thans was tendered to of Tuesday Nov at for her kindns and the oclock Services will be held in th Christian Church ana also meeting to be held at Mrs in tlie Hall one block west on Mark- street ham street Short addresses wjllbej delivered by Rev pas- Produce lot of the church the Dean J market last Saturday Ruling Dales Re W P Fletcher prices as follows s Great pains are taken and no effort spared to make the great success The Bazaar will open oclock on Tuesday af ternoon which time the be for Inthe room the be sexved from Supper is to Wednesday an from oclock Live Stock Market Slight advance in cattle all along the line in Toronto this week Trade was lrsi being a heavy de mand Advance per on both and slump in live hogs top price oft ears in Toronto- at average fount points Headquarters for Ladies Childrens Hosiery Tljis Store is becoming more and more noted every day for Excellent Values we are giving in Our Large Display of Ladies and Childrens Hosiery Cashmere in TanHIaek Pale Blue Cardinal and Cream Sizes to The Best Child- If Hose in the Market and 33c Our Special Hose Soft Leader Reg for Yarn Llama Hose Fine Cashmere Soft weave Special or 4- Friday last He had been in tie Civil Service for the Twentylive years and was years of j Social Wednesday All KKTTLRBV Dont forget the Womens Institute age The deceased was formerly a printer and set type fort the first is sue of the Mail and The Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws on Friday last was conferred on of thiscitv the pie eafand good pro gram for only a dime and it you havent a couple of let you in Say DiUj forget the Miss Olive Watson spent in Toronto Mr at LUNDY i MONTREAL ft On Wednesday and dinner will be The for 1uesday ev ening will consist of the fouract Comedy entitled Down East Those two hours of enjoyment Music will at Laskav Thursday last Friday evening ami it used to be to standing vote S no RESERVE FUND l QUO UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS also present who attend will be assured of and a very social tune for a morally The Morality tot a tremen dous for tolerating houses of illfame and enforce the criminal law With North Toronto the at Ground Hogs Glory but no be poling places for Ford evening by the celebrated A grand Concert Is to be given on missing next January municipal elections will j number Executive of the Baptist Mis- violinist Ada Ma Da- are going to about President of Conference Rev Hall and Rev of Newmarket and others Tlie formal Dedicatory address will be made Rev J J of ton Ohio The of the late Richard of market has been a large factor in establishing this enterprise An Treat A rare and exceptional literary treat is promised the public on Thurs day evening Nov when Rev Williamson of Niagara Falls will deliver his popular lecture Fox Hunting Head following press notices Fox Hunting This justly cele brated lecture literally bristles scintillates from beginning to end with the alternate forces which sway public audience laughter and so lemnity loud applause and silent Hit vivid approval following each ether rapidly and and manner of delivery disarmed all criticism- Norwich Gazette Rev Dr Williamsons lecture was simple Immense and all Pronounce It ne of If not the best treat of thr season The Rev gentleman has n pleasing which never fails to create the most enthusiastic applause Times J The Methodist Church was filled list by people of nil denomlnatlans came to listen to Rev Dr la nitons noted lecture Fox Hunt- In in the audience because the bleb of the and we venture one The of hid a to listen a lecture full of pire stern of faithful f5tftTran pirls Fair Wil- on Thursdn- iiti on Fot ir et I nose riven l he heel n of and sillls not wit ot h da 5 a tO nort y of Eggs per do to 38c It to Dressed Chickens per It to Dressed Ducks per lb Dressed Geese per Id to He Dressed Turkeys per 22c2lc Apples per 25c per Si A Crab Apples per to Potatoes per bag St Onions per peck Onions per quart Winter Radishes basket 25 to 35c Cabbages 5c and Cauliflower 5 to Radishes per bunches Carrots per DSC Celery per bunch Peppers do Live Chickens It Live Chickens per to Old Hens per lb Live Ducks per Live Geese per lb and Live Turkeys per Pigeons per pair to 20e Rabbits per pair 25c to too Live young each SI Hides per lb lie to Calf Skins per lb to to 1200 Tallow per lb 5c vis soprano and Douglas reader This concert will be first- class in every particular The closing entertainment will be various sc of the city their mission work Mr John fcbe given Thursday evening This- con- Telegram start has appointed slsts of one of the lest Corned secretary of the Department of Agri- Dramas ever written entitled The which position was made thevsay thieves won der how many Who had the gun time sorry Charlie but cry and wont do it the magnetic attraction fourth street to fifth street its the long lane James Murray C West and J Wilson have gone for the deer What about clears at home Just imagine- Rill at Terry Corners again When O often all important centres Canada and in London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will accommodated as heretofore i NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Frank P of Fourth Street find the Chickens per lb gate at the end of the long lane last Ducks per lb Several from here attended church Tuesday nifift or Wednesday morning Turkeys per lb did it mean Mr 0 Did he return alone Country Minister in five acts A solid two hours atpl a half of the most wholesome of fun The sale of special course tickets will begin at noon on Tuesday Nov at Pattersons drug store The general sale of reserve seats will be gin at noon on Thursday Nov 11th the same place Watch for further particulars months ago by the pro motion of MrW Derf to Mihister Agriculture Mr this week J his new duties here on Sunday evening viz Mr J JefTerson and Miss Rogers Mr Black and Miss E Mr Mills and Miss M Black Wonders never cease men to see tfieir better halts on Sun day and on MonVlay morning drop in and inform the correspondent but at the stone time asks her hot to put Fall 13 0 16- l 18 0 i Toronto on Monday I wonder Newmarket Markets per Nov bush 0 0 into Morrisons It in the paper dry goods store at Queen street morning and its of clothes Sale Register MONDAY Nov Mr Chas west early Saturday decamped with two si They evidently took tjieir time for one of them changed his clothes and left his old garments floor as a souvenir visit It is quite possible- action at law may brought by the executor late Prof will extensive audi unreserved sale of stock PPJ traser Dixon etc on lot 33 in the 2nd 3rd Cons of North of our volumes Stop on Metropolitan Usu- GENTS CHAINS We have a very fine assort ment of J STURDY A SONS CO Best Chains since These Chains have given questionable satisfaction Reliable goods in every re spect Do not fall to give them a trial Their Is Incontparable and you will find prices all right al terms Sale at sharp Kavanagh Auct TUESDAY Nov and important postponed sale of stock and implements belonging to Mr J D Moore North crossing on the Metropo litan Sale at one sharp Kava A Allots of Mrs Smith lor now In the possession of Dixon and said to be part- of estate late Smith The volumes constitute a pictorial history of constitute a pictorial history of the railway company is estimated at over A unique on foot for the 18th Inst On evening To rontos vocalists and entertainers are to meet around the festive board at What do you know Barley per bush about it Rather touph luck Oats per bush Mrs Stephens of Bran per ton treated to a feed of honey Shorts per ton on Tuesday evening and Oh the sweet per ton new tooth Lots of other good things Eggs per do too Butter per lb Did Frank of Fifth Street and Potatoes per bag t0 0 35 00 00 Toronto Markets Nov Fall Wheat per bush 0 I Oats per bush ft 0 0 1 14 I3ffi 0 17 30 t Barley per bush Rye per bush Peas per bush Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per doz Chickens per lb 35 Geese per 0 Ducks per It Turkeys per lb ft CO Jowoor and Optlolana P Ticket Issuer Marriage Licenses St Charles Hotel a Robert flU d present profes- MONDAY Nov lot Con will hold an extensive sale of stock and Im plements at oclock mouths credit FW TUESDAY Nov of Pleasantvill will have a sab of horse cow implements and household effects months credit Sale at one oclock F Duncan Auct place will also bo sold j THURSDAY Nov Auction Sale of farm stock and Implements on lot Lake Con- North the property of Henry Sen- No reserve Sale at one Terms nibs W summoned to hold its first meeting on Nov Wonder will the committee continue the present system of taxing w i WILL- Auct A new company has been organized in this city which keeps thousands of laying pullets Each is stamped with the date oh which it was laid The new patrol boat for the Toron to Life Saving Crew was launched on Tuesouy last at the foot of YongtfSt It is one of tbe finestispced craft on tho lake It is built to run miles an hour and cost the Government about I From the building occupied the Bank of Toronto on the corner of Yonge and King westward almost to has lately passed to the Dom inion Bond Co- The building will be torn down and a tremendous sky scraper erected place thereof On last practically- all freight clerks employed at PASS THROUGH NEV I J His Way to Eatons w ON c o ii r nt at oclock id months SS A Watch for Big Announcement in next weeks I ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO iA

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