Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 25 Oct 1912, p. 7

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mm mm FT assail iJTdJ SUP rfi Wj 3SK ttrr v J V I v J 1 ties winter the rcccjYodMoO tor this issue it wilt week all which ho three styles for fall and winter for the ending 1st of the i f Dinner Set Special KINK loirl9li copies Thats at 925 jTboYork l a along Queen SI to vices ami it such a iliis is Hum he FRIDAY OCTOBEll 3j -f-r- A v a in our Window Always a Bargain in our Window A SMITH mrkct op staple AND FANCY CHINA jo J Protection S a and Polled I lront They to per to your Riving other It you are AHwIm were to at On Monday night very enjoyed- ad dress w of Sturty soi nee for work in Mission s wo lure to faavo- pleasure Wilkiuwn Mtg Study Classes are in to ailing oh Monday li is MeNell vine occupy TtKiknahaVliiX fe- to anniversary st- in oil Jais Mitts for Roughing Til Canvas Ileal her Ohms Hardware fc China Hall Grocery Your Success In Making Pickles and Catsups de pends on Good Pure Spices and Vinegar We only Quality Spices and Vinegars and these in Preparation of Your Pickles will Ensure Success No signs of the The Urn corner selected is with repair shop A lot splendid suapshota were taken at the laying of the comer stow of King George School last Fri day afternoon The first wedding hi the new will on Thanksgiving Day Taxes The ByLaw discount of per cent the oi Oct was of best or some vears Over paid in ami the Council was able to lift an over draft in the Bank they Were paying cent interest will be received till the 1st of par and after that date per cent wH be added Last year there was not more than paid by the Dee new public School in iho West Ward last afternoon weather was most mn or the past two and every At good order The in their va rious and eat section beaded by the teachers matched to the ary School Groundsiand the cottier stone the speakers and many the spectators occupying the You drinking ity i our own Blende BOSWORTH j The Leading Reliable Root Baskets In Ash Kim Willow and Oak Wir At Hums Hardware v Delivery CORNER OF ialn Timothy Streets ii J GLOUTH as opened up a store v J V w KING GEORGE HOTEL will keep on hand a full I Dry Goods Ladles Gents and Childrens Clothing Boots A Shoes Call and see where You Can Save Money by spending it ir guying your supplies from me We also keep on hand as- of Oil Paintings ready framed St Pauls The Brotherhood Of will attend Corporate Communion on Suii- morning Oct at half- past eight AH the men of con gregation aie earnestly invited to ho present They to haw the larg est gathering of men at this the history of the afternoon at halfpast three oclock there will be a special Church for Teacher and scholars foregather in school- house at oclock and from there in procession to Church and ail interested in child welfare are invited to attend as an to teachers and scholars in endeavour to follow in too Great Teachers footsteps Oh Tuesday evening last the Anglj- Young Peoples Association held their first meeting of the season wheii the following officers were elected Pastor The President Mr A Evans 1st VicePrefi Miss 2nd Mr Price Financial Secretary Claude Walkc Recording SecretaryMiss son tit I Treasurer Brown foregoing office together wit Miss Clarke Miss Ril ey Mrs ami Mr Installation of will lace meett Nov The Association extend an Station to all who sympathize wit heir to meet with Mien are in schoolroom ut as neoph to yo south ol IhQ grand i m top cuiLi- St Saturday at Isola tion Hospital stumbled and down a dlstartCcT of feet She Was Uw face A ta car and of We also about tho head and facoln fliu that lie will be Mayors chair feexl electUwi Tfiote bo three of four candidates for Chief Magistracy Of- next January Us Is led oil tvlhg oil at VOtiftC Shuter Sis toe tried to Slot and locked up Laying station Between and two hundred adults to and over A circle of fariuersMhroughout laying OtttieiVraer Stone the Jt passed away Monday dast in year eihls-as- trout the chair City Counsel CoatrbUer will take bis till the of the year The of Connaught of Caaada on his return from the Paeine Coast dined With tto National Club in this city on Monday proceeding onto The reception was most Toronto has been decided upon as the place for holding the next con vention of fifeDisciples of Christ Charged with starting three fires in St a earold girl appeared before Commissioner- Starr in the Juvenile Court arid was re manded to the childrens Shelter and an None of the firei amounted to anything hub the firemen were called out and one of fires was started while the reels were attending the second Burglars sporting goods shop of Percy A St last night and made a large haul of money and goods The burglary was not discovered until this when the store was opened Premier Whitney and Hon Mr are away to Middlesex this Week speechifying for the Conserva tive candidate in the there The Opposition Leader Mr is also taking a hand in the contest i S Hutchinson while shingling a house on St slipped an1 fell from the root to the ground and was killed A man named Morris was arrested last week on a charge in ducing boys to steal postage stamps from their employers The boys confessed were let off on giving their names to be summoned as witnesses Burglars are growing wry bold these days During the absence of toe family on Friday they entered the residence of J Noble Deputy Fire Chief and carried away jewelery arid plate to the value of The Trustees of Wesley Methodist Church on Sunday last asked for a I first floor the new building steel work that is erected was wound with red white and blue bunting- ami decorated with small Hags giving the scene Quite a gala appearance His Worship Mayor Cane presided and in a brief address spoke of who had been educated in Newmarket ami are occupying places of honor in various parts of Canada and the Unit States the large influx of new comers who are settling in Canada at the rate of a day the necessity of providing for them and the motto for all to adopt Canada First and Forever As the school children finished sing ing with great heartiness The Mar pie Leal Forever Mr Pub lic School Inspector was introduced he gave unstinted praise to people of Newmarket for their loyal support of educational institutions Ho said the town stands in the very forefront as an educational centre anil has the finest schools in the country for its size The influence of tho school upon the boys and girls is tar greater than the for their de velopment morally as well as intel lectually and this new school build ing is but another evidence of the pro gress and prosperity that is every where apparent throughout He hoped thai Newmarket would con tinue to leader- and example to the surrounding community Mr McKays Registrar for North York was the next speaker Ha first showed that it was not alone the wealth of mine and forest and fertile land that made Canada what it is today but the- people arid be thud impressed upon the children the AN ARMY OF HAS TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE ONLY TO A FAMILY WHILE THEY LAST fSsrartoL Saturday PURCHASE SUIT OF OVERALLS ifV GIVE GRATIS AS ABOUT DOLLS m ones lilr iTMkondcr tun hi It flrct of ft to tip rl ihe U and u men they i I J f The Men Main St Weal I were gathered It- was found had been contributed No less than tailors are still strike and have been since Mardi The Governments tug sank on Saturday last while being launched in toe Poison Iron Works yards- A dirty bakeshop cost the proprie tor last Friday when he 10 A NT D oung Englishmans Death A most touching funeral- took Sunday October when the mains of WmA a benefits of He also called When the cot attention to the fias and our con nection with the British Empire Principal Cornell remarked that it was a great day for the Teachers and pupils Ever since the summer holi days they bad looking forward for this event The unique system of educational support in Canada by which every person contributed his just share according to his financial ability tended greatly to good The mind must be trained to produce good results and as per cent of the chiidrett Canada get all their educational training in the Pub School it to be as efficient as possible Chorus Canada by chil dren Dr Clark Chairman of the Public School lioard called to splendid foundation for the new build ing and impressed upon the children the importance of a good educational foundation to succeed In Hetheu proceeded to lay Corner Stone within which ho placed the following Toronto morning papers The two local papers i Names of the School Board thei and of Trade in the Police Court Dorothy Campbell of Hamil ton three times winner of the ladies golf of Canada recently confirmed the announcement- of her engagement probable retirement from future competitions in Canada Although numerous fines of late for womenop the- street have been imposed by Police- Magistrate this kind of offence is being frequent ly repeated Last week- Friar had ft i I Aft a It One Ton of Cream Daily WetPllCfP Trii3MAPLkOKGAli Butter and ElizabofhSt1 HO fcahg lien convicted in the Police Court yestet- of taking bets on the races in the Albion Hotel on Monday night and was fined and costs former cham pion athlete on the Toronto police force who with the proprietors of three liquor stores two weeks ago was trial- Magistrate morning The urgent necessity for the construction of building for the poor and in- committed to the city jail was insisted upon by Controller Church at the meeting of the Control rt am the first working Journalist to sit in Mayors siuc the election of Lyon Mackenzie was Mayor inter esting statement when be to the City Hall and took possession of the Mayors office The wife of Hiram Collins of filed a petition at Hall asking that her be de clared of unsound but his death occurred while the matter was pend ing Although the Province seems kid with tile less than names are entered to swell the list as students at law In the present Trinity term at Hull What seems remarkable is the fact- that only two out of the list are sons of practising barristers Hugh Early was held up in a lane on Tuesday night near and SU- three men said to be Italians him his P F MILNE Wishes to announce to the citizens of Newmarket and surrounding country that he J HAS BOUGHT THE NORTH END GROCERY Mw Crockery and Chinaware Business from Mr W- C Howard and in tends to keep a of FirstClass Goods We ask the Citizens of Newmarket and surrounding country to us a share of their Patronage Our Motto will be to please Customers and a ot Hi I HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE P MILNE A farm paper whose editor is- an active fanner must of necessity be near tho farmer and know his This is one of the reasons for the Now DressMaker Miss has opened DressMaking Parlor over popularity of The Weekly Sun To- f ladies are which over twentytwo to call 40 to buck- up for taking liberties j Murine the There are daily newspapers In and In Boarders Wanted for Ave Mrs band girls to I- Si- IV ft ft ft ft ft For Private Sale ri ASSWftipnSw England we aid at rest in tho Sons of Englantt lot Jaines Cemetery young man came to and vorkj with the tho Well Co removed t employ of company until ho was taken ill with typhoid fever one month ago was token to the Royal VlAotM Hospital on Monday of last week died on the following Thursday October Up was years of ago and unmarried While in ho joined Harmony Loyal Lodge No 206 and On hearing his death Thos M of went to the county town and brought the re mains to Orillia funeral took place on Sunday afternoon and was conducted by the He v Marshall Pastor the Orillia Method ist As there no relatives of dooeasod in this country the Sons England asked that the body be interred in their lot which request they granted funeral was at tended by the about strong including a few members of Lodge at market Alter a short at parlor of the Burial Co cortege- prowled to the cemetery where the burial services ofithe Orange Order of that of toe Sond of England were condudtcd Messrs Earl Rey nolds James arid Mil front tliQ Orange and Messrs ifoC and J the pngland Toroifto ft weekles 20- lyuijf monthly eight And one directory company a decision reached by the Ministerial Association of this Sunday Dee 1st nextj will he observed as Tuberculosis Sunday amtfng the Churches of Toronto- it is thought to an unlock ed switch three cars of theC It morning train to ft jailed last Wsfliday new Line just hear the Street Coins of to piece J The name child Sck the signature of aft passed the Entrance Exam building was named the George School Mr Hruntoh who had been a member ototilc Public School Hoard years congrat ulated the Board and the Town on tin prospeot of such a magnificent new school He had found that the Newmarket complain ed at the aniountot money spent for school purposes and our teachers are doing to anyscbool in the Province Tho Chorus of North was then sung by the children with such force and emphasis as to call forth great praise j from the speaker H Thomas who the speaker Rev R J D Simpson emphasized Citizenship The national anthem brought the oc casion to a close which will no doubt be long remembered by the children The building when- completed will have two stories and a sixroomed school size as one on Prospect Ave welllighted heated and ventilated The Mr great praise for the attention given to the latter points as it the work already dobe- flat The basement storey is Bridge passengers were Injured though several occupants of the din er had a severe shaking Up It Is stated thai Greeks Macedonians leave City lor the scat- war in which their native country is now engaged- Fifty Bible Classes and thirty Mission Classes have been organized by the University A current session Matthew Harding fot ConVtruciioriCom fell into Hie cellar of a store on St last Tuesday night and received a fracture the skull was taken j The Anglican congregation 01 launched to- raise by- the 1st of next 1 A No less tten three Attempts at rob bery have been made on- the premises of 61 Sti- within past lixhlbij Association flower Unit show the the Exhibition Grounds on the A meeting Clergy and laymen of the city held a mating in the Wesley whea was fMC xTt- the work of Early got his eyes blackened and next morning his lace looked swelled to nearly double the usual size He- is at the Hospital Two Toronto boys stole and rode to Hamilton They were and the next day back this city lb Stand trial wife of Chief Justice Sir Win- underwent a serious operation at the Hospital Place on Wednesday The announcement was made next morning that she doing as well as could be expected By mistake Mrs Martin St took a dose of liniintnt dicine and was seriously Wednesday morning She was taken to the Hospital and was reported to be recovering yesterday Word comes from Hamilton that a search made by the Toronto Police for a do mestic who was suspected having stolen hundreds dollars furs Madison avenue has ended as ft result of the death the girl at i The Ontario and 1 Quebec Baptist Convention at week passed a resolution in sympathy with the most advanced temperance years the Ontario farmer has I con sidered his business paper Then again The Suns market reports are of such value to those who take ad vantage of the information given that they will not be without it Sun subscribers are active farmers who farm for profit If you are not a subscriber to The Sun you should be The can help you make the farm pay allit can pay When renewing your subscription to the Era order tho Sui Qualified Maternity Nurse Box Notice Having moved from the to three doors south of King George Hotel I wish to notify the public that I am still prepared to buy old Metal Rubber Rags Cop per and Brass also Fowl pi all kinds Anyone having anything in this line to dispose ol just orpp me a crd J GREGORYS French Dry Cleaning and Pressing jand I will calK Over Toronto Jobbing House Phone Newmarket- i A v I At Parks commissioner Chambers sub mitted the Parks Committee Ms proposal for Catfish Pond Gar to hand of Gluten Meal The Best I by dredging building islands and rotlngPTbtoOreoadierPond also raoro ting Car of Baled Shavings October in a BoHpeam expected to arrive in ffljo aweilc- Grave fj Day For Bedding cheaper than Straw at per Bal fc i -A- I A ri I if w I ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO fli

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