Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 25 Oct 1912, p. 6

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mm fefe week to lake The anniversary feorVic iQlhgdfs I vMling oyer Sunday with her MrsU fa visitlnRnl ho xnc of ft J in Miss ft iS jiitf fought Fever Fails that her mother died this disuse his and main farmers that the a grvat many cases No doubt potatoes Wilt spring ft Is Thursday and Friday this week that icachers are At coding the Contention pot band was one the it on Thursday last week The social held in the Church on Monday evening last under the auspices of peoples ft to h with a view to strengthen so all along Attic ami- wife their intention lido with here That news- My A last- Week suffered the the la crimes Mrs charge remains and will have stiiltvd lift i It Mr Ipr Sit jolit iAir6niRo to his with and iinnKttf 61 his on ti spry yet and hail the full and more enthusiastic than ever as regards wAksVnnsnlp he both hat- all A old Ionian tic matt him worVing he was man vigorous his so sturdy his YAu heat chaps growling that lorffttntr and Son Fair rjwHwiiv Homo rnade wine fc from VKQHTAftLK ROOTS Best of loss than DO of N Johnston Head Ed Tnjojv Table bout pott Miss is Mrs- Ooodwin and a few uais under the J halt killed with work roof owing to It has long a mystery Why illness our friend was so sweet Mrs is hex I have solvtl secret plac The down Mr How House is Ross Poultry much in has lln- and at high prices S the property hie of J St James Church improves the appearance of our village- The Young Topics will bold next meeting at Mr I West Washington The car Day all the villagers meeting at Tea seTVtroui flvoto and Adder sort Sr of our Mr neighborhood celebrated their natal from the May on Oct Tit not betray their Us no of by Dodv Aid Methodist Church at i on and Soil Heads Hod 2nd J Son 2nd ipumpkiuaT Sellers A Smith SqtiashT and Miller Hubbard Sellers 2nd sou and Son Mammoth RJKMQ0lC Heads red T griueaud Son -IV- 2nd Kohl ROOTS Early Ohio Sellers potatoes Sellers Potatoes Tor faction Messrs John Johnston Seller Potatoes white star John- made some flejicloua cho colate caramels and creams as a treat for Mr Rens birthday an is- entirely successful Our Miss Vera rivals her in the art She tickles Uncle palate sometimes with her sweet Fitzgerald Jpular schcljiii Taylors after which teacher is one gatcUeVWpts at the Fair in the city Wednesday last week amounted tha at the understand there were several Convention christened Of course Im an I J unbeliever in such Not on to SIM tha Domestic meet at msbaf Saturday and at pm Oct wonder men are SrSn few stay too long the least in the Scriptures from I the A Mr Mrs Frank and son are spending the weekend at Mr M I in Day person Jt InsTruetions in fancy work or sew- last to be at Hall at pm good time subject tor alter noon will be Pattern Cutting and Fitting Mr John Link has sold his home to Mr Henry Wright and intends m to the city within the next v Miss Constance of New market visited Miss Marion zie last week Mrs and Miss Mo- harvest was ended of were Zola do yet of Mrs over had an 1st Chap Genesis to Amen in tion to dely man to prove it Valentine cele brates his this week Tie and his brother the late Silas dermanE concert each were blessed with a dozen and report a v Next week more srvce people of ouq BALDWIN BREEZES Potato harvesting is infull swing now Rot has the hopes of many lover- the apple J iiii sympathy is felt 14 Ww munitv for the bereaved in their great At the congregational meeting Methodist Church Friday nth the following Monday Nov HVt Among the former residents visited Fair were Mr aiid Mrs- Mrs Wight Mrs Mrs H Mrs Dunham Mr Wight Toronto A Mrs Aylward spent- a few days Ah Toronto this week is a largo attendance each week at Institute Dor Class A next inedllng ot Womens Stttttl fiSaWttB son A paper will be given by Miss Ida Each metnbar will bo prepared to answer the roll call with quotations from Canadian authors I are is as hills but money youve got of the She has a fifty young Turks on some day I may have a song to sing tlie preamble of which may be hungry fox night did soy turks high AiuTat7sat they seemed to say To Mm did play we sweet Brer Fox dm MR CASTORIA frUhVX GWDavidson REAL ESTATE ALBERT FOR SALE Acres Solid Brick roomed House 5V78 pig pen 20 50 house water Acres worked creek station grain andlproduce 1 mile down balance Acres Good Bank Darn 30 till able 3 wells halt down RR grain and produce market PO and church 1 mile school Frame -Dwelling- acre Good Well Rural mall mile to station mar school PO and churches Frame Dwelling l Mf Albert I for sale good in6ido town lots personally on best sites for first class residences yie new town close to gas aMsobb Box Mount Albert ilotlletcd chops with lustful joy As if to say ha ha old toy Youve -struck- good luck theyre aw ful nice fEin sweeter your dainty mice just thats my advice No time for the balance You must let your imagination have full play We hope the portending I expostulated with will be averted me because of sprue remarks regard ing his dealings in cattle Ills feel ings appear wave been dreadfully lacerated if anyone should have been so woolheaded as to I was casting a slur on his business integrity let them ho reader they they mis understood me Such an idea was as tremble from my intention as End Is from John House an the Powers thats a long way Mr Fletcher has veneer ed Mrsii house with cements plaster m did a fine Job which put Mrsi in a glorious good humor and smoothed down her by James Alberts old sows unappreciated ef forts on local improvements This neighborhood as well as others has class of readers known as bor rowers The Era law bor row not thy neighbors Some so forgetful of good manners to reqlwt its loan before the owner to Ive known give up the paper Vielr reason they couldnt and wouldnt tolerate borrowers Take an Era per annum Owl agent yj Those are as to take offence where none Is meant ought by all means have their donkey kicked Frank started up mill oh Wednesday to bow shed go He had to shut down immediately It soon evident that the new was entirely the enormous strain foot pressure of over tone Work t oho will Sale Krister FRIDAY Oct John Mooim will and on lot 27 in the 2nd Con ol East mile north of Usilal terriis Sale at one oclock A I THURSDAY Oct sale of stock implements etc the east half of lot of Con East Union Street the- property of Davis Sale without reserve Sale at one oclock sharp Terms months J Auctioneer FRIDAY Oct Mr Martin Bailey near Cedar Brae will dispose of his farm and implements at oclock TUESDAY Oct Mr A An- will dispose quantity ot valuable household goods at Hotel at oclock months cre dit on sums over Kester Auctioneer School Reports School lor the month of September lor No North Average attendance Those present every day Beryl Styles Eddie Murray Munroe Stiles Thompson Maud Knott Harold Rose Tommy ONell Arnold Molynoaux Marjorie Knott Stiles Taylor Joo Thompson Norman Kay Jr Ill Myrtle Rose Vernon Sr Stiles Murray Munroe Frank Kay Jr HHarry Wilfred Grant Thompson I Maud Knott Nora man Primer Arnold Johnnie Graham May Harold Rose Herman Stephenson Willard Cryder man Marjory Knott Tommt Edna Stephenson Viva Wlldred Stephenson R Rose Lottie Gordon Teacher Prospectors have ahandonpd the attempt to find oil at alter Sinking several wells- We Represent The Royal Fire Insurance Co The Merchants Fire Insurance Co The Independent Fire Insnranee Co General Animals Co Canada ot Marriage r Dope J a Sellers Potatoes Johnston I Sugar beets tor Sellers 2nd atone turnips 2nd Swede Long Red Mangolds Sellers 2nd Yellow mangolds Yellow Globe Sel lers iud Long carrots and TJ Sellers Long carrots John ston 2nd SlioU Collection roots not leas than six varieties Rutledge Best sheaf corn less 2nd Sellers APPLE9 of Northern Spy ap ples by James Lumbers John- Seat Northern Spy- apples J Lawrence A Smith 2nd Mrs A J Milne Walt 2nd E Clark Northern spy A Ed Clark Son 2nd Johnston S Sennett 2nd G King tooipkinsR Peregrine 2nd Bon Davis A 2nd f Golden Russets Sanderson and Baldwin G Johnston 2nd 30 Dozen Pere grine and Son 2nd J aweets J Sellers Bellflower Sellers 2nd Smith Canada Rod T Sellers 2nd Johnston Crabapples Ed Johnston 2nd Mrs A Milne Beauty pears Miller Johuston AO KQ Johnston 2nd Miller DAIRY Special by Queens- boat lbs In jar Clark and Son Collection of canned fruits not less then Varieties- and Johnstooiv Collection of canned pickles not loss then six variotiesW Gbl- Johnston- made Bread lb loaf A Walt 2nd Home made bread by girl under yearn J and Sox Beat collection of ladles home baking Johnston Special by James Whimster New market lbs honey In Gil bert Johnston lbs Butter In lb rolls 1st given by Newmarket and Son Miller Special by Fred lbs honey in Jar Johnston Special A Queensville lbs honey In Clark and Special by Walter Eves New market lbs Honey In Jar Ed Clark and Son j Special by John lbs Honey In Jar Johnston Special by Holland Landing gallon Maple syrup Johnston 2nd Mrs A J Milne lbs Butter In crock given by pumphrey Toronto Peregrine and Son 2nd lbs Butter In lb ffolls 1st by and Co Wm Sanderson 2nd Ed Johnston lbs Butter in lb 1st then by A A Toronto- 2ndR Peregrine and lbs Butter In lb rolls given Lukes Peregrine and Son 2nd Patten- lbs butter In crock 1st ilven by J i Flitter alfirmttY I J fiWBoift Wool mitts doabfo Wool socksli Will Scmuotl whRn9i84dnettt Slid A Walt libits Shirt Miller J A siavr or and Son 2nd ftlrS felflaSherVifls Ii A of and Ihdles apron hand button holes or Woolen Mu and alxL Piecework dlid ft quilt silk or I A Boyd 2nd Pair worked and 2nd Mri shawl 2nd A Boyd 2nd Mrs screon2ua Mrs A UU IVVua Set While Underwear made and Miss Fisher- Fancy whisk holderMrs A Miss A Miss Ladys collar case Miss B Sofa pillow embroidered 2nd Mrs V Mrs Of me Laundry bag Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs A Boyd made rug it 2nd DEPARTMENT Collection of postage stamp in Album J Moore dozen tea biscuits by gin under years Mrs A JMilne Chocolate by girl under years John Odlin Lemon pie by girl under years class Lewis Third classG Smith 2nd Second Smith 2nd Wright Free hand drawing FANCYWORK Ladles collar fancy Mrs A Boyd 2nd Miss Orme Sweeping cap and Duster bag- Miss L Fisher 2nd Mrs A Iilno NccktierrMrs Orme 2nd Miss Fancy Stock collar Mrs Orme 2nd Miss Edna Pen Orme 2nd Mrs A Boyd Lace Mrs Orme 2nd Mrs IS A Boyd Tatting Miss Edna Point Orme 2nd Miss Fisher Collection of laces Mrs A Miss Tea tray cloth Mrs E A Boyd 2nd Miss Edna Netting Miss Fisher 2nd Williams Table stand cover Mrs Orme 2nd Miss Williams Embroidery on silk Fisher 2nd Mrs Orme Embroidery on cotton Miss LB Fisher 2nd Miss William Piano Scarf Miss B Fisher 2nd Mrs Orme Roman Embroidery Mrs A Boyd 2nd Miss Fisher Toilet set Miss Fisher 2nd Weddel Outline work Miss Edna 2nd Mrs E Boyd Drawn work Miss Fisher Snd Miss Williams Fancy Pin cushion Llnskill 2nd Miss E A Sideboard drape Mrs 2nd A Hatpin holder L Fisher 2nd Teapot CoseyB A Boyd find Miss Fisher Centre piece linen Mis A Boyd 2nd Mrs A J Milne lace Miss L B Fish er 2nd Mm Hair receiver and match holder- Mrs E A Bind Mrs Embroidered photo frame Miss 2nd E Doilies any kind Mis 2nd Mrs A Boyd VAT SUTTON If Wood roof rlth from isxtotiy lmKi net rn are coo- duo to Imfmra Mood ch m debility or DM condition All cn be cvred by Dr Pierces Golden Discovery pare blood by incrciiinjt cislmilition parting the hole heart a ire deal more having alterative a liter kidney it helps to from blood tC en eh blood and the rbd blood feeding the nerve on rich red blood and my with irritability Dr Medloal an do pot a dealer to your intelligence with the 4 n Cum behind It and ron tains no alcohol or recti en plainly printed wrapper M 1 Dr Medical Adviser ii frit on receipt of Itrap to iy ol wrapping and mailing aaj Send 50 one- cent lor book Dr I THE D01NI0N BANK inHLni Ml A BOGERT QeheratMinagci norvoFund 57COOO0 7d000000 1 Si or- Sale Notes i Sale Notes and makes such notes Traders and McrchinU are offered the banking obtainable bank SD a Mount Albert Germs of decay accumulate on oftused pots and pans and ordinary- soap and water only clean off the surface UM kvo in Gold Dust does the work and does it right It digs deep after germs cleans like a new whistle leaves your pots arid new asbrigHt- day they were sanitarily safe Gold ifiis work in just half the time Gold Dust cleans every like magic ttold Dustis sold in size and large pact ages The large package means greater economy Jo your Head 2nd Mrs Orme Ladies hand made Jewel ease Mrs A Boyd AT Walt Shadow Orme Mia fisher Burnt A Walt E A Boyd new and Made by THE K FAIRBANK COMPANY LIMITED Montreal Fairy Soap the oval cace aaaMaaWaMMMI II 1 IT I I I I- A A I AN O A I A FOR GOOD a GO SPORTS TO The Best along the lines the NORTH SINGLE PARR FOR THE j Deep Bay River Shawahaga Lake Miles east of SPECIAL FARES Good going October November valid to return until the end the hunting season SPECIAL SERVICE TO ALL HUNTING CAMPS Of thft TI Canadian Northern Ontario Railway Sleeping Apply to the Sportsmans Information Bureau the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway King street east to any Railway Agent or booklets and R Li Pass Toronto ABoyd A Fislier Vnd Mrs Orme Cut A Walt Ed bouquet- A Walt J B Conleon and Son free handMra 2nd Oil any aubjeeUMra Painting on or velvetMr 2nd Orme CARNARVON place have gone to Moose Creek to camp i- Mr Fry our general blacksmith Potato digging is the order trie and agent was day nnd people report a good fortunate to have his stable and a friend from near Newmarket sent piemen shod burned Outside of In- me a copy of the Era and I though Mr Fry has a loss of about j I would write a few items But we are glad to see he has like old times to get the Era again i Ottawa Oct 33 condition of Hon Cllflot4 who has for th Past air days been confined- to his in the Chateau with a aevere attack of pneumonia little improvement this Mr 2nd Peregrine I Siftons physician states a j a now stable erected on the opposite side of the road under the workman ship of Mr Ferguson We sympa thise greatly In Mr frys loss of this is the thirdnrc he has had this place Mrs Moore home after spending couple of weeks with her mother and friends at Baldwin and other points We are sorry to re port she been very ill since her return The dances at MrvCowins and Mi proved a great success Ed Note Carnarvon is Victoria If ism i Copenhagen Oct In the cham ber today a sensation was caused when the Socialist member Samuel- sen declared himself- a and a defence lism The Mormons he said The stone are busy at the nice people and acted He foundation Mr Rogers new then asked Government it Treat somo cW- fine weather alter so Mor- of I much rain replying thatsuch ageomen W hdt Geo is Improving quite nicely under the care of Rogue Mm Klng a business trip last jWUh cftlrgranl As this is a lumbering county there 0 be- demand for men Wages IV Mui girls are are scarce eventually driving families to mm mm mm S lnMteHB V aaaa li -L- TORONTO

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