FOR YEARS Want Other Women to How She Finally Restored to Health r Si V Hammond rralng through the Change of Life and for two fears bad hot flushes very bad soreness Id the back of head constipated and had weak nervou feel ing The doctor who attended me for a number of years did not help me but have been entirely relieved of the hove by E Vegetable Compound Blood Purifier and liver Pills arid give you permission to publish my testimonial Mrs Louis Hammond OnL Canada New Brunswick Canada I can highly recommend VegetableCom pound to any suffering wo man I have taken it for female and a u menstruation and it cured me Mrs HARBOUR Harvey Bank New Brunswick Canada Vegetable Com pound made from native roots and herbs contains no narcotic or harmful drugs and today holds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ills we know of and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file in the lab oratory at Lynn Mass seem to prove this fact Every suffering woman owes It to herself to give Vegetable Compound a trial If you want special advice write Pinkham Medicine Co Lynn Mass Your letter will he opened read and answered by a Woman and held in strict confidence ABOUT YOUR TEETH date Day and We make op doubt It will bo very rally observed in a be coming manner Canadian from cast Mid from north south loving Grat itude the Giver All lor the manifold and spiritual it been heir pi to the past year end especially or the abundant crowning the labors of the men and for the gracious care which preserved our from national epidemic or national disaster Thanks- Riving to Almighty God us as a Dominion for the Wonderful vidonee and which has crown ed past with Messing on band Our country has preserved from pestilence famine and war peace order have obtained in all our bor ders The harvest has abundant more- than sat all our need dug machines never su tithed thicker more boun tiful fields stain our meadows ver swayed to sweeter hay wild oof fisheries have yielded all needed sup plies As a also we- have abundant rtasbn lot unbounded to nil for the I civil and religious liberty it is our privilege to enjoy No official spy he or uprising of our people nor does an armed soldier interfere with the utterance honest truth We ore free to work and our tongues tree speak forth be word truth ami soberness No estab lished religion dominates the laid Our people are free to Worship God according to the dictates of con science This privilege is an exalt ed one a heritage of which every Canadian well feel proud Very generally therefore hearts all Canadians will go out in loving gratitude to the treat Unlet of the on the approaching Thanks giving anniversary A Range should be a permanent investment and such The la car guaranteed by dealers as well as by the makers simply be cause they know that it will give utter satis faction Can Wonder that so many people buy its out i nault us worth vert and Thay MAY b DrLGTHOMSON SUCCESSOR to NEW YORK DENTISTS rtix ST THOMAS for OKT il tn which to ft training for your work Thorough course in Music Painting Oratory High School College god Science inspiring Resident health of moderate Every girl in ALMA training Handsome to Principal The Federal Government Break r Profitable Poultry ran yield lor four S3 layer Dec Jan Feb Mar a record for winter a severe which is bard to Buy your for hatching a Island Hod a which without a peer table owl and wonderful for Aubrey Newmarket AYS The special political hews is the announcement oi Hon p Monks the Dom inion Cabinet thereby marking a in the ranks the Quebec the No matter party organs respecting the continuance amicable relations be tween Premier and the other members his Cabinet with the re- Minister tlw history detec tions in Government in the past is pretty sure to be the not re suit the withdrawal the Hon Minister ot Public Works Administration on the Naval Policy of the Government is Riven out as the moving cause the retiring Minister holding unalterably Ao that Canada should not make an em ergency towards naval purposes without first submitting the question to BOIES A Dominion byeelection is now on lor County rendered vacant by the demise ot the late member Nomination takes place on the 30th and polliig one week later v zi baa reached the that it compensations l sajs Winter has Us Joy flics are gone and thiir bills laugh of is and the no blows across your carpet The is rfecirfng the bi cycle ceases to knock you the walk The do not your flower and the does hoi bold you up Ice manoeuvres will bake place ac cording to niillUa orders issued by some days It take a sham flfiht two being and liltiea The former will the Various In the latter an I lirariilord The which will be will at Aihrtrilnift While the lone from will Strain at The two Ivtwcen the two when bottle will be waged AT Store we ivo to Every Person Worth of of Cm Store No No Sold by J A ALLAN CO A press- despatch Montreal on Friday last states that Ontario has been created a new Province Angliean Church at a the Synod the Province or Canada Hon of Toronto l Said that the church lost enormously it could not approach the Government on questions such as introducing into the schools license and laws solid body repre senting the Anglican Church In the province Ontario GET THE BEST TORONTO is well known as the right place lor superior business and education Positions worth and were recently filled by us Write for catalogue V CANADIAN PACIFIC GOING AWAY Thanksgiving RETURN TICKETS Between all in Canada Port Arthur a Kast at Single Fare Going Friday Saturday day Monday 25 26r27 Return Limit Wednesday Oct An orderin Council has been passed by the Ontario Government prohibit ing hunting or killing oi quails in this province lor one year the of November This an extension ol the order made last year The of the Ontario Branch Dominion Alliance states that Local Option pgns will place next January in some or Ontario a number and villages A num ber additional districts too been decided upon mite recently Minimum Rate Pull particulars Irom any Agent ATKINSON Agent At- the approaching session the Dominion Parliament Hon Sen ators will have no less than ap plications lor divorce to consider Of these one half arc Toronto applicants In Nova Scotia New Brunswick and Columbia Provincial Divorce Courts deal cases where the- dissolution of the marriage bond is desire Toronto will ask the Legislature lor the Municipal Act which will compel exploiters MM who subdivide lands to pay cash lor all improvements such as sewers and roads laid in vacant lots Where property was built upon it was proposed that the usual local im provement system should be adopted Such an act would put a stop to a lot wildcat real estate schemes An interesting point in law cornea up before the County Judge Gait Abolish treating says Sir James Whitney KC and now an other proposition is put forth by Mr John a Toronto lawyer His ii abate drunkenness is to license the drinker He would compel all who want to imbibe spir ituous liquors to take out a license and would publish the names of all persons so licensed He also sug gests heavy for infractions of law and in a letter to the Sec retary of the Reform As- claims his proposition is better than the Liberal or Conserva tive proposals abolishing treating or abolishing the bar Mr may think so but ho will find it difficult to find many sympathizers with any such rolicy Miss the newly arrived mili tant suffragette England at a meeting of the Local Council ol Wo men in Toronto last week iri the course ol her address took occasion to express her opinion pretty emphat ically She said Canadian far more civilised than and in continuing her observations expressed thought that It is hot necessary for women to he nearly so violent here in their efforts to win the suffrage tbe old country She all women unite and send a strong to wait on Premier Bor den before the next redistribution bill is introduced in Parliament so as to have the voters list Include women as entitled to the franchise fM4 TOMMYS THANKDOlVINaJ- Im thankful lor a lot Im thankful Im alive Im thankful that Im six years Instead of only live Im thankful for my tops and toys And for my Kitty Gray Im thankful for the big outdoors can run and play Im thankful for the things that grow The apples arent they good The corn where we played hide-and- seek As in a wood Im thankful for the pumpkins round Just like a golden ball The Jackolanterns big and queer They dont scare me at nil Im thankful for Day For pies all in a row Im thankful grandma made them sweet knows I like them so Im thankful for the turkey too How brown it is and I And be please For only one more slice Hera Is to a good many farmers this North York the land wild mustard is the heading following extract taken last Fridays Globe Profr Todd Provincial Secretarys Department who is superintending the agricultur al work at the and Whitby farms reports experiment recently tried to the wild mus tard A place comprising one hundred acres was selected near 111 this summer which was in ley and oats The land was spray Ml with a diluted sulphate copper After a few weeks had elaps ed an examination was made and the Professor reports that every trace of the wild mustard has disappeared t test the value of this treatment other sections the Province will be se lected next year and the same meth- applied in the hope ridding the entire agricultural district this weed pest fabric of the It a as as a TRY The reverence with which iumin- Christ islludleatedi made fge interest a religious pageant while the sweep of the story and Esther and Iras- rlea on their feet ihe the dramatic plot bring the chariot race wherein 3enHuf conquers and degrades his- enemy Seats for the engagement go on sale Thursday morning OctoteV- The following scale of prices Is an- on Mon day Day Wednesday and Saturday the entire lower float will he J50 the entire I gallery not cents For the evening first eighteen rows lower floor remainder lower floor and first three rows of the balcony remainder bal cony gallery not reserved Manager the Princess Tlifcatre special at tention will be given to all mail or accompany and selfaddressed envelope lor reply INSIST ON The Duke of it did not forget those officials P It who towards his comfort during his western tour It Is stated the Globe that so de lighted was the Duke with man ner in which officials of the Can adian Pacific had carried out the transportation arrangements in with royal journey through the Kootonay that before leaving he personally thanked and presented Gore the Lake and River Service and J Taylor Port Ste ward with handsome diamond pins engraved with the initials His Roy al Highness Diamond pins were presented also by tho Governor General to Frank of the steamer and George Robertson of the steamer match boxes and Cigarette cases were presented to the engineers and stewards In each in stance His Royal Highness made presentation and tber recipi ents for the manner in which they had contributed to the pleasure Brand FINE BUCKWHEAT CAKES t BACK NOT SATISFACTORY Guarantee of Pwritu on tin by Sugari Canners Montreal FOR SALE AT THE BE8T GROCERS EVERY Damage by Typhoon Grand Ross Robert- son with honorary life membership Mr Ambrose for twentyone years Superintendent Trinity Oct mil- Sunday School on Friday even- lion dollars is the estimated damage was presetted with an ad- done by the typhoon which swept the tamselMone on Oct The In turn he presented the extended over a wide area touching Painting School as he the south w W the north and crossing Ley tc eyes on them and Panay Samuel a was Reports the various districts buried a trench which collapsed are very incomplete and contain no- last morning thing definite the sugar districts in north of the interior points in Cebu and Pay- ay on St He was completely covered with earth for half an hour before being- dug and lite was extinct i Five small coasting steamers were driven ashore wrecked while a hundred small sailing vessels were sunk beached Sutherland- a candidate in Kast Middlesex pledged himself to vote lor Mr Howells is patching one Jaines steamer to convey tho doctors and tartiier with supplies food while I Hamilton Oct it Is holding the transport Warren in the eight youths who pleaded guilty reserve indecent assault on a girl on the Reports from the island of Ley mountain were sentenced by Mr lus- to the effect that houses wet Kelly to teen in the destroyed and the sugar and Central Piisou and nDteerf lashes cocofomt crops ruined by thdtyphoon nine of which will be administered Octover IS during the first month and six during fc R Time Card DOING NORTH a Toronto M Alkndalo GOING With nearly all the skin of his body peeled Off and deep hums In his neck and side- nobby son of S Lawrence of Woodstock lies in the hospital there with only slight of recovery He played with matches You Take no Risk Our Reputation ana Money is Hack of This Offer We pay for all the medicine used nurlng the trial if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of Mail and makes the statement that the York County Council which meets next month will bo almost unanimous in favor ex pending an additional for carrying out of the good roads proveoient scheme It further adds Among South York members and they are the only ones who are in a financial sense interested in the there is a general consensus ot opinion favoring just such action They are not altogether pleased at the way in which the money has been expended hut the movement is now thought to be along progressive lines and they win not tolerate any back ward movement Reeve- Annfs of who has always been a very warm advocate of better highways said yesterday For York County the metropolitan district at this to fall behind in the good work would place our county in a wrong position before the province Assur edly the members of Council will Stand by the scheme for better roads All the South York members will do this international Ben To He Stage in Toronto Thanksgiv ing Week The Government is sending Briga dier General of the Philip pine Constabulary to take charge of the relief work lie will him surgeons and nurses and medi cines foods Warwick Barracks in the island of was badly damaged TORONTO LETTER A milkman while deliver ing milk a bad experience last week His horses took fright and dashed upBracondale avenue and ac ross an open space into the ravine is being filled in on St Clair avenue for civic car line They took a drop of some 15 feet but nei ther horse was severely injured The wagon however is a which with the milk spilled caused the man a loss of about 8100 On Friday evening la9t St Andrew and St John Chapter presented Past the tenth DYOLA I lb CLEANEST SIMPLEST BEST DYE can yoi v to know KIND of Clotk ouf u J Color CtfJ Stot J ftNtaf of Dyeing Over colore Tbft J Can A J- MORTGAGE SALE FARM PROPERTY Under the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there- will be offered for sale by Public Auction by- Mr Frank Duncan tloneer at K1N HOTEL Newmarket on FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1st At the hour one ternoon in one parcel the South West Corner or South West Quar ter of Lot Number Two the Se venth Concession of Township of East The property contains about fifty acres and is situated about seven miles from Newmarket and 3 miles from Vivian on the Midland Railway and is said to have erected thereon a two storey frame dwelling house about 30 and a frame barn Tbe Is a sandy loam is dry and rolling The property will be sold subject to a reserved bid Ten per cent of the purchase money must be paid down at the time of the sale and the balance in thirty days thereafter inter est Full particulars and conditions of sale will be made known at tbe time sale and may be obtained in the meantime at the office of the Vend ers Solicitors McCarthy harcourt Vendors Solicitors home life building toronto Dated Eight of October OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sale at this Office A I Leave AUaadalo Toronto Pm Lie A scratch on the thumb from a razpr blade was the cause of the sud den death of Hayes a well- known grocer aged Blood- poisoning resulted from what was thought to have been a minor acci dent vertlsing liquors in newspapers in option districts offering to de liver tho goods to points in the dry area is the law or oth erwise This point will bo decided at the trial the Lion Brewery Co for advertising in papers Still delivering goods in Gait The ease comes up before His Honor Judge Read in an appeal from a Police Court decision It is to decide whether We take all the risk You ara CASTOR I A For Infants and Children- Ae Kind You Have Always Bough not obliged to us in any way er if you accept ourodpv Could anything he more fair for you Is there any reason why should hesitate to put our claims to actual testJ I The scientific treatment is Orderlies which are eaten like candy They are very pronounced gentle and pleasant in ac tion particularly agreeable in ev ery way They do not cause diar rhoea nausea flatulence griping or any inconvenience Or derlies are particularly good tor chil dren aged and delicate persons We urge you to try Recall Orderlies at our risk Two sizes 10c and 25c Remember can get Rexall In this community only our store Tbe Store R Druggist Newmarket Spectacular magnificence dramatic splendor and religious ecstasy are the most notable concomitants of International production of which Will be the offering Theatre- Toronto from to November 2nd Six evening performances and three matinees Monday Thanksgiving Wednesday and Saturday will be giv en During thirteen which have passed since the original present tation of this noble dramasits fawners have not only kept it up to the orig inal grandeur but have elaborated arid the possibilities the production each season until to day it stands unrivalled in beauty of establishment unsurpassed in dramat ic and power It was the last word of the stage craft of the nineteenth century and into the new age it brought a bigness and perfection wMch will remain the standard for decades to come with the earth life of Jesus most important period of his tory shows the world at its most wonderful point in iiagnifi- and wealth for Rome ruled the world and Caesar Augustus was- of the mightiest realm the earth had known Into this time of display and pomp came the lowly the for whom the nation had longed and it- is this Jesus permeating V i Its Supremacy in tbe Realm of Music is acknowledged tie Illustrious and Tone Critics of The Best is the i By buying from tbe the purchaser will find that the Gerhard Piano is not a Price Prohibitive Instrument even to those of Limited Means Used Pianos taken Write for Prices in exchange constantly on hand at Bargains Write etc Gerhard Heintzman i dent I Druggist Newmarket W Jesus penncating tt J ARCHIVES OF TORONTO fe