aKlc 1 A A i 1 Watch t i Has Always Qui Specialty have Sir listed of TRY US Watsons JEWELRY STORK i k V The Era to be it being the York County I a Beet Leading County Paper fir fe la advance Ifdl r JACKSON- Editor and Proprietor JACKSON fc Good Newmarket On Friday Oct 25 to WATSONS Pine Line for No single Copies Oar Toronto v I J Saw MAPLE LEAF 1900 cuts clean and easy and still retains that keen It Is made of Razor Steel and tempered by the Secret Process j Every Saw Guarauteed Biiis GRADE PAINTS OILS VAKNIS11ES TRUNKS SHUT CASES BAGS NEWMARKET PHONE a The iMUKutaciit is w that the a want- to Hie late On of week la a Court sUtlagwiiUft well a hot gall- J- a by l J partner who was that in the last week Mrs Pollen who for a of years was a in India ar rived in Toronto on Wednesday last tttJi ami that evening gave an hours address before the Missionary Society on the among natives of thai country succession to who i as Pudency the rpedge because Assurance A takes the of mana ger of the Canada Co for this city I A permanent highway this city and Hamilton is Tho assistance Pro vincial Government has been assured Howard Methodists who now meeting in a schoolhouse 1 erected three years ago have practi cally decided upon the erection of a church membership is now SO neing received since September 1st When the wife of Isaiah Barclay awoke one morning last week she J put her hand on her husbands shoul der and shook hint gently Alarmed at no she looked into his face and realized she was a widow Dr Bell was called in who stated that death was due to an apoplectic fit and heart failure It was pain fully sudden to his poor wife The Wilkinson Plow Co plant has wim w Won Us In ilaftvssfeter ft Anything Single of la Harness and A 50 YEARS AGO From Mm Kyle Oct it tf fteo Clark A a Yearling or 2nd frflWard For Sale by r Ham LainlHlit know that labor is a cross 2nd lemU But still we have to bear breaks some Driver Jltfi Sad Miss j ea In Kiri the In Mr Philip to Miss Catharine luge laughter of lus morning- was with A was recently In the village to address at at a Concert held for the benefit the Bible Society proceeds 25 YEARS AGO Era Way Gent 2nd n t Sen Shearling cannot repair it Saddle Horse- J Cow it son 2nd A Joe Pegs- Span Ponies in I under Geo Close Ewe 1st fe 2nd good thirds come our way- J Aged And J too Single Pony in Harness Mare SPECIAL- on one window of Single Pw in Harness Mare or On every day GeVdini hands under- Geo that one save one Oil that one let us pause and thank Close 2nd las males for what Hes done j Standard Bred Stallions 3 years way we ought to do of the signs of win ter is in the mysterious of part of Councillor woodpile over by the mill A severe wind and thunderstorm passed over Newmarket las Sunday damage the in were blown oil their fastenings smashing them in pieces and alarge pane of glass The To snuare himself with roc and you l of Mr Jones Art Gallery was Say- dashed to atoms A fence if Making Farming Pay 1 ARMING has come to be regarded as a business governed by toe laws of business Farmers to successful must be business men They must ha a Bank account A Bank account to business It 1 Pay by cheque than with caBtPbelter h- cause simpler often more convenient and certainly more businesslike your account The Bank of Toronto j A sound BankAssets A long estab lished Bank since Branches in Ontario Quebec M South End Lumber Yard OUR CUSTOMERS KNOW That when they order a Ton of COAL They Get 2000 lbs Every Time- Fresh Car of National Cement just in Dry Hardwood body and limbs P W PEARSON Cor Church and f Phone Carter A NEW FALL SUIT vou t something about It We are Stocked in a way to Please you Men In Fancy Suitings Browns will bo the Loading Color Wo have triemtp suit Old and Younp you Buy any for the Fall let You F WILLIS YOUR TAILOR PHONE 160 MAIN ST our AND HAY IN BA 1 STANDARD MEDICINAL FOR STOCK AND POULTRY ft LIME AND CEMENT PULL LINES OF k sold to an American Co purchasers are manufacturing agricul tural I This is not Moses in ihe but Moses a dealer in scrapiron of this city He passed away some time ago His will gives to one daughter to an other as a marriage settlement If they marry in the faith nothing it margCJhristians A third daufhtct who is also a has caveat against the pTobato of the will on te ground that deceas ed was not of capacity The Will was not executed according to law Deceased was either mental ly deranged or a crank was taxed his income and paid it under protest As he is appointed by the Federal Gov ernment he does not himself liable being an official The corpor ation Solicitor is of a opin ion The case will be tried in Peel County and municipal will watch the result with interest One day lastweek when lifting a of boiling water from a stove at his home in Arm strong was seized with a fit and se verely scalded from hip to feet He was brought to the Western Hospital and is now progressing favorably to wards recovery in the be joyful costs money For driving a oar when intoxicated Richardson was fined and costs by Magistrate Kings- ford Two sisters were reunited in this city last week twenty years of separation They have both been in this city for months without knowing of each others presence I The man who savagely hit the arm of Policeman Scott when he was ar rested for drunkenness last week was fined costs There are 39000 telephones in this city While coupling in the freight yards on Thursday of last ffm Sower by a was fatally crushed between two bumpers Two firemen Lieut Hamilton and I fireman Irwin were injured the form er probably fatally on Thursday ev ening of last week in a collision of fire truck with an College car at street The accident occurred while the fire truck wvs re sponding to an alarm sent in from I Some sixteen missionaries will leave this fall for the Presbyterian Mission in India China and Japan The Dominion Government has made an offer to the city of a foot frontage for property Front St immediately west of the present Customs House on which the Gov ernment purpose erecting an examin ing warehouse general postoflice This means for too site Tho Ontario Railway Board will hear an application on the 3Ui of this month to annex certain lands to Richmond Hill including the Canadi an Statlongrounds have travelled all over the whole world and have never seen such beautiful avenues of treea as you in Toronto said Mr George Deputy Mayor New Zealand who is visiting- In To ronto Rev James Endiocrtt has bee appointed and accepted posi tion Travelling Secretary for the Methodise Mission Society in Cony da and Dr EndllcoW recently returned from Stock Jas Brown John Burns POULTRY A Miss of was visiting with Miss Montgomery over Once upon a time two angels came Sunday 1 old 2nd J Pair Geese KmdcnJ ft down to earth to gather the prayers Mrs took her Work on I Geese any other kindSamuel 0 mortals- Ore was the Angel to Bradford Stow last week and John A Miller Thanks and the other the Ansel of oil seven prizes Mr Theodore Simpson returned HORSES Span in Brood Mare with foal by side Milne a very large bag thrown from Princ Edward Island last Sat- Pair shoulder she thought Pair given so many things to men that I- Tee Sutton Pair dont see how I can carry all the The Sutton whi correspondent says seemed 2nd Silas erre Spring Colt or Sennet M 2ndAY 2nd Sirs Johnston Two year old Gelding or A Slid Ferris Yearling Gelding or MUyWvUE Grose 2nd Walker PURPOSE OR AG l SPECIAL I Gibney men so RabbitsWalter 2nd that angels wear was bound up close Butter brought per lb Petch 2nd re is to ask for out and get it all done and SOME FLY house our nod files are here flics dejections task an easy one can loan to and fro on from typhoid or dysenteric patients I the earth gathering the prayers Dont allow your and o men But the Angel of Asking came Sections to be exposed to the swarms UK- back very early She had borrowed 0 lies wiiii Winter great tog of the Angel and Dont let flies crawl over the babys was bending low under swarm upon the nipple pair Dressed SPECIAL I Catsup comm General Purpose Mare or Gelding on J Patterson Rein Type absolutely I GRAIN Best Draft Mare Gelding Rein Richard 2nd labor It was so hard to hold all Dont live ln your house without filers the Wants ol men she wondered how screens pure breed J A over any p Sn- Stallion two years old any pure breed- J Son a lit A I Sufferers from Piles 2nd 1 arSte with biood what aim 2nd Levi acb Mote pain and stinging ImA SHORTHORN CATTLE Hull any Young is 2nd Ears Indian Sellers jes ap 12 Sweet will be found to give Ears Pop CornEdward Thousands of persons n the men and thcyie- to useZanBuk and found it Bull any Hill Son- by Cooper A- Smith toe graiu lhe kind aml at using three or Dull Calf months under- Peas grown I pleased to say It has Smith 2nd J thcic S Shaw Milch Cow Edgar Dennis 2nd A Smith Heller yrs 2nd A Heifer yr Hill Son 2nd Parr Calf Mi months under Edgar Dennis 2nd A Smith THOROUGHBRED JERSEYS Bull any age 1st Judge K Greenwood Continued on Page fl Selected Woman Kills Cougar BEAUTIFUL PICTURE We notice in this weeks issue of the only a Family Herald and Weekly SUr that the complete cure I Dufresne 183-185- St Joseph street St Roch Quebec writes I can highJt recommend to everyone who suiters Boundary Wash Oct from piles pair of shining eyes showing SanHford of Weston black darkness to guide Kings Co S suffered aaaaai bbbbi ril At Thurston ranchers wife long from itcbing piles but publishers have secured as a Mrs Mm a Buk aacfif not fad Kty of JM Vine beautiful subject entitled Mother Bui Calf taps i a companion to l picture Homo Again which Milch Cow 1st 2nd J year Family Herald lesoh Pictures are always good and is Heifer a B Cowieson I Mothers Treasures is animal er what kind of a beast it Mile River Hants Co says was until her husband came home and from piles the the at times being almost gone to town tor sill ppltes At nightfall ho had not every I tried failed to do mo j iav v a j j Mm sat Id the good was urea Heifer A 2nd J B to truly v Dr Police- on Friday what great value one receives for one turned heard ZanBuV and thought as a Heifer Calf underlet in The Family fPiJCHet bus- last resort I wxuld giaa this 2nd J and Weekly Star is a laperr AHer a verr short time CATTLE home in shouM a complete cure Milch Hill Son tod A Smith Heifer John Heifer I Heifer tt A A Smith Ever unto into I a sure cute for ana ami mo a rtiM ewvwmii ij JW than and a ftf W ARCHIVES OF ONTARI at TORONTO s id