Station Act FR1DVY iGMB 4T Tim gate receipts of he Fair am- of Church who meats loo in The annual fowl supper nod concert will held In Method- Church on Wednesday jl6 inspected A program is being Ana is exulted there will ft large attendance I r l Jan For over twenty years I have been troubled with Kidney Disease ami the doctor told me they could do me no good They said my case was incurable and I would sutler all Ufa I doctored with different men and many advertised remedies but there was Hone thai lulled my case Nearly a year ago I have been using them neatly all the time since and am glad to say that I am Cured I have no trouble now with my Kidneys and I give the credit of doing what the doctors said was Impossible I am years old am in fust Class health a box for trial aire W- At all dealers or sent on receipt price by Ottawa Mr died on afternoon at the home of his daughter Richard Thorp ago had been vxy ill I but had recovered considerable de cree health wlieu on iVosday morn ing he had stroke- paralysis recovered Mr and Mrs Waller New- spent Sunday in town AURORA The contract for the erection the Collie Cockerll Manufacturing factory has been to Mr his being the lowest tender Mr Andrews drew the plans and specifications and we understand will have the ov ersight erection The building is to be by fear storeys high meat the lull the gilding It will be built with the Lake Wil cox brick to Rent Id Wank Toronto Building JH WKSLKY j i Houses for Sale On West Side Newmarket brick and frame OnKastSide Cement House cut price tor quick sale Real Estate Agent Farm for Sale 65 acres miles from Newmarket Clay loam well watered house and two barns Good orchard Ap ply to REG Newmarket For Sale Brick Resilience in the growing manufacturing Town of Newmarket- corner Main and Water Streets very suitable for a doctor Price Roche A Co 3 New Brick Houses Arden Ave for rale Two are at present occupied and the other one will be ready shortly All modern Apply to Isaac Rose Newmarket or French Mt Al bert Another old resident of King Town ship died at the person of Sirs Win Cairns aged SI years and months Deceased whose maiden name was was born in Scotland and came to this country with her par ents when quite young and Settled in King She married Mr Wm Cairn sixty years ago and went to reside the third concession of where she- has resided since From this union were born children six of whom are still alive The took place on Wednesday afternoon to King City Cemetery SI 1 For Sale Brick Houses on Park Atc all conYenieaoes also one house on Elm St For terms apply to MBS SCOTT Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Anniversary services in connection with Methodist Church will held on Sunday Oct when Rev A Spencer will preach at arid The choir will be assisted Mr Ross On Monday evening the a teameeting and entertainment will be held A first class program will be presented and tea will served to The death took place at the residence con KJng on Saturday last of Grace daughter of the late Miss ill only a few days and her death is regretted hy all as she was well known and most highly esteemed by all- The funeral place on Monday afternoon to King Cemetery flfjiiSlttft for Ontario led with the Enrolment Board j A of each enrol- Cent will be issued by Board certificate form a part or advertising the BtalltQa he option the the may be by three appointed under act and If auch the report of will form a part of in Board will the times places at Which aUiliOus taay hotted thereof hat any person to the a may him at point purposes of the a pure considered to one registered In one of the affiliated with the Canadian Live Stock Records In case there la no ffOr breed I one of the by Re cord Board A tirade stallion to any other Roto fiTho following arecooBider- fed dlseaaea or malformation ai the lease may Rome spavin when associated with a tor- of hock which curb bog spavin when associa ted with a hock which predisposes to bog spavin side bono roaring or and navi cular disease Sis forma of certificate will bo to provide for the lowjng conditions a Pore bred and approved by Pure bred inspected but foundto be free from malforma tions and diseases in the regulations bred wot inspected iuU Inspected and found to be from Malformations and diseases named in regulations Grade inspected but found bo free from malformations and diseases named in the reguiullono Grade not Inspected Each enrolment must be re newed annually hi case of in spected stallions however of the Inspection committee will hold good two years a stallion is sold the transfer must be registered with Board fees to be paid to the Hoard before the Issue of any certi ficate shall be for For renewal of enrolment For transfer certificate penalty for contraven tion of- any of provisions of the act will be not more than than act does not apply to Provincial Judicial Districts nor can j to Provisional County of SCHOMHKKG Farm tor Sale Acres of the Choicest Land in the Township ot Whitchurch east Aurora on leading delivery and telephone Good buildings about CO young bearing ap- trees together with small iPrtce right- for quick sale BROTHERS Aurora Farms lor Sale -I- Call at the Newmarket Town Real Estate Office get Prices on a Large Number of Uptodate Houses with Modern A Snap Houses at a Bargain Get our Prices on a Number ot Choice Lots tor Sale Buy Town Houses at this rent houses Agent for Atlas Fire Insurance Co A near fatality occurred on Fri day when Grant youngest son Dr IMIIarc fell into the tail race behind Mr residence The young lad was rescued just in time by Mr This same tale race in the middle of the town is a spot and should be pro tected and the authorities should take some steps to make it so The ladies the Wo mens Institute have rented Mrs Robinsons house- opposite the George Hotel It is the ladies in tention to regular meet ings there and tp listen to in structor on cooking who is to be sent out by the government Indu ing from the eatables put up by ladies ot this teas lawn socials suppers etc we are thinking that many ivillbe equal to instructor with their cousin Miss Ada ol Delaware IK For A Frame House closeto the iporattor limits where you M the the town at a low taxation is pruc- tioally a new house well built awl containing 7 Bathroom porch and closets It Is well located overlooking the town on a lot but with good new Stable and Henhouse A very Price Apply to Real Office Main Street Acre Farm tor This la one of the choicest fifty acre farms la the township being halt of Lot in 2nd Con cession north of A good rough oast fcouo Bank barns with first stnbl- Pig pen and Implement houses are good and land la la high state lots water have thirty Mature and Wilt- etl logetber fa separate ptvcoeti Landing The is playing havoc the potato crop Mr and Mrs J Huntley and his sister Miss Mary Huntley tended the wedding to 01 Bel haven Mr Michael arrived in town on Wednesday and intends to make his home la While carrying a heavy ladder yes terday at the Vinegar Works Mr J fell with the ikdder underneath and one arm under the ladder He received a wish on the Root Culture In a pacer read before the Senate Committee on arid For estry Mr John Farm at College Quebec takes the ground that dairy men and beef producers find that when roots are fed animals keep in better condition and the flow ol milk and production of fiesh with lessened cost Poultry keepers and hog raisers find that when there is no grass roots form and cheapest Substitute There is nothing fed to animals that is appear to act as a tonic and help to make all dry feed Mr points but that the average yield roots over Canada is bus els per acre and that yield secur ed in Maedonald College was more than 1000 per acre He gees on to describe howlarge yields may be secured in every pro vince of the Dominion and then tells how to successfully harvest and store tho This paper which is Issued In pamphlet tor free distribution by the Publications Branch of Department Ottawa concludes by saying that the greatest success in growing roots will be obtained when oho fol lowing are abservrd A systematic rotation of crops roots to follow a fresh clover sod manure once in the rotation thorough cultivation in preparation for the crop and after the roots ate sown Oar Send the Era to absent fiends Has Cured Than Living of This Physician Ills of Cores WITH CASKS Free to That Made Him Famous There In tlie en tire world who can produce a of to with that of Dr an eminent Scotch physician formerly of His success in the of long standing and stubborn chronic diseases la- truly marvelous and has won lor WW largest practice any In the world In neatly every in ev ery In Canada and in every state in America cured- happy tealthy people who were once sick weak and are now sinking praises of Kiiki and his skill And this is not for hi his offices are fliers letters gratitude en- corner of the earth POSlflVK There are lettersMrom rich and poor and from people in every walk of life from nwn and from men from everyone and cry where all describing the wonderful cures that had been affected and all thank ing in deepest gratitude for the health and had given them And more remarkable still Is the fact that most of these letters told of years of suf fering awl the failure of other doctors to cure them One man Mr Beacon of said was in bed for seven weeks Buffering unknown agonies from Sciatic Rheumatism After using your treatment ten days- was able to sit up and now Mrs Christopher- a AND WOMEN for Cares in Every Country Points Will to Happy People It Kvciy in World CtlltKM CANA DA of tS to Advantage of 1 Treatment Free Read Our Offer I do ten- his arm was very badly pie and bruised The Anni versary and Entertainment will ho held on Sunday and Monday Oct laud Rev II A of one of the best ot the Presbytery will con duct both services Sunday Spe cial music will hi rendered by the choir and Mr H Pearson will slug a solo at both and services t On Monday evening a splendid pro gram consisting of solos ducts quar tettes- and will be rendered by the celebrated Oxbridge choir of voices assisted by Mr M Toronto Rev Mr will give one of noted talks The Art of W p says I suffered for years was incurable could any letter hen I Your medicine acted like magic Jeremiah Chatham tells of his wonderful cure after suffering six years with Kidney and Trouble Mrs given up all hope She had been troubled with a nervous affliction which other doc tors pronounced Heart Disease- She says Dr Kidds treatment cured this case of years standing completely Lack of space prevents quoting of these interesting letters but for the fit of readers let it be said there remains no doubt that Dr is justly entitled to his claim more cured patients than any living doctor- i Will Send 1 treatment Free In order to prove that many chronic cas es that other doctors pronounced in curable can actually be cured Dr Kldrt offers to send absolutely tree of cost to any worthy sufferer a Dollar Course of Treatment All you need do is to fill out the Coupon opposite or if your disease is not mentioned or you are doubtful about it write a short letter describing your symptoms in your own words send the coupon or letter to Dr lames Toronto ami by return mail sealed in a plain wrapper Dr will send you the Treatment with complete direc tions and a letter of- advice all absolutely free and postage paid and you will le un der no obligations either to purchase fur ther treatment or in any other To all suflerers 1 will help you without a pen nys cost 1 want to send you absolutely free a Pull Poller treatment that cured dozens of the worst else failed I want you to have also free a copy of my 193page medical book Mils of -Human- I have made a specialty of the diseases named in my coupon If you suffer from any of afflictions Just tlien and send me the Coupon or write a letter describing your case your own words I want to prove the claims that- 1 have made and prbvethcm at my own expense That is why I otter for a limited time to a Treatment to everyone who writes or it Then they may know and feel in their own bodies the wonderful power of my remedies will gladly help and it will cost you nothing write at once please i la his number of bald practice was not always so My success in curing tins cases that other doctors tailed to Is lor its rapid growth tor every cured patient send other Sme years o it became for me adopt a plan which would enable me to pro perly attend all these patients and de vised present system treating by mail 1- find Is just as as the roothod of the ordinary doctor who tries to see his patients personally have a start of eight able to assist me ami as yoU will Jec- in my files I have many cured everywhere In this cabinet and Dr Kidd pointed lo a cast full of let ters are testimonials from patients all over Canada and in this pointing to- an- other you will ftiwf let from wired pa tients in the United States Ire land Scotland Sweden Norway Denmark Finland Germany Switzerland India South Africa South America Australia Mexico and Central America I always send copies of an these letters to other pa tients when f am Sends Dollar Book Free Dr book Ills of Humanity pages of useful and valuable information about almost every known di sease together with much professional ad vice diet and health is well worth a dollar to anyone but he relieves he can do more good by giving it to worthy- people who will appreciate it and therefore Dr Kidd has agreed to tend one copy free to each suuerer who writes You not send any money and you under no obligation for Dr Kidd is anxious to help everyone he can Just fill in the coupon which appears on this rage and mail it at once Dr address THtf DOCTOR PUBLISH ES A SPECIAL- BOOK FOR MEN WHICH- WILL fiESRMT ON REQUEST ENTIRELY FREE Cut tear Here 1 I I I I I I I I I Coupon for Treatment and Book FREE DR JAMBS KIDD Toronto Please send me postpaid and free of all charge or cos a One Dollar and your 192Page Home Medi cal Book Make a cross X before all diseases you have two crosses before the one which you suffer most Name Post Office Province I Street and No i Vge How long Afflicted Do you my Special Book for- Mem Nervousness Partial Paralysis Weakness Womb Trouble Ovarian Trouble Irregular Periods -leucorrhoea- Poor Circulation Impure Stfmach Trouble Kidney Trouble Bladder Trouble Chronic Cough Torpid Liver Constipation Rheumatism Weak Lungs Indigestion Lumbago Catarrh Neuralgia Headache Dizziness Piles Diarrhoea Malaria Asthma Hay Fever Anemia Pimples Eczema Scrofula Obesity 1 J a 1 1 J I I Letter from Vancover Dear Editor We had a v pleasant trip coining out The people in the car were so sociable that it seemed like Vancouver Oct lii3 trip seem shorter We arrived at our destination on to appreciate It It far surpasses we have ever seen In fact we see so much that we can think of nothing else but eat and sleep Yours Truly A about and found nil farmer fell dead oft his waggo tS called on Sunday Ihe his yard on ot September and brought a fine as ho a load Shot His Own Son Oct reached here of a fatal accident which occur red In tlie Township North Cros by near- Westeort when Walter W Woods a farmer accidentally shot his son a lad of flfteett years with whom he was coon hunting a short distance from his home They came across a coon and treed it The father had loaded his weapon and was about to fire when the coon moved froth one limb another ne cessitating the father changing his position As he doing tripped and fell the gun disbiurging The boy fell shot thru the back The father tjhe boy to the- and summoned a doctor but death ensued In twelve hours had been a hunter and trap- all his life and this is his first accident girl to Rev and Mrs Both are doing splendidly We had the privilege of seeing the on the prairies and re alise the vast amount grown in West I would doing justice if I said acres of grain bo I will say miles and miles of shocks ready for thresher The harvest is back ward on account of wet weather but Two little tots cam across the deep from Bristol England and were landed at Hamilton sate into the arms of their parents on Friday last Kenneth Silver aged four years and Hazel Silver aged three travelled all the way the Old Country to Hamilton the care of the company and the RR They were given the time wr Dr Indian Root Pills cure many commoQ ailment are very different but which all arise from the same fsuss i a clogged with caue the bowels to move strengthen and stimulate the and open up the pare the These organs Immediately the accumulated im purities and KWrTrwWHetAchet and similar Root Doctor the shocks were a very bright colour ol lives by the passengers An occasional low piece of land shocks standing In water but Ibis Is very rare fat scenery in passing through the Rockies Wis very beautiful The snow caps on the summits of them looked like silver as sun crept up from the east in his rising The sales of the Canyons in the Mountain pass es were of solid porpenjlicular rock hundreds feet high and wonderful to look upon We met J Hughes In Winnipeg and be went to coast with us Mr Jackson J and myself had the pleasure of a coast steamer trip on the salt water as wo went to Mountain Tiero In the forest the trees axe very large many of them from te ft in diameter To get a good view of I MATERIAL a Me Have Hand WWW Norway fcjprnee to Order UK Mate Pat i M work Ash am Ptaa Run Stlcklag NO amd THE WM Work KM HAIR HAT THE LAUGH art juil about K LOOK tfaiJtoietlameOldTimerCUu kned Twentieth Century does NOT want electric car and breaking his leek siryearold son of the Mountain we passed over the aeheration yon on a swing feet long a sort Beta look and feet above the stream at the 1 f 1 m- I S ft base of the rock A plank walk was erected on- the ace of the rock some places 100 feet high and then Perhaps feet above toe walks perpen dicular rock We went through this walk for two or three miles and then climbed a to Mountain about those Grey Hslr to end i corn fully Father a stern St best of him Giro him the not bo a Its uimecessa HAYS HAIRHBAliTH if top Hero the scenery must ho sect died from the falling into a boiler or water i I A far aid all Countries on Uaivenlty Steeei and j Electric Restorer for Men iKSfsb is 7- fe TORONTO iti i