Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Oct 1912, p. 6

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VATFS AGENT SUTTON It AGENT i A v MOUNT ALBERT T 1 L- I d I E IB IV Mm is visiting friends in school teachers are attending a Convention on Thursday ami Friday this Scluxjlhousc noted in a vcrv disorderly manner reward is offered for will lead to their conviction will find this a very serious broke into on Saturday and A They offence brought before a Mr factory of on tot his next sale held a most cattle and Watch bills for Tuesday Nov on Fair Tie is to a Fall a was on the presence Vibert lrass added considerably to sure the icosW l hardly as which Is accounted tor by ereas In edition ami belt the receipt at not at flw Show was WP sUSt a li ed in and number M IV KM last ft law lu John A Ttuxs Ml tflfi King oIlVi- The of the ho aura to applied township for Bald Moved by flecondad Wmrow that and hereby to notify Johnston Ml in regard ic boy in with Hip this council can imt lake any in case Carried Moved by Kelioy secluded and ho An the toe payment aa vlC A and Mr flvoW full course may son a chaise of tov Mr- Mrs of J ftW in raw vtciniu for a tew days One day last week Mr Fred Rogers with a hail ttceWent and it is canst his fool have to am putated lie was driving a spoil of horses attached to a portable steam engine belonging to Mr Fred and as he was alongside his foot slipped under the wheel and It WAS crushed all out of shape Pre parations ate being made to take him to the Hospital in Toronto Miss Minnie Wright is Spending a couple of weeks Holt the her aunt Mis Cunningham Rev and daughter of were guests of Mis on Fair Day blue we re Lady Driving and ihere were an Mrs W competitors tor Trent won 2nd Hoist tho A Son It to send oft the Annual Contribution to Francis Hall a little earlier than usual this year to avoid any danger from frost in transit one who to help in this work is requested to have what ever is given canned picklcvs dairy products fresh fruit and vege tables ot all kinds at Mr Allied home on Wednesday next Oct early in the afternoon This is something which should ap peal most strongly to every man and woman whether to or not Fran cis Hall or Home as it was originally called was name J loving tribute to our late great Loader It was started and tor years entirely maintained by Toronto but as the sco of its won known it was that it should not all be to them to maintain and other unions and people were disposed to help As work be came known then th Home was found to be far too small and it was sold and new and larger site secured A splendid donation ot contingent on a sum to be on hand to have the building free debt made it possible with offer ings great and small to erect a build ing suitable to the needs Every housekeeper man or woman can from some idea of the vast cost tor food alone to maintain this Institution and furnish it and while this is not a socalled Charitable Institution its needs should appeal to all for it is charity in its widest broadest sense of all which prompts and oar- ties it It is not tor Toronto girls but for from outside points going to tlie city to find work Your daughter or your own it may moral character Those to be reclaimed ate elsewhere cared lor Any girl or her mother is to write and she will to met at the sta tion If without prospective work she is helped to find It and that safe kind If without means she is taken In freely if able a very mo derate charge is made Will you not help on this work by contributing of your means either in cash or gwds A- some being Messrs Edgar Dennis Fred a smith Mr J had his rtncrd Jerseys tin In Sheep exhibitors were Messrs d Davidson Tinder John binder J There- was a oft in both Swine and Poultry In the former Messrs J III werelclose and in the latter- Jesses Taylor IMora and of New market were the exhibitors The Hall was nicely and the exhibition was excellent All kinds Vegetables were toe largest and most uniform that we have seen son- Fruits choice but not numerous as Dairy and were well sustained season as while the quantity quality and vari ety Ladles Wort was tetter than mUht- be to ftaudall gravel reps J Crouteh ceuient Boyd J Terry J Smith J Dean Newmarket Toronto General David Wight George Brown And the Corporate seal to attached Carried re borrowing Era a is Mr J and Ml Mr- the P tohren- hold cck Zephyr their regular the pn last trip to this Mrs- MeMaaUf and to their in Torimto in a vlth her Mrs Quito here oh to Mr well Mr and Mrs two years and the time have inad TM are moving fetterlliir Wo ail join In success iiohl labor QXJKldVtwlali inivting at the Wine on pet A goodly hum- week lie up lohhston Ue Aunt on that there is Vis it one the old story of the iew farmers to he Mwlcl Tommy Copy Jjifeji troiia horCf TomllnS Womans Power Over Man Woman It power to mil hold port and lor bio When ho It tad till lore on la world know ha heart iony the The who from week- of her her and her fteoerel her amiability and of Buffalo N do A I harm V about precise Is aJ of tblo for and many tid their woman Ho fes a medr for Medielne ell I No dealer will aw idr WW- order j A tit the tile Was read a second Council adjourned to meet Nov the ftlalt at lock a Clerk It for ntirific i a They are and futtouic Philip fenoOJSeUs out Jhid liist lib lntili gifin Sijldus SaUoii Alberta in the Spring Why nut lot 1 Htsl daughter Mr MAKES WEAK WOMEN WOMEN WELL I at th meeting- i Mr Andrew of Torcnto was visiting friends here over Sunday Mr Law sold a piano to Mr Page Kerry of- IMora last week Miss Mary spent Sunday with her parents at Cedar Valley Mr Meyers Albert spent Sunday under the parental- root Miss Barton vis ited friends here last week Mrs Squires has returned- after spending four weeks in Albert Mr of roroiito has been the past week at his here HOLLAND LANDING Miss Glover spent Sun day at home Miss Gladys Marsh spentlast week Goodwin and Reynolds are visiting her mother in Shnion It is a at nights cycling spring will be here The St School has been re- organized under Sctitt All wet- come The have a new style skirts The Anniversary Service in Gie Methodist Church will he held on Sunday ot Oct at ISO p and pm The It Bradford will speak at the afternoon service and J in the evening All are cordially in- vied to atteud these I An event took place On 9th at Farm the home Mr Mrs second daughter Ada Irene was united in marriage- to Elgin Barker The Pastor Sinclair performed in the prewooo of about Tho bride who was unat tended was given away by her while Marclt was rendered by Miss Bella Little Edith Allan ctcd as flower girl and carried the ring in a basket flowers and Tho bride was attired in white silk pearl trimmings with ary veil and orange blossoms and carried a bouquet White and Pink Immediately alter the ceremony the happy couple received the con gratulations of their friends which delicious dinner was In the The wedding gifts were numerous and beautiful Including a Kitchen Shower from the brides The brides away drts was Castor Velvet wltfc relet bat tweed coat Mr and Mrs Barker on the oar tor Toronto amid shower of confetti and good wishes On their return will- reside in Markhara Quests Vert present from rt largest exhibitors in Ladies were Miss L Fisher Mrs A Boyd Mrs L- ot Miss Toronto Mrs J J Terry Mrs as Mrs John and Mrs A J Milne The principal exhibitors in Hoots and Vegetables were Messrs Tho Seller of Zephyr Ed Mrs Johnston Marvin 11 and T the successful were Mrs Johnston Mrs Ed Johnston and Mrs T Pere grine Among the guests ot the Directors were Mr Herb Lennox P- Mr J M Walton Mr Kieth the Newmarket Fair The- presence some twenty auto mobiles on the grounds was quite an innovation from former years The Concert in the evening was a great success and the gave satisfaction SUTTON Mrs Oaborno of Was In Sutton a day or so last Mrs Morrison who is teaching school in was home over Sunday Mr Mrs and Mr Frank ML Albert on Monday attending funeral of Mr Culver wells Bister Mrs Madlll of that place Mr and Mrs are away attending a meeting the Ticket Agents at Ot- They purpose visiting Que bec and Montreal before return log Sutton have receiv ed on invitation to pay a fraternal to Lodge on Nov tho and have accepted the same Mark ham drew quite a number from here on Friday over forty tickets being sold by Mr CulverwcUa got third prize Tho Sutton have ar ranged for an At Home In St James hall on Friday evening Oct for the members of the order along with their wives sweet hearts Sutton Council met on Fri day evening Oct with all pres ent except Councillor Osborne A number of accounts were ordored paid A was presented by the business people of Sutton asking council to pass a bylaw closing all places of business in said village of Sutton throe nights per weeks Mondays Wed- aud Fridays at the hour of commencing on Nov and remaining In force last of May This peti tion was laid over until Oct when a special meeting Is being called allowing the clerk time to We are pleased to hear that Reeve although very weak is doing as well as can be Mr and Robert Burr of Quak er Hill visited their daughter Mrs Picsering on Sunday last The Misses Caldwell moved to New market this week where they intend running boarding- house Mr J Dunn Islington for merly of this place was in town a few days last week and attended the great Scott Fair at Residence for Sale in ML Albert stafile in connection also urea of land For particulars ppy to John French ML Albert w3S THE DOMINION BANK a vioapuraiaaxx General Manager Capital Up i e5700OOO eZOOOOOOOl j- A Complete Dunking Service Kvcjy Is by Bank promptly sod money wltheul Advances made on Farmers Metes Checks and Letter Of Credit Issued it each branch of the bank opens Account Mount Albert IN In loving- memory of Agnes Jane beloved wife of Mr J A who died at Mount Al bert on Sunday Oct years months Call not bock the dear departed Anchored safe are oer On the fccrderland we her Soon to meet ami part no more we leave this world of changes we leave this of care wilt find our missing loved ones luetic Fathers Mansion fair Stray Cow i VARICOSE VEINS CURED no used Without written consent Confined to His Home tot Weeks ivys No earthly clinging no at parting no sore amaze Hut sweetly geptly she paesed away worlds dim twilight to endless day Came upon lot about Sept a red cow with white spot in forehead Owner is requested to- pay charges and take same away Johnston PO GWDavidson ESTATE ALBERT FOR SALE One Brick House rooms in ML Albert at on easy terms ac One Frame I loose rooms with frame stable Good water acre of garden small down balance in years lose to Mount Albert- acres all cleared frame barn and stables mile to church and school POa miles ML Albnt A miles on- good terms acres cleared new frame house bank barn mile to church and school market and R R station miles J on easy terms Also Other Good Farms well situated I have several good sections P R lands personally Inspected at Si LOO per acre and a number of good Inside Town Lots in the new P town In Alberta DAVIDSON Box Mount Albert Kind hands tried to keep her here But tender care was nil in vain The angels came and bore Iter home From this of pain Some day you shall see The face you loved so well Some her hand shall clasp in ours And never say farewell Dear husband you are left alone was taken from your sice But will meet her again some day When vou aw called to cross that tide She has gone to be with Jesus We cannot wish her here We would not dim her radiant lot With mortal stain or tear She crossed Hie deep and sullen stream Wholl be the next we cannot tell But soon well meet again in heaven And never farewell TV- JRAMSEY BALDWIN duly celebrate her sweet Is the test polloy My is a Now the bump developed- In Uncle never flag rantly moral code of mine oral thine Merely the mulching of a tew times the occasions were pretty my Alfred Thomas CAT for short Owl has a proclivity lor hot pies and day got a alter Accordingly in a plain duck suit any wearing toque with a oyer each want poultry dark Now thats pat his loot In it as shall demonstrate Mr Brown got his upjaHd sat a trap- and CAT an old- fool steppe riglit on it and at once- got in Joltston made the arrest- Bail not being procurable A TV was put- in durance trial and silently meditating on the Uncertainties arid vicissitudes to a dishonorable career Now dont please dont hold any hardness towards me A sins I my brothers keeper Harvest like a lovesick swain lin gers long Mpch to be done yet The Mill will reopen for business this Now- gentlemen come along and up As the old time ticket seller used o cry Roll up tumble tip any way to get upj If you get up throw your I money up rusli to get here do not forget your guess if Frank hadnt the test little woman out to him hed give up in de spair It was Uphill work yes Mrs Martin Bailey arf old and re- spected of these parts for a great many years passed to her long rest last wees Funeral on Saturday last Miss Jessie one of To- superb young is about to wed She Is well and- known here Uncle Owl denominat ed her as The darling of Dar ling Ave Era reports the engagement of Miss Edna Tell us something we dont know We knew it and months ago Lucky hoy old chap Congrats has this gears seerted as rank and lux uriant In growth as to bo out bloom This la a very rare thing i Tommy Ins heard some fairy tales Its of ox from faraway of tiJSSSS farmers having made ninety pet acre front Vou bet Tom That is defect In grams ou my opened wide his eyes Maybe should hear his it is a lasting hes counting chickens Who can say Tommy is doing some necessary im provements to his stables cementing and so lofth Must keep pace or ahead of my rivals thinks Tommy Our obliging and courteous mer chant Glover has a Columbian Gramophone anil records which is the most near perfection that I yet have Keen Its tone is perfectly pure and and la youth brought worked hard the acUng become up a week at a My wreral I told hi ray Job week at a My is as lay wcrlc so ftr an in first month I was somewhat I continued foe three months a complete euro only wek Its p before treatment doit I am ft day I all knew your valuable HAS YOUR BLOOD BLOOD the mast and most tap the verV blood the cause complication cures all blood disease OR Imprudent acta or ec3 have your over hi vitally you are not the man you used to or be V you heed J Hag Boyhood NO NAMES USED WITHOUT on and Co4t of Trtktuwnt FOR HOME Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold St Detroit Mich All from Canada must be addresjd- to our Canadian Correspondence in Windsor Ont If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence Laboratory for Canadian only Address all as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Oat Write ft private address a de- light and joy forever to notice by the to the prize at fcome Cowards Such pusillanimous con duct is unworthy of men- One of our rural swine having her statute labor toh en tire Satisfaction of His thought it dcsitable to remodel Mrs i tous labor was an entire success so We Represent fle Club Sergt was holding himself in readiness to attend their annual on Oct and I may say right here heVs fit as a Addle But day or so prior to the shoot the Sergt received an official notifica tion that he was barred out Afraid to meet men on equal terms they de- l far as to getting Mammy in a high fit She got the -wrong- sow by ear And what will Mrs Pringle say when she sees her I darent hazard a quess Continued on Page a bylaw when said by liw put through several reading become law Council The Royal Fire Insurance- Co Merchants Insurance Co The Independent Fire Insurance Co General Animals Insur ance Co ot Canada ot Marriage Li cease Conveyancing Done J A Farm for Sale AT QUEEN About acres mora or less Lot 20 Con East being the lata James farm There fa a good barn with cement foundation and stabling wa- Oct re- 1 the year Fences fair and meeting of the Municipal the Township Of East was held in the Muni cipal Hall All the members except Mr Crouder Bonds of the Collector were placed on the table the- Trea surer and on motion Of Proctor Burrows were accepted as sum of twentynine dollars and cents was received from Mrs A J Hughes this fund teccumulatod by the Trustees of soil a clay loam All workable or pasture land except a small maple bush Also about acres ot lot No Coo East Gwllltmbury on which the skating rink now stands This Mock- of land will divide up Into sev eral choice village lots For particulars ot sale apply Mrs James Aylward PO or to her Solicitor Numerically peaking there was an unusually large crowd from here blowing in their dimes at Markham Fair The poet say a They took in the the Old Boy was there In all his great and pride And like an old Turk To fill up with till he died At once set right to Yes you bet the old was there Whiskey was there too and I defy you to keep the two apart Is a byword that on Fair Day is a cesspool of drunkenness Amongst other- prominent citizens burg we observed Kid Foster and his Gum Angel the Little Yankee Queen and her best- young fellow Vera and Maggte Sinclair chumming it together Oh my whato pair of beau catchers Mr and Mrs Aird Miss Barber and a whole string of others a mile long I paid a call on Richard last week Dick and your Uncle are staunch friends though I know him to be a rank Conservative lnnox boy and he know mo as a solid Gritone who would cross check his vote every chance I could get Dick says to me new meadow that takes the shine oft Tidy Tommys You see Tidy Tom mys model has wakened up his neighbors envy Richard Tommy and John Oldham have the finest catch clover have ever a toot High and a perfect matcot a particle of earth visible Tramp Tramp Tramp the boy are marching Ah whos thai com ing yondefl Ob thats Wil son old war veteran of the American Civil war of in you one of will receive Contest checks THERE will be twelve cash prizes in each ofthe nine provinces 108 in all in the 1912 Prize Contest for Canadian Farmers The 1911 Contest was so successful in interest in the use of Concrete on the farm that a second contest in which three times as many are offered was decided upon for year divided into Arte A 1 COUPON CANADA CEMENT COMPANY uurrco HsU i ms full particulars of the Farmers Coolest and free of your book What the Fanner Can Do With ConcrtU To Conteit ihis and C and there will be four in each class Second prise prise J 1 there are three Prises three mree IIS prises and three fir ft DESCRIPTION OF CLASSES la Each CUu there be Second Third and Fourth Prim and jjlO forlEach Province S iw a ctu W rk i you must a quantity The quantity cement used does not count in Cusses a of hut years winner used very cement When you eater the Contest you have a w prise of as the certainty that you will add a to your farm If youveat a copy he sure for J our book Farmer Can Do With Coaeiett It not I only many improvements thai you Canute hie ate nag the Contest I but wuTteU you all about use concrete ttH ana- iS M4 Ml iw Wm in i i and Address Canada Ctimwit Company 1 Hrnld Bid v if 1 v v J fc Site I y VV fS as TORONTO tat C HI

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