Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Oct 1912, p. 5

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av S3 Robertson Barrister OfficeMain St to on Farm ptsnk AND Bolton Practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Niagara Streets Jvenruiartet DENTIST Main Street Dr Wilkinson DENTIST Office in J Instructions Piano Organ Theoret ical Branches introducing Col umbian System StudioTbc Dank Toronto Bid Newmarket WEDNESDAYS SATURDAYS S Walker Ontario Veterinary College CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day or Office Livery Phone miss SOPKANO Will accept Concert Engagements and a limited number pupils in Singing Address or Music care Miss Marie Strong Toronto Mm Power Station The Metropolitan have finished iho excavation ol a station and substation at ho north end and cementing has The of the Ha thirty eight feet by forty feet for the Ontario Port ml Newmarket from Customs Collections of Aurora I of April of current year to Sept as coin- pared with for same period last year being an increase of I Brie Mr Sullivan Is unloading anoth er car Ot cinders or Con naught Gordon sidewalks Mr Cooper Smith of load two ears of peas On Tuesday the vard being an extra busy that day Sues for Alimony Kato of Township Is suing her hus band John franklin for Sho per Week as interim alimony until the time of the trial The writ was is sued at Osgood I Sew Store Mr Clout has opened a new store on Main Street three doors south the King George Hotel and will ou a full assort- meat of dry goods ladles gents and childrens boots and shoes etc Also a large stock oil paintings See in an other column DressMaking MRS WILL BELFRY is now pre pared to do cutting and fitting Coats Dresses etc at her home on Eagle St Also a lev more custom ers tor Sewing Terms reasonable P- Hohn Will be at the KING GEORGE HOTEL Every Tuesday Thursday and from am to a pm Diseases adjusted from the Call and will explain how it will apply in your case Si Pauls Church brotherhood of St Andrew On Wednesday evening Oct a meet ing Of Young Men of the church Was in the school room Mr Walker presiding reorganize the brotherhood and to decide on definite work for the season- A very enthusiastic meet ing was held everybody present being agreeable to the brotherhood work in the parish Make Good who keep themselves in fine physical ctJriditipn Regular bowels active kidneys and liver good digestion and a greater natural vigor follow the use ftc reliable MY STOMACH IS THE The Snuny South Town tall Was paeW last Saturday night and darkle put up a program that satis fied the J- en It Tabids Her with them as she why greatly trembled with stomach she writes Ihidukcnco j fine ami might say to take Mw of the man who was killed by astrrrl car n Queen and a Wend told ihey were Jni As very easy to to I thought would give a trial and really they worked Hallway A wpvieted of keeping bouse by accepting a rale oil the fan tail gaine winch Up on Aug was pinched Piesentatlon The Davis leath er showed esteem and pnid wishes toward Mr Prank wall their number by pro- sen ting him with a Lib rary Tabic aikl previous to his last week and the firin Rave him a generous Nen- Dress Maker Miss Williamson has opened ft Dress- Parlor over floods Teachers Convention annual the York Institute in the County Council Chamber- Mu nicipal Adelaide To Thursday and Friday October and Two holidays for boys and girls wonder Anyone wrong with should Djspepsla a they will do the rest My stomach Is fine now and I can cat any food One of the many good features of Dyspepsia Tablets Is that they are pleasant and to take The relief they give from heartburn flatulence and dyspepsia la prompt and permanent Try one after each meal theyll make yon feci a new person box at com pounded by the National and Chemical Co of Canada Limited J 160 Issuer of LICENSES At the ISra Office Newmarket Private tar Papers issued at private resi dence if desired Clubbing Rates and Weekly Globe Era Globe ami Weekly Mail and Canadian Home i i id and Toronto Daily Star and Toronto Daily News and Toronto Sun and Montreal Star and Canadian Poultry mm milt International Ben Gala Week Attraction In Toronto All the Oriental snleiuhr the In dian Durbar which King George England journeyed to Delhi in In dia to part in will be to the doors of Toronto in and elaborate new of lienHur which inaugurates weeks engagement at the Princess Theatre on October Never before in the history of the or Canadian stage there teen so much wealth expended on- the an historical specta cle Flashing jewels dazzling armor robes superb draperies the marvelous nigs of the fur East two all tilings are toy rifles having a No calibre combined and displayed in the won- While one of the boys was trying to revival Klaw and the owners this most wonderful piece of theatrical given it a- production which in ferie and spectacular grandeur eclips es any production uptodato in the theatre of any other country magnitude ot scenic settings is of such a nature that there are only a few stages in America large enough to accommodate the equip ment Carpenters electricians and a Boy Shot Last Saturday boys went out shooting the bush west St breach- loading having with them two the costly rifles sometimes call- sand years remove a cartridge it went on and a of Mr Geo boys in the side Fortu nately it struck a and glanced nit as it might have killed him As it was it left a pretty sore wound but it is healing nicely and Charlie will soon be around These toy rifles look small but they are dangerous in the hands of boys ail the same Another lineman of- electrocuted Street was Tbd the Parilaincnlllulldliis estate of of Which cash In the iha cji feuses are hot to exceed the sum Alter providing for small legacies the reidue Mr Aubrey of ll Department of ami Mines in to bo paid to the Order of Free A named who up before the Police tor tlw ninth time April last fliies could not habits was sent to the Industrial at Hill toy an Inde terminate not to exceed two Now will he be good Talking about potatoes rotting this season in some quarters doesnt apply A tuber taken Iron the garden the agent and by him seat to Chief Despatcneral sta tion In weighs four pounds Harry a colored lad pleaded guilty in the Sessions last week on a charge of seducing Olive Scully a lycaf old girl King Township He was remanded for sentence A report Is current around the station the railway author ities are again alter conductors who fall to return a sufficient amount of lucre these days An of ficial reported by changing the train crews they in one case the re ceipts were in a week and the other more than on any prr vious Ttiey say conduct ors were dishonest but they think it looks bad Every day between the hours of and one hundred and forty girls have luncheon served to at- a NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE OUR ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES You Can Save Money liy Buying From Us Line J Taints Oils Glass Etc A ALLAN COMPANY NEWMARKET other workers are now in cost in the sunny Dp J Boyd Graduate in medicine- Toronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and num ber the College of Surgeons England Former clinical in Moorfields Eye Hospital and verslty College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Consultation My services may be had at hour of the day or night by calling at the office or phone Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties I See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE ft SONS Next to Smith Grocery Presbyterian P Last Monday evening the Rev Mr of the tario League an address on draining tor He made every clear by the use of ot a which in dicated the work ot each committee and had worked percentage There was a fine attandance in cluding the League Methodist Church and all were deeply interested The regular meeting will beheld next Monday evening at 8 oclock and a at tendance is requested SO Men Wanted at Once To get into 50 suits at each worth to at Hunters Overflow Personals Mrs David spent Saturday at Orchard Beach Mrs P Cane is spending the week In Mr Douglas Scott of Toronto home tor over Sunday Mr Edgar Willis spent the Week end with his parents in Mr Meek spent Sunday at Orchard with Mr I Lloyd Mr Willis of Toronto spent the week end parents In town Mies Lillian Belfry and Miss Mice Matter of Toronto spent over Sun day with their parents here Mr Geoffrey Adams of law school Toronto spent the week end with Mr Brock Currey here Mr and of Bernardino Cal brother of Mra J Willis aro visiting brothers and around this vicinity for two weeks Mrs p arrived home last week after spending some time with her sitdr Mrs and other rela tives in the West Miss Miss Arm strong of Toronto Miss of Sharon and Ml Frank Kershaw Sunday with Mr Penrose NEWMARKET Marble Works LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering elsewhere GEO LUESBY PHOTOGRAPHS I We equipped to produce Portraits that ere right end our long experience In faaok of every picture we make The child the parent the grandparent ill are of a good likeness and arttstlo fin ish when we do the work Come in at any time or If more make an appoint ment Photo Opposite Poet NewmarkeeJ Phone Toronto spent and Mrs Ezra From the West R Pollock who with his moth er returned from the West a Week ago after ha via gsijent the summer teaching In reports that the locality in he was situated homo of some form er Newmarket Mr George Williams and Mr Richard Brockon They cachlin pOBesBlon of acres of the pest land boasts of and In the course of a year when the CNR which at present under instruction Is completed then transportation facilities will be greatly increased much so the grain market which is now from them will then be but Mr Williams was the first man in his locality to complete breaking and get into crop his entire homestead Their crops this year could not have been better each haying from 60 to 100 acres of excellent wheat to acres of No bats and from to acres of flax which was a very good crop Mr Williams and Mr Brockon are not only but they each hold responsible positions In edu cational and political affairs Mr Breckon Is Postmaster and at St Boswells wide Mr Williams Is secretary treasurer of the St Bos- well school superintendent of the S8 and a very active support of the Conservative party Woman Burned to Death A accident occurred in Newmarket last Monday morning which cast a gloom over the town when it became known that Mrs had been burned to death in her new home on Timothy St The properly had only recently been purchased and the family hod only occupied the home a couple of weeks They moved here from Rochester about a year ago Mr being employed in the Office Special ty Factory and being also a brother- inlaw of Mr Schmidt the Superintendent Mr went home at noon as usual but found the door locked He was not surprised at this as Mrs was in the habit of keeping the doors locked while alone in y house her daughters being off school One day last week Mrs who was not feeling very well and much to do all settled felt tired and lying down overslept herself Last Monday fail ing response to his knocking- Mr thought she hail gone Mr Schmidts residence for some thing so ho went there expecting to And her As dinner was ready he was invited to remain because if it was not ready at home lie might be delayed returning to work After dinner he returned to his home and still there was no sound He deter mined to break in see it anything was wrong enter tog he wife dead on the Door of the kitchen and ev erything in the room wak covered with oily soot i It is surmised that while getting ready must have put oil on the fire to hurry w lieu an explosion followed as pact of the oil can was found on the stove and part on the Evidently her clothing caught on lire and she made way to the hall possibly to use the tel ephone where got rid of her clothing as it was nearly all burnt up and a hole burned in the floor un der them Then in her excitement she returned to the kitchen fell on Ufa floor and expired Coronet Scott made an investiga tion and decided that an inquest was unnecessary Only that the house was all shut up it might have been a prey to the flames also A private service was held on Wed nesday morning previous to taking the body to Rochester for interment possession of Princess Theatre stage getting ready for this produc tion and when the curtain does rise on the solemn and beautiful scene in the desert the Wise Men are waiting for the signal the Star of Bethlehem to point them the way to the Messiah spectator will view rooms of the Church House in con nection with St Andrews Church There- are lunch rooms set with tables that accommodate- four and it is interesting to se ships forming under ones eyes the girls gather there- Use lunch rooms there is a room the spectacular of provided with couches and easy chairs One day week while Mrs Smith of Ave was down town her premises were burglarised and some jewellery stolen Suspicion falls on a relative supposed to be wrong in fob bead Quite an unusual last Tuesday in the General Sessions Court Maude Welch charge with assaulting aunt nearly collapsed during the trial from men tal strain But she was Fall Goods Arriving Choice Patterns S Bargain Table Light Supplies Toronto Jobbing J- it stagecraft Scenic artists and eostuners engineers and electricians worked for one solid year in combin ation and under the direction of art ists and historians antiquarians and scholars to accomplish tho seeming ly impossible of form er memories produc tions With this new spectacle they have built for themselves a monument as enduring as the name of- Shakes peare in the glorious beauties of new setting for the greatest stc- i the world has ever known when the foreman of the jury rale the Christ the words not guilty This mighty production employing left thp prisoners dock and the services of more than two hun dred people including all orchestra of twentyfour under the direction formerly director of German Grand Opera at the Met ropolitan Opera House New York has been brought back to America and will be staged at the Princess Theatre Toronto Thanksgiving weo shook hands with all the jurymen The court smiled At Tuesday nights meeting Ward Five Conservatives placed on record as opposed- to open con ventions This action stands oppos ed to views of the Central As- The congregation of Cooks Church Oct to November 2nd Six ev- kst week decided to extend a call to John McNeill the noted evangelist of Liverpool England engagement go ou sale Thursday No less than Are city milk dealers morning October The- following charged before Judge Denton and three matinee perform ances are scheduled Seats for the THEY WANT GIN PILLS Ill ENGLAND To torn Their Rheumatism i New Westminster BC Nov 3rd I have suffered from Lumbago in the back also from Rheumatism in the whole of my body took GIN PILLS and they cured me My slater In England states she Is keeping her bed through Sciatica and Rheumatism also hear that many others In the same neighborhood are suffering from the same trouble I enclose one dollar and ask send to her address In Kent many as you can for the money and have asked my sister to try GIN PILLS and distribute them BRBNCHLBY If you cant get the genuine- GIN PILLS your neighborhood write and see that you are supplied promptly Every box Is sold with si positive guarantee of or money back you Jo scale of prices is announced For the matinees on Monday Thanksgiving Day Wednesday and Saturday the entire lower floor will be aft the entire balcony gallery not re served For the evening per formances first eighteen rows lower lloor 200 remainder ot lower floor and first three rows of balcony and remainder of balcony gal lery not reserved Manager of the Princess Theatre announces that special attention will be given to all mail orders with remittance and selfad dressed envelope for reply Shit at the Fair Sophie a travelling showman who helped to gather in a of stray nickels from the crowd at the Fair shot a lad with a re volver About seven oclock Hubert Hurry Brown and Oscar Kerr three hoys were to k act as Ush ers for the concert left the building and were passing the Midway when tents were being pulled down when apparently under the influence of liquor fired a revolver and shot Oscar Kerr through the of the leg None of the three boys had in terfered with man or given him any cause for shooting Shortly afterward Constable Drap er arrested tho man and placed him in the lockup He had in his pocket but he was allowed to keep this only his 32callbre revolver be ing taken Sometime during the ev ening friends of the pulled the staple on the lockup door and set him free Manager of Toronto Street Railway Mr J Fleming the conviction that there to be some place at the City for the storage of lost laM articles A good many people who have forgotten parcels- of one kind and another the street cars are of Mr Flemings notion The Star says Tbcre is such a place It Is called the Council Chamber Sample Guess Geary has a different yon write National and Chemical notion but people dont all think with using milk bottles not their own He fined then each and told them to let other peoples bot tles alone in future The first of a series popular concerts to be given every Saturday night In the Method- Church took place last Saturday night was well attended Miss Jessie Alexander was the elocution ist and Miss Hurst contral to l News has just been received from the wilds of James up north that young medical student this city named Herbert parents live at met his death accidentally by drowning In a river near Lake Evans on 1st of August There was a miljtory parade and Church Service on Sunday commem orative ot anniversary of the death of Sir Isaac Brock and Major McDonald his at Queens ton Heights one hundred years ago in of this country Crowds went from the city of on Saturday by train where a big took place betting or wagering on horseracing were censured by the Sessions Grand Jury In their last week when they re commended legislation to prohibit racetrack gambling flans been prepared improvement of the city waterfront and at an estimated cost ot no less Victoria College last week cele brated the anniversary of the granting of its Royal Charter A Russian up In St Patricks Square robbed another Russian of one night last week The thief was arrested a few hours later and had most the amount on his per son This looks like a case of a for eigner robbing a companion Thanksgiving Day Sham Battle is to be fought near Milton An autocar containing five men who had been In the country collided with a limousine belonging to Sir Donald Mann In which two -ladies- of Sir Donalds family were on their wayto the Arena No person was seriously hurt but both vehicles were much damaged The driver the arrested on a choree drunkenness Sold By DUNCAN Jr The Gents Outfitter W 1 so Headquarters for HighClass Gents Furnishings Boots A Shoes fc 9 An Empress Empress is the name given to shoes that are designed to assist people in walking as they were bornlto walk A study f WRIGHT Offlw and very of box SamBleftekU Mayor Goaty has a iauta os he ConervUve party U yon and but dont all think TO Mm MtfW Co of Cand alike on NEWMABKETS EXCLUSIVE SHOE DEALER ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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