Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Oct 1912, p. 4

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Sr SE ERA FRIDAY IMA- OFWOMAN J From to Yean tf Age How May Bo a wj in Safety J J i Ba- For a jwrVur log the Chan go of Life I was all down I too weak lo walk ami very despondrn thought going to die taking Vegrta Compound and Blood Purifier ray and returned I am very to you and praise your medicine I have several women who suf fered as did to try your remedies may publish this if yon wish Mrs R Morris South Wellington Island No other medicine for woman Ills has received such widespread fled endorsement We other has such a record of sue- as has Pink ham Wo Compound For more ha been the standard remedy wot mans ills such as inflammation ulcera tion tumor irregularities periodic pains and nervous prostration believe it is unequalled for women the of change of life If you have the slightest that Lydia Compound will luslpyou write confidential Your letter will opened read and answered by a woman and held In confluence a rand Jury Presentment tie pjxtmeniVjttbe Gratia at recent General Sessions Of this ABOUT YOUR TEETH Co a on I of re than usual Interest they got after the racetrack An and pinched conductor disponed to play lto hands the giving publicity to racing Informa tion Sometimes Grand have the convictions and the tenor of the mane last work seems with certainty that the composing the Grand Jury at may be reckon- as to that class Here Is whet they to say We that the law lc amended so as to prohibit alt except bets on oft a race track that law so js to newspapers and other llcations from publishing any informa tion ean or may be to amt in betting Or horse races A rriH mm nation to wile eition a Criminal is that the law he A CO enable to deal J anything or establishment Pouiiuling tic the- Provincial The Pandora Range Is it is just as Me Clary agent should know perfections before you buy ranga every J Vi sn His would be authorities the Sludge In on the said t New School Regulations the 1 out ivlliff pee teeth remove fit tended by pain DrLXSTHOMSON SUCCESSOR TO NEW YORK DENTISTS I 1 I ill OVERLAND Moll Dr Minister- ot or Ontario issued an official ttotice to the teachers and boards trustees the French eft the Province In structing them in- the nature of their with regard to regulations He them that may ensue from refusing or to their whole duty in regard thereto The Hon Ministers cir cular sets forth that any school that the regulations would to a part of the Provincial system and that its supporters while mifeht voluntarily con tribute towards it would also be classed as public school supporters and have to contribute towards their maintenance circular further states that teachers disobeyed the regulations would their cer tificatescancelled 1 while walking out horn schools of pupils would likewise Sold by J A ALLAN CO w John aged years guilty at the Assizes last week ot the murder wife aged years with an llia attempting to crime by selling fire to home The fol lowing Is he of but with a of mercy Spots Dark Circles Under the Eyes AM stops at the alid are and meat limn and foul mate BOTES PILLS remedy will you feel now Vrrnhim After three boxes of your and trou bled I strong and well aiid to do my own work Mrs at all and cent i nun by PiU not yet piiettcd indicate the will be or the despatch of on the nth of nest month or no Tt Hamilton Herald re- mark soon Premier den will hate to appoint will a but be will inoro and make a lot of political Vol sup pose he would bo In favor of the Of has that notion Here is a nut for the Ontario Gov ernment and supporters of the exist- log assessment law of this Province to crack We quote from ithe Satur day Night of day nan last sold unimproved- bit of North Toronto real estate for the sujQvof The assessment on the property upon which the owner- would pay in taxes the sum of less SJaO per Still Sir James Whitney along with some other people cannot for the life of them see why there is a very gen eral demand for the application for a land tax might be mentioned in that this property was once upon a time assessed at but upon the appeal ot the owner It was cut down The cir cumstance of this North Toronto property had its repetition in New market years and years vacant on the- West and North sides of the town inside of the corporation was at a nominal rate but a building in town was -improv- up went the taxes The same be construed as an infraction of the thing occurred when residents other- law and would destroy the standing of the institution where occurred Attempt to Assassinate Ex President Roosevelt Wis- kit and here as he was leaving his hotel auditorium where he was to deliver his the I Us who latt er gave gave name as John his ad dress as East Tenth street York fife- second time A Iter Martin with the party and Henry player at Wisconsin grabbed Lionel beside the automobile which he had been to enter when shot He insisted on the hall and going brought with at least a Part of Ws speech An examination of the wound by Dr of Milwaukee and three other surgeons sliowtl that the let entered the fleshy part of tlie right client wound freely for some time but Colonel so no A brow dated say Exports from Ik- IkIkI Canada a day yearn ago averaged a half dollars a day and a dozen ago averaged a quarter of a day J Who- has aid the duty on a goodly thrse exports from the Slates into tins Country gardens the ReSldentnl NEW KET BOULEVARDS PARKS The New and located between East of Prospect Avenue Only Minutes Walk the Factories Visit the Gardens on Saturday Afternoon And have pur easy payment plan no do taxes or call at Office Hotel Building Main street evenings FRANK J SULLIVAN NEWMARKET was I I W MODELS NOW ON VIEW Better ever 30 passenger P Passenger 5150 All fully equipped and guaran teed Delivered Toronto ALSO and Motor Trucks SHAWOVERLAND SALES CO to 59 Adelaide St West as a unit of the Ontario educational system From the action taken by the Ottawa Separate School Board of Trustees either the English- French trustees must now take backwater or the Education De partment of the Government the white leather We apprehend jihe trustees have not fully under stood the purport oi the regulations ROTES i- i 4 THOMAS ONT for Ideal ClUteHom In which to for your work Music Painting High School College and Science Large Impirinj moderate I an training Handsome pro- I The World slates that Dr Horace of Oxbridge will be appoint ed Registrar of Ontario County In succession to McGillivray who has oeen appointed County Judge Sir Premier of tlie Province of Quebec was in I Profitable Poultry Actual yield for four months from layers Dec Jan Feb Mar a record for winter lay ing through a severe season which surpass Buy yollr or hatching a strain of Rhode Island Reds which without a peer as table fowl and wonderful egg producers Fifteen eggs for Aubrey Davis Newmarket Get Sent Down for THREE MONTHS LABOR WELL BAIL YOU OUT Toronto last week after a months tour In the Great West and expressed pretty emphatically respecting the political situation in Canada just He said I am convinced that ir Wilfrid will return to power triumphant at the next gener al election perhaps the coming year and I ftel sure that it will be for this countrys good The Vancouver Province asks the following question Why go to Can ada and then supplies the follow ing suggestive reason in reply the fourteen young women who arrived in Montreal on on ocean lin er recently and were all married in side of two hours after landing beautified their holdings with more modern conveniences Yes it is time for a change The Globe presses home Govern ment responsibility and Provincial respecting the erection of new proposed railway station in Toronto with much force in the fol lowing paragraph Toronto- is rep resented in Dominion House by five members Two of ore in the Cablet one is a director Canadian Pacific Railway and the two like the first are supporters of Mr llorden The Min ister of Finance the Hon White is in reality a resident Toronto where all his business in terests lie In the Local Legislature Toronto has eight members two of whom are in Sir James Whitneys Cabinet and Sir James himself is a resident of the city Does any citi zen ot Toronto think tbat the six members of the Dominion House and nine members of the Local Leg islature referred to above km My interested in the welfare of Toronto they could not induce the Canadian and the Grand Trunk Railways to at once carry out the orders of the Dominion Railway Hoard by the election of new Union Station and the viaduct that ought to have been erected in Toron to at least seven years lie was suffering no pain and far as could be learned there internal hemorrhage To Hunters doing in Sleeping Cats TRAIN ARRANGEMENTS BY CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO Special Concessions to Sportsmen Hunters who will visit the of Ottario this fall in search of moose and deer will be amply repaid for the according to the reports of settlers and others who have recently been over the ground The unfavorable the past summer has apparently had no reflect on the northern big game and moose particular are said tobe on increase in fact two prospect ors who arrived in Toronto recently stated that they saw ten head on the River alone The easy access to the best- moose and country along the lines of the Canadian Northern Ontario- Rail way will also appeal to tbe hunter and will no doubt be the means of inducing a largo number to go up who have not gone before The district in the vicinity of Ruel where launch connections are made for the River Meteor and Shining Tree Lakes the- best moose territory is and con veniently reached by the Canadian Northern Ontario Railways superb service and hunters are assured of a maximum of travelling comfort A hunters special train will leave Toronto Union Station at pm on October 30th for the north It will carry sleeping cars There is no that many hunters will take vantage of this and reserve their berths in advance A great many have already done so Another service arrangement that will be of Interest to consists in the holding back the departure of the oclock train at Toronto Union Station for an hour This will be in effect on October to November 1st Inclusive This should work out to the advantage of who are changing cars at Toronto The NY Star ieniarks- light is thrown on of the contingent by the statement that the Veiled States spepds more money lor chewing than for Foreign Missions have not statistics to hut inclined to the conviction that Dominion is fast following wake of our cousins regard to this some chewing Here is an account of the kind romance they have la White City of Judge Mar I in of Municipal Court of Chicago married a last week whose license was obtained years ago Christopher a license to marry Miss Emma RrantU- Aug hod a quarrel he told the judge and didnt see each other for about years Recently we patch ed up the trouble THERE CAN BE NO SYRUP SO PURE AND WHOLESOME AS JUST TRY A TIN FROM fedrioy if not Every tin absolutely guaranteed by Sugars Montreal FOR SALE NOW BY FRED C0DY NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET the expenditure of any more mow to facts set That is the question tut will have rest in regard to be threshed out at the November meeting of the The farm ers in some parts of the County are objecting spending any mote money saying that much of the money al ready appropriated has been wasted A Canadian Press despatch from Montreal this week states that it is estimated in circles that the prospective brides who have tp Canada this eat up in amis The latest complement ar rive was brought by the Lake Mani toba which doefced at Montreal on Sunday last and numbered no less than forty Most of the girls were on their way to NorthYest A few however were met by intended husbands who are settled Ontario The in Man on Saturday last in the re turn of the Government candidate by a majority of over closing a campaign in eight Conservative metoLers of the House of Commons but 1 may say tbat I believe that any questions which may be asked in Parliament will be answered to the entire satisfaction public The reader will no doubt notice that Mr neither nor con firms the charges made and by so doing leaves the matter open tothe suspicion that there is some truth in assertions made Yes the facts will be nade public when Parliament meets no thanks to the Commis sioner whor when replying to the Star might have said or In reply to the criticisms of pub lic speakers and the press respecting changes etc on the Nation al Transcontinental Railway Com missioner Leonard in reply to a question by the Toronto Star says 1 do not think it is my duty to tice reckless statements and ejarges made for political by persons who cannot in toe nature things know what are talking about six Conservative members of the Manitoba Legislature have been speak ing and for the last two weeks The meant much for the political future of lion Mr Rogers hence the unprecedented ef forts in Manitoba to secure a Gov ernment victory Commencing on Monday last forty thousand people living in- Cleveland and Ohio commenced a three abstinence from eating eggs The pledge not to eat- hen- fruit Is tbe outcome of action by the Thirty Cent Egg Club The j Is undertaken to beat the egg- j dealers who have been buying for cold storage and trying to create a monopoly- This some Club beat the dealers on a previous occasion there is said to be a surplus of eggs cold storage at Cleveland at the time EDUCATION THAT PAYS is just the kind you get- the very best conditions one- of Shaws Schools Toronto toe Central Business College The Central Telegraph School and Four City Branch Business Schools Our new explains Ithe practical courses given Write or a copy Shaw President Sts City tut There arc persistent rumors Sir Wilfrid said in his recent tour of Ontario during past few days that the British preference is to be tampered with do not charge any tiling against the Government of these serious minors which credit them with planning to acton a mandate of those who perhaps did more than others to put them in of fice and who are against the prefer ence But want to warn the Gov ernment if such be the case they will have a jolly fight before they put their project through Sir Wil frid has given Sir Borden to under stand what may be expected in case of- certain eventualities Time Card J GOING NORTH ve p Toronto ajr 1015 I Wj Hon Duncan Marshall Minister of Agriculture for Alberto has been in Ontario during last week and drop ped in upon Sir Wilfrids meeting where his old time eloquence once more enthused his hearers Mr Marshall not only expressed pleasure at the enthusiastic recep tions given Sir in his Onta rio tout but he took occasion- to once more give the lie the foolish secession talk indulged in seine Westerners Its all utter nonsense there Is no secession sentiment in Western Canada absolutely none he said But Mr Marshall Very clear ly stated the wider markets was acute in the Pro vinces W 1 FOR FLETCHERS v a- Had Bad Sore Four Years HAS IT Mrs Wilson Avenue Toronto says About four years ago sore spot appeared on side of my face This spot until It became about half an inch in diamoter and very painful 1 went to a doctor but the ointment he gave me did not hare any good effect The sore continued to dis charge very freely and was most pain ful I had it cauterized tried and all Kinds of salves but it was no good and I continued to suf fer from for four years sample of was one day given tome find I used it the quantity was small It seemed to do me some good so J purchased a further supply ICach box did me more and more good and to my delight before had been vising weeks saw It was going to heal my sore- In less than a mouth it was iiealed 1 know a lady in the east the city whose husband lor years with an open sore on Ms leg On my roommendation was tried in that case The other day when 1 saw her she told me that it had tlie sore completely My daughter who lives in has also used with tbe same satisfactory result I think it is beyond all doubt the healing balm known Such is the opinion of all persons who have really tried It is a sure cure for eczema- piles ab scesses ulcers scalp sores ringworm cuts burns scalds bruises and all skin Injuries and diseases box all druggists arid stores or post free from ZamBuk Co Toronto for price In case of skin disease use also Soap tablet Marie Oct 14 After his wife accidentally in the bush this afternoon while hunting partridge Thomas Let man a farm er years of age residing near the Iron Bridge suicide and the bodies of both were found in the woods by those who became alarmed by their absence made search The Weston Times of last week from the that come to us from time to time that appropriated tor the Good Roads movement in County of York has been almost ex pended and orders have been issued by the Commission to abandon the further work for the fall A deal of rood Improvement outlined last year is praotically untouched and the appropriation practically exhaust ed Will the County Council I joj j to aauwxht Cloth 4J4 ftxf1mpo4ib tot Car J StO a J Booklet fcivbtjmuh of Miotic CO STENTS CowRKiHTa Ac aadta akafefe ruia ana ox kfcr tt a toe- GET THE BEST I 1 is well known as right place for superior business and shorthand education Positions and were recently filled by us Write for catalogue Dr de Vans Female Wlto A Frock Wit pllU In tl Dr St box or three lor Mailed ny Oat Low Rates for Hunter s via Grand Trunk Ry PARKS Single fare for the round trip from all stations in Ontario except north of west of Pembroke also from Detroit and Huron Mich Buf falo Black Rock and GOING to November inclusive to all poinds on Tmiskaming and Northern Onta- Temagami etc and to certain points in provinces of Quebec Nova Scotia and New Brunswick al so State of Maine October to November 9th in clusive to Lakes of Bays Georgian Bay or French Rivers Kawartha Lakes ana points on Grand Trunk Railway Se vern to North Bay inclusive waska to Parry Sound Lindsay to Argyle to Midland ami Lakeneldi LIMIT All tickets for return until Thursday December except to points reached by the steamer lines Tuesday November Write to A District Pas senger Agent Union Station Toron to Ontario for tree illustrated book let entitled Haunts of Fish awl Game containing Game Laws Maps Rates etc- i ERHARD I Its Supremacy in tbo Realm of aoknowledKed the Illustrious and Tone Critics of the The Best is the heapest By buying direot from the Manufacturer the purchaser will find that the Gerhard Piano is not a Price Prohibitive Instrument even to those of Limited Means Used Pianos taken in exchange constantly on hand at Bargains Write for Prices etc r I Limited CITY HALL SQUABB TORONTO aaai A ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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