Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Oct 1912, p. 3

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a Weeks St Johns Grand Musical Vesper next ii I changed the the largo strew streets hflho pari the town evidence that Jack Frost already this Section According to most of the Irvos will end of the Christian Church The Pastor of 11k Christian Church will the Christian Church at jflrayton Sunday and is objected that Prni Dales l preach here L3 AriothccRcal lisiatc Sate i Jones Calgary All has bought the residence and market Mr Mosrs Toole south if Pickering College and will month lie paid a price Correspondents Wanted scarcely anything which more interest Ho a than from the desire at every point not ah wily represent- In lor Work the will be sent to corespondents olo envelopes And pa- All will he as strictly eonileut Contracts Tenders tor carrying Majestys Mails in North York are asked tor the routes for a out From Keswick en anil Kinsto and Strange to Davis and Temperance This means a to it carried out The ru ral delixery Imiugurotcd by the Liberal oarti Town Taxes the relate pi ivr cent tor taxes paid to the More the 20U this month is having a beneficial effect on tin corporation bank ac count Already about have been paid which is four as much as at this tint the year and it that nearly half the taxes will be paid by Sat urday Have you paid yours Death of Mr Srigley On Thursday noon last week Mr Robert took his lad spells io which he had jected for years and passed at oclock Deceased fed been a resident for over years coining here front the on the of King being a son of the One brother survives Mr Enoch of West Toronto who is two years the He expected to celebrate his golden wedding on He leaves a son and three daughters Mr- of thelutyic School at Windsor Mrs Vni Lloyd Mrs Manning Huron St and Mrs Rev John Gardner at home The funeral service took place at the residence Tecuuisch St last Saturday afternoon conducted by Rev it J I Simpson the house le- filled with relatives and friends those attendance from a distance were Mr Sfigley Clinton Mr and Mrs Lloyd- Lloydtown Messrs Joel ami John Mrs Geo and Mr Len Davison Toronto Mrs A Mr Win and Mrs J West To- ronto Mrs Win Richmond Hill Interment at Newmarket Cemetery Co and be lHVla Co no working until pm dally Wafcitdays tell the School ftym last Ft May his ankle Pay a week Mm- rfay Mr I Toilet a bouse in Aurora Week Mr Whitchurch e Public Schools Mrs Aubrey and or are arrangements to Miss Johnston of Toronto a talk Kiihkrsartjen oh tlo evening of Friday Work is being tan up by School all over the province and this to ftiVU the PW E St Mr Fred will- have an extensive InVtettant le and fie 3rd el mile east QuMsUie tenns oclock tunc for a A Kestcr John a sate sJtock and in the ind Kast lnut a nio north- Isnal torrto Sato at one FUlbAY ISilr careen- will aMaW aud impleimU on lot iO la the ih atone sharp KSUV FRIDAY A new Beach be le replay which wai last eats a chance to with the style of proddure is a great benefit to child where they are too young to any headway nt studying It is pArtnts and people will at tend this AH are cordially invited Mace meeting will be later Misleading Report Last weef published an from the Toronto Telegram the obtaining trie Power in but some of the statements are not home out by facts In the first place It says plant is out date and insufficient We have the authority an engin eering expert to state that the and Water Works plant is excellent system in every respect and much better than the average town of j population in the Dominion of la The boilers are duplicated the Oct form etc W the halt ltd Union Street the Davis Sale without reservvv Sale tine Oclock sharp Terms months RcsihmaniuctionerJ M SiMr will naveari important of stock uui oil lot Con at Virginia terms Sate at 1230 Keiltt FRIDAY Oct WMr Martin Bailey Cedar 111 dispose his farm tock at oclock J Kester Oct Philip Snooks will hold an tensive farm sale highclass cattle and at- o clock Tvvelve months credit on all sums over Kester Kavau- Auctioneers Oct Murray lot Con Soon will dispose his highgrade cat tig etc at J Kester Auctioneer May In it to Chan blown down men amiiw Mir Isaac visited the old cilv today he would fall Too old which has Into ewr- Where the la great lofty nhtl a abattoir a high gale a plat glass mi tiki new tVP at King to aliens by fire last ftvealng lor rtiemeh the lumber and of b it that the Co and at toot pi tabea oayabte by been wiped out The weeks musical festival in the Arena closed on evening with an audience of The was a to the entire series Mr lolin for years tor the Board of tloft died on Sunday 7 widths Floor Oil Cloths In all widths and MatUngs Iluga l nil and qualities Shades Curtain Curtains all Sateens Damasks and Abater Strawberries- Mat glass Jars Jar Sauce too Hoy Snap bars Tomato Meat Cold shW suit ou Quality Counter Tips better at any No off- allows enter store Quality to we for your W Price For Quality long after On Prion Is Hear In the Shoa are never on the altar sty Fair Jus Hoe etc in ode payable city Clerk on see to feature is wt to sell A STANDARD making I si Peel rf- he was connected with the Womens Oddfellows and Orange Unions of York in I i The Fair last week was sik- very department well chines the llieatetl and thedyramosarc as ever A meeting wa lieM in Trinity Hall last Monday to explain to hern the laws Rev Young recto of St Pauls five years and old Toronto boy has been of Si express the lSttfhh plat form which is the opinion Convention the most advanced Policy yet- That protest entered das succdiig against the almost universal custom plicated Vhat better plant vould be required It Is true that at the time the re porter was one of the dynamos was out of repair but that was only temporary must be admitted however that the dynamos are a load at certain Mines The great advantage of the Hydro- Power is the continuous service Marge as ever on such an occasion The heavy rain about oclock when people getting away made it very disagreeable- A great many visitors came on the train VIVIAN fi Just taking the place of the old correspondent He is on his regard to the statement that lms will be on the a user of electric rower pays lor half a horse power for a- year we j Mack has a steady job since been informed that while I lowing the digger Keep an the motor used only halt a horse now- lo business George the current used by meter would like know is Who and is looV my boys that would 11 the Miss O Hutchinson visited the HydnvKlectric Power was used so Misses field at Pine Orchard that is only paying year per horse power ot which is lower than the price quoted Hutchinson Victor now at Holland Lost Sundav was local preachers day in the MethodisV oj the city Fortythree local occupied thirtyetght pulpite and breached fortytwo sermons Local nxrtiehersare appointed by instead Quarterly as formerly James was found dead in on street last Sunday Although years ofage his death attributed to decency by the Hydro representative Missionary Institute Those who planned tho Interdenom inational Missionary Institute for Newmarket must feel gratified at the result In several churches on Sunday were well received and gave splendid services The attend ance at the Mans Meeting in the Christian Church on Sunday after noon was not as large as was ex pected but splendid addresses were given by Priest and Mr Senior of Torosto Thomas taking charge of the ser vice assisted by It J Simpson and J Webb About delegates attended the sessions on besides a large number townspeople and nearly partook ot supper provided by the Ladies Aid hi tho Gym The Study Classes five In number all the game time Were well attended and very interesting About or in were in the Mens Discussion Group and were delighted with Mr blackboard There was fair at the Mpnday evening meeting when tfce singing was led by a union choir and Miss contributed a solo Roy Thomas presided assist ed by Hall and Simpson Mr showed by simple chart lack of interest in mission in tt average church membership and the great for the work Dr spoke on Chinas Awakening in Military So cial Moral Industrial and Constitutional lines and the great need of christianizing at this opportune The Institute was continued Tues day afternoon and evening along sim ilar lines according to program and a good- deal of missionary zeal was aroused among the young people The Study Classes were well attended hut the evening addresses by Dr Sykea and Mr Senior were worthy of a much larger audience Mr Walter Stephens con tributed a The cordial vote to thanks was Lane of Bond Head to the singers the Trust- the chutch and to those who teiiied ftoir Womens Institute The Newmarket Branch ot he Wo- mens Institute met at the Cowieson on Saturday Oct president in the chair v Miss Lulu gave most ex cellent paper on the twentieth Cen tury Girl which was much appreci ated by all those prtsent The study the Beel Chart was commenced led by Doane and continued tor the month of November Miss Aylward of provid ed the musiefor llio Owing to the distance there were not as many present as was expected but everyone spent a most enjoyable afternoon The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs It Armstrong In Whitchurch The Science Class In con nection with the Womens- Institute met in owe of the rooms of the De partment of Agriculture on Tuesday p The on Plain Sowing and the Demonstra tion by Miss of tho Singer Sewing Machine Co were instructive as well a useful The next meeting will be on lues- day Oct and owing to the class following this Miss Hughes the teacher it necessary to com mence at p instead ot Anyone wishing information in re- gard to any kind of needlework will Miss Hughes at The next lesson Will bo on the Cutting and Fitting of Garments and Plain Sewing Farm- Vivian on Sunday No Reason for Doubt Statement Facts Hacked By Strong Guarantee Repairing l i Have your I Clock and Jewelry re- paired here and you i will get satisfaction work warranted Wo guarantee complete relict to all sufferers from constipation In every ease where we fail we will supply the medicine free Orderlies arc a gentle lependable and sate bowel regulator and tonic They reestablish natures functions In a quiet easy way They do not cause any Inconvenience griping or nausea Their are so pleasant to take and they work so easily that they may bo tak en by anyone at any times- They thoroughly tone up the whole system to healthy activity Orderlies are unsurpassable and ideal tor the use of old folks perscais We can not too highly recommend them to all sufferers from any form of con stipation and Its attendant evils Two sijes lOe and Remember you nan obtain Remedies in this Community only at our stores The Store J Y Newmarket Lord is in tbe city and is the guest York Club- He is visiting Canada or a rest and w witness the improvements and chants have taken plaee smco s vBStfMr vears ago Dominion Bank 5 rotes series are in circulation in the city The work is so done that it is difficult to detect the counterfeit Quite recenUy a coun terfeit bill ot the same bank was discovered ann seated The annual meeting of the Super annuation Fund Hoard of the Meth odist Church Carman pressing Accord ing to presentcxl by the Treasurers the funds reach over the haltmillion mark arid the re ceipts greatly exceed the expendi ture pi Liquors and Cigarettes in the Canadian Secular Press All honor who refuse such ads and that a copy of this protest be sent to Canadian That a protest he entered against J tho in minute detail murders indecent assaults etc which is hot In the this in the interests fttj and ft W C LUNDY THE LADIES STORE FURS FURS FURS At Manufacturers Prices Sam- pies all Huffs Storm Collars for Saturday Pieces Firs lor early fur First Choice f Cotivention Hamilton Next week October will see Hamilton Onto greatest cofivontloh ever held in Canada outside or the International Con vention twice held In- Toronto Provision is tor seven Conventions of two five and a half hours each devoted to the consideration special fea tures of Sunday Work Each denomination also has a special session of three and onehalf hours for the special consideration its own work and there seven gen oral sessions besides will probably he the last gathering of this magnitude till Golden Jubilee in 1915 Conventions of and 1911 may I be twin meetings held east and BANK OF MONTREAL lined at the Police last week case ol default he goes down for thirty days His services will likely at the Station alter this episode Shareholders of the Farmers Hank were last week that they their CAPITAL ALL PAID UP t UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS HI k Tit 16000000 4 ft I fit I at all important centres in Canada and in London New York Chicago SpoWane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodated as heretofore BRANCH a ROSS I uptddate The reports of the Secretaries and Superintendents Wf for the year which closes with the Chickens per lb Hamilton Convention are record- Geese per- lb makers and the Treasurers re- Ducks per lb port promises a Jubilee Copies Turkeys per lb the completed program- are is- will be under the bank act 5 to lhe flt to pay the double liability on shares ft 037 ia is 0 ft 0 J 1 CO Jewelers and P Asia Issuer of Marriage Licenses J LANDS AND TOWNSITES For Sale Lands and lots in the following lo calities Western towns and cities and lands this the locations of gloat P ir rigation dam over a mile long CALGARY ALTAtSUBDIVISION now on sale P oar shop city Bridge- land and others f CORONATION ALTATOWNSITE properties KERROBERT SASKTOWNaiTE properties SWIFT CURRENT SASK-TOWN- properties sask3townsite AND SELECTED P lands In Provinces Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta a FULL INFORMATION APPLY to The National Sanitarium Associa tion have caller for competitive de signs for tho erection of a building on Street near the Medical- School and University The premises when completed will identified with the King Me morial Fund for Consumptives The rate case was up before Mr Justice last week After arguuient the Judge said was too Important to give judgment He would time consider it at one time a champion athlete Toronto Police Force was arrested as the daring holdup of Edward Field and some days ago lllie Kew Reach and along the lake front an un pleasant last week when that was flooded with sewage as the result a break- down in the at the foot of Woodbine Ave No less than five floors of the new P R building at the of King and are already rent ed Rumour has It that the and P R are going to place the new Station on the old Govern ment property on Front Street The rumor is causing quite a flutter real estate for three or four blocks aroUDdspeclaUy on King Street Guy W Thomas was placed on trial before Judge last week on a charge of false pretences He stayed at the Prince Hotel last August and although his account at the Merchants Rank at Montreal was overdrawn he tendered a check In payment of his bill but wired Bank Manager to meet payment It was dishonored and Thomas put un der arrest but the Judge thought Thomas actually believed the Bank would honor the check and discharg ed the prisoner Gi Telegraph Co was committed for trial by the Police Magistrate last week on a charge ot committing a breech of the Betting Ao This case is the outcome a several telegrams In the office of the Metropolitan Racing As sociation which bore tho names- of- horses and the odds at the Windsor and New tracks to be used for It wilt prove a test case North Toronto Newmarket Live Stock Market Oct Fall Wheat per bush 0 Barley per hush 0 Oats per bush 0 Bran per ton Shorts per ton per ton new 13 00 per dor 17 0 0 30 0 0 a Only Double Track Railway in live hogs Top price quoted at count ry points Butter per lb Potatoes per bag per lb Ducks lb Turkeys per It Greenhouses Gotham i Toronto Markets Oct Fall Wheat per bush 0 95 Oats bush Parley per bush so Rye per bush Peas per Ct Hay per ton 14 Butter per lb Our Flowers are always We grow them Funeral Designs of every de scription made on shortest no tice Our Bridal Bouquets are the very best- Satisfaction Guar anteed Out of town order Thousands of Cabbage Cauliflower Plants for IT maw Between Toronto Montreal- and Toronto and other principal cities in Also Double TracS and Solid Trains between Montreal- and Chicago also between Ontario points New York and Philadelphia via Falls SMOOTH ROADBED FINEST EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC LIGHTED SLEEPERS I i Full particulars berth reservations etc from Grand Trunk Agents or write A Union Station Toronto J Depot Phono I Phone J R Agent I i Mens Overcoats at Cost Price Ladies Furs at Cost Price Ladies EnglishMade Suits at Cost We do this in order to reduce too heavy a stock a LAND DEPARTMENT to tt City Council WTr Pi AReHlVES OF TORONTO

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