i5ffi mi rf ft V 3S yam A I 2 location Apply to Mrs Furnished House To Rent Corner sk1 Apply on promises MRS i New DressMaker has PressMaking Parlor over Goods Store Invited to call- orstl are 40 Caret Thanks Mr and family wish to thank those so kindly with in their recent bereavement For8ale Pottles able- Apply to J of Kami ViMfc street House for Sale On Niagara street Newnwrls rooms Rogers S- E i SSL ft G LUNDY gool farms vicinity of Queen ville These Choice and in high state of Cultivation nice Cottages rooms and rooms and respectively good residences in nice localities and at reasonable prices Market Garden propositions at prices erupting enough- Also several personally selected sec tions of land in Alberto Apply to K Real Estate Broker Also Agent for Lands and Town Sites Main St New For Sale Good Vacant Lots 150 ft on of Newmarket cheap Apply to 39 M HUGHES Heal Estate Agent For Private Sale Piano Case Organ nearly new i Parlor Cook Coal Stove Cook Stove coal or wood 1 Bedroom Suite Call in the evening ED BAKER Timothy St WANTED One Ton of Cream Daily VOl Highest Market Price Paid THE MAPLE CREAMERY Butter and Ice Mfg Elizabeth St Toronto Charles now la Now York is expected to in this city on Monday and remain re for live or three days before proceed- tlo Coast he explosion of a ben- en Tuesday at iho National Co vtroot roenWei badly burned many friends of Sampson Ren- nle tfitougtiou both County City will to hear that ill The 6 the Province of Ontario up a Car with rooic vefie- grains grasses era Ontario car la now trav elling provhiCc Toronto now has cars In service twelve months ago and are asked for lr J was found in thb ycesiooo On Satttt day but deferred until alter the fth who is is said will in connection with the Now that Mayor Geary that he will resign Monday there is movement to give the interim May- furtho of the year to one of the A possibly Aid but a ftOod to real ell will be between ContiolltMs aud again armed highway man Entered twee shops one on another on and jl third on Road and o a got away with about and wholesajeja have fixed the price of canned tomatoes and coin lor this season The quotations are per dozen ox tomatoes cte per dozen and tor com per dpen or ft tower than last year Ten height cars came to on piotaAg on the at avenue A broken rail caused the mishap has Issued a writ against I aim Scott and Barnes Scott 5000 damages for the death of his little daughter who was killed by the defendants bile Burglars than Mrs VniVXY la Sir Meredith bo successor the late Sh Chgrlw of On to of tb Ju- Allan Howard likewise flV ctrty the create spell last Mondky but- Is Court offered jj for to Sir Monday on a business trip la recoSiiUcd s one pi leader Mr w too the Bar was a few days the member for not a bad Sloniival Indicate Ramsey and Miss Rem soy of naval Borden Toronto spent the end will shape a nation contribution Airs Mason Miss guoatut Miss over Yukon arrived In tow A on id this It is state by on the Prtnio anuiamcrniiiit his ftdvernmehts policy Monk Will resign his portfolio as Ministci Inland and retire rtie Cabinet In Of this- rumor ttfe stated in circles that Mx a to the old home Mr J Sunt ol Mew- market liruuli ol Agrieulturot had an at iliiS Mr Montgomery at- tor vvlH be appoint- ton Pa la his hioiUer to succeed 11 or the Ceuct Bench and that Mrs K returned f will con- from Mitchell where was tha neat and enter the Cabinet her daughter Mrs as Mr successor Mr Howard Cane was outcome the over Monday on his way to the Ists Wlthdravvrng the ftordeft provinces on a trip camp indications are becoming Alex ot West more and more apparent ere Y- writes You are twelve the Federal certainly giving- a splendid newsy will make paper- to the people the County Mr Ivy and 1 Col Allan and Harry r spent Monday at A Hot engagement Scuog and were wry success- i-4r- in securing several wild ducks Montenegro Oct landlord to Newmarket The surrender of to the this he having secured a forces was preceded by the in one of the factories severest fighting Seven thousand Miss Mabel Montgomery after Turks and Albanians made their spending six weeks with her cousin cape but troops fourteen puns jMiss lirodie left for her home Seen New and Wc Have Assembled IF YOU j COME It you yet ae missing See It This Rest Collection New Kail ReadyTo Wear foods wo have shown and the and lie In The Variety New Styles Fabrics Shade and Is Wonderful and permits of the In order to give the of tills the opportunity to full seasons of the New Styles we at PUltKS that make it an advantage for every woman to Supply Iter Fall Needs Now to buy conic any Way See the rlne Variety the choice lea andjUie I aw Prices and when you tire ready to buy to go A Splendid Showing of s Jackets Goats Manufactured by LATE OF The Hutner Cloak Co a Notice Having moved from the Northend to three doors south or the King IS George Hotel I wish to notify the public that I am still prepared to buy old Metal Rubber Rags per and Brass also Fowl ot all kinds Anyone having anything in this line to dispose of just me card and I will call Main St Newmarket MORTGAGE SALE OF- FARM PROPERTY V Under the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction by Mr Frank Duncan Au- tloueer at the KING GEORGE HOTEL Newmarket on FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1st At the hour of one oclock in the af ternoon in one parcel the South West Corner or South West Qua of Lot Number Two in the Se venth Concession the Township ot Kant It The property contains about fifty acres and is situated about seven wiles from Newmarket and 3 miles from Vivian on Midland Railway and is said to have erected thereon a two storey frame dwelling house 24 30 and a frame barn Go The soil Is a sandy Is dry and rolling The property will be sold subject a reserved bM- a per cent the purchase must toe pair down at tho time the salo and the balance in days thereafter without Full particulars and ions will be made known the time sale and may be obtained in the the- office of Solicitors MCCARTHY Solicitors HOME i Bight It 1 I I 1 are becoming more daring in this city Last Monday night a burglar armed with a re volver entered retail liquor stores and got on a bicycle with Tliis was the tWrd raid on liquor stores within the past ten days One thousand people attended the funeral the late Chief Justice Moss Monday The halfcentury anniversary the Royal Grenadiers will be celebrated on Nov and Premier Whitney presided as chair man of toe Diamond Cup orations contest under the auspices of the Royal Templars Temperance last Monday night In has opening re marks he said The public man who is unwilling to do all in his power to suppress the evils of the liquor traffic is unworthy of the support any British community Of course he will support Me Rowclls propo sition to abolish the bar For attempting to entice a little girl into a back lane John Warden was fined costs or in default go down for ninety days An incendiary fire at tho boatrbouse on Monday nigh did i1000 damage The auditors report of the Hydro- Electric books tabled at the City Council meeting this week shows a net shortage to June of and liabili ties of The auditor says the system bookkeeping is cumber some and smothered In detail Mayor Geary was chosen Corpora tion Counsel on Monday last at a salary ot per annum on a vote of to It expected the Mayor will resign and upon his new duties next Monday A Pinker ton detective who used to stand at the entrance of Wood bine during race meets and pick out crooks recently passed away In New York City On Monday Premier Whitney staled there was no truth in the story em anating from Ottawa to the effect that the Federal Government was seeking to secure a sawoff respect ing the EnglishFrench school regula tions Last Friday was moving day with the Department from old Normal School up to the Parliament lViildihgs Tho place where Ryerson hold sway as Chief Superintendent o Education for Upper Canada looks deserted Fifteen Bulgarians left last week their old home to bleed and die for their country They go back vol untarily paying their own expenses Plucky I The announcement Is made that the Methodists of Canada will found a University in West China to be mo delled upon the University of Toron to The case of Rev St Clair is still agitating citizens A meet ing of citizens was held on Tues day evening of last week In the Cen tral M A rooms when it was decided to hold a to determine what further steps will be taken On Friday last by the skidding of his motorcycle when- trying to turn out to pass a motor truck in College St John Redpath collided with the truck and had two ribs broken Julia had a celebration of her Italian friends on Saturday even ing Thats what she called it hut the police called i a drunken carous al They found 200 bottles of beer In the basement and others upstairs But Julia said she was not selling It It had been sent in by roomers hold ing tho festival Case stands ad journed The hundreds acres of corn for silo purposes still standing In the fields air over York County is abun dant evidence the scarcity any latin help Servians and the Turks and Montene grins the latter capturing the import ant town of llerana They are now- pushing on towards Scutari where the Turks are expected to make a strong The Dally Mail is informed by the War Minister that a division Montenegrins descend ing to the west of Lake de stroyed on Tuesday all the villages between the lakes and the sea mas- women and children but he Turkish report is unconfirmed from other sources The engagement between the Turks and Servians near continu ed yesterday the Servians using last Saturday afternoon Mr and family left Toronto on Tuesday Mrs and the children were home for several weeks and he was here fur the week- end Mrs A Hill left Wednes day the Western Hospital Toron to to undergo operation She has been very poorly for the past three months Seven Newmarket teachers and other attended the Musical Festival in the Arena Toronto last Saturday night returning on the midnight car Mr M Boston for the first Turkish Clarence Caldwell and family and The Cloak Co make a Specialty Misses out er apparel and have made a wonderful success because their productions are unequalled for Smart Style Dependable Quality and Extreme Value Childrens Coats age 3 to to Misses Coats ages to 500 to The New Fall Jackets i A FOR WOMEN warships it is reported appeared off the Bulgarian Black Sen ports ot Varna and Burgas which are being hastily fortified The conclusion peacfe between Turkey and Italy and its possible in fluence on the course of events is widely discussed It is recognized that Turkey freed from the conflict with Italy will be able to her forces in various directions that oth erwise would be barred to her Not ably she con now transport troops by sea to pointy in the Aufeean Sea Things gained are gone but great things done endure Port Hope Oct A series accidents has occurred here an Englishman of about thirty years ol age met with an accident at the Standard Ideal Cos this mornings In some way Ms arm become entangled in the belt and ho was whirled around the shaft until his arm was torn oft and the body fell to the floor The in jured man lived but a few hours Tasmania Oct Hun dreds of rescu are bottling against flames and smoke to save seventyfour entombed miners at the North Mount mine The fire started through the blowing out of a motor use last Saturday In a few minutes couds began to pour from mouth the main shaft where menwere known to be working Sev entysix men reached the surface One died after he got out Vancouver Oct Cele brating his birthday only six days ago and receiving a share in a large estate In England which will net him an income of yearly James H a nephew of Lieut Col Sir Frederick Ponsonby and cousin of the Karl ot and Baron be sides being godson of Viscount former Viceroy of India was yesterday in the police Court sentence led to two years imprisonment in tho Now Westminster pcnitenrlary by Magistrate Skew on a charge Of for gery For days had been incarcerated in the local jail waiting his trial and during this time his attorney made complete restitution of all money which bad been gained lcgally SI Canadian GOING AWAY Thanksgiving RETURN TICKETS Between all in Canada Port Arthur and East at Single Fare Going Friday Saturday Sun day Monday OCTOBER 26 36 Return Limit Wednesday Oct Minimum Rate Full particulars from any Agent ATKINSON Agent Mrs motored upfrom- Toronto on Wednesday afternoon to extend birthday congratulations to Mrs Ernest Vernon of Hastings Out arrived home on Saturday and spent over Sunday with his mother and sisters He left on Monday for Moose Jaw to sen his brother Roy who is seriously ill of typhoid Dr Firth of Pickering College left last Saturday for Indianapolis to attend the 5 yearMeeting of Friends Rev J Webb editor of the Canadian Friend and Miss Pen nington one- of the College Teachers left tor the same Meeting on Monday They expect to be gone ten days Mr Chas Thompson had a visit this week from his brother Mr Fred Thompson of New Zea land whom he has not xthx for forty years when separated in Eng land He has been for years in New Zealand where he says electrici ty has done much for development in the last ten years Word has expected all week from Prof Jackson of the University of Toronto who commands the expedition sent by the Canadian steamer Arctic to do magnetic on the Bay together with the Government steam er Minlo which sailed a couple weeks after but no intelligence has been received since August The ex pedition was under direction of Mr Stewart chief of the Federal service who had command of the Minto Wireless telegraphy was Installed on the Arctic so as to be able to communicate with the Minto during the cruise the two When leaving lor Hudson Bay the expeditions were expected Koine about thq middle of October Last Friday Mrs L Jackson received a letter- from her cousin Miss Ramsay who is a mis sionary in the southern part of Chi na She writes We had a- most startling experience on Thursday ev ening last Aug A Typhoon burst over us and carried oft our ve randah as well- as damaging the roof and one of the rooms very much Wo have a typhoon wall but have decid ed to extend it feet more so as to give further protection to cot tage I am leaving next week for to attend the jubilee of the establishing of the Presbytery the first think in all China cer tainly the first in the south What a time of distraction this coun try Is passing through The old or ExPresident is now meeting with the present President in Peking and hay ing a long discussion We hope they may be fruitful In producing peace In many disturbed districts Many say there will be another and perhaps yet another revolution ere China can be formed into a country with a good settled Government The facili ties for preaching the gospel are the boom for education is on According to an article in London Truth it is more than probable that the term of the Duke of will be extended another year Truth says It is Very desirable that ho should be the head of the Canadian Government when the Prince of Wales arid Prince Albert visH Can ada in From the same source cornea the announcement that the Duchess and Princess inter returning In April for a few weeks and will Made by the Canada Co of Toronto Are more captivating than ever with their- Collars Rich Rough materials and Swagger mannish lines These lines were made ex- for our to our Special Order by the Canada Cloak Co The Styles are the newest best and most practical and the values are simply unniatchable Prices to HUNTERS NEWMARKET I Princess Sweden at Stockholm Probably the latter will visit Cana da next autumn a MAW ST All orders will receive- Careful and Prompt Attention THE CRADLE OUOHr In Newmarket on Oct to Mr and Mrs Marvin Ough a son Wednesday Sept at Maternity Hos pital Sask to Mr and Stanley formerly of East a daughter Manse Oct a Brown ALTAR NEILLYROGERSAt the Allandale on Wednesday by the Rev A V M A Mabel Viola Blanche daughter of Mr and Mrs John Rogers Bradford to Mr J Ed gar Noilly of Gilford THE TOMB King City on Thursday Oct 3rd Mary Ami Baxter wife Dr Burns S in her year t MALLOYAt his brothers residence Aurora on Wednesday Oct Wm in his year CAIRNS In King Township on Oct 7th Margaret Cairns in her year Industrial Home Oct WnV in his year MARRIOTT At Industrial Home- on 5 Jas Marriott in his year HAMBLETON In Newmarket on the Oct Violet daugh ter Mr Chas aged months r WE MAKE A SPECIALTY Foreign and Domestic OUR TEAS COFFEES Are Sure to Please you Try a pound and be convinced Our Phone No i A In Nowmarket on Oct WIS Robert Srigley in his year STEVENSAt Pine Orchard on- Oct 13 Fanny widow of Francis Stevens aged years In Newmarket on Oct Adeline wife of Mr aged year R PURITY AND QUALITY PUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J Patterson B NEWMARKET Chocolate Weekly MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and SappHea I 1 TELEGRAPH OFFICE v V THE LEADING Undertaking House Fnrnifnre Cheap For Gash UNDERTAKING ft EMBALMING A SPECIALTY at reaWeaoa John Slillard i The Montreal Star in criticism ol rowdyism at football and other is timely and the matter should receive attention from the authorities It says If conditions in football or any other sport come to be such that rowdyism cannot be before it develops into the mobbing of the referee ston ing ot the victorious opponents Use sooner the supervision all arrange ments Is placed n the hands the officers of tfie better it will be for tie reputation the cities where these propensities are strong est as well avtor the physical wale- being the amateur sportsman vho vlsitlhem woo tor April for a few week visit them ntfciOrfan Cor will visit tho Crown J it Sehdthe Era to Pari o Dps Dunn Qualified Maternity Box Newmarket a J GREGORYS French Dry Cleaning and Pressing Over Toronto Jobbing Boarders Wanted ffi JgJ it- mm ARCHIVES OF TORONTO