Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 11 Oct 1912, p. 6

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TINDALB AGENT JOHN YATES SUTTON I 9 MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert Hand played at Tuesday excellent fun and pumpkin pic at Guild Social on and the fun and eat GUILD Too intend iixfc asOcinl riming of the people his village in the Sunday room on the evening of Oc tober the IPth Mrs Miss Motion spent a tew days in last Miss was Toronto this attending the Musical festival Miss Kos wic was he piciY lie Misses Smith week Miss Travis or Newmar ket visited Ste phens he A Silver collection the door Mr an old roalotait is town on a Visit to his Mis Robert ami Mrs Robert Mr ami Mrs Lapp Vert JAM tors at he home Alt John French tar tailing with on StUVKSSKlU By mistake Maud October Mi morning and shining which is in itself a lr to put the whole countryside la after the dun arey days we have endured it is somebodys friends Wo busy ami the little Village church decorated by loving hands arch been- formed over the and white dowers altar is hidden by mass green white and pale pink white and pink and dahlias ale in all the Holland Landing Council Regular meeting Oct Present Wright of meeting and ftvUiwa Wore to a rate on ho dollar oh fee Of petty tot the year for school Vlllago and County School Purposes a bounty Purposes Total A ByLaw appointing for the Mills Mills Mills and omit tod the pass is credit to the who did the the hour lived cue has arrived the ushers Mr and Alt A Ulty are busy ami is filled with a wait ling people some of whom have driven miles to be present piano Conservator of Music Miss thrilled by the strains LIU Toole Mount march as by Mrs pupils were successful i pass- Milton of Sutton The In their examinations of the church A Neil takes Ws place inside the nahie was list the Toronto Medals were presented this Silver medal and 1st year Silver medal and honor Oct York wiU have an important sale Imported and other stock lot on the line North till Oct Sale at on rtagh A press Ottawa says A A XL Wr has rtppOMW Judge lor the A of Which a Jude for Ihe bounty sale of stock to lute Brown will take place On triepreift- West of w 3rd of town Line of tsUal terms Sale t I oclock be paid tho sum Of 1700 for hi services Moved P second ed by A Foster that the following Mils bo paid Oft road Work on road 40 Ann on road Carried On motion Council adjourned tegular meeting the I will be held fpurdfs home at Ontario tot eJUsktika jo of Plants A Bulbs Miss Alice Winch Music Mis P A Work for a llusv Housewife with for Mrs Fletcher Oct aLMf will have extchsivo and sale stock Implcinnts on In the of mile est Usual tends oclock Lunch provided for those torn a distance Kavahgh Kestet The bridegroom Mr ADDRKSS following is the address pre- Smith of formerly rented to Mr and Mrs Crosby by attended beat man Womens Mission Society on the occasion of their departure Mount Albert Air and Mrs Crosby Friends The members of the Womens Mis sionary Society of Mount Albert have taken this opportunity to convey to Mr Pearson of take their places the bride Miss fie ot Keswick Is ushered in pie- ceded by lief Miss Joy of Keswick Miss is dressed in a golden brown suit with hat to match dim med with ttird of Paradise plume you an expression of the high esteem Miss Prosper wore a dark blue sua in which are held by them and with brown plush hat their sincere regret that the time After a most impressive when your presence will be amoved and during the of the reglsUr from their midst is drawing so near Miss of Keswick sang nie your coming amongst us End ft Perfect many years ago a great many have You have made a number new friends You have lost some of the old ones Many familiar faces have been removed some have been called to receive their raward others have sought to tet ter their circumstances other places but we a your many friends arc still with you We value hastily your friendship We that places friendship is no plant growth A writer has can never lose a friend His touches on our life never fade out His words will always stay in our hearts ami the impressions made on us will The bridal party proceeded to the Metropolitan Station followed by al most the entire congregation And then came scene of con gratulations and as only country people are capable The tor the car came at last usually docsVomel was enlivened music on several instruments from convenient The young people for of hasty amid the showers of said and good wishes Out the car did not depart too suddenly as some one mischieviously the power oh However no is cross at such times and even the crew- as they nigh tod- SUTTON i Mr Millard and Miss Laurie Millard attended the wedding of cousin Mr Orville Stone in last Thursday Word was here last the of Harvey Kaisor at Creek At that time up particulars were known but ithas since- learn ed Harvey died pneumonia after only tout days illness Vie was not thought to tutany daix- the fourth day wheu a was noticed his brother allot of Logo was seut for left will of farm and on lot the 2nd Con about a north of Usual terms one oclock I MONDAY Oct will have an extensive sale of stock implements etc lot 6 Con stop on the Metropolitan Usual terms- Sale at one oclock sharp Kavanagh FRIDAY Oct Joseph wood will have a of acd implements on lot in the Con of Usual terms Sale at one sharp J K ester Toronto papers announce the of Prof I Stewart of Toronto has spent last- fop in of ltrWatho strip lludiott IiaV added to lie in and laying out the new district While land wlthm tttti Of nub Is largely marsh muskeg the swamp is not of any great depth Prof Stewart opinion that it could be easily drained Drop of Blood Or a water fmrta by Hotel IU of Wood enroo or without ad a part tho work tf of under lb Dr R V medical ot Co bote to writ a An Imitation of method of tltflOO ami Impoverishment of the blood Bad nervous force alterative aod use of alcohol aa Golden Medical Discovery Which too flow of stores appetite aaalmllatloa perfect liver aod and enriches blood ft bloodmaker and reitoratlvonorfo tunic It make men strong In body In mind and cool In judgment Oct what for I J TT Some people place on on politicians haps both are mote Jess to blame The fact temains the of living In Canada has very On this point the London Advertiser Ap parently Jl cost living in Canada has become higher la any other country the world The nearly staple commodities a Ax ed by which have relative ly more power than in the United States because a smaller market is mote easily cornered On Oct Otti very pretty wed ding took place home of Mr and Mrs Samuel Trivett when tlieir at onco butarrfved when their daughter too brother having Amelia was united in nur- away while asleep Thursday triage to Mr of 19th Mr- his employer said was highly respected softys Point- performed by The ceremony was y never be Your of manner beautiful character and manifest interest in j The grooms gift to the bride everything social as well as in the handsome set of mink furs and to missionary society has won tor you universal esteem and respect The Womens Missionary will miss your oheerlng presence and support We recall your assistance faithfulness at tlie nuttings the earnestness your prayers your sympathy for those in sorrow and and last but not least your example Time may hot tell but in eternity when the ot the Is opened will be know have done among us Our feelings- at this time are of joy mingled with sorrow of Joy that the relationship between us has ret the bridesmaid a beautiful pearl ling On Monday evening Sept the mothers in Keswick and surrounding country gathered together at home of Mr Mrs Ira Morton or Miss faille With a Shower Some of tho fathers had to ome to bring mothers some sons and daughters came also consequently 50 or more peopfe assembled and the rain was pouring down of tho good you did not dampen the spirits of j the shower promoters inside Light his time are those I refreshments were and a enjoyable couple of hours were spent Miss was deluged with of the pleasantcst and parcels and packages regret for the severance of Christian the untying of which and the reading and social ties that bound the couplets afforded lor so long a time Yon are Removing from our midst but you carry with you the good of all and the that you may find in your new home congenial surrounding and that you nay be blessed and prove a blessing in the church there In all its brandies as you have here We pray thai heavens choicest be nedictions may over attend you and that you may long be spared to the life of usefulness that has character ized you in the past in behalf of the Missionary Society October 1st 1912 of fend amusement Judging from the number and value ot the gifts which Miss was ithd recipient she certainly has a large circle- of friends A Spectator a upright aud honest fellow and Sutton West The bride entered the he mace a great toady on the arm of her father to the short in t for him ho was Us one family Particulars are in serted for friends who may he in- ores ted on me arm io ads the short time he the stains of the wedding march ho and as to his own played Sutton NEW ADVERTISEMENTS w I played by The bride was exquisitely gowned in a dress of satin with crystal and trimmings white carnations attaidcd by her tister Miss who was charm ingly attired in blue silk with silk fringe andicarrymg pins car nations The wis Mr Reginald Sedore Point- The guests numbering about of a sumptuous 1 in the diningroom which was is hereby given that a court will be ferns cut lowers Id pursuant to the Ontario Voters I held to the Ontario Voters by his honor the judge of the County Court of County York at the Municipal Hall Sharon on Mobday the day of October at oclock p to hoar and determine coinplaints of errors and omissions in the Voters List Municipality ot for the year A Clerk Dated Oct Residence for Sale tropin 9 to pin with t QUKENSVILLE Mr J brought honor to the Township of East For sides taking several on his Jersey ho won prize tor the best herd amidst strong competition Markham Fair being Con sidered next to the Toronto Exhibi tion tor shock He also- won Host prizes on his roadster mare and and four red tickets out five en tries in poultry Mr has a show on his farm He will exhibit at next week Mr Jacob Smith has returned from a short trip to Western Premlnent Sunday School Leaders Among speakers are Hated on program Hamilton Annual Convention of the Ontario Sunday School is A Brown of Chicago Mr Brown Is the Superin tendent of- tho Missionary Depart ment ot the International Sunday School Association Ho is a man of force ranking easily with Marlon Lawrence but possessing rather more ot the orator quality- a number of he was RrlckClad House and lot lor sale in Albert Good barn and stable in connection also iocs of bush land For particulars eppy to John French Mt Albert w38 Stray Cow Come upon lot Con Bast about Sept a red cow with white spot in forehead Owner Is requested to pay charges and take same away MRS GILBERT JOHNSTON i PO and geraniums The the bride was a gold to the bridesmaid earrings and groomsman gold cuff links The friends from a distance were Mrs Tanner the Misses Vera and Edith Trivett sisters of the bride Toronto Mr and Mrs P Trivett Mrs A Mr and Mrs Geo Trivett Mr and Mrs Trivett Miss Smith Mr and Mrs J Robertson and Mrs Richardson all of Newmarket Mr and Miss Mc Donald of Mrs and daughter of Stephens of Newmarket Perfect Love during the arguing of the register The many useful and costly given testified to the popularity of the bride The newly married couple left on the train for To ronto and other points amid showers of rice and confetti the bride traveling in a brown serge suit with white ermine hat On return Mr and Mrs Brady will reside at Jack sons THE DOMINION BANK A BOOERT General Manager GapUsl pal up Riiin Fund Tot I Ainu Open A Savings Account f Kaeh the branches of a devoted to saving Such account receive Careful attention and allowed on of and upwards is open a account r A election is now on at Richelieu County Quebec The was issued last Saturday Nomina- ifay is fixed Get awl the voting oii Oct The is reported to Morgan and the Liberal nominee J P Cardin who was unseated recent ly Mount AUert In referring bo the fact that Ham ilton has declared in favor of giving to municipalities power to er they shall improvements make the levy land the Mercury points out that James Whitney- has declared any such come here as ft private see my that citizen to for am a Canadian first last and all the Between him Here is something for the farmers of North York to think wex The are out many thousands and I am commencing to think it was a big mistake in not that mar ket TWO GOOD TURNS Part of the creed of the Hoy Scout extract is token from the good turn to someone Two weeks ago liar cattle dealer of Ripley lost in hard dash in tcns to sell his cattle in the larger mar ket across the line When he reached I am out and th laat week pastor the American Church Id dividual prizes and later with Educational Move- Several of village boys and who are students at fcet High School went with a num ber- of others on the special car un der Mr MerriVi Mr production of Ju lius in Toronto on Wo- evening Mrs Fred week end In Toronto J OrllUa been the guest Mrs miss Annie Wright came up from city over this LETCHERS His messages always Another speaker is Rev Thurlow pastor of Division Street Presbyterian Church Owen Sound Fraeer is the youngest man on whom the Col lege in Montreal ever conferred the doctors degree He has Just re turned to Ontario Portage la Prairie When ho loft Manitoba he was President of Manitoba Sunday School Maude J Baldwin of Phil adelphia Pa occupies the lop place among those who specialize as she does ln what aa Elementary Division the work with Sunday School children under years of age Her posi tion Is thai of Superintendent of work la Pennsylvania State tho strongest all States and Pro vinces Pennsylvania Its Golden Jubilee In October of 1912 Ontario celebrates October Mention should also be made of our Canadian Denominational Sec retaries Revs K BA of the Baptist Church Bart- and- Mi Farewell of the Methodist Church Rob- BU of the Presby ter sod A M A of the Anglican who expected to leading parts GWDavidson REAL ESTATE MT ALBERT One Brick House rooms in Albert at on easy terms J ac One Frame rooms with frame stable Good water acre garden small fruit down balance in years Close to Mount Albert acres all cleared frame barn and stables mile to church and school PO miles Albert miles good terms acres 15 cleared newt frame house bank bam mile to church school market and R R station 3 miles on easy terms Also Five Other Good Farms well situated I have several good sections of P R lands personally inspected at per acre and a number of good Inside Town Lots In the new P town in Alberta W DAVIDSON Box SO Mount Albert War With Turkey London Oct fiTMonleuegro the weakest ol the States whose quarrel with Turkey has caused diplomats of Ufa European powers to plan uni ted action to keep peace in the Near East declared war on Turkey to day The smallest of the Balkan na tions broke diplomatic negotia tions independent of cr It Is expected that and tbe oth er States will follow lead- and join her In the war but so far despatches received here today go these other nations have as yet tak en no warlike action tern nonsensical- But the change Toronto he was informed that the will come all the Premier top price for his cattle would he to A few Hours later tie received word Tho principle of fining a person who that he could- get in Chicago improves his property belongs to a But the gates were up and Thomas bygone age could riot get into the larger On his home he cut Two LeadersTwo Policies is his loss Its too bad wc tlie title of a brochure issued by thojeouldni get that market siid the General Reform Association of On tario and ready now for general dis tribution Copies be had Mr InwooO Torbnfo St Toronto for the asking It the principal speeclfes in debate on question of Abolition of tie Bar in legislative last session Also the address Mr Row- ell on the occasion of the great Liberal demonstration in Lon don on Dominion Bay on the Lib eral Policy on Social and Industrial Reform a Sir Wilfrid during his ad dress at the Reform Association Meeting in Toronto this week said I had no idea of making a tour of Ontario or Canada so soon after the defeat of September 1911 I never had any hesitancy but I was not quite so certain as to the result of that appeal I thought however that some good would be attained even if wc came face to face with hostile but instead of that 1 will tell you that after more than years of public life in all that long period I have never met more enthusiastic receptions than during that tour each day and apropos this rule BadenPowell told an entertaining story while in Glasgow A Scout master hadaed a small boy what he had done as a good turn af ter some thought the laddie replied I took a mouse out of a Yes said the Scout master Was that all No gave the mouse to the cat replied the youngster- If you arent pleased with your environment either get out of it or change it Dont growl over it NEW METHOD TREATMENT can yea and a of you Under its the purified bo that all pimples blotches and ulcers up steel so that bright lace full and clear to tody sad a moral physical and mental Invigorated all drains more vital vasta from system feel yourself a man and know cannot be a failure Deo let quacu and rob you your hard earned NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT- THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter Summers relates Ms experience I was troubled with Nervous Debility for many years to and excesses in youth became despondent and didnt care whether kl worked or not J Imagined everybody who looked at me guessed my secret dreams at weakened memy bade ached had pains la bands and feet were ecu tired In morning poor appetite Angers were shaky eyes blurred hair loose memory poor eta the set and doctor told mo be feared paralysis I took all kinds of medicines and tried many firstclass physicians sn belt for months but received little benefit- I We Represent Royal Fire Co Merchants Co Independeat Fire Insurance Co Animals Insur ance Co Canada Issuer Marriage Coaveyanelng Done J A 1 Berlin Ont Oct Walter Kro- aged ten years son of Joseph KVoHtee Strange street met with a horrible death and Leo Kti- aod nine years had a mirac ulous escape from a similar fate about oclook Saturday after noon by the attempt of the lads to get a shooWV from an overhead Hy droeleotrlc transmission wire be tween Berlin Waterloo with a voltage ot shocking ac cident occurred here this evening Three or four young fellows had been out in the country shooting On their return to town they stopped at a coal shed of the railway sta tion for one ot tke party Arthur Johnston aged to draw the charge from his gun In the process the gun went off the full charge striking Cooper aged 19 In the breast silling him Instantly The young man was son of James Cooper an Englishman who has been In the country several years He was a printer by trade and eldest- a large family The demonstration at Forest on Monday exceeded any po litical ever held in that part of Ontario bands of mu sic 500 flagwaving school children ten special train loads of and a from the surrounding country and Town people met the Liberal leader and the other speakers him at the station In response to an address Sir Wilfrid said I am more touched than I can express by this welcome you have given me I am here a party man I make no disguise about that But I am proud vas to consult Kennedy though I had lost all la doctors I the Trutuknt and saved my Ufa The improvement was I could feel the vigor the nerves I was cured mentally and physically I have sent them many aad to do so CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ltt VAH ten s VEWM NERVOUS AND BLADDER DISEASES and aUDiaaawa kidney to CONSULTATION FREE BOOKS Blaakfoe to call writ foehatk DrsKENNEDYKENHEDY Cor Michigan Ave and St Detroit Mich All letters from Canada addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart tir in Windsor If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we- see and treat ao our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and laboratory for Canadia business only Address all letters follows KENNEDY KENNEDY for I A New and Brilliant Era Dawns Jar Madam Japan The handy paste in the can Ready for instant U3e A few rubs the ft J Cheapest and best polish for Stoves Grate Ironwork- on the market Ci J 1 fc 3Wfe ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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