Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 11 Oct 1912, p. 5

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ERA OCTOBER M A Frank Bolton Practical Patent end Decorator Streets Newmarket C Rates i and I rial Canadian Home lour Daily Slav and Toronto Daily News -4nnversiry- and Bond celebrat ed of their wedding on Tuesday The evening was pent very pleasantly nd Mrs Bond wore the recipients a number which how the high esteem which are held King coundk Op DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Dr Wilkinson DENTIST Omoe In Block Dunn Qualified Maternity Nurse BOX Newmarket JWiss Helen Small XTCM Christian Church Tocher Organ and Theory Terms Oft application No Niagara Si- W Km and Toronto and Montreal Star it fe Battle leal introducing the System Bank Toronto Old Newmarket W J NEWMARKET Graduate ol Ontario Veterinary College CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day or Livery Phone Estate When Hartley away cm the of June he kit in farming Implements in horses 166 In tanned cattle In and swine in produce and in real estate J acres the east hall of the west halt of the half lot concession Whitchurch No Will was left but if administra tion grunted a Widow sun a will each fciave 115 mm Womens Institute the NewmarVet of the Institute will their regular at the home of Mrs Union little north of on Oct at pm A study he Chart will to and Miss will New DressMaking Miss Williamson has opened her IMrlor l Store- Briclcts mercury dropped On on luTViration Clerks are make returns of marriage and deaths to Pay your by Monday and the has J to awa where ho will Into the el leather again Is- bushed on the roof new extension nut lumber last week and sprained his arm Mr is moving into his street east a paper on l Mrs Dane of Newmarket is to give Hints on those who intend will find it necessary to one ear north AiAAi liyman Jackson Issuer LICENSES At the Newmarket omoe Private Papers issued at private it desired Third at Ottawa Mr Johnston who in the standing Kioto crop com petition in his district carried oft the first hiking him eligible show at Ottawa Inhibition carried off for barley at the Ottawa show The exhibit was open to the Dominion and Mr Johnston did well as the exhibit of the grain from in the crop com petitions were truly marvenous This years attemptsat anything the were new to Mr lohnetoaau no doubt will found among the winners next year lie exavct to how Winter this Tear 1J above Council root at WriidvC lember all MinuM last meeting read and The were awl ordered to be paid Op S J- Boyd Graduate in medicine ot Toronto University also Licentiate Royal College Physicians and num ber of the College of of England Former clinical assistant In Moorhelas Eye Hospital and lim- versity College Ear and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Ms Newmarket Telephone Consultation Hours8lO My services may be had at hour ot the day or night by calling at the office or phone NEWMARKET Bible Class executive committee of the class met on Tuesday and decided on intend a largo table and lour feet wide tor the reading and studying are also go ing to put in book cases as they have many books and also a few lino donations have been la to be put in good shape for elaborate- stunts and tricks for the coming season by the members of the fclub The of Miss Ethel May Hunter daughter of Mr Mrs Hunter of NeWuntket to Mr William took place at the residence or the parents in Toron to cm Oct the rooms being decorated with a profusion of- leaves and ferns Rev of Tie was of white satin With lace and pearl embroidery veil orange blossom shower of white roses carded both feifts of the bridegroom The brides maid was Miss cousin of the who wore white point and white satin car ried pink roses ajKl wore a pearl pin from the groom Mr Walter Hunt er brother of the bride was tost mau cud wedding music was ren dered by Miss Rutland the groom and Miss llrodie sung a solo Mr and Mrs for north tlie pingaway dress being of tweed bide hat with blue wings and marabout stole and muff Mrs Hunter wote a hand- sonic black During the signing register Mis sane With You Later in the evening when the newly wedded pair went to their new- home avenue the bride was attired in velvet with hat to match and marabout furs Joseph Billing Johri Card losepji hill SSO yds of Aravcl work J MoLVlluiiV lolm rep to bridge oh Urn Wiu il John J Ash rep to on Con a Hugh Archibald rep to Con rotor bill Sons rts fo grader l0n rood work WJ rip to culvert aUU progress eo copies ro bridge Con it Contract Record advertising bridge Con It Wellington Law rep to culvert I3ir lames Cairns toad work i5 Win Mount road work road work Win gravel work pit AWAKJENINO OK this Council grant Agricultural and the King Vaughan Association the duly ap pointed Commissioners and appointed for said In lieu of Wilson blossom wreath A pretty of worn and a Bond Thus be paid re homage to buggy on defective road LemonWells That Council ac cept the bonds of It Collectors for this Municipality as satisfactory the Clerk ye and is hereby and in structed to prepare that is Statute for submitting a referendum to ratepayers of the Township next Municipal Election day of the whole Statute question asking the said ratepayers to decide whether they want the statute labor system to continue as it is at pre sent of whether they want a Conv oluted System such as may be ar ranged the Council this Council grant to gravel road opposite Lot IS Con John 3 On motion Council adjourned Jo meet at Hotel on Saturday Oct Marble LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering elsewhere GEO Furnace Work Plumbing of Our Specialties See Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS Farm Produce Fair market last Saturday Ruling prices as per doz to Butter per lb toi30o Dressed Chickens per lb to He Dressed DtiOSs per l to ISO Apples per basket to Apples per to Potatoes per bag to Potatoes per basket Pickling Onions per quart Onions per peck 50c and Cauliflower to Melons to each Cucumbers per Kadi shea per 3 bunches 10c Carrots per bunches Corn Dozen Celery per bunch 5c Peppers Green bskt Citrons each Tomatoes and basket Live Chickens per Id lie Old Hens per Ducks per lb 16c Pigeons per pair 20c Rabbits per pair 25c to Hides and lie Calf Skins per lb to Sheepskins to 150 to Tallow per lb The Bell About people enjoyed a rich treat last Friday the Church under the auspices the Ladies Aid given by the Royal Bell Ringers Yorkshire The program included numerous lections on the bells rendered with great precision the most productions being 44 of Bagdad There were also vocal solos quar tettes and double quartettes and two bouts of continuous delight passed with surprising rapidity The ladies cleared over on the venture The Company of nine who were all perfect gentleman as well as accomplished musicians stayed at the King George Hotel over Sunday and were greatly pleased with their accommodation They were also veryt much Impressed with our town On Sunday several assisted the choir in the Methodist Church and others sang In the Church of England A sacred concert being announced in the Town Hall for Sunday night the place was packed min utes before the time to begin and between one and two hundred were from the door which shows how they appreciated They gave an hour and a halt continu ous program and the selections on tlte bells inoluded Handels Halle lujah Chorus and Glor ia The quartette Nearer My God to Thee was most beautifully ren dered the tenor and boss being ex ceptionally fine Everybody was de lighted A WAYSIDE PARABLE OSBORNE Next to Smiths Grocery Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a a Toronto v Allandale a Leave Newmarket Toronto pm 995 PHOTOGRAPHS I We are aqOlppod to pioduot Portraits Wiat are right and our long la back ot every picture we make The child the the grandparent all a good likeness and artistic fin ish when do the work Come In at any time or more desirable make an appoint ment Photo Attltt Opposite Post Office phone J Rockwells Sunny South Co Those of our citizens who patrou- the and who avart to see a gooi colored show will be glad to hear that tlie J Rock well Sunny South Company or1d sliow that made such nn em phatic hit on their last appcuruncc two years ago Is announced to in the Town Hall Newmarket Saturday evening October There isnt much to say about the company that it is a good strong one composed of colored people each and every one an expert in specialty work who Jo everything funny that darkies can do so well and keep the audience in a constant state and ex citement from start to finish On tits former appearance our citizens liked it the best and the largest for many years They say it is oven better now very fea ture new original and minute 1 1t is absolutely clean and during the entire performance there hring a blush to the brow of the most fastidious lady In the land There is plenty fun in fact it was built for laughing purposes only and it is gen erally conceded to be of the fun niest shows since time began 1 It is a musical performance Wedded to the most tuneful music one would care to listen to full of ginger and life with not a dull moment from start to finish The organization is accompanied by a concert band and- a superb The band will head the Koontown parade taking place at- noon Tho prices ot admission novo been placed at 25 35 and cents Missionary Institute The Missionary institute in New market next Monday and Tuesday Will bo held In Methodist Church Next Sunday the pulpits of the town will be occupied by missionary workers from Toronto Just now we are not in a position to say who they are and where they will be but Dr of China a mis sionary who Is widely known and can speak from exporfaece will preach in the Methodist Church on Sunday morning and address the massmeeting in the Christian Church at four oclock Dont miss hearing Dr Tho Institute opens on Monday at- at The speakers and leaders are Rev R J Simpson Rev C Priest secretory of the Missionary Educational Movement in Toronto and a returned missionary Dr Mr K Beat on Mr L Troer and Mr K The evening addresses which will bo of great interest to the gen eral public will given by Mr Dr McTavish Tuesdays session will commence at A new worker and shaker or day will be Mr C Senior secretary of the Laymens Missionary Movement There is also an evening meeting lor the general public The Institute is undenominational and presents a unique opportunity to the people of this vicinity to become more informed on the methods of mis sionary instruction- and more enthus iastic in the world wide movement An old man was toiling along the Kbngs highway He was with years and with a heavy pack that be carried The was up of many parcels that were strapped to gether some of them bore labels thus Louliness Pear Disappoint ment Sorrow and so on The old maus step grew feebler very mo ment and it seemed as though he would fall upon the highway There overtook him a little laugh ing child and she said- Lot me carry thy heavy load whereupon ho turoeo and bo too smiled to see so a child offering to carry so big a burden The sight her sweet however to put new life into his bowed bank and tottering limbs- As she put her little hand in hid she went along ringing as sweetly as an angel But then was she not an angel The old traveller forgot his burden and being fond of singing from bis youth up he joined his tremulous bass with the childs soft clear treble and rare music they tfgether When the old mans cottage was reached the little looked up into his face and said Now did I not carry thy burden True be replied for I have never once thought of it since I saw thy pretty face Do not leave me he went on for my cottage is lone ly and dark and life is very sad I have not sung a song twenty years till And the little maid laughed a ring- ins laugh an said dear grandfather 1 will not- leave thee forever That evening as the child sat upon the old mans knee by the cheery fire which she had built for him he said Child what shall call thee And- again she laughed her silvery laugh and stroked his wrinkled check and said Dost thou not know my name It Is such a pretty one spelt with lour letters Then as though it was a very great secret she whis pered Just call me Love Select- a alter oclock in the morning were villi and his brain Ihrohbod heavily closed he to feel poking Ohms aqoiH up the cot and Iheo raisin into the air fits hands struck Hat and hard and cold The open his eyes wis darkness save for one faint of light which fil tered in from in tic He up but the blood pwind baSo of his brain mkI surge up through his With even mightier A great passed Kick and before his and he fell beck upon the After the throbbing hit tried to Ho not recall where he bad been Though he And pull ed at the blanket Until he ills head would burst he hot nieiubeiv sat up- lie was capful time opening his eye but slightly and closing little while to relieve the pate- lie reached out and touched the Wall following it feeling he to turn and then and as his eager hands St fetched ok something round and and It was a steel bar and there were beyond The svyore lie was in cage a celt In a Knees began to weaken Ha reeled about Until he found cot over on it For a long time ho lay In a half stupor row himself now dozing a little When he revived it was light The in lite head was ho could more clearly and felt stronger But the stone wall still cribbed him in at the back and rifles the tall barrier ribbed steel still rose up In front him There sounds of movement be yond but the prisoner them lit tle heed He was thirsty but He did not call out He wanted to be alone Ho Wanted to think about himself He had done it again Ilia his poor happy little wife what would she- say Four times during those seven months he had been drunk She had wept a little each time and then she had forgiven him with a kiss And then she was happy foe he had pro mised would promise her again now as soon as he was free from this little difficulty and he would keep his promise this time He could and he would She was too happy too precious a thing to be made to- sorrow And what sprees they had been Once before he had been arrested- that time for ft window wondered what he could be in for now Perhaps another broken lass somebodys head rapped dur ing a little argument Rut that didnt- matter He was to be better now He felt within himself a conviction he bad experienced before He was to be better 11 he attended strictly to business he knew that succeed And how hap py that would make his little wife As was thinking these things ian in uniform came down the corridor a of water a little tray food The prisoner accepted the former and drank deep and long When he low ered the pitcher to his breath HARDWARE STORE LIGHT FIXTURES You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line Electric Light Faints Oils Glass A W ALLAN NEW A J Choice Patterns SEE Our Bargain Table i Toronto Jobbing House NEWMARKET I guard addressed hub- Your lawyer he said will- to down to see you at nine oclock J I didnt have a lawyer the other time was jailed Ititson responded quickly They took me up be fore the police judge in the morning What was against you Disorderly conduct The guard smiled little The guard smiled a grim little smile Well guess it will take more than one lawyer to through this time he observed Why Whats the charge Murder Murder Murder repented the ugly word sev eral times like a foreigner crooning over- some newlearned phrase Then the fell crashing from his hands he clutched the bars and raised his voice till the whole build ing echoed Murder he screamed Murder Good heavens dont tell my wite guard shurfdered a look came upon his face and he back When he could make himself hoard he come up close to the bars again and almost whispered the words Whv man it was your wife that you killed Magazine 1 tlasiery FOR MCNt fc DUNCAN Jr The Cents Outfitter Al Headquarters for HighClass Gents Furnishings Boots A Shoes Era till Christmas for Halifax Oct three Graves brothers accused the murder of Kenneth Lea were tonight found guilty and sentetced by the Justice to hang on January Children FOR FLETCHERS castor A DYOLA t aoot to k KIND of toiU iced or Cotoc I of color MCHAXP40N For a Motor Rita A British engineer has invented an apparatus which is claimed will prevent the clouds of dust raised dry weather by motors and other vehicles The device which is sinvplc and inexpensive collects dust as it rises The dust is drawn conduits which are at the mouth and run from the rear of the front wheels to the rear of the back wheels These are connected with a box which the dust is driven by the pres sure ot air or this end can also be accomplished by the aid of a centri fugal fan geared to- the driving shaft of the car The contents of the dust box can be discharged by pulling a lever at the front of the Tribune Dover marine i Opposite Poet Offlte NtwmatkH placed at 25 35 and cents J MMn SSSS Scats arc now selling at BroUgh- CASTORIA t I lowland J tons Drug Store Era till Christmas tor fl5o J J Si Oct The British was rundown by the Hamburg American liner here today It sank at once drown ing fifteen of the crew The officer charge was rescued disaster oc curred while the third patrol flotilla submarines consisting of six ves sels was maneuvering the South Foreland on the coast of Kent An Empress design Empress is the name given to shoes that are designed to assist people in walking as they 1 W WRIGHT AReHlVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO 0

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