ft i il Keeks I i t teat- into- id in J The Mail Co of Montreal Men Tailors in Canada is local agent samples of doth to and Wed- Vac- Brief lets townspeople went to- Toronto evening to see sat at the Alexandra i Next Wednesday is Institute The Newmarket the Wo mens institute are invited to visit Institute on Wednesday At the home of Mrs Newmarket supplies the program for the afternoon Shipment Last Saturday Osborne A received a Carload of Furnaces eighteen everyone ordered Lave still two more on haps they are not PJr account wet weather wilt bo Oct Day The Canadian- have changed their night of first and third each month lUil Main at Domestic Science Glass next of Science class In connect Ion With liie Ic held hi one of on IH1- at aaO p lit for the afternoon will the tUng lttenis not wishing tako a full may any at ft charge tf If vnts BRA IMS I fceltef Ihey for Passenger Information Tickets etc rough tons Store uptown jQrQd to an injury his ftlout two months ago W lUvidsh has had chat el Sir farm tor past years fiivpo ftp Ms and gone to or a lest His ixmoal no doubt njretW by William and peo ple of the neighborhood as he took a ftreAt in keeping both the Mock farm up to A point Ob Oct 3rd Miis Of Victor Virian for her table pretti ly flowers After tea Iho spent a pleasant time on lawn aa Infer Joined In iW those were Mis M Miss Miss Miss Ann ferson of Toron to Master Howard Master Master- 1 ilLUOMlNpTOoi 1 Wo would like all the of the who can Unmeet us at on Wednesday the Oct p as the bus will there to take as our visit the luJiistrialHome -Press- Supt of be St Andrews Churchy The atleudance at the prepAtatoty on last week was not as targe hoped lot hut present enjoyed a rich treat in address by Tatlsb of Toronto Fourteen member were into the last Sunday morn ing ami was vartaVen by a of Sunday School is now hold at in the afternoon again North Torontos As- station pasted last Winn in of red- ho the City A Wanted fell from a plank the Corona Into Way Saturday night but Was railed by second en gineer who jumped into- the water to save him- last there were hew Centennial Melxilst Church With canoe bait full of wntcr tW in danger of last Sunday lake and wern resakxt a gasoline boat rVr tlic of a was hod to aiitinp 10 and costs Mr the Toronto Street is has been appointed KWarte If Of three rtirtpanies of tty been ftovlni attW Tlhrelas been a shuffle of and occupancy the new wing A named for Using a Knife in a ftsbt on Saturday waa sentenced to In- Kingston A tunnel tinder to connect Park and PATTERNS TlliU UNTON USB Complsta Department ft 1 Out for Them Once again we are called upon to warn Era readers in regard to bogus American hills They have been found in circulation Loth at Toronto arid Hamilton and without doubt will soon reach rural districts So far as we have been able to these bogus bills of one dollar notes to fives- It easy matter says a bank manager to discover a bogus bill by examin ing each side of the paper The forgers do not always charge all the numbers on the bills only the pro minent ones Out for a Stroll Sunday was such a after noon that hundreds of People were out tor a walk Many spent a quiet hour at the others stroll ed around new- residential sec tions on the West side of Town while the majority of people took a walk through Counaugbt and veiwed fbe prospect- The cement walks are hearty all completed and the territory will one thousand people- The prospectors ev idently mean business and a building will to on there next season sure Change of Time The Winter Time on the Metropolitan goes Into effect on Monday There is no change in cars between Newmarket and Toron to but there will Ijeonly six ears each way day between and Sutton Iklla was visitor Week Mrs Weir and IVteb of relaUuM tutu Mrs turned af ter spending a relatives in am Toronto Ilurc will iloni in tlie Church Dost in at and ait A will give an the evening Mr Mrs Sun day at Mr Mrs Jason children spent a Jaw days In e of spent a few days under the pafentol root A goodly number the people in this vicinity attended Fair- Mrs A and daughter are visiting her mother i I int ins In all widths Oil Cloths all arid Mftttliiga all sires and qualities Window ShaJps Curtain Lace Curtains of all Art Damasks and Strawberries Jars Canned Red Sauce Package Snap bailor ilpjr 3 o Tomato Catsup loo lo Boots and Shoes Quality Tips None better at any No or lipparfect Shoes sUonM to enter this store Quality Price Second Quality rematm after Price is forgotUn In mind the are never on tho altar W A BRUNTON r Building Stone for Sale Already faced Roche A Co Police Court Police Magistrate had a busy day last Monday Two young men were lined 10 and costs each in connection with occupying caht ear on the Metropolitan switch Four of our inercliants were fircd and costs each for violation of the early closing bylaw They wer Messrs first two have enter ed an appeal Mr Thos Was Charged with tapping water Aithout authority and was fined and costs And will be billed with back charges for mfeter a Leave Your Order Suits and Overcoats to order from to fit and style guar anteed Drop in and sec the styles A has to oner Program Missionary Institute MONDAY 330100 Address The Missionary Message of the Bible Rev J Simp son Open Ed- the Sunday School Row it Mission ary Education Movement Mission Study Classes Uplift of Dr Toronto India AwnkcningRev H Priest Strangers Our Mr J feat on Toronto Servants of the King for High School Students El Trover Canadian Colleges Mission 545700 Tea served in the Gym by the La dies Aid MONDAY Mission Classes resumed In addition to the classes the af ternoon there will be during this pe riod a Mens Missionary Discussion Group on The Call of the World led by Mr Lay mens Missionary Address The Call to Service Mr K Address The Awakened Orient -Rev- irMcTavish AFTERNOON and Missions Senior Secretary if- Inton belt- J J Rockwells Sunny South Co That uncommonly strong combina tion of colored talent the J Rockwell Sunny South Compa ny the show that never disappoints that misrepresents is announced to appear in Town Hall Newmarket Saturday evening Octo ber This confpany has been seen here several times and it has always made good delivering the goods Just- as advertised This season Mr claims to have the newest freshest most artistic and thoroughly equip ped colored show ever sent on tour He backs his- claim and arrests pub- Re attention by presenting a musi cal performartee that has more todato and original ideas than any similar organization As on its former appearance it will bo found to be clean to a fault and dur ing the entire performance there Is not a line nor an action to which exception can be taken The ton which will be handed over footlights all now and needs no arrow to point the way to the laughs Phero are twenty jolly catchy and brilliant musical numbers and the Olio is replete with several of the larger cities They action Is spirited and there Is plenty of sweet catchy music dances and features sufficient to make tho most seeker after amusement sit up and take notice The organization is accompanied by a concert hand and a superior orchestra The band will head the parade taking place at noon prices admission have been placed at and Seats are now selling at WgDrug Store Send the Era to absent friend r mens Missionary Open Conference The Mission Study Class Methods and Material Rev Priest Mission Study Classes as on Mon day the Gym by the Tea served in Ladies Aid EVENING Mission Classes resumed al so the Mens Missionary Discussion Group on Tbe Call the World led by Mr Senior Toronto 840930 Address tor the Prison Farm in York County at per ton City coal dealers asked a ton The coal was bought a Thomhill dealer at the August price R Saddle Dominion Fruit Inspector for the Lake Erie Counties promoted lo the position of Chief Inspector tor Western Ontario A letter officially announcing the appointment of McNeil from the diocese of Vancouver to To ronto was addressed to the priests people of the city by Pope Pius was read oh Sundav at St Michaels Cnftodral Rev Father wood Grant of Fattier- of Toronto on Wednesday for New York on way to Rome to pursue their studies for professorships in Canada under auspices The anniversary of St An drews Lodge of Masonry the mother Toronto was duly celebrated last Tuesday evening Sir Irving is oldest member of Hie lodge Among the oldest numbers at the gathering were the Duke- of Connaught P of England Sir John Gibson P President Tuft Sir Allen P John Ross and Sir Irving The latter has no less than OS years to his credit of Sir George Ross Sir Allen were- among the speakers at the Annual Reform Association meeting this week- I Word cornea from Winnipeg that Tom Longboat won the open professional race at the Prairie City on Saturday night after a finish Less than six incites separated the Indian- from Wood thai English runner The was hour minutes and seconds fldfto and 10000 witnessed Varsity defeat McGill on Saturday at the stadium by to in a rattier poorlv played game of Rugby During past week railway found it to dismiss from the service men for not liv ing up to the law Perhaps have a wholesome effect on the test of the staff On Tuesday evening last mistaking where was going Mr McAVil- a horsedealer of dock at Church St and was drowned It is repotted the Ontario Govern ment has appointed a commission to investigate and report upon charges against several Provincial officials in St Catharines Salmon Trout fishing Us unusually good in Ontario this fall The tailors strike which tins now been continued for six months is at an end lust which way It will even tuate is a problem still- lames Mclxttn of Richmond won the Vaughan Township prize of for the test yeld of mangolds in the municipality Some Canadian Problems A Wesley i on Stewardship of Life Mr Senior I Jewelry Repairing 1 Have your Watch Jewelry paired hero wvl you will got satisfaction All work warranted L TKHS0I A GO Jewelers and Optlolans P Issuer Marriage Licenses School here had a School on Wednesday which was a great credit Miss Ella the teacher who took a course of at the Ag College in the Ag ricultural Class has conducted a school the past summer the school grounds planted- and tak en care of by the who com- at the School Fair and won several prizes The Fair on Wednesday not what was grown poultry and fruit brought from their homes by the children whichmade a splendid show ing Prizes were awarded for vegetables as pupil had his own plot end competition was Very keen The Powers that were on the School Gardens were picked a week and gold to obtain prize money for Fair Contributions were also made by King Council the representatives of coth Houses the wet afternoon about people were present The judging of the vegetables was done by Dist-Lepre- sentative of the of Agriculture at Newmarket and Mr School Inspector The needle work and taking was judged by Mrs and Mrs to the- distribution- prizes by the teacher Prof- Director of Agriculture in Rural Sec tions gave an address Speeches were also made by Mr Mr son a member of King Council Mr Thompson of Mr tccklcy Mr occupied the chair the only readier in York County who I a school garden last year and got great praise for the work cess the ot the decide to Ikivc they may feel assured tiat ef forts will be ably by residents this village ami and the school will have a better Idea of what is reqalr- of them Mrs Toronto tecend a few days with her patents Mr arul Mrs Pratt Mr and Mrs Curtis and daugh ter the weekend with her par ents Mrs and Miss Mntoftto a few days at Mr Foxs Misses Nettie ami Mary returned torn- seau where they were spending the summer Mrs and her son spent Sunday at Mr anilMrs speut Sun Aurora Listen to the toils Loud theyre rinsing Boys Polly Causes Shocking Fatality LADIES STORE A group ot lads residing Strange street were playing in the vicinity of tie new rubber tire in dustry and securing pieces of tele phone wire made a- hook on the ends and and Kujanik first vol unteered to take a shock The former was first to climb a maple tree below the transmission almost front of Ms home while the young lad followed after Throw- the Wire over the Hydro wire received a terrific shock and became unconscious while the fingers of both hands and his wrists were burning His companion clung to his legs order to share the shock hut the wire wound round and he was severely burned sparks flying In all direc tions alarmed the curious boys watch ing the experiment and seeing his father returning from work informed him of his predicament- In the meantime the employees of the tire factory and Dr A of Waterloo who was on the ground sired up the situation- FURS FURS At Manufacturers Prices KG pieces FursTravellers Sam- pies all the Newest Cuts Including Muffs Ruffs Storm Collars Stoles Special for Saturday Pieces Furs for early tor First Choice W C LUNDY BANK OF MONTREAL Established The Moose the True Elk The Stamping Ground of tho Mon arch of the Forest In Ontario Every hunter who visits big game region in the north Ontario carries with him a secret ambition to kill a moose but as a rule he does not go to right place to gratify his desires i Moose are never found very close to civilization and with the rapid advance ol in Ontario they are being gradually driven back to the northern wilds- The district in the vicinity of Ruel Ontario on the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway SudburyPort Ar thur line Is one big stamping grounds in Ontario and prospectors and bushrangers who have been throu that district this year report moose plentiful At- a boat service on the Opickinlinickn River to Lake and Shining Tree takes the into the heart of the district where tho moose are Canadian Northern Railway of fers the hunter exceptional ac commodation An Information bureau for ben efit of prospective- hunters has been opened by Railway Company at S King Street Bast Toronto and information about the game country and a booklet may be obtained Write card today ft will re ceive prompt attention A Wonderful Discovery An eminent scientiest the other day gave his opinion that the most wonderful discovery of recent years was the discovery of Just think As soon as a single thin layer of is applied to a or a sOre such injury is in sured against bloodpoison Not one species of microbe has that does not MIL Then again A soon as is applied to a sore or a cut or to skin disease it stops the smarting That is why children are such They Care nothing for the science of the thing- All they know is that stops their Pain Mothers should never this Again As soon as ZamBukjs ap plied to a wound or to a disused cells beneath skins sur face are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed Ibis forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is secret healing The tissue- thus formed Js worked up to the surface and literally the diseased tissue above it This why cures are Only the day Mr Marsh Ave Montreal caned upon the Zamuk Company and tola them that for over he been a martyr to eczema His hands were at one time withy sores that- he had in gloves Four years ago was introduced to him Today ov er three years after his cure of a he had tor twentyfive yearshe Is still cured and has had no trace of any return of the eczema All druggists sell at box or we send free trial it you send this advertisement and a stamp pay return postage Ad dress Co Toronto ft CAPITAL ALL PAID UP RESERVE FUND UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 16800lH3 I at all important centres in Canada and in London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland- of a Banking business INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will he accommodated as heretofore NEWMARKET Some men pray for cause that is so much working for it and decided it would be dangerous to attempt to remove the lads until the was turned oil rubber gloves were procured half an Hour the lads were on the tree tto terrific voltage was pissing through their bodies before arrived from the city power station and removed tie bodies The tree was split in two by shock were summoned and per J when the lads were examined per bush found that there was a spark ot life Oats per bush left in each Doctors j chin and worked two hours Shorts per ton success be- easier than I BRANCH ROSS Manager Live Stock Market Newmarket Markets Oct 0 0 36- 2 KETTLEBY Quite a change In weather Nearly a week without Farmer are all very busy harvest and getting in their spend all your money Schombers Wait for the so cials given under auspices of the Christian Church Aid and the Institute A very meotingt of the Womens Institute was held in the ball last month The member would be pleased to have all ttie ladles of neighborhood take part this splendid work for and ia Fair was a decided 00- to restore life to the apparently life- Nay per ton new less forms hut KtoUukl expired 0 28 Kujanik was restored and immediate- Butter per removed to potatoes per bag pains from burns per lb 0 ami shock and a restless night pet lb 0 hut became entirely conscious this per lb morning The burns sustained serious but recovery is not unexpect ed The physicians pronounced the restoration lite to young Kujanik j as a great miracle About the only change in the To ronto live stock market this week decline of in he Price hogs Top price this week At i local points to A Woman with her first as unmistakable as a n first is bit of Greenhouses St Roses I Toronto Markets Oct 1913 Fall Wheat pet bush per bush It- An Owen Sound tobacco dealer was fined tor selling cigarettes 0 09ft 0 30 36 0 to boys under eighteen last week Rye per bush Chinamen ore making profit of per bush an acre on in British Hay per ton Columbia and the Government is Butter per Indians to go into the Eggs per celery raising Chickens per lb t Geese per lb Ducks per lb Send the Era to absent friends Turkeys per lb in Our Flowers are We grow them Funeral Designs or de scription made shortest no- Our Bridal Bouquets are the very best Satisfaction Guar anteed Out of town orders llcltated Thousands of Cabbage j Cauliflower PlanU for sale III SA Mens Overcoats at Price Ladies Furs at Cost Price Ladies EnglishMade Suits at Cost We do this in order to reduce too heavy a stock A FRIDAY BARGAIN LIST t I rt ARCHIVES OF ONTARI sw TORONTO