Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Oct 1912, p. 7

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ess sj 1 t T ft A t FRIDAY OCTOBER 1912 cm i i Bowls Jugs have just opened a Crate Direct Import at Specially I Prices I Nice Goods The The attendance at HallYearly Meeting on Yonge last Sunday was the largest for some time Mr Wilson from the States was the only speaker- i Methodist Church Toe regular meeting of the will take place at the School Room Wednesday a oclock at Christian Church Next morning new will received into the church by endeavor will have Tuesday are going on for Fowl puppet next month In the Town Hal The ladle cleared MO with their booth at the Fair Grounds V ii r I I I They are White Body Hands with A NEST OF A HOWLS FOR 35 The Jugs are from to to sUc Always a Bargain in our Window Save CoaU- These cool evenings one our Oil Heaters able at per A fire trial Hardware A DIRECT IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA J I i Your Success In Making Pickles and Catsups on Good Pure Spices and Vinegar We handle only Quality Spices and Vinegars and used in the Preparation of Your Pickles will Ensure Success Basket Ball Newmarket went to Hill on Tuesday mid played re- match the of a score of a favor of Richmond Hill Now will be Today Aurora rf plays at Hill and on Tuesday nest Aurora play the team here Getting them On installed Quite a number are to go on yet but the people complain that have given the order but tlte work done SU Johns Church Grand next Sunday evening at oclock The Forty Hours Devotion com menced last Sunday Mass and closed at Vespers by and Rev- Fattier Whitney on Sunday On Monday even ing Father Toronto addresKed a The Church beautifully for invasion with and ami special was rendered by Overflow Personals Dr Cook of Ohio left tor homo this week after spend ing seven weeks with Iter sister Mrs street Mr amt Mrs J Ml and Mr Carl llrcdlet- tctodod wedding of Miss Ethel Hunter In Toronto on Wednesday Rev J Webb leaves tor the He the Sunday Mr Edwin Squire of DeUast Ireland Quarterly Meeting of t Fleering was in Newmarket on Monday and the students of in the Golt don and elsewhere The- and tated the was rapidly these places but out fanning No doihiiie action was taken but the to tires were urged to bring before separate Councils Hoards of Trade and as soon as possible each pass a Uylw to in to 4 mm Are you in favor of obtaining pow er Commission Ontario a supply of electric power This has to be publlstcdU a local newspaper for three weeks Prior to the Vote and in mean a public meeting can be ar ranged at which persons to explain the matter will be IV Is that will be in Very near The rates submitted Very favor able with those collected in Western Ontario and there no question POWns that are able supply power to I are the ones that will draw GIVEN AWAY FREE TO A FAMILY WHILE THEY LAST Saturday EVERY PURCHASE OF A SUIT Of QUASSNTiE6 OVERALLS these it Newmarket and j Aurora will combine oft this there no doubt but that the will be built On the plan proposed Prize Essay at School Pat n t a Webb attended the On the farm of Messrs and at of over Sunday Two of the Col- Geo Preston of threshed the service in the bushels Geo Preston of Vandorl threshed the neighborhood oats in 5 hours ft few days ago Cyril Morrison in the High School Gym and sprained his arm men conducted the service Friends here Miss Ida Williams daughter of Geo Williams has been the Weeds in Our Section Webb No King I home the greater part of If you are Tired oi the mer leaves next week for Los gvles Cal to resume her work in connection wth the Pisgah Publlc Library The removal the public library ami Reading Room to the South Her friend Mis of of the Town is not materially affect- Toronto Is spending a days with the readers but has lessened the her this week running in small boys about mail- time and in that respect is an im provement There is more room than at the former place and the 14 foot- ceiling gives an airy well venti lated The books and tables are conveniently arranged and there T You Blends are y drinking try our own BOSWORTH The Leading Reliable fipocep Prompt Delivery CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets is plenty books and of shelving tor auditions of papers Prepare for Hunting best brands ammunition all other requisites to make your trip pleasant at Hardware the home enclosing tne amount new home in Oshawa on lues l Surprise Eight girls met at Nellie Osborne on Saturday Miss her new hoi day It was a great surprise to Annie when Grace Doyle read an ad dress and Myrtle Johns presented her with signet ring as a token of fond friendship Later in the evening games were indulged in and were served A very enjoj- able time was spent by all Mr and Mrs Neil Sault Marie announce the engagement ol their daughter to Rev J Oscar son the late Gilbert and Mrs Johnston of to take place quietly in October at the the brides parents The Misses Morrison Toronto spent Sunday under the parental root Tbey brought them their cousin Walter Morrison Pa son Mr Bert Morrison who Is rapidly be coming one of the leading of the and has been engaged by a Toronto firm to put in a furnace for the manufacture of electric steel Mr A Coombs Principal of There are a great many trouble some weeds in our section of which children especially going to the rural schools should know about so that- when they grow up they able to experiment for themselves and they will also newer methods of their eradication Weeds are most injurious to and left they choke it out The more troublesome weeds are Wild Oatfcv Wild Mustard Canadian and Sow Thistles Twitch- Grass and Plantain Most of these weeds distribute their seeds the wind but the others are distributed by getting food there The wildcat grows in all pares of and the North West ripe it is very hard to dis tinguish it from the grain It grows in clusters and is to four feet high The underground stem is deep in the ground and very hard The stem above the ground is very straight and has several branches all over it On to endsrot these small branches are several heads Under neath the outer husk this is the seed which is long and bent and is covered with brown hairs As above of me ones WILL GIVE GRATIS AS V ire of dJ win for with Properly can one or It v hen rj when u Oca it In James The WlensWear Men r protect the seed which is sort of sledgeshaped The only way to get rid of bur dock as the roots do not is to cut the plant ofl close to the root gather in bunches and burn them Lumbers Quarters or Goose Foot is an annual weed and grows from two This weed is very hard to get rid four feet high The stems in lhe Lino Colonist Excursions SETT- TO OCT Wash t 4605 4300 I Vancouver Nelson Portland Ore San Francisco Los Angeles a Mexico City One Way Second Class from NEWMARKET Proportionate rates from all sta tions in Ontario to above and other in Arizona British Columbia California Idaho Mexico Oregon Nevada Texas Utah and Washing ton Hunters Excursions Single Fare for Round Trip Going Dates OCTOBER TO NOVEMBER 9 To Points in etc OCTOBER TO NOVEMBER Lakes Lake of Bays Midland to North Bay inclusive to inclusive Lindsay to inclusive to Par ry Sound inclusive All tickets val id for return until Thursday Decem ber except to points reach ed by steamer Tuesday Ask any Grand Trunk Agent for full particulars tickets etc A DUFF Union Toronto J Agent Phone J R Phone Agent Splendid Opportunity FOR A MARKET GARDENER Five acres on Prospect Ave just south Pickering College and out side of the corporation of Newmar ket Brick house good orchard etc Apply to Mrs Toole or MOSES TOObfc Real BstateQhanges Mr E has made the fol lowing real estate sales within the past ten days The business ol Mr Howard at the North End to Mr Peter Milne of Queensville The house of Mrs J A Wright of Toronto on street to Mr J house of Mr J Blackburn of Kettleby on Niagara street to Mr McIIale A building lot on Park Ave west of Lome Ave to MrWmWright and two lots in the same locality to Mr Bert West the annual subscription the Era it is with pleasure that I do so as I consider this is one of wisest expenditures I make We are always glad when Fridays mall This term opened with a good attendance in fact all our rooms are filled We have also an excellent staff and prospects for the year are bright This is a great year for fruit in this locality Peaches are so plentiful they can scarcely be harvested They are selling at very low prices in fact lots of people are giving away their surplus We have the finest- peaches delivered at the door at a Urge basket Grapes are very plentiful too All the members of our family are In very good health Zip The wonderful Hand- Cleaner Large Tin at Bines Two of most popular young people were wedded on Wed nesday morning ol last week wcn Mr J H Bert Eaten and Miss Want Electric Power Last Tuesday afternoon about 50 of the representative business men of Newmarket Aurora Mark- ham Richmond and surrounding Townships attended a meeting in the Fire Hall to the question of HydroElectric pow er His Worship Mayor occupied the chair and introduced Mr A Gaby electrical engineer ot the Onta rio Hydro Power Commission who went very fully into the details of the scheme He stated that the Com- as the roots greatly A field with only a few- in should be pulled or dug up but a badly infest ed field should under a hoed crop or sell for pasture The Canadian Thistle first came from Europe and so was not correct ly named when called the Thistle It grows over and is very hard to uproot on account of its hardy underground stems The stems above ground are also hardy and grow from one to three feet It is green in colour and produces nu merous indented leaves which are at so green The under surface of the leaf is woolly and somewhat darker At the top of the stem a small pur- white flower appears Under the downy puff of this are the small brown seeds A good way to eradicate this weed is to put the land under a crop or work it for summerfallow Wild Mustard is the worst weed there is to get of oh account of its multiplying Each plant produce about twentyfive thousand seeds The underground stcta is very crook ed hardy but the stem above ground Is straight has several ob long leaves on it and a shows yellow flower on the extreme top The way toget rid of Mustard Is to gather the plants In heaps and burn them so that seeds do not scatter The sowthistle gives the farmer much anxiety It is a perennial and grows from one to three feet having TO Rent Without board a comfortably fur nished Bedroom arid Sittingroom Apply to Box Era Office- NOTICE On and after this date the under signed will not be responsible for any debts or liabilities incurred by wife K J- Houses for Sale ground- have many small fibrous roots attached to them and therefore have a good hold on the land The stems above the- are much grooved and have rnany branches placed at intervals The leaves are light green onibe lower branches but are a darker green on higher ones They are much indented and On West Side of Newmarket go to a point on the top On the frame ends of the branches a small head J On East Side Cement House cut or flower grows It is small green- price for quick sale flower and grows in a cluster CMHUGHES Tho seed is black shiny and 35 Real Estate Agent most round It is aJsto about an To Rent A wellfurnished house in good lo cation Owner leaving Town for winter Apply to Box A Era Office For Sale Second Hand Doors Sash and Frames Enquire of J Newmarket Rhubarb for Sale Farm for Sale acres 4 miles from Newmarket late Harrow immediately clay loam welLwatered Good house est and cultivate at Inter- am Good orchard Ap ply to 4W37 A ii REG Newmarket Wanted at Once mission acts as Trustees in the con- a strong hardy stem and branches at struction of the system provide the Jessie Dickson formerly of New- necessary funds and the following fig- market were united in marriage in aires of cost include maintenance c I J GREGORYS French Dry Pressing the Presbyterian Church by the Rev Anderson in pres ence of a number of Invited quests and Interested spectators The church was beautifully ilPCor- with hydrangea autumn leaves and salvia The bride wore a travelling suit ol navy blue with duchess lace cellar and hat to match and carried an old- fashioned bouquet of lily the val ley In the absence of her father Mr J E Dickson who is in Alberta sho was given away by her aunt Mrs Randall of Philadelphia Mr Edwin Eaton acted as usher Mr Frost presided at organ giving a brilliant rendering of bridal chorus from Lohengrin and closing with the wedding march from MendclssolmV Midsummer Nights Dream Besides Immediate family con nections the guests wore Mrs Fisher and the Misses Fisher Newmar ket Miss Randall Camden Me Mr Ira Clark MoLean and Mrs L Anderson and Miss Rene Cooke Bay City Mich After the ceremony reception held In the manse kindly placed at the disposal of the bride by Mrs An derson The couple have gone on a motor trip of about a fortnights duration arid on heir re turn will reside in Among many handsome presents a fireplace sent by the choir Miss having been for some p Aurora- Newmarket Bradford Richmond Hill Port Perry t Over Toronto Jobbing House w ofthe churob Newmarket I per p required per annum 350 1000 2762 3840 3126 3921 The estimated expenditure for lino at Cooksville central distributing station in the vicinity of Is There are now municipalities and large customers on the system which is working without interruption The distribution within muni cipality costs about per horse power All municipalities are only paying for what power they use and making big profits Some are re ducing the rates Mr Yates one of- the same Com mission explained tho system of service and lighting showing how many electrical conveniences in household work can be used at very low cost The question of fire protection be ing raised Mr that some municipalities were running boiler at low pressure while others were depending upon electrical pumps entirely The cost of filling the re servoir when the load Is light is prac tically nothing Mr and Mr ex plained bow tbe Commission assisted the municipalities to submit power bylaw quoted their in altenate intervals The leaves on the brandies vary but are green In color The flowers are white when ripe and underneath this white downy puff are the seeds which arc about an eighth of an inch long There several methods for de stroying this weed but the best are short rotation of crops by sowing flax or summerfallowing The Burdock is another of our weeds It- Is a Biennial weed and has tremendous roots which are larger than those of any other plant The root Is the same for about a foot the earth and then it gradually gets smaller The stem Is grooved and branched some of which have very broad leaves and Others have large brown hearts called burs The burs are with stiff hair to eighth of an inch in diameter ls this weed flowers tend seeds very late in the season it is necessary to cultivate I after harv vals in the fall The land should be put under a hoed crop the next spring Toad Flax has now became very plentiful in Ontario and prows nearly all over It is the perennial weed and grows from twelve to eighteen Inches high The stem below the Good general Servant or working ground very deep rooted and has housekeeper Apply to Mrs Albert short fibrous roots all over it The I toe Main Street Newmarket stem above the ground Is very slen der and Spear shaped leaves are scattered at Intervals over the lower part of the stem and the flow ers on stem are light and dark yellow and are very showy To destroy this weed a short rota tion of crops should be adopted and estivation in the springs Most of these weeds that I have mentioned come directly or indirectly from other countries and nave been brought in by various ways The wind carries a great many seeds and farmers should be very careful pull out the stray weeds that they should see on their They should be careful in selecting fresh grain to plant as a great number of seeds are carried in this way and animals also carry a great ot destructive weeds on feathers and fur Victoria Giant grown from seed ready for fall planting roots for cents dozen Fred street Newmarket On Srigley street near Gardens house in good con dition stable new cistern and first class water well Apply to MRS MINNIE WILSON Newmarket P O SALS miss Rhctti SOPRANO Will accept Concert Engagements and a limited number of pupils In Singing Address Newmarket or Birds Boarders Wanted Vacancies for more at The Cedars Cor Victoria Park Ave Mrs One Decker Separator with Feeder and Stacker Tank Wagon and Pump one 14hp portable Engine one Traction Engine Whites make one Gasoline Engine i one Cornell Engine 10 hp together with ropes and blocks Apply to Newmarket Farm for Sale Splendid Farm acres state of cultivation good buildings Bank barn Well watered in the Township of East and one of the best farms in the Town ship Price Hair can remain on Mortgage at per cent to E Real Estate Agent Newmarket y Reaver iiU NOTICE Is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Voters List Act by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of York at the Council Chamber Aurora On Tuesday the 23nd day of Oct at oclock a m to hear and de termine the severe complaints of er rors and omissions in the Voters List of the Municipality of Whit church tor All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place J Sale Register SATURDAY Robert Wagg will sell a number of horses cattle and pigs at one oclock Five months credit J Kester Auctioneer at Mt Albert TUESDAY Oct Darius ft York will have an important sale of imported and other stock ln lot on the line of North Credit till Oct Sale at one sharp H Kaya- Auct THURSDAY Oct Mr Phil ip lots Con Georgina near Cedar Brae hold an extensive farm sale at oclock 12 months credit on sums over J Kester Allot a Just to hand Car of Gluten Meal 9 I The Best Milk Producer on Earth Gar of a For Bedding Cheaper than Straw at 26o per Bale Think About Coal and M A Cook dried fruits in the of on top the stove There no danger then of- their burning they keep their shape better and if cookod GEORGE FORESTER NEWMARKET y A A I a ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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