rev JSv t CIS- fc r BRA FRIDAY OCTOBER Ml AOENT ALBERT MOUNT ALBERT EPWOHTH LEAGUE the program rot the evening will be as follows the exercises ted by Mr The Unite discussed J Miss smith Illustration of topic will be by Mildred and Thayer call consecrations mid Sutton JOHN YATES AGENT SUTTON ROACHS POINT was sold this of the The- bote to Mr Toronto sum He Intends to remodel the pace for a summer resi dence- and is Iticlyto spend torn to Mono on Place A On the o the departure and MisCropby re sided here for the past fifteen vents the the Methodist held a social in Mw church them Mr and Mrs have both been quiet but active members of the their nurture is SCHOOL The services in connection with Methodist Sun day School will be held on ftt The exercises will be very consisting Of addresses child ren the school In addition if is Will also A ot pftWWlS ami others as this is a wy imp ant event in the One mwl imporv- farm sales in season is of Mr York on of the lipporicd mares he Is of fering for sale Won frit prirc as a at the Spring To and 2nd at- same All his implements are in rooi working Oder SHARON with PERSONAL Mr returned his trip to the West on Monday and Mrs Crosby leK this wvefc for their new home in Miss Hunter who has In the Post Office here the past tew left this wyeR to a posi tion in Toronto In the PcSt Office Miss Hunter was much liked on ac count her cheerful disposi tion and was a very popular young lady While regretting her depart ure her unite in wishing her every success in her new sphere mm QVEENSVILLE of brother also BALDWIN BREEZES A iiHi of mostly aw nA- a of lumbago and Mrs- Sobi Moore daughter of Silas tst ii her rclatlVa here ttn Us With the to In arms a Can you dolt her stantiat Site Weighs and a ami Weight is Very too me a funny yarn that Oil the arrival tor ll Pilling up the silos Ictii this week past It costs to do ill this but ensilage is the Harvesting drags along and will Miss spent Sunday till files and there s praties to dig roots to be rooted ap ples to and tire fall plough ing to do Get a move Herman here He not seem to gain as as might be desirable The city air does not seem suitable his eonstitutioh However or Mrs Jos Clark on route hoinbward twin Sutton Fair dropped in or tea with tho Folks at Home and scat tered a tew rays of sutshine about home She is the same noble girl as ever los was a tremend ously lucky chap to get her that is my sober unbiased It is reported that- Squire Station intends returning Jo Alberta in the spring ftndWH engage extensively in pork raising Ive no comment to mate only Id think prefer liv ing on the Old homestead with Lou isa was judge on- pas try tread and and goodies at Sutton Charlie is well qualified for the task from page ROOTS VKQlvTAUIiHS Tuylor Taylor and Soiler Mangel J Lang Sugar Taylor iind Field Squash Mae and Sellers pold Taylor VojiipklnsT and J Mlsa the parental Mr ft Way ling has returned from the West Mr and dhol lrflM- Mertin are expected home soon from Mrs was a welcome visitor town this week Mrs Hughes and daughter attended Friends meeting on street on Sunday Jack Frost Is making people hurry with their garden crops SUTTON Hall was Jammed for the Fair- Concert last Friday night and everything passed off in good shape The local performers did their parts well amf the joSes by the were greatly enjoyed Too bad that the bridge was torn up just when so many people want- to use it The hotelbars did the biggest busi ness in the village last Friday A handsome new residence is going w rne iusk WO up just north of the grist mill than he Prof Pie A man named Flanagan from New- conscientious in the I go to Geo spent a few days with Mr- Fattendei visited her brothers was calling on some market The Womens Institute Domestic Science Class to meet on Thursday Oct 10th in stead of Oct as given out AH are asked to bring their own fancy work as the first lesson given is in sewing Further announce- meats later Mr and Mrs W White and Mr and Mrs Weddel motored to Brighton to spend the weekend with M White and report a pleasant trip Miss Mildred has returned after spending a week at Brighton visiting her cousin Miss- Minnie White Mr Walter changed his place of residence this week from Rush St to Mr Clayton Fos ters house on Queen St Mr Foster having gone for the win ter Miss Bessie has returned from Toronto Mrs J A Milne of Orillia is guest of Mrs this week Mr and Mrs Fred Mas Maurice and Mr of Toronto motored up from the city to spend the weekend with Mrs Ayl Miss lamer of Orchard Beach was also the guest of her aunt over Sunday Mr gone to Cochrane to open a harness shop but Mrs and the family will not Ontario until later i Mrs attended a small family reunion at Mrs Or chard Beach on Wednesday of last week her sister Mrs Rannio having recently returned from a three mouths sojourn abroad most the summer being spent on the coast Brittany France Mr Ross has returned from lie been since May and like everyone else Is enthusiastic over the West and pros pects there The Methodist Sunday School Rai ly on Sunday morning was a interesting occasion the centre scats being filled with the scholars Rev A McNeill gave a splendid address on Our Flag and the program al together was inspiring Tbe league is being held on Sunday evening instead of Monday as formerly Miss Milne Miss Vera Smith and Rev attended the League Convention at Brad ford on Friday Program for the League Rich Fool Luke Speaker Johnny Smith iteaderViola Hill Home Missions A in Na tion Building Matt Luke Wright Greatness Psalm Speaker Minnie Wright Reader Sandy Milne Religious Conditions and in Our Dominion James Aylward ReaderWillie Wright Flanagan market was up before the Magistrates Ms duty here forutterins a cheque especially if they was sent to the Folic to fine or pastry suffer whilst be dealt with as he directs j judgment is being passed was received on wl the l licVet of the death in the Vest lo show what the exhibit may have at Kaiser This kind work is verv -ew- of Sutton and son of the destructive to the appetite So ate Samuel Kaiser Mr has decided destructive to Urns Prof Dec Graham and Charlie to go into business for and of poultry Any meat severs his partnership here with Considered an soon purposes moving on buff hut to Toronto to look after the build- theyd be all at sea to discriminate of shop Billy will be j with any decree of between a misled here as ho was always fa Shanghai chick a juvenile srrfCch for anything to the in- owl Owlet of Sutton present be- Baldwin are in il that tbev rubbed it In in SSl Osborne every exponents of rejoicing a the game en fair day- Now Baldwin roes Into the succoss ft is with great pleasure that Mr Dean and I take this Kft of thanking tho members of St Georg6a congregation for siil competent- to kind and generous thought Se a just opinion that Sutton for me the outcome being such a is crumbling to ruins Where does very beautiful presentation The the fault lie Theysav there is a and elegant silver tea great disparity of ladies Well vice with ray monogram prettily let her Rest in peace Ki A smnrt lad considering his my most valued The try articles for their beauty and in- value but more than Rlxty for the kind thoughts of my a month as section boss on the dear friends whose unfailing Canadian Northern He is entitled t courtesy sympathy and appreel- much credit Few boys under similar of my efforts to fittingly as- conditions do nearly as well tho rector In the services of Hows the mill Oh work is pro- praise in our church services grossing slowly Frank finds it a have- been a constant cheer and great task to ail that awful chasm comfort sine I came them by the flood A heart less de- fefmlncd than his would have given tie church by tho lake Will j much missed by me in my ma Mary Morgan Dean Rectory Sutt West NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Residence for Sale Good BrickClad House and lot for sale in Ml Albert Good barn and stable in connection also of bush land For particulars eppy to John French ML Albert see work in the mill in operation The saucy lack Canuck last week had Judge Winchester and In spector Hughes on the grid iron They were roasted uptodate News is abundant but the Owl is not up to his usual form Thjr damp weather takes the scrap out of our head Id very much like to from some of my true friends and They hear from me weekly Stray Cow Came up lot 28 Con 3 East about Sept a red cow with white spot in forehead Owner is requested to pay charges and take same away MRS GILBERT JOHNSTON 3w38 PO KESWICK lroSJ Sollera ftartilps L Vegetable marrow Win Rgo Sellers iablo Scott Squash at Special Taylor nd Win White Jl Taylor J Lang Red Cabbage Turnip ind Mac Boots LongMac McDonald Carrots short Long lHylor 2nd Lang Carrots 2nd J Kay Onions red IT Taylor Onions Taylor Mac McDonald Tomatoes f find Loinergan Oyster Mac McDonald 2nd Taylor Mid Lata Sellers Ego of rooty and Seders 2nd Tay lor Corn in A Kay 2nd FRUIT Alexander Mac McDonald 2nd Miss Mortoni St Lawrence 2nd Miss Maiden Tteloar 2nd J Kay Scott 2nd Mac McDonald J Kay varletiesW J Kay Snow apples Scott 2nd A Taylor Scott incus Hamilton Scott Northern Spy Thornback Scotk RI Greening 2nd Sellers Mac McDonald Winter apples varieties Scott 2nd Sellers Crab Apples Roy Taylor 2nd Lake Grapes J Kay DAIRY PRODUCE Ten one lb rolls Mrs 2nd Mrs Huntley lb crock Mrs Huntley Ton one lb rolls Mrs way 2nd Five lb crock Mrs Ego 2nd MM Taylor Five one lb rolls Mrs J Weir 2nd Mrs Sinclair Five one lb rolls Mrs J Hamil ton 2nd Mrs Ego Two ouo lb rolls Mrs J nd Miss Two lb rolls butter appearance to count per cent Mrs 2nd Mrs Huntley Homo made buns Mrs J Sil ver 2nd Mrs Currant Miss Edna Shaw Mrs Silver Loaves Bread Mrs Silver 2nd Miss Edna Shaw Five Roses Bread Mrs Taylor 2nd Mrs Ego Fruit cakoMrs Taylor 2nd Mrs Huntley Layer cakeMrs Ego 2nd Mrs Sinclair Mrs Ego 2nd Mrs Preserves varieties Mrs Taylor 2nd Mrs McDonald Canned fruits A varietiesMrs McDonald 2nd Mrs Taylor Jellies varieties Mrs Ego 2nd McDonald Canned vegetables Mrs Taylor 2nd Mrs Ego Pickles varieties Miss Kemp 2nd Mrs vVH Taylor lbs Extract Silver Table Centrepiece- nd J Stiles Fancy drawing table Kenip Mi Fther case Miss Kemp Ml Outilno work Fisher Darn Kemp Sowing plain made alls Kemp Sowing ladles underwear Kemp itid Mrs J Formed Miss dfoasMlaa Kemp auVkind Kemp in fill Bliss Kemp Painting A Wrier Kempi on ChluaMUi Wshef ml Mis KoMip Miss Painted Kemp 2nd Mount Mollock alias 2nd Afiad Appiuiuo Work Miss Mlaa Point work Miss Kemp 2nd Miss Fisher Fancy shirt Kemp 2nd Fisher Pillow shams Miss frauio Fisher 2nd Miss Rump Pierced Brass Miss Miss Fisher Wood Burnt work Miss Kemp Col Button HolesMiss Kemp 2nd Miss Fisher CniLDUliNS WORK I dure or the White Memphis Dr R V At run I hardly able to my I I a woman Had a bad Internal warn racy and ear back was wank I a deal with In ittct I all over con when I wrote to yon for advice After your lion for any that my health waa never better Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription hi positive for end the feminine It allays heal and aoolhea pain Tooee and up the nerves Do not permit a dishonest dealer to subs it ate for this medicine which a record iO year of No thank you I want whet I for Dr bowel o a Silk on Linen Styles tancy pin cushion P Stylos Pancy Knitting Styles Isaac King Copy Ethel McDonald Kaiser hand drawing North Cronsbery 2nd I If log Layer cake Doris Graham FLOWERS Cut flowersairs Sinclair 2nd Bert Hand Miss Mrs Dahlias Mrs Sinclair Bert Asters Mis Mrs WBrooks 2nd Sinclair Sweet peas Mrs V Brooks 2nd Sinclair THE DOMINION BANK a P A General Manager paid llceraFunj Total S70000 Banking By Mail great convenience to Ihoae living at a distance from town Deposits may be made money withdrawn and other banking business transacted by mail without trouble or delay Full information maybe by writing the Managed I Mount Albert Branch t4fri a The continued weather is like ly to cause serious loss to farmers of whom are unable to get in their late crops or to get their wheat- sown Some have barley buck wheat and oats still uncut HafHieof Keswick who leaves as a bride this week was the recip ient Of a Shower on Monday ev ening from her many friends As Mrs Jesse Smith she will make her home at the Canadian Mrs of Mrs of Richmond also Mrs- Law of Keswick visited Mrs here on Tuesday Mrs has so far recover ed as to be able to walk through- the rooms without assistance and to go for a few steps out of doors She hopes soon to be about as usual Mrs Joshua an old resident had a stroke ot paralysis some weeks since and is failing very rapidly SheIs unable to be moved from Island Grove- the summer home of her son Reeve Mrs was always one of the kindest of friends and neighbors to all near her She will be much missed and regretted and will store furniture etc while he and his family are leaving for UncleSams domains for a time at Mr and Mrs Wilson bom andraified here spent many years the other side Both countries ap peal strongly to them We wish them success wherever they go J School Reports S No East Report for Sept Jr Cowieson Henry The Wat Cloud Sr III A Blizzard and equal Glover Hodge Jr III Sanderson Nelson Irvine Rose Gordon I Carl Rose andAlax Glover equal Jr- I A Smith Cora Blizzard Leo Pol- Jr I J Ada Blizzard Abbs equal Jen- lite Annie Greenwood No on roll average Ab sent Visitors 3 M Merle Richmond Teacher Continued from page ULTIMATUMS It is reported today that they tcf1 send a collective note to Turkey explaining the reasons for the action in their armies As they necessarily must await a reply to this note the ambassadors of the powers in Constantinople will be able further to impress the Porte with the advisability of granting their de mands Porte must in the meantime bovver deal with two notes Of which are practically ultimatums One of these is from Servia and de mands the release of Servian ammu nition which has been detained in a transit through Turkey while other is from Greece and protests against the detention of Greek ship ping in Turkish Waters which Tur key has decided up and for the transport of her troops Rerort of East Gwil- for the month o Septem ber ClassOlive Black Edith Ker shaw Mary Brown Lindsay Clara Tate Kenneth Sr III Bessie Brown Vera Hall Cameron Eves Jr HI Jennie Glover Muriel Eddie Kershaw TURKEY IS WARLIKE The time for the reply to the Ser vian note does not expire until to- so that even in this connec tion the ambassadors of the powers have a full day before them in which to pres upon the Porte the advice of their respective foreign of fices For the present however prepara tions are proceeding on all sides for war- Troops are assembling in hun dreds of thousands- The Turkish press is enthusiastically for war believing that it must come and the nation Sr I Evelyn Weddel Bessie Ker- show Jack Tate Hazel Eves Wilson is preparing for next years tourist traffic by building al Selby Vera GIov- commodious garage In connection Herbert Ross Harry Watson Hilda hopes to have the support all the Austin in a conflict with the Jr Muriel Schrank Eugene Christian forces as well as of Arthur Glover Leslie Hedging and even Romania with his and will add other Important Is also- LONG WORDS Curiosity seekers sometimes expend some of their energy in making a list of the longest words in the English Willie A Class Walter Davis Ruth Clifford Mackrill Maud Fletcher An- language but the list usually Mr John Wilson of tlio Lake Shore Burton eludes words that are not yet sold his farm here anil bought Glover a lot In Kefcwick East of Power I Average attenlfance House where he erecting a house FITZGERALD Teacher is jUized as legitimate The longest dis tinctly recognized word the editor be Write for the Concrete Book Luke 10121 J Reader Ma 1 s lis- it We Represent Royal Fire Insurance Co Fire Insurance Co The Independent Fire Insurance Co General Animals Insur ance Co of Canada of ConveyanclDg Done GWDavidson REAL ESTATE ALBERT FORSALE One Brick House rooms in Albert at 750 easy tonus J 39 One Frame rooms with frame stable Good water acre of garden small fruit down balance fn years Close to Mount Albert acres all cleared frame bam and stables mile to church and school PO 2 miles Mt Albert miles on good terms acres 15 cleared new frame house bank barn J tulle to church and school market and R station miles on easy terms Also Five Other Good Farms- well situated several good sections of P R lands personally Inspected at per acre and a number good inside Town Lots In the new P town Alberta DAVIDSON Box Mount Albert Mr and Mrs VanNorman have returned Irom a sojourn some months in Britain Germany and Aus tria and are spending a few weeks at their summer home The Cedars Kbswlck- Lake The regular meaotlng ot the Union will be held Oct 9th at p at the home of Mrs McCordtck It Is requested that every member be present and sharp on time to enable all business to te got through and give time for complete report- of Convention Visitors welcome Press Coals of fire are not intended for roasting purposes Tho bashful young man had teen invited out to Sunday dinner at the home of his fiance after being seated the hostess began making excuses for not having a very elaborate ayout whereupon the young man wishing to her that everything was exclaimed oh its all right what there is of thinking that did not sound right he added and theres enough f it such it It LADIES WORK Quilt patchwork cotton Miss Kemp 2nd Mrs McDonald Band knit wool socks Miss Fish er 2nd Miss Kemp Hand Knit fancy cotton lace Mlsa Kemp 2nd Miss Fisher Slippers any kind Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs McDonald Crochet in- cotton Kemp 2nd ilr Mac McDonald in silk Miss Fisher Miss Kemp counterpane Miss Kemp Set Table linen Miss Morton 2nd Miss Kemp Pet of Dinner mats Miss Kemp 2nd McDonald Novelties new ana orginal Kemp 2nd Miss Pradlng on cotton Miss Kemp 2nd Mtsa Fisher Soft Pillow KmbdMra J Silver 2nd Kemp cloth oclock Kemp 2nd Miss Fisher Drawn work Kempt- 2nd Miss Fisher TattingMiss Fisher 2nd Mac McDonald Kemp 2nd Fisher Sideboard drape Miss Kemp Miss Fisher Tea Cosy Miss Kemp 2nd Mist Morto JN where the are and houses must- be solid and substantial No gingerbread frills as distinguish California bungalows can be permitted Canadian homes should be built to defy wind and cold to keep warm inside when it thirty below Concrete of all materials best withstands wind water and cold that it is fast becoming popular with Canadian homebuilders Concrete warm in winter less for they are cool in summer A Concrete house astter needs repairs of decaying it actually grows with time and exposure to the elements attractive architectural effects may be obtained with Concrete especially for bouses in the country where the rough concrete surface harmonises with surrounding first a tcot wit It For coi it forth OS a th4M lio tot If may iao Caauu M mi M wriest DOW IW II lK aMtaaaaf Ur pUciajT of C aJ toaaJWdj pfm em CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED V J When Cnntnt sun Canada CtMtnt vry log heart this aatv a ffaWiJ A Ml er 4 I s I V v ARCHIVES OF