Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Sep 1912, p. 7

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l k 4 J FRIDAY SEPTEMBER Weeks var- V Bowls Jugs We have just opened a of Direct import at Specially Low Prices Nice Goods IS Customs Office Owing the increase business Newmarket on mcc has been opened In toe Toronto Rice In charge of Mr A de puty Don McIeod whose hours are from ft a to p m every day except Saturday when toe oclock Iihs will he a lO our business IN FRONT OK Oil AND STAND AND i great people convenience They are White Body with Hands nine 1 A J f i OK FOR The Jurs are from to cording to Always a Bargain in our Window A SMITH DIRECT OK STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA Real Sale MvOJV Morton Town Heal Agency sold a lot on St to Nortel Also the properly comer Main and to Mr New- marVet that be turn it Into a ftcvaixiing- Mouse Finger A young man came into town last week and work at lines Victory on Monday a boring Delete the Jay was over he caught his lett- hand in too and two pretty badly mangled which will him i or of weeks Board Of Trade The Toronto Hoard has an invitation to the mem- hers Newmarket to attend the to lion ft in the Arena Mutual St Sept tickets must be paid in advance- to secure seats but spectators tickets are free to matt ers i A Your Success In Making Tickles and Catsup de pends on Good Pure Spices and Vinegar We handle only FirstClass Quality Spices and Vinegars and these used in the Preparation pickles will Ensure Success I If are Tired ol the T HydroElectric Power The Bra is ready to render all assistance to the Hydro Jarvls trie scheme Those who vis ited the Toronto Exhibition must have been Impressed by seeing many uses thai the white juice is put to in labor of the- farmer the housewife the and the ar tisan It cannot come here any too soon AND Roman Ring Com Acrobats ART BON DO The Clown that ias considered by critics of all AooraUe The Imperial Oriental Marionettes A Unique presenting a Pallor and with Bicycle ft Clowns ami Fun Mak ers SjSg thuOopse STAND UNLESS YOU ARE WHAT I Theft DONT TO HAVE A S6try They Is the liaritone tor Agrieultur- Cottagers and tourists who hurried Concert next Wednesday ard away the beginning of last week from Thursday nights- Sale of seats Orchard Beach and at ftroughtons Drug Store p resorts on Lake and in Friday Sept feel sorry left You are drinking try our own Blends The Leading Grocer Prompt Delivery Phone CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets Com i to Newmarket The Ladies Aid the Methodist have secured the Royal Eng lish for Saturday Oct With all due respect to tt Ladies Welsh captivated the people of Canada last season we wish to say that the Bell Ringers are per cent better The vocal work of the Company seven thor ough musicians is beyond comparison while the- wonderful and marvellous production of the bells stamps company as the best on the road this season You will never regret it if you make arrangements to hear very unique company Press notices and further particulars later Harold Rich and Fred Race Are the Pianists for the Agricultur al Concert Plan of seats opens at Drug Store p on Friday Sept Readers ot the Era advis ed that the Fall Term in Shaws Schools Toronto is now open and that students will be admitted school day un- Deo for a course in Business Shorthand Civil Ser vice orTVlegrophy The new Catalogue just issued is inter esting in its details and Is mail ed free on request Write for a copy to Shaw Pres ident Head Office and streets Toronto so soon as the weather this month has been far more pleasant for outing than during August Another Sale Air has sold Mr Osbornes brick residence on Timothy Public I fe who is to take possession on the PublicHeading Room and good man opened Mr Roche s Block loWn Sennott corner of Mam and Water Streets Clerk and of cm Wednesday evening The room is North Municipality SEES aiM wg and tottlW fill the need of the town until Era a cordial the new Carnegie Library Building is erected The Board met on Tuesday evening and deckled to add at once a large assignment of new books The pubj some people are built that lie are requested to leave with the way The more they can annoy the Librarian the titles and better they seem to like it any books which they would suggest September is making tip for our as being suitable for a library summcrless summer and of general interest within the v ij WHEN YOU ASK FOR OVERALLS IF LOCAL DEALER SAYS HE HAS SOMETHING JUST AS GOOD COMPARE THEM NOTE THE OF THt ON THE COATS NOTE THE CUFF AND THf UNIFORM BAND COLIARAND THEN IFTHEJlST AS GOOD GARMENT STANDS THE COHPARISONBUY IT BY AIL MtANS BUT MARK YOU THEY WONT STAND A CAREFUL COMPARISON WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR GUARANTEED OVERALLS I I- i I The Men Main si I High Tuesday last was the warmest day the year mercury Climbed to making ft new record for Sep tember and the Toronto Westhevman that the heat was general alii watermeters forthwith over the Province Stoddard Millard Ave Mrs Kemp had been i habit Cody Eagle St granted using oil to light tte fire In at A grant of 1135 was made to thejtempting to repeat ttl oil exploded The names caught her Newmarket Ag Society The Fire Light Cora was au thorized to engage a man to install Town Council Boarders Wanted Vacancies tor more Boarders at Cedars Cor Victor Park Mrs J GREGORYS for French Dry Cleaning and Pressing Over Toronto Jobbing House Phone Newmarket For Sale Second Hand Poors Sash and Frames of j Newmarket House for Sale On Prospect Avenue south Queen rooms and bathroom Large gar den stable cement henhouse trees Apply on the Ises MRS Newmarket Sailor Jailed London Wednesday Sept Four hundred men attached to the battle ship Zlatoust awe the protect ed cruisers Kagul and of the Russian Black Sea fleet have been arrested at Sevastopol ac cording to an Odessa despatch to the Standard Captain of those taken Into custody attempted suicide Many Tetty officers aro in cluded among the prisoners Arrests continue in connection with the recent mutinies on warships and the private Quarters of officers ashore are being systematically searched r St Catharines Sept The Wet land Canal claimed another this afternoon when Harold the 16yearold son Dr A Church St was drowned in waste weir of the old canal a short distance from Lock and near he Vale factory Deceased attempted to swim across tbe chan nel but his strength gave out when A Newmarket Pain AH signs point to best New market Fair next ever held Secretory is kept busy from morning till night with the big list of entries that each mail has been bringing to him this week and the exhibit will no doubt be a credit to Old North The attractions on Wednesday and Thursday should bring people to Newmarket as the Grand Trunk is giving single fare and the Metro politan an extra service The Town Hall will also be packed no doubt at the Concerts by firsV class talent on Wednesday and Thurs day nights your seats at once at Broughtons Drug Store if you dont want to he crowded out Alma Mater Remembrance We notice it is stated in the To ronto press that Dr Torring- ton of the Toronto College of Music lately received a letter from Mrs better known as Mile Toron to who is now living in England- in which she states that in view of the high appreciation her form teacher a the College where she received her vocal training under Dr she bad decided to give gold medal every year to the young lady who wins the highest hon ors in vocal music at the Toronto College of Music The donor is her self a gold medalist of having won Mrs Alexander Cameron medal The Mile medal will bo competed for this year It will ho hews to a good many in to learn that Mile To rontos parents were Mr and Mrs William formerly ot this town and that she is a Mr John Lot street Nearly Kitted An accident occurred the Davis Tannery on Monday when a young man and a had a miraculous es cape from fatal injuries A young man named Wilson who runs tbo elevator Id the main build ing was taking a boy named Kirby- from the ground floor to the 2nd floor It got a little past the floor and when Wilson to run It back the caught on the iron lodge and the floor of the elevator tipped phis caused the cables to unmanageable and the car then started to ascend With great pres ence of mind Wilson caught the boy and jumped As he the boy out there was onlya small space left between car and the another moment and he would have been crushed The elevator continued right to tbe top of the building and had they remained on the car they would both probably have been crush ed to death The cables were twisted so badly that the elevator will have to be rebuilt two weeks Council met Aug Reeve Isori in the chair Present-Council- In society circles just now the chief lots excitement is to hunt a all hat Dennis Wesley and ft The Society met on Tuesday Sept 3rd when the following officers were elected PresidentMrs Louis Armitage- 1st ViceMrs Neil Morton 2nd Vice Mrs Rev Simpson 3rd VfceMrs Rev Vice Mrs Rev Webb Cor Sec Mrs Sec Mrs H Cane Treasurer Mrs H Bowman Superintendents Evangelistic Mrs Carley Mrs Geo A Thompson Flower Mission Mrs Fred Brillin- Parlour Meetings Mrs B Maw Systematic divingMrs Lundy Purity and Mothers Meetings Mrs A ami Mrs Geo A Thomp son Press WorkMrs J Juvenile Mrs Morton Mrs Howard Cane Wine Mrs Lundy Narcotics Mrs McDonald Sunday SchoolsMrs Miss Terry Mrs Alcock Mrs Rev Webb and Mrs RailroadMrs J Work has resumed on Mr Muirs new residence The trout fishing season closes to morrow The work is up to the the new Davis Tannery J Boy Scouts Ou Tuesday evening by rangement Rev Simpson met about boys in the Methodist Gym for the purpose of explaining the Scout Movement which has be come so popular all over the world Alter explaining the purpose and aim of the organization and giving some short account of the history of the movement a few practical demon strations and tests in scouting were undertaken These greatly interest ed- and delighted boys and nine oclock the hour for dispersing came all too soon On Saturday afternoon tho hoys will meet at the Gym at oclock and prpoceding to- the country in squads will do some real scouting Mr Simpson wishes to state dis tinctly that no organization yet exists The meeting Tuesday ev ening and that ol Saturday are mere ly preliminary to give the boys some of the work The organization itself will be perfected at a public meeting citizens to bo held some time later if tho citizens and hoys so determine The Scout Movement is not a mil organizatioo is strictly nonde nominational and its one purpose is the building character in our boys Each boy on joining promises things To be to God and League The league reopened on Monday evening with a very good attendance It Consecration Service the Pastor gave a short inspiring ad dress Next Monday evening a Demonstra tion of the Whitby Summer School will be given by the Newmarket Rep resentatives assisted by others from Toronto and elsewhere AH young people are cordially invited A large attendance is anticipated Meeting commences at oclock in the school room of tbe Methodist Rev If Priest A Canadi an Secretary of the Young Peoples Missionary Educational Movement Is to be present This is not an enter tainment but a real reproduction of the actual work of the School It must be remembered too that it is for seniors as well as juniors and since the Whitby School is strictly interdenominational it should appeal to citizens generally other Young Peoples Societies in Town have been invited cooperate Cane Rev Hall and Eves appear ed before Council and asked for rate lor rent Town Hall for Nov 20 and Referred to Property Committee A Thompson asked for new sidewalk on West side of Prospect Ave- and Messrs Keith and Brim- son asked tor assistance for Newmar ket Fair Following bills passed York Radial meters 75 W cutting weeds 300 Meter Co met- Duty on same Can Gen Elec Co supplies Express on same Council adjourned Bride Fatally Burned When she attempted to hurry the dinner by pouring kerosene on the shortly before noon Wednesday Mrs Julia Kemp aged 17 Bay was badly burned by the explosion that followed that she died in the Western Hospital Toronto at same night clothing She screamed for assistance but when the neighbors tried togat in they found the door locked Mrs H MacDonald Who lives next door rushed to the womans aid a mat and succeeded In smothering the flames Mrs Kemp however was very badly burned Dr Carman of was summoned In meantime the neighbors applied oil to bet burns Bates and ambulance made a record run and conveyed the young woman to the Western Hospit al Her injuries were so serious however that nothing could be itt Pay Sheet F L 30 24 CO sever I Just to hand half way across A pretty soleinntaed the home of Mr and Mrs Turner Prince Albert on Wednesday Sept th when their youngest daughter Evelyn May was united in marriage with Mr Thos of Belleville formerly of Newmarket Rev I Snell of officiat ing ceremony was performed on tho- lawn under an arch et from which was suspended a wedding bell of white asters The bride who was given away by her father was wearing a gown of white satin with trimming of lace handing and silver fringe Her wed ding veil was of embroidered s Ik net and she carried a shower bouquet o white asters The wedding march was played from Mendelssohn by Mr Wesley of Toronto a cousin of the bridegroom and while con gratulations were being given he ren- Smiths Marcges des Tambour After dejeuner which was partaken of by about forty guests Mr and Mrs left amid showers of confetti and good wishes for- a short trip to and other points the bride travelling in a suit of cream serge with black pin stripe and pic ture hat silver trimmed with white ostrich banding and aigrette Ontario Lime Co brick Pay Sheet Application for water service grant ed to Plante S St- Application for electric light grant ed to Collins Queen St Public School Board made requisi tion for which was referred to Finance Committee Petition presented from Reginald Pierre and others asking permis sion to lay cement sidewalks in the Gardens now divided into lots on the frontage system which was referred to Special mittce appointed to Irame an agree ment The Finance Com presented the es timates for which were discuss ed and the tax rate adopted at mills the dollar and bylaw pass ed- accordingly The Fire Light Com was in structed to make application to the HydroElectric for terms and- conditions on which they will supply energy to she town Joseph Wesley was appointed in spector of cement sidewalks in the Gardens duties and re muneration to be fixed by Special Com Council adjourned Gar of Gluten Meal The Best Milk Producer on Earth Gar of Baled Shavings For Bedding Cheaper than Straw at per Bale Think About Coal and Order GEORGE Phone NEWMARKET PROMPT DELIVERY a i Council met Sept Mayor Cane in the chair PresentReeve Pear son Deputy Hunter- and Councillors Lyons Cane Following bills passed J Caldwell re market scales York Radial on fire brick Moore repairs flag P cartage W Hose gravel Pittsburg Coal Duty on same York Radial on same Stringer unloading same Globe Ptg Co adv tenders Booth- re of Health Dr Boyd do Can Oil Co supplies Era Christmas Tor the Tat least one The guests a distance were I Can tohh Wife a Mr Del SS it ffiS Scout law No boy can become a Scout without tbe written permission his parents or guardian The patrrn of or ganization is His Majesty KingGeol attend the Filth and the Chief Scout is Sir ffl SftS Powell Fair next Mr Del Wes ley Rhodes Toronto and Mr and Toronto i J a v I r J4l H I I fc I i Pay SheetrK A Bell Tel Co tolls Application for water service for Millard granted Application Ior electric light to ttVKehley Joseph AF D GARDENS The Rosedale Residential Distrlot OF NEWMARKET CRESENTS BOULEVARDS t Hi PARKS if The New and SubDivision located between Queen and streets East Prospect Avenue Only Five to Seven Minutes Walk from the Factories Visit the Gardens 1- on Satu i And have our easy payment plan explained no Interest taxes I or call at Office Main street Open evenings J -J- FRANK J SULLIVAN NEWMARKET i a i A 3 1- Hi TORONTO

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