Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Sep 1912, p. 7

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i J have just opened a Crate of Direct import at Specially Low Prices They are White Body Bands with A NEST OF BOWLS FOR The Jugs are from to re cording to sie Always a Bargain in onr Window R A SMITH DIRECT IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA J St Pauls Church September Sunday School will be bold at three oclock In the afternoon until further notice Another Mouse town Heal Estate bought from Wm Mortimer lot on Oak street with a now cement wall- also a quantity pi lumber A new house with modern conveniences will at once bo erected This property will bo or or rent It is just west Pickering BrlflctS Presbyterian will meet am during- brick manufactured by the Lake Company is turning out most or al car loads been sent out and ftoW orders being received almost every day y Rally for the LtL I Mr J has kindly con sented to an- address on the Tem perance Cause at meeting to be livid In the room of the Chris tian- Church Monday September at 1 pm All the members and any other children ate especially urged to attend A cordial invitation to the parents and as raapy as we to present WlUWr FRIDAY SEPT Women institute reilar monthly meeting the Newmarket Womens will take place at the WW Gibbons King on Saturday Sept A paper on White Bread will bo There will also be Mending ana llarng Contest- All are welcome Kindly take 1 mails are so late coining In from in the evening this week that are not distributed till the following mom Hi crowd down Town again Mr IVn- doing ce ment work at Bond Lake for past three weeks Yesterday coiumeno- on ouiuiit ion for the addition to Mr Bolt v SO 1 f 13 a A 13 Your Success 1 In Making Pickles and Catsups de pends on Good Pure Spices and We handle only Quality loTPure Spices and Vinegars and used in Preparation of out Pickles will Ensure Success you are Tared Will Probated the late Arch King Township de ceased on Aprils inherit an es tate in in in the bank and es tntea frame dwelling in the will the widow receives a lite Auction Sale Household including parlor beater diningroom tc all In good at residence of Mo- Prospect Ave at next Monday night Sept Methodist Church fyo Sunday services will bo as lows Fellowship yerico at aui Regular Preaching Service at followed by Sacrament the Lords Supper Sunday at ttia usual hour All the Organized Adult Glasses will meet at above hour of these classes all en deavor to be on hand for this the first meeting the Fall In evening pastor will a series of sermons Making of a Man fiist ad dress will be on Heredity Dont miss one of these talks The League reopens fiext Monday evening the Everybody cordially invited The Monthly Meeting of the toe win wiuow a loo Missionary Society an Cradle interest the estate At bet death the Jome Sarah An Saturday at each Archibald and each the feraitdioildren Ruth May Milne each T l to 15 15 W SO 5 You are Blends drinking try our own WLBOSWORTH Leading Reliable Prompt Delivery- Phone CORNER OP Main Timothy Streets Public School The Schools reopened on Tuesday with pupils in attendance whom are boys and girls 35 or others who were enrolled in June are likely to join the classes next week classification is as fol lows No Cornell Sr Jr 34 Mrs S Morrison 111 30 Miss Truman Jr 111 Miss Or oofcSfc Miss A Part Miss Hardy Primer 53 Miss Jr and Miss McKay Primer Miss Morton- Primer 5 1 Canadian National Eiiibition Pickering College The Art Department at too College will this year be under the charge of Miss Ingle formerly resident Art Teacher at Ontario Ladies Col lege Whitby Miss Ingle will be at the College every Friday afternoon awl Saturday morning and will be glad to meet anyone wishing to- arrange for les sons in oils Watecolors China painting Owing to unexpected resigna tion Galloway during the past week Senior work in Piano at College will be taken by Miss Aline ATCM Miss bus foi sonie years past a large class of advanced pupils in Chatham and has with unvarying success prepared pupils for all the various Piano Ex aminations the Toronto Conserva tory of Music She will be at the College on and after Tuesday Sept and glad to meet pupils wishing to enter for lessons as soon as possible after that date Miss Rogers who been An addition fourteen Is bo King Hotel making ifco hotel in the world plans tor- an expenditure of mil liondollars first probitiouH weather an attend ance of of an increase over the first week of last year Friday Was Press weather was One and the totalled some 4han the da in weather Lab or Day all demonstrations of that this city The aiteniUnce the Fair that day was Tho 300 babies on exhibition made effects that could be heard some distance was awarded to months old At Fair on Monday Wm er of dfood dead about pm the AH -Dnrid- of College of is seriously at his In 1Xiclld aVenuc While oheoi the bears at Park this week one of the attendants named was badly bitten Other slstants to pry open from Its grip with a Seymour has died at the Hospital North Toronto may vole again on to the city Toronto Boart Trade will Premier Borden on the this month Customs Toronto for August amounted the Increase at this port last- three tolafs a gasoline Oft on Tues day evening about oclock which wrecked Mr Eatons fast mo tor boat Shamrock patty lour people liad almost escape from death just the western Miss Daly who formed one of the party was rescued in the nick time by the and is now at the Hospital suffering burns John OUaty was struck by on at Queen and Vic toria streets about midnight and re ceived a bad scalp with indi cations internal injuries He was taken to the Hospital Adain Stein years age from Waterloo Onft was with a fainting spell at the Exhibition last Tuesday night and died from apo plexy at the Hospital later on Did you say Toronto the Good V J I WHAT well 350 names appeared on Court calendar on Tuesday- 1 a if- WHEN YOU ASK FOR OVERALLS IF YOUR LOCAL DEALER SAYS HAS SOMETHING JUST COMPARE THEM WORKMANSHIP OF THE OVERALLSAIS0 ON THE NOTE THE GAUNTLET CUFF AND THE UNIFORM BAND COUARAND THEN IF AS GOOD GARMENT STANDS THf IT BY ALL MEANS t BUT MARK YOU THEY WONT STAND A CAREFUL COMPARISON WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR GUARANTEED OVERALLS Whimster Go J The Men Main pi Wool No market f leave the a short rens Exhibit in this A Thousand Horn tiles then the country will hear something w LtnonWatson that Robinson be more about the Farmers Band smash granted to assist in putting in Christian Church The services lust Sunday were in- teresting as usual and the some lions good The pastors were full and suggest one of Torontos best of inspirational thoughts teachers will charge of Lions The morning theme ad J the Soul atisfier and oa tet IS o as 90 or ri ve at lt as be he a I a SOME OF Imperial Year Imperial Cadet Cadata from all Exhibits by Provlncaa Dominion Band of Scott Guarda Buckingham of the Year from Europe by beat Canadian and American ArtlsU Imperial Cadet Competition Boy Scouts Review Everything In Educational Exhibits Siege of Delhi Besses O Barn Band Britains Brass Musical Ride Industries in Operation Butter Making Competitions AmerlcasGrefltestLlveStockShow Canadas Bluest Dog Americas Prettiest Pussies Japanese Day Firework Motor Boat Races Hippodrome and Circus Four Stages and Arena all going Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Athletic Sports Ten Band Concerts Dally Acres of Manufactures Imperial Fireworks Aug 24 Sept 9 TORONTO was Jesus was peculiarly applicable to th Lords Supper which was partaken of at the close of the service previ ous to members were re ceived into the church The- evening sermon was based on If Timothy The Command of Resources and gave evidence of careful consideration of the wonderful power of God to all needful help in every way possible The pastor is supplying at the In dustrial Home this month The Sunday School was larger usual last Sabbath and good in terest is manifested The Foliated Class is preparing for a large sale ol homemade Candy for the Fair and the Ladies Aid expects to run a booth for lunches etc at the same time meet pupils and after that date on Wednesday each week Toe College in all branches opens neat Monday of be Qirl Monopolizes Guinea Pig Market Dayton Sept The youngest monopolist the world Lives in Day ton She is Beatrice Howell ter of Frank Howell attor ney and is only eight years old She controls the guinea pig Market State boards Health medical col leges and other organizations which must guinea pigs for laboratory experimental purposes are at her mercy Beatrice is actually the head Everything points to a busy helpful AmeriCa pig r Boarders Wanted Vacancies Ave Mrs Cedars yitorii Park Iva svT V SB l a 1 ft aar Bat GREGORYS for French Cleaning and Pressing Over Toronto Jobbing House Newmarket For Sale 1 i V i Second Hand Doors Sash and Frames Enquire J wwmaikei season in church work At the Christian Church next Sun day morning the pastor will speak upon subject Life Worthy ot the Phil L27 The subject the evening service will be I Know Whom I Have Believed II Tim There will be singing at both services and a hearty welcome Death of Amos On Thursday afternoon of last week- Mr Amos passed away very suddenly while sitting in his chair without making the least sound or movement lib had been In declining health tor two or three years but had not been confined to his except for brief spells Deceased was a grandson of the lato David founder the Peace at Sharon where he was born and resided continuously until his removal to Newmarket years ago He was one of the play ers of the old Sttaron Band and Ms widow who ho married years ago last October was one the two lady players Her maiden name was Pol ly Graham sister of Mr John Graham of Sharon Deceased was a staunch Liberal lp politics and a in reli gion being a trustee the New market tor number of years The funeral service took place at Mb late Prospect on Saturday by Rev Thomas The pall bearers were Messrs Prlggs Abb J and- Ezra all old members ot Sharon Band Ooo Wood and Silas The remains were in terred in Newmarket Cemetery those who attended the funeral from a distance were Mr and Mrs David Hughes and Doan of Toronto Mrs J Mrs Amos Hugjjes Mrs Long Sharon at fathers magnificent country home just outside of Dayton near the National Soldiers Home Two sisters Kathiyn eleven and Paulino five assist her The business has grown en ormously within the last year that Beatrice is unable to look after the finances said her mother a popular Dayton society woman so I keep tbe accounts This year her sales will amount to about pigs She is getting cents each for them in lots of 50 or more but the day will soon when tbey will command at least each The Equity WATCH Made by tho Watch Co Tho Best Watch lor the Money J 56p PRICES Jewel Jewel Filled Jewel Gold Plain Engraved Cases and All Fully Warranted to tlive SatistaoUon Yours for Good L CO and Optlolnnu Ticket Issuer of Marriage Licenses I l V Police was largest calendar record Many of the cases were simply and it is not likely would have appeared it Mr abol ish the bar policy was in force The City Council decided on Tues day to locate the civic tho east end ot city cattle mar ket Instead in- Stanley Park Toronto Corporation has ordered the payment ol the York Commissioners of Highways being the balance the citys share of of the cost of Rood The apparent lessening of interest in some classes at the Exhibition be longing to farmers is the subject some comment this year Great care lias exercised in securing industrial exhibits to the neglect farm products A change will made another year High speed was shown in the motor boat races the Exhibition Grounds on Tuesday hydroplane taking the lead iu the mile sprint Mr W Bruce Smith of prisons a report of Toronto jail farm says My of inspection im pressed me most favorably in regard to the manner in which the Toronto Industrial- farm is being conducted and the splendid work it is doing but at tention must be called to the abso lute necessity of proceeding with the erection tho permanent buildings with as little delay as possible Recent reports from the Niagara fruit district Indicate thin years crop of will average about sixty to Per cent a- standard yield and that plums pears and grapes will bo the usual average The police had a busy time last Tuesday Altogether poVce went the city streets to tak back prisoners to the different stations As there are only four wagons doing police duty this shows what poor horses had Toronto Milk and Cream Producers to do that day will hold their annual fall meeting on Saturday at 130 pm in the Labor Temple on Church street to the price milk and cream for the coming winter season which com mences on October 1st The price paW to the producers retailers of Toronto ton the present summer contract is per can delivered at various dairies or delivered at Union Station Climbing between two cars en the Tuesday morning while go ing to work tor the Lake Ice Company George living at street was severely injured and will have his left toot amputated On Wednesday 1S6 train pulled out and the Union Station carrying about according- to estimates railway Mrs Taylor Adelaide street had his pocket picked while boarding a street car at the exhibition grounds last Wednesday night The wad contained Mr- Lennox has made cation to erect a storey hotel on tho north side street and I to build a bridge over tho street to it with the King Edward There is to be ft railway on the land it the City Council consent During the past wek Dr health has so tar improved The Increased attendance at the Ex- culvert on the Mill Road 37 00 768 this year up to Wednesday evening was given out as being The Lawn Bowling round the Scotch Doubles commenced at the Granite Victoria Canada and Queen City Lawns yesterdaj after noon Over 150 bowlers are taking part including numbers from out side clubs Rain tell eighteen day out of thirty one in August in this City and the over inch more than the average the August month The mean temperature of the month was heaviest rainfall occurred the The sixday cycle meet at the new Arena on Mutual Street will be in charge of Chapman the most suc- cesstul manager of long distance bi cycle races in the United States Tom Eck will be ringmaster Toronto has won the J Ross Rob ertson trophy and the Cricket Cham pionship of Canada for another year King Council Council met at Temperance Hall at Kettlebr on Sat Aug Members all present Following bills were ordered paid Jos Billings months pay Jesse Tattoo reps Lloydtown road Jesse Tattoo yds gravel Hunt road work Hunt yds gravel Tbos Blackburn team on us is Mount operating grader J on account yds gravel repairs to cul vert and timber Mrs J Kneeshaw A reps to grader 130 C J Patterson team on J reps culvert James Thomas gravel Harvey Folliott team on Hiram Potter 33 yds gravel Edward Merchant reps W Dove road in ex cels of Westlake road work Luke Gibbons on road- grant Alfred Love lumber account Richard Murray 23rds value sheep claim Patrick Kene- fick be paid in full of all claims I re injuries through alleged defect bridge on Con I McOabeWellsThat RobtHulse paid re plow I WellsWatson That the sum of be to gravel be- tween lots and Coo West end Jas Davis and Arch Mitch ell That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized and instruct- j to notify J Gamble to- remove his fence between lots 30 and in Con and put the same in proper line Miss Tmline bo paid re travel for tile WatsonMcCabe That the bill of Skinner re during antine be paid WellsWatsonWrbat Robert Wilson be appointed Road Overseer re Division in lieu of Aitcb resigned LonoMcCabeThat this grant to assist in defraying prizes and other matters No Appointing col lectors of rates tor with the names of Robert Rutherford and H HollinRshead and bylaw No 284 instructing the Clerk to levy rates for County Township etc and By- Law No- To raise certain sums for School purposes known as Trus tee rates received their several read ings and passed On motion Council adjourned to meet at Wrights Hotel Saturday Sept AD Era till Christmas for Los Angeles CaL Sept one thousand persons are homes today as result or the which destroyed Ocean Park last causing estimated at J3500000 with of only ten per cent So only one man lost his J The burned area extends from avenue on the north to avenue on the soutti a distance blocks and from Ocean west midway between the Speedway Trolleyway on the east everytl was wiped out Send Era to absent Braver tii Just to hand Gar of Gluten Meal The Best Milk Producer on Ear 1485 1700 Gar of Baled Shavings For Bedding Cheaper than at 25c per Bale Think About Coal and Order Qui GEORGE Phone FORESTER NEWMARKET PROMPT DELIYE3 GARDENS The Rosedale Residental District OF NEWM ARK E T BOULEVARDS I PARKS The New and SubDivision located between Queen and Srigley streets Blast ot Prospect Avenue Only Five- to Seven Walk from the Factories- Visit the on And have our easy payment plan explained no interest co- taxes or call at Office Royal Hotel funding Main itiMtv Open evenings FRANK J SULLIVAN NEWMARKET if TORONTO V3

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