to oh i i BRA FRTDAY pneink Duncan AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Bolton Painter Decorator Niagara Strata i Changed Hand Dp Cist DENTIST Street Newmarket Dp Wilkinson DENTIST lm Block Newmarket COPS Dunn Qualified Maternity Nurse a Box Newmarket Small Organist Christian Church Ttoadier of Piano Organ and Theory Terms on application 35 Niagara St Newmarket a Newton Organ Theoret ical Branches introducing the Col umbian System StudioTito Bank Toronto Newmarket WEDNESDAYS SATURDAYS J Walker S NEWMARKET Ontario Veterinary College PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day or Livery Phone Mr sold Mr properly on Raglan St to a gentleman from Bradford St Pauls Church Mr a Butnt officiated at he organ in St Pauls Church las He Is rcnmrkablo fine of this and a largo congreagtion enjoyed hla rendering of pieces and Fall Fairs AUlstou fiarrlf Bradford Oct tc a London Fair Sept v Sept 17 Toronto Ocl Zephyr IS at arid v v Accident On Wednesday mprning the do- owned by Mr at the North as it was passing Main Street It seems the had boon driven at a fairly good rate of speed while coming on Timothy t and had not slowed down helore turning to the Main Street The horse had a large gash In its caused by Shaft breaking Little dam age done and tho horse was soon unhitched and taken home help at time if the would avoid extreme The really auperior remedy for the world over and tested throng three generations- UK i P Bennett y Wat spa Hill s A Smith J Dot lev Kit Adams Haines Bros J Patterson J Keith J MUlarjd Eves too last Weeks issue 42J2SCSSQv One Sacrifice for Sins Forever AH Chrlt Djtth No Dastb Hath No Dominion A Mass A Long Standing I A Brave Fight On Thursday about ten oclock a stranger put in an appearance on Main Street oppo site the Registry Office Mr Headman was passing the office and noticing a very peculiar ani mal rujiumg across the to wards him he took to his feet but nut for far He decided to make a light and turned on the animal which proved be a groundhog and killed it without much difficulty Evidently the animal wished to register lot with the registrar Overflow Personals Mr Mrs spent the week end at Lake Master Harry Stephens spent the week end at Mr A Is spending weeks holidays at Montreal Mr and Mrs Lloyd and daugh ter are spending levy days in Toronto Mr Garnet a school at Mr and Graham Patterson of are spending aweeklsoib with son Mr J Mr Steward left to accept a position the Bell Telephone branch at Mr Elmer of Toronto was the guest of Mr and Mrs Hill for a few days this week since the day and people been in new ddeds the old ones to and and reconstruct to life and call them their own original brain Almost very day we run across an old Wea we chipped into the big public thought box the past and with trade mark blown into so to speak Cain a chip to the Common Fund he slew his brother Abel It has serv ed b a warning ever since that day to people who desire to monopolize all the Lords attention and his was London Sept I Pastor text tor After He hid one for sins He tat down on the right hand of for By one offering hath perfected thai are The Is most In a a n that soft John or P Morgan and dozen other and almost over work a patent right on all Gods blessings and pose as His special agents The only the Lord had to find with Cain was that- he ap plied the too vigorously He was a trust Buster too much vim he only had crippled Abel he Jesus as the High Priest offers but saerlQeo of Hlrnseil for sins of In our St Paul points to act that the typical of the Jewish era re peated their yearly on each succeeding Day He the fact that those were merely typical sacrlilces which could never take away Bin and ha us that the on the A nil typical Atonement by High Priest Is so complete M to leave nothing to be OblUt more death Dp domiiiloh ever Rom offered up Htmlelivrilnoul I I layman Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era NewmarkeL- tar Papers issued at private if desired Mr Hunter and wife of Ala- might have remained tingletoft for USA former residents of his brother he was Newmarket spent a few daa with Mrs fc i a Boyd Graduate In medicine of Toronto Diversity also Licentiate tho Royal College of Physicians and mem- tar of the Royal College of Surgeons Former assistant Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat London England- Cor Main Timothy St No Consaltation Hours My may be had at any hot I the day or sight at the alias phone NEWMARKET Marble Works DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering elsewhere GEO LUESBY SmlthPaxton At the home of the brides sis- tor Mis J Dickson Couch Wil liamson road Kew Beach Thurs day- Aug by St Church Norway Ethel daughter of Mrs it Pax- ton was united in marriage to Mr Smith of QiHeensville Out The was given away by her J son Couch She was attired in a a bouquet of French lingerie Wearing corsage and orchids wore grooms gift a gold band bracelet The bridesmaid Miss Gertrude Smith sMer of the groom wore a gown of mauve voile with sweet peas wedding march was played Miss Lillian Smith slater of the groom who wore a pretty em broidered dress Mr Norman Q brother of the bride sup ported the groom The drawing room was decorated with palms and The brides mother was Inja gown of amethyst rajah Tho grooms mother wore a black satin do The brides sis ter tan silk with- tuudc of heavy lace The luncheon table was with sweet peas and maiden hair ferns and the tea girls assisting were Gordon- Miss Clara and Miss Madge all in white dres ses The grooms gift to the bridesmaid was pearl drop ear rings and to best man gold cuff links They left on a motor trip to Montreal and Quebec Miss Davidson of has been spending the summer with her brother at the Farm Mrs A and Mr Frank returned on Mon day from a trip down St Law rence Mr Doyle a lacrosse game at St Catharines on Saturday Eatons and the St Catharines Mr and Mrs spent Wednesday afternoon at Bond Lake with Mr and Mrs Jos and family Mr Pearson returned on Thursday last from Detroit Mich He was accompanied back by his daughter Mrs Dr tage and daughter Mr and Mrs Thomas Turner of Prince Albert announce the of their youngest daukgtor Evelyn May to Mr Thomas of marriage will take place early In September sent to the oI and married on to a damsel of an unknown and previously unheard of race He also built cities that fostered corrupt gangs of thugs and politicians like New York Philadelphia ami Chicago and failed to use his cluh On human reptiles for feat he might possibly kill one and he compelled to marry another woman from the of Nod Ami it has been thus ever since our reformers get scedj out up 1 tout A MlBbllihed we settle in and net allow any theory of supposed necessity to move us therefrom Sacrlncs of the Mail However we behold two great Christian communions holding a view Church of England and of Boms Both hold the doctrine Introduced into the Church about the fourth century Die doctrine of the Mass This doctrine holds that the death of Christ cancels original sin or them into fellowship with through in the redeem ing Mood Christ But it that sins committed after lug into the family of need can cellation also and that since nothing except the blood of Christ the death of Christ can take away sin and that the merit of His death t Cal vary having been used to cancel our past sins a fresh sacrifice of la necessary for the more recent sins Applying this philosophy these Christian brethren a com mon or Low Mass for general jfas the business just when their sec- congregational and High vices are most needed Wilson Star I Furnace Work Plumbing Eavetroughing 3of Our Specialties the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery T Time Card GOING NORTH Leave am p Toronto 809 fc 380 705 080 ai 808 GOING SOUTH Lea re a m p Toronto 1010 PHOTOGRAPHS I WO PortraTu that are and our long experience back ofsvary picture we make The child the parent the all are assured of a good likeness and artistic fin ish when we do the work Come In at any time or If more desirable moke an v Attfet Poet Offloe Phone Sports at the Excursion following were the events the names of the winners yards race Fee A Yard race Smith Race Miss Clark Woods Fat mens race J JWefr Boys boot race J Storks Smith Smoking race A Girls race Minnie Clark Grace Match vs Bene dicts was won by the Benedicts score boat races were afterwards competed for and the prizes were won by following Boat race singles Brlmson I Boat doubles and and Dolan and It race Brimson Brim- son iAll eveMts were hotly con gested and were much enjoyed by the spectators The steamer John Lee made a trip in afternoon but this trip was not taken advan tage of by many weather was vory Aurora Band gave an ex cellent program on the verandah of the hotel in the afternoon and In evening gave another in the of The pro gram was much appreciated and many wore the complimentary re marks all sides on good provided The party loft at arriving homo about oclock all fooling that they had spent a very pleasant day committee who had this excursion In charge deserves groat credit for the manner in which Everything was carried out Employees of the Office Specialty Mfg Co Ltd wish to their thanks to the follow ing Merchants who so kindly do nated prizes for the Sports and games at their annual picnic at A Hunt or Jan Sutherland Marshall Proctor Cody McCauley Co P Osborne Sons Atkinson Farm Produce Fair market last Saturday inter fered somewhat by the rain Ruling prices as follows Butter per lb 2c Dressed Chickens per lb Apples per basket 25c Potatoes per bag Spring Chickens per lb Old Hens per In per lb Pigeons per pair Rabbits per pair to Hides 10c Calf Skins to Sheepskins 35 to Tallow per lb Si to Pickling Onions per Cabbage per head to Cucumbers per Onions per bunches Radishes per Carrots per Beets 3 for Plums per Pa Sept- At least 22 known to bo dead and others believed to have perished are the re- suite of the terrific storm which swept Western and Northern Pennsyl vania the Panhandle district of West Virginia ttn East ern Ohio fast night and early today The monetary loss cannot even be mated dad I DYOLA ihCtEANEST SIMPLEST tad BEST HOWE DYE cm you do to Cloib yovfCooda j Sfld tot Color Card Bookl4 tad of Dylji other colon CO State Ohio City of Lucas County J Frank J Cheney makes oath that be is senior partner of the firm of P J Cheney Co doing business in the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of that cannot be Cured by the use Halls Catarrh Cure PRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this day of De cember AD 1886 A Seal Notary Puhlio Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free J CHENEY A Co Toledo O Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills tor con stipation Jackson of Bolton cranking an automobile the other day the engine fracturing a small bone in his right arm Aug A month ago Nellie Theresa Carroll accident ally drenched Joseph as she was spraying the front lawn of her home She apologized very and a mutual friend passing two were introduced to one another A week later their engagement was announced and yesterday they were married at St Marys Church Dun kirk Pittsburg Aug Four men were killed or fatally injured and a num ber slightly hurt when Pennsyl vania train which left this morning for Cleveland over the Pittsburg and Cleveland division ran into a train wreck engaged in clearing up- a freight wreck that had occurred a shortatlme before near Conway west of this city Hamilton Aug 30 Agnes a chorus girl 27 cars of age who recently finished a Spring and engagement with Rouge New York City was shot the left breast while riding in an automobile on the stone road leading to Toronto between Bronte at 1215 oclock this morning She was not seriously injured ow ing to the fact that steel in her corset deflected the bullet and forced it upwards Stratford Aug Arraigned again before Magistrate in the police court this morning Mr and Mrs of Town ship were committed for trial at the next court of competent jurisdiction in the County of Perth on a charge of failure to provide for their five- accordingly are- not so much studies or exposition or the Bible but more particularly a participation In the lo accrue to all who a NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE I You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Electric Light Paints Oils Glass Etc A W ALLAN COMPANY NEWMARKET Profitable Poultry f Actual yield for lour rnonthi from lay era Deo Jan Feb Mat a record for winter lay ing through a severe which la hard to surpass Buy your eggs for hatching a strata Rhpde Island Reds which without a peer as table fowl and wonderful egg producers eggs for Aubrey Davit- yearold son who was found at his home in moat deplorable condition almost dead from starvation and Bail- for the prisoners was Aug The sixyearold daughter Rums of Brock street Aylmcr died today the result of quantity of high wines The Utile girl hail been suf fering from a severe cold and was being treated by her parents with mixture of high wines and water a at a time WaWng up thirsty during the night- the child drank a glassful of the mixture and expired shortly alterwards fail to attend Mats at In a year are supposed to be horribly defiled with the accumulated sins Bible students see clearly that one Christ for the sins of the whole past pteaent and to come Gods pro vision In Christ for the forgiveness sins is applicable only to Adams or original sin and to as have come to his children from that original by heredity God does not propose in any manner to forgive sins wilfully committed They receive or punishments In proportion to their wilfulness what ever proportion of sin Is directly or Indirectly the mull of Adams dis obedience and human Imperfection is through the merit the J one sacrifice of Christ which cover ing is to be obtained by the trans gressors approaching the Throne the Heavenly Grace that he may obtain mercy and find grace lo help in time of need Hebrews Our need then is not to attend Low Mass or Mass but to ffo direotly to the Lord in name and merit of our Advocate Thus the Apostle enjoins us laying If any man in the Church have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous I John I The thought that sin In every instance requires atonement quit and thought that without shedding of blood there is no remission la Scriptural Hebrews But thought thai Christ needs lo die more than once antagonistic to the Scriptures as we have already seen The fact Is thai good and great people have made serious errors In theology along nearly every Nearly nineteen centuries ago our mentioned The Abomina tion of Desolation spoken of by the Prophet Daniel Matt 16 The Master declared that when Abomination should be those noting it should understand and For long centuries it was supposed that the Great Teacher referred to events which culminated AD In the destruction of Jerusalem The Abomination was supposed to refer lo the carrying of Roman banners with in the holy precincts of the Temple It did seem strange that so compara tively insignificant a matter should be mentioned by Jehovah through Daniel the Prophet then be to by Jesus Himself but we saw no other interpretation I share with many other Bible Students the view that the Desolating Abomination mention by the Prophet Daniel and by Jesus is the doctrine of the Mass it was introduced about the middle of the fourth century It has had a corrupting influence And now thai we it it is the duty and privilegeof all Gods people to get with God by re nouncing that which la so abominable in His sightrthe setting sside of the one perpetual sacrifice of Christ and the substituting in part therefor the aacriflces of the Mass performed many times every daythwughoutth world I ST Mew Fall and Winter Styles Samples of SemiReady Clothing Samples Show of the Finest weaves and patterns Ever Shown in Newmarket STYLES DIRECT FROM NEW YORK Prices from to 35 SUITS AND OVERCOATS MADE TO YOUR SPECIAL MEASURE Delivered in Seven Days Satisfaction or Money Refunded Also Headquarters for HighGlass Gents Furnishings Boots GIVE US A- CALL 7 DUNCAN Jr The Gents itte LEARN STENOGRAPHY GET A- GOOD JOB AT A GOOD SALARY I TREADEASY The Cushion Sole Empress Shoe are ce of dl I CWwutkSKofc WRIGHT 51 tf mm Sir w