raAT tit V Too Bad Mr Studies anew employee More Trouble In China Kong brigands today jCkcdm ruining at the jlnc from Canton The engineer In- spite a haft of bullets recused to put on the Orates wr Unas Several lie trainmen and Office Specially wet funded in car Jrnistortnne to lose part damaged white a machine last working last Monday y I The regular monthly meeting of e wIM bo held Tuesday Sept 3rd in the hOine of Mrs Fred losXh Ave p m A full attendance Is re quested as iris the of Of ficers Harness While Mr Fred Wesley was hauling in- barley last week of Mi learn just ami dropped over Mono dead This the old mare that Dr drove years and she was v f I I I- Odd- Fellows Hall Owing to Increasing rents the Odd- Fellows ivnplelM for purchase old Me- Hair on Lot Street they will remodel next Spring for- a new Hall so as to be realv freseftt expires The location is excellent the lotje Intends to have home Excursion The annual Excursion the at the tlp Works took place on by special train to About iO got on at Aurora and over at aHKoufih the and the turned wet in the Afternoon Aurora was on board and everybody appeared to enjoy themselves Fall Fairs Oct and 4 London Weston Newmarket Toronto Zephyr Oct a2 f tt Fair Sept Oct Sept Oct- 3 Oct a Single Fare for Labor Day Via Grand Trunk Railway with between all stations in Canada- also to Detroit and Pot Huron Mich Niagara Kails Suspeusron and rickets good going August and 1st and 2nd All valid for return until Wednesday Jin Minimum rale twentylive cents Secure tickets and lull particulars any Grand Trunk Agent Farm Produce Fair market last Saturday ing Ruling- prices were as follows KffSi per lb 25 to Dressed per lb to Apples per 20 to Potatoes per bag per Cabbages 5c Corn dozen Tomatoes Beans per Cucumbers per to Beets 3 Carrots 3 bunches for Celery 5c Live Spring Chickens to 15c OKI Hens per lb 9 to Live Ducks per lb to Live Turkeys per lb When the train the town It was on rid to proceed rails had up The town Had been by whom arc discharged soldiers ate in and TheA Is much alarm the country pojiqlatons ttiHjpshave been desptto to the from Aug The of Tung I oca ted twelve miles from was and by a gixwt Vol style Chinese troops who sad- In tht struts on bloodshed Twelve were slain and the town is that the recent ordering the soldiers to cut off Is responsible tor the outlaw ry The government In iVMn tear ing of the depredations despatch ing troops to punish the looters In England Aug flood situa tion in is becoming serious Six inches rain ell yesterday The City of Norwich dS miles northeast of is almost latrtl whole train London nd Norwich and iiHr has been and many local services were affected The en tire county of Norfolk is a swamp and Suffolk and the other eastern counties ale In- An alarming condition Everywhere being destroyed by the swollen rivers and there is no sign of a cessation of the rains The condition of the military camps at Alderhot Salisbury plain and is so serious that mnny regiments had to be moved is a probability or all the mer manoeuvres- being alandoned The railways in North Wales are partly under water being convened between and adstanceol seven miles by motorboats The riven in twelve feet above normal and a big flood at a town on the a Population of In some parts of the provinces men are mowing through nearly a foot of water in attempts to save In Leicestershire North Yorkshire and Lincolnshire many hundreds of acres are under water for miles in the district re semble lakes in Lancashire suffered damage by yesterdays downpour a number of houses leing flooded The rain also was so heavy at Cardiff that the dockers were un able to work It is estimated that the of rains and the untoward weather the last week cost the British farmers close to In the de struction of crops and another the same kind of weather will mean a total loss of a quarter of a billion dollars class I ENTRANCE Oommittee Of Pearson and Age limit The Directors are desirous making a leading decided thai all chiidrcji may free of any charge no matter whether their parents of the Society or not The the work of child it help given by any person will disqualify the exhibit from music bo work the fliul the exhibitors must be uqdof the at time ol will bo give beunuiking entries Entries must be made by Sept AH exhibits this ic ALL I ruled foolscap grounds or mark must the paper to to members in flrsiday 35 cents on and wi3 years driving on JO eents for IVr- in all widths Floor Oil Cloths all widths Hugs In all sizes and qualities Window Shades Certain Poles Lace Curtains Curtain of all kinds Art Sateens Prpfiervrd Strawberries ntiart jars Canned Cherries Worst Sauce Paokarp Pure Castile Hoy gba 3 bars Quart Bottle Tomato Catsup Cold sliced suit Shall Quality Solid Counter Tips better at any price No rejected or Imperfect Shoes to enter this store Quality price For lory after the Price is Bear In the Desirable Shoe are nev on the altar Pair of sell are for yuur A of son making entries for horses will require to forward Or eonipeUtion when the class for which they are entered la called the grounds penalty of cents tor deiauH- person- will be allowed to drive faster walk on the on pain Ml exwulloneseept by ducctlon of theiudes while on exhibition Any person violating these rules bo dealt with as the law directs Section Sept 1st 3rd i- Best Collection leaves of deciduous trees and al J iai Best of Leaves ot evergreefi trees ami m iH4 3 latest Applet varieties named 4 Three largest Potatoes dlfteretit varieties Best Collection of the seeds of ten weeds In glass vials labelled ftith correct names Best collection six Injurious Insects flatly mounted and with generally common name r- vV if Penmanship Boys or Girls under years Penmanship or under 12- years Penmanship- or Girls under years Map DrawingOntario etc Drawing of Residence ii Freehand Drawing Painting any subject Coll of Souvenir post Cards addressed ex- ll it Ornamental Lettering Alpbacefc and ink Best Pair Darned Stockings 17 Tlcee Worked Buttonholes Hand Made Handkerchief 19 Work Bag Handmade Pin Cushion Hand made Layer Cake Small Homemade white Half Tea Biscuits r I Mixed Candies Homemade Bouquet Wild Flowers Woodwork by Boys some useful article 3S Toy Boat by Boys Model of Flying MacWne 30 Coll of Native 111 Or I NOTE Entries to be made with the Secretary not later than Thursday September in it 50 50 30 i5 as Via Ml tat tit tt 50 50 50 50 50 5 25 35 50 fifty and sitr en for fresh York farmer was receiving UulMen or twelve Mrs Gmhatfi of Mr Kemie of in poultry of te district Represent of Agriculture in York was opened at only a ago so no- of very permanent nature- has yet ken aceompBsliei although the who Edwards I now in is busy this summer- incoming acquainted with the and formihii that- are essential to his work At first Mr had as assist- ant Mr Fjinfti a Col lege young who has re turned to his farm near St Marys the Mr an OAC- Undergraduate is as sisting Mr With the Toronto northward and the increase in mar- j in York County farm values have risen in the past couple years While the price of land in trie north part of the county is nothing unusual an average for York is conservatively placed at like Ontario corntiee there are no abandoned farms in York parlous Storm Sweeps Province W LADIES STORE Clearing Sale 1 Ladies Blouses fancy hemmed ftgi m and Si for Ladies Fine isle Hose re- for Ladies Fancy White and Colored Parasols at Cost Balance of Cur Summer Silks plain and fancy fiOc for Regular for Regular for And Many Other Bargains 1 C LUNDY 50 25 BANK MONTREAL If mi Shaws Schools The Central Business and Short hand School Toronto organized by Principal Shaw in with its four well equipped Schools the Central Telegraph and Railroad School and the Shaw Correspondence School all located in Toronto are now commonly known Shaws Schools These schools are doing a great work in training young men and women for business pursuits and a successful record of twenty years Rives to these a long list of active graduates who are now controlling in part the commerclaHn- of our country These schools are well known to be reliable In ev ery particular and are worthy of the wide and liberal patronage they en- See announcement In our columns Newmarket High School A special meeting of the Board was held at the Secretarys Offlceon Tuesday afternoon In the chairman Mr J I requested to act Otoer member present Father Whitney Dr I Putt Messrs T and Jackson The estimates receipts and ex penditures for the year were by the Secretary and a requisi tion was made the Town Council for too same as last year for the general maintenance of the school The entrance examinations cost Board more than all the- tees received Committee reported that- the appropriation of bad all been expended In- grading out It was not sufficient to complete the job The Committee was authorized to continue the work but not to ex ceed A resolution was pat sod the use of certain coming term are favorable for ftlaage when the school opens on Tuesday as the staff are all very popular Mrs Rev A Sanderson of Belleville is visiting at Mr Tranners and Mr ft Fairies Mr lordon of Springfield III is spending Ms vacktvn with friends Mr Mark Storry ami daughter of Uncle Sams domains visiting re latives Mrs of is visiting at Mr Storrys Miss Cook and Miss of visited Mrs i On Wednesday on a farm near Cooksville Niagara power stepped down from the high tension wire that carries electrical energy along highway to the towns and cities of Niagara zone and did farm work It turned the great thresher and first oats and then wheat went through it operated the machine that milked the cow and then separated the milk a wire across field to the farm house enabled the housewives and not a few farmers as well to look upon the marvel of electricity supplanting tho in all branches of do mestic work Made by the Watch Co The Best Watch tor the Money 7 Jewel 5550 Jewel Filled Jewel Gold I Plain Engrave and All Fully Warranted Yours tot Good Service CO Jtweler and a Agta Issuer of Marriage Interesting Farm Topics From the Toronto- Globe A few years ago only the market- garden forms in York were immedi ately surrounding Toronto Toronto does not yet receive sufficient vege tables and garden fruits from local farmers to supply her rapidly grow ing demand Hence the prices paid are comparatively high and such as to make growing truck crops exceed ingly profitable Truck farmers liv ing as far north as Aurora drive in to the city with big ot garden products The majority of them sell on the St Lawrence mar- let and to wholesalers but not a tew have regular customers among householders and finds it pays better to peddle their stuff For who ship to the there are unusually good transportation facilities provid ed by and branch lines as well as the Metropo litan division of the Toronto York Radial Company which operate an electric to Sutton on Supplying Toronto with Milk To York County falls tho responsi bility largely of furnishing milk to customers The strong de mand from the city at prices the Toronto people still complain has given Powerful Impetus to the dairying Industry in the country farmers are gradually dropping of beef production which at one time was important in York and re placing their herds with Holsteiris andigrade cows of other dairy types Tho average fanner keeps about ten Rood milkers and ninety per rent of all the milk produced is consumed in Toronto Some of the farmers near er the oity conduct a regular dairy business sending milk in during the night for early delivery to the resi dents Those farther removed bow- ever sell to the big dairies or to departmental stores Asa rule the York farmer docs not have to look for a market for his milk Representatives of Toronto dairies cover the county several times a year endeavoring to make con tracts with all the farmers possible Tho district was well canvassed ear ly this month by men seeking extra supplies to cope with the situation during Exhibition time Prices iSave Been Attractive The prices paid by Toronto dairies have been such to make milkpro duction a paying business for the more than Wive miles from a railway station does not as a rule find it profitable to take his milk to the de pot for shipment to the city Some even farther out than that however are selling to Toronto but they live near together and cooperate on the delivery Urging More Mr been urging York farmers to plant apple trees as he declares all natural condi tions are present to make the country exceedingly profitable advantage climate the transportation facilities are such as to make it easy to get the fruit on a suitable market To ronto has been paying good prices for apples in years and may al ways be ah attractive market for the apples grown in York Sir William Mulocks farm at Crossing just- south of Newmarket acres is set out young or chard now two and three years old The variety planted was Tolman Sweet and a year the A series of electrical storms swept across Ontario from east to west starting early Monday and continuing until late at night H was one of these storms that struck Toronto tying Up the ear lines the electric service andrdoing great damage to standing crops and cut grain in the fields in adjacent counties- From nearly every in old Ontario came stories that- recorded the havoc wrought by the fiercest electrical disturbances in the province and one that for destructivenes those by oldest residents With the rain and lighting in many parts was a high wind almost hurricane Decline of in live hogs and this added to the Top price this week Many farmers have been set hack years TJie Dominion Government has At St Catharinesa prominent man purchased a site at Midland for a was instantly killed by kicking building The cost wire fell across the side- walk A horse being driven down the road wan killed near Belleville Three barns and a school house near struck by lightning A ban near another ft ftft1 ftMftft 1IM31 is CAPITAL ALL PAID UP PROFITS TOTAb ASSISTS Branches at all important in Canada and Now York Chicago Spokane Mexico abd Newfoundland Every description a Banking INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of Ontario Bank Branch will be as NEWMARKET BRANCH CO ROSS 1 Fall Term from Sept 3rd Newmarket Markets near Paris were burned down A cooper shop at and Aug Wteat per bush 0 00 TORONTO ONI Stands in a class by itself for strictly firstclass work Open all year Write today for handsome catalogue a Hay per ton new Eggs per doz la 00 0 Greenhouses St grafted to A commercial con- liarn at Courtright were destroyed by p1 fc Si Carnations ftK asp- Reds with Ben Davis Wealthy etc as fillers These developments have opened tho eves of some that because was not Import ant in county that it could not be Every Farmer Has Clydesdales An interesting feature of in York is the popularity of the Clydesdale horse and the farms that cannot boast a number specimens Every farmer has Ms Clydesdale brood maro and a good many have two or three A high standard of breeding aimed at and while the formers raise Clydes dales principally to do farm few have not an extra animal or two that is ready to be sold when the right bidder comes along Horses are sold in York right in the stables so keen is the demand The way in which the farmers have taken to raising good type of Clydesdale Is due Par t to the exceptional market advantages afforded fn Toronto and largely to the activities of the many large horse breeders in York Among those who are to some extent at toast responsible for the Increased In terest manifested horses ate den o County Graham Ren frew at Bedford Park Joah men on the farms winter York Son at Queeneville farmers received from to Torrenceat per eight gallon can a little more Alex at cents per quart- and this court and Mr toe price has been around The wellknown arm of Graham and farmers lave Renfrew at Bedford Park has lately to pay for tho delivery milk out been sold for high said this The freight charge a can have been per acre and is from ere fifteen tents be subdivided into Toronto Mr J Steokley District Rep- suburban lots of the Ontario Department According to Mr StecWey poultry of Agriculture stationed at received perhaps a more atten- let told me that since York farm- on farms- than on the eggs destroyed much property j besides the burning a large bam with bushels of wheat A couple of barns were burned at and several killed Pour Ares were started Corn wall one barn and three or four head of cattle per lb 20 Toronto Markets 4 -4- Live Stoik Market Cattle are easier in price In Toronto this week Sheep about Chickens per lb tbe have advanced Turkeys per ft per Veal calves sold from Ducks per Aug I Fall Wheat pet bush 001 per J Hay per ton Eggs Per doz 3- 33 Butter per ft Potatoes new per BO Our Flowers are always We grow them Funeral Designs very do made on shortest no tice 1v Our Bridal Bouquets are the very beat Satlsfaotion A Thousands of Cauliflower 111 orders Retail at Manufacturers W had taken to shipping their milk erase Ontario farm The reason for to Toronto a greater has is probably Toronto offers been manifested In this Industry and a good market for eggs and ma la the standard of the herds has shown a steady demand last winter improvement former living when the city were i Mens and Boys Overcoats Pants and Vests are a judge of Values loose no time to we are offering i i TERMS CASH AND PRICE A f iX- TORONTO ssaBi