Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 23 Aug 1912, p. 8

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EH ft McKCNNA Jan I wish to tell you of the great FroUaticts clone for me tor years I was a martyr to Chronic Consti pation and Stomach Trouble I was run down aud my friends feared had Consumption I tried numerous doctors and all kinds of medicines but received no relief until advise to by Mr of St Stephen and tin pleased to Say that I enjoy excellent health a- Uvea are the best medicine made and I strongly advise my friends to use them HUGH Fruitatiyes is the only medicine that will positively and completely cure Constipation This wonderful compound of juices acts directly on the liver causing this organ to extract more bile from the blood and to give up more bile to move the bowels regularly and naturally a box for trial sire At all dealers or sent on receipt of pnee by Limited Ottawa A auspices cm Wednesday Anauts An Xcrf- wilt bo siren consisting Of by Miss Myrtle Phillips off Toronto and Miss ckley Snowball solos will giver by Miss Gertrude off and Mr of Aurora duel by Mr and Miss Warns of Aurora An be given by Hoy of will to from to o clock effort Will be to of the entertain tho season For Sale the Resilience in tee growing manufacturing Town off Newmarket- corner Main and Water Streets very suitable for a doctor Price Roche A- Co 2 Houses for Sale Ono new House Huron St and one Red Brick with all Modern Conveniences on St Apply to J JEFFERSON Gotham St Mr and Mrs ft Hut Vet MiSi Jennie Butke It spent last with friends at market Mr Mansion- Yale had fifty on Satur day last animals about Horn at July to Mr and Mrs Laterby a last the was discovered the boiler room of planing factory and fire brigade were at once summoned- They by hard work the fife to thai room and soon had it ex tinguished Had it gained a few minutes more headway building would gone up in smoke The sports held here on August 5 under the auspices of Board of bumper crop when has looo At knows a Rood ore to learn that under the aMliful I M isa boon Mrlmislr for time rain on Saturday bold- on the premises of It was rit wry and Mr Aftnstrootc for York in the would hint by pi imid this ient in the hall or some other building would have bolter crowds Most people would at to bay- ing to stand on dftip grounds few of the pcnhouriiui destruction the house fly is a- Public duty and k on a him Mr v J itfljln- M is generally diseaseproducing germs him one of the greatest enemies of the human race i If the housekeepers of Canada will use of Man and axanddutcr and MrlracooK Tn9 BOO Trade were a baseball teams grand success were present w Ten their skill in tat and sphere Careen Rivet and Old Coun try football teams did a large amount of hard kicking but weNj so evenly- matched Hint neither team was able a goal To decide the win ning team for the trophy the following teams will try conclusions here on Saturday August nth Roy al Edwards and Crescents all of Toronto AURORA i 3 New Brick Houses a Ave for tale Two are at present occupied and the other one will be ready shortly All modern Apply to Isaac Rose Newmarket or French Al bert For Sale Brick Houses on Park all conveniences also one frame house on Elm t For terms to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Ares Farms for Sale s Call at the Newmarket Town Real Estate Office Aad get Prices on a Large Number Uptodate Houses with Modem A Snap Houses at a Bargain Oct our Prices on a Number of Choice Lots tor Sale We Buy Town Houses at this also rent houses Agent for Atlas Fire Insurance Go Farm tor Sale u r I Lafj acres more oV less being com of Lot in the rear concesstoQ ol the township I Good buildings on stone acres of hardwood Also a house on Street Newmarket For particulars apply to WILLIS Box 23U Newmarket 60 Acre Farm for Sale This Is one of the choicest fifty- acre farms In the township being too West half of Lot in 2nd Con- of miles north A good rough cast dwelling house Bank boms with first class stabl ing pig pen and Implement houses are good and land Is la a high state cultivation lots water Also have thirty acres of pasture and bush land Will sell together or In separate parcels HENRY Holland Lauding J A W ALLAN CO in Cedar Valley ftltetspentl a vishlng at the Zephyr Mr and and her brother Mill- Mr TtBmipsXm- of MiKfay wm Monday on Scliopl w day Mr lid Mnrchani appointed to W the by thQrcmOVal Council embers all House from were Taty- Friday Mas ladies from ah tea week ai W Bogarl was the guest Mrs last week Paul of Mrs It Thomson last week Mr Ceo Robertsoft roroUto spent the with his Mr 1 is a positive shame to way the new station at loyet is preporing for big son rf EASTBOURNE Iheir J- STRAYED stack the is nearly completed ami the ar hoping they will have the tannery running by tb- middle of next month Mr Baldwins Hour mill is closed down this week purpose of making several important repairs ana improvements in the machinery On Saturday ami Sunday Lieut- Col and Mrs Chandler and the West Toronto Band consisting of pieces conducted special services here in with the Salva tion Army The partitions in the basement the Methodist Church have all been removed preparatory to making the change wheii addition to the church is completed Owing to this the Sunday School will be held in th auditorium of the church to I raised in this mu nicipality his year for count pur poses is t735l tor the Industrial Home Court House making in all Last year total amount was The Toronto and York Radial ao making considerable alterations in their station here The building and platforms have been moved feet to the south The toot will raised and- another story added which will be used as residence for the agent After long trying illness Mrs M P Rush passed away at family on the third concession of King on Thursday evening aged years months and days Some time ago deceased had a severe at tack of pneumonia from which never tally recovered She esteemed by all those who knew The took place en Sunday afternoon and was attended a very lare number of friends and acquaintances The remains were interred in tlie Aurora Cemetery Qn Wednesday night or more pro perty Thursday morning the resi dents oa street were awakened and kept about an hour by a row between some drunken men The language made use of by these fel lows was simply outrageous and they should have spent the balance of the night in the and brought be fore a magistrate Thursday morning and a fine imposed which would taught them a lesson The Metropo litan station and vicinity almost every evening Is scene drunken brawls Aurora Is getting a pretty hard knock all over the country by these whiskey bums There has been a large number of hero this summer who de lighted with the beauty of the town but with drunken ele ment to he seen In the town annual regatta was ami every event was contested heartily The weather was very favorable with the exception a- light shower in Field sports were ran off In the forenoon and the aqua tic sports in the afternoon The prizes were presented in the evening followed by a delightful dance Mr A Kingston Is spending holiday at his man Miss Ruth Jackson spent a few with Miss Isabel Rogers Miss Lol was vislti Mr Bob over the weekend who fined for tructiveness- ride for the children was greatly on A number of and grownup- repeated the trip in the evening A 4 city Mr Herb Skinner was in the on Wednesday Wednesday Market was largely at tended Prices ranged from all round Mr Newmarket is ill JACKSONS POINT The lest entertainment ever given air at his parents in suffering With typhoid fever Miss Orma Sloan and Miss returned to on Tuesday after spending va cation at the at Pine Orchard pie Mr Sanders discharged the duties of chairman with Ws usu- al ability and was heartily applaud ed Miss Edna not only con tributed a solo but accompanied the other singers We might mention just here that Miss Usually cent operation for appendicitis Mr Frank Webb nearly succumbed to Paris green poison- Mr was greening potatoes and it w day inhaled a quan tity accidentally while mixing it We WhUciUjfeV A preNit F Carter MM dam age to sheep killed and A of King- Sfe damaj to rig highway the presented a the collector Hills were bresvFiteii by 0 Richardson of Health it yaker yds gravel igfcCook cement luU yds gravel man ami horse in- gfdVel ISl ydsKravel RM lairlerril yds gtvel fihas Stair jds gravel ydsgraVei J A Thoma20 yds gravel instructed to pay the bills presented the claim for sheep Willed injured by Deputy Soaulding was instructed to enlarge culvert on side line between lots and if deemed the Reeve Deputy to ettect arrangemenfa re gopil road system on south town Line the Reeve was empowered to sell timber at lots 15 and 1C Con arid to repair hill at dot Con A was granted to sink hole opposite Lot 15 Con A Spaulding was to A Clarkejre damage to rig and make a sattlemeittif deem ed desirable The sureties oRered by the Collect or were as satisfactory A was to Carter killing two dogs sheep RLaw was passed instructing the Clerk to levy County and the several School rates Council adjourned to meet at on the of September Curiosity of Man Nearly Cost 100 persistently this perl would be tremendously reduced ill Possible iov All I Possible For All Kinds of Flour and Feed Goal and Wood Tile Cement o NO BARGAINS BUT DEALINGS BOM WAYS t SUCCESSOR TO NEWMARKET- Phono ORDER PROMPT DELIVERY I r of Knox Church Toronto Miss Kilcen Kemp Miss Walla chson Bond street Congregational Church Toronto and Mr of Khox Church Toronto The elocutionists were Mrs Jones ol and little Miss Lena Saund ers of SplenVlld piano were also given by Harvey organist Bond street Congregational Church Toronto and Master Harry Clark of Toronto A farce by ten girls being a representa tion of a Womens Business Meet ing was most amusing The pro ceeds of the evening amounted to which will be applied to the Church debt A Masquerade Hop took place at GlenWoodland Hall on Wed nesday About were Mi On the old Sibley Farm on duly a Vihite Sow Owner can have same by paying expenses and dam ages J WILLIAMS net present in costume There was also a Masquerade in the Pavilion at the Point on night last week which was largely attended One day last week ten men went out in a gasoline launch well equip ped with the best fishlntackle and after feeing day returned with handsome catch of eight small fish Thats encouraging Although the season hasbeen cool about the usual number of summer visitors have gathered at the Point distributed as follows Between and at View Between and at Pine Plaza Between and at Glen Between and at Glen Between and at Trolley Rest Mrs Clark ol Toronto Is spending a fortnight wltn her aunt at Woodland this week Mr Walker is again able to out after a of lasting three weeks Mr Del spent over with his parents The stork paid a visit to the home of Mr and Mrs oh Tues day of last week Dr and Mrs and familj are spending a two weeks vacation at Point guests of Mr Mr and Mrs Watson Adams are visiting friends here the guests of parents Mr and Mrs Stephen Leonard the A Railway conveyed 108 passengers to iSchomberg n the urllay niht previous to Torontos epic holiday Messrs J A Armstrong Cofley enjoyed fishing ex cursion on Friday If we believe in fish atories theirs was a wonderful Morses Indian Root Pills are not a new and untried remedy our grandfathers used them Half a century ago before Confederation sale in nearly every drug or general store Canada of that day and were the cure in thousands of homes for Constipation Indigestion Biliousness Rheumatism and Kidney and Liver Troubles To day they are just as effective just as reliable as ever and nothing better has yet devised to Cure Common Ills LEARN STENOGRAPHY GET A GOOD JOB ft AT A GOOD SALARY Miss Harrison of Mount Albert vis ited Miss Rynard over Sunday sold another Ford cor to Dr Prank livery of Sutton last week I Lome of visitors of our town on Sunday last Geo spent a couple of days last week visiting his Midland this place a visit on Saturday last fntcatcti of clover seed- Robert of St Catharines after a tew days with here WteHorner leaving- tor the Monday load picking is all the rage here Miss Rnard visited an A I Sunday Mrs Sunderland Is spending a tew weeks with Mrs Gor don Amos has vaOated his house lately purchased by Phillip Mr Glide ot Port Perry spent a couple of days bore on business last The crop of Mr A lately purchased from Mr Kidd ROOFING rot crack or rust Strongly roofs laid years ago are sound and waather tight If you want a root to last Invesllgale Permanent Colors- Red Brown Green and natural Slate Newsarket Somaerieldt Albert SattwiWtsU Dr Van PUb mm Effl VV- SI if- Windsor Aug The curiosity of A Kartell an sales man nearly cost him the price of a diamond ring yesterday Sit ting on the dock near asked Robert Pike an other auto him to examine a diamond rins he was wear ing Piko passed the solitaire over hut as he did so it fell in the river The water at this point is IS feet deep and muddy but employed a diver and recovered- the diamond in an hour at a cost ol Daring the time the diver was submerged and worked the air pump Mich Aug Two per sons were killed and damage estimat ed at was wrought by a cloud burst and storm that swept over Michigan early today In the water feet deep In the streets seven bridges were washed out and car vice was stopped Ottawa Aug A double accident occurred today at waj Bay Que a summer resort miles west of this city on the Ot tawa River Miss Mary Wright aged daughter of P H Wright lum bermans employ menfc agent and Miss Bertha Johnston aged sixteen of the late George Johnston- both ot Ottawa with a party ol oth er young women went shortly alter noon today and wading out beyond their depth went asulsnnee could reach them The bellies were recovered flfttn minutes later Vancouver Aug Staples millionaire lumberman and former resident ot Seattle died Saturday At BC following peculiar accident He was fishing for trout one day two ago when tho fishhook being flipped back caught in his eyeball was unable atone to help himself and was forced to drive his automobile twenty miles to secure medical was too to save his The young man stayed in the hospital til a days ago and the infection from Ms spread onto his face causing bloodpoisoning from which died yesterday Aug Dr Hcv one Oshawas and best known physicians coming In a motor car to visit his Mrs Robert Russell yes terday evening halted to open the gate entering the grounds forgetting to turn oft the power Returning to crank the machine when it suddenly gaye a bound forward knocked him down and dragged htm some dlstanbe the machine finally running a When rescued Dr was unconscious and for some hours- Nearly all the iown doctors were soon In attendance fie regained consciousness through night and well today is thought that some ribs are fractur ed hut his recovery confidently ot CANADIAN PACIFIC 50000 FARM LABORERS IN CANADA GOING TRIP TO WINNIPEG Mai half cent booi to or RETURN TRIP BAST FROM WINNIPEG Calory or l AUOUST an on all on and South the Grand Mala Line to Sarah all on the CPR to Braach Guelpa ubdivUlco rem South and torn Bnioptoa South AUGP5s From Toronto and UUoas north bat not the- Grand Trunk Mala Line Toronto to and Toronto east to but not IfletaomM Kington Shaibot Lake and Renfrew and CPR west of Renfrew From stations la Ontario Toronto and and Junction and east of and Eaitera AUG US From Toronto snd verit la Ontario North Bay and CPR Sudbury to Sault Ste Matte Ontario TOOTia clan to only be sold Each will Include veilncaUon with an eatemloa coupon coupon has been signed at by a farmer shoftiof he the holder lo work si a firm laborer the be honored op to September for at rate of centper mile I Ifl West of or fifty ctflti to any or of on the Canadian Padflc Canadian in Manitoba Saskatchewan but not A certificate be luued to Si ticket Canadiaia pat katAewan at the Mm W payment of half cent from any station the Canadian Pacific Canadiaa or Railways la Saskatchewan and Manitoba east of MacLeod Ca to original rood to return Trunk Pacific la Saskatchewan and Manitoba of MacLeod Calgary and Edmonton point by the same routs as on Joumey or before November Aft payment of one half cent fifty cents up to Winnipeg from the holder deposits the certificate with the ticket agent at and works at least thirty days at For see CPR Ajeot or wilt Toronto ATKINSON Newmarkets THERE CAN BE NO SYRUP SO PURE AND WHOLESOME AS JUST TOY A TIN FROM YOUR Your money returned entirely aahaladory Every tin absolutely Canners Limited Montreal I MOW BY FRED NEWMARKET WCODY NEWMARKET BOSWORTH NEWMARKET r I Hare a ol Whit Norway Sp SpteUl aaW AH TUB AMtfsaf ft- I tfj TORONTO

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