Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 23 Aug 1912, p. 3

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Ttp p 5 Si K A J Keeks teal Hems j Police Court pcf61U tfi I I I on out business Messrs and fined 5 fcW tot closing lias been laid Against Pol Lloyd Tor being drunk a town Phillip who only re turned from the throe ago he was home on a visit commenced work on the hew school buildings last Week but bad to ott on on on his hand may be several days he can resume his rf rt- i L 3rd flt- by law toe opening of Hjh School nd Schools In Ontario pkHUM It Is or admission to Church In Is ixmmlelcdand looks well It will a of the will I ready to put down the sidewalks pastor far Is expected his Is from theShorSi lH Momnialls Securely Viewed by No York a the AUGUST i Oar Western Letter or Winnipeg endorsed toe hp In Hurrau to as Towards lite and maintenance root Other day of UW lM Capable of the ArVn4jWJ when great sod oYcr tho and museum and a substan tial to exposition a this week And will conduct the ser vices next Sunday The new Is great praise for his work on the and with Choir who dropped Rift WWlftW J It The Davis Tannery Trie new buildings to assume some proportions As there was much foundation work the gross appeared slow but tho contractor Is getting The vats in tie new building on the are in use week which the procure the old building at Some seven or eight of arrived this mvitly from is about three time rains given a push to and oth er crops are beginning to go oh the market wiu rt one In thisregiom is thriving- and pastures The good old this week is being grain has been hous ed during warm weather this week If the in is to illegal to Seil Veal Section lu3 of he Ontario SUfcut for provides no calves Under old bo sold or for sale and iVhal toe a breach iM this law Is fiae of from io it has been a matter of common knowldjta tor some years that few days old ami upwards been bold each year by some butchers the country to be Used one form or another for human and it is against this practice that this law is aimed f Cut the Weeds Gomplats US JUU a GOOD COOKS USE i Strawberries the the thdr to spile driven in sand thousands men now on the Whale as the fin l ThU along with the shore aid and Smith loUrtenWrs ftde all Who first saw the visitor from the and l depths spouting close In ffiore exteiisjons the -sir- will net a tidy sum fetj InsUtullnnft provided by the sale ivfthe blubber and is well he An effort is Alflfi to have thenew hall lot Was dumbfounded at his breakfast youngiaHh- to oh the th rushed In shouting she blows The activities Of Thar she true Bed- m this direction have already ten ford fashion of At first he thought the whom the International he well had gone fcu to be next cat and shading his eves with his hands he other Important gatherings held looked down the beach and sure In capital In enough thero were the little geysers the past weds large rfnd in- denote a order known as over Uie Combers on the Pythias in at T The motion is sometimes asked Koust hands out and decided to make Winnipeg their Has a power to pass sore for the place in Another fin- captain V renown has lifesavers Intention of holding a -It- along the beach opposite the whale eity which watching impotent struggle fast helming free itself from the depression the popular pit we continent for its follow a these fraternal The -1m- of little fish which JialopetlalQrand Orange Council who scoops into its great mouth for food have just concluded their biennial it had swam too- far inshore had convention In got a- bar Now its great tail swished buried will be made to scciire for Winnipeg itself deeper in its little hole in the sand In all widths I gtaw Jars Jar Oil Cloths all widths and Mailings Ruga In 1I and Curtain Poles Curtain of kinds Damasks and Cretonnes Canned lied Castile Boots and Shoes Sailor Boy bars Quart Bottle Tomato Catsup looketl sliced to Ho Solid Counter Tips None better at rejected or Imperfect Shoes to enter this store Price Quality long after the- Price Is Bear In Desirable Shoes are never sacrificed on the altar Pair Shoes are for your Grocery Order A BRUNTON be made up us next month as the weather forecast why re voke the recall of straw hats aftermath the grain is unusually rich mid will abundant pasturage fields a bylaw property owners or occupants to cut the weeds and small brush growing high- bordering on properties fuming to the Ontario for an answer we Overseers of highways or other municipal of ficers charged with the care ot the shall see that all noxious weeds growing upon highways in j their respxctive are cut down or destroyed at the proper tim to prevent ripenirg of their seed and work shall be as cart of the ordinary statute labor or paid for at a reasonable by the treasurer the municipality as the Council as the Council of nlcipality may present law- In cattle en the live stock market In Toronto tills piitpaid was being less week Heavy steers sold as high as Choice heifers ranged from to u70 medium m from to 570 StecrirSiRhbg lbs sold for at cows to WO Veal calves S45 per Lambs from to Top price for live i STANDARD PATTERNS LUNDY convention n 01asgoV In Winnipeg in will be made to secure for Winnipeg the next years annual convention pi the Loyal Order of Moose which and the weeli meets in Kansas Missouri- This is the New Fraud The Toronto World of Monday morning has the following Mansfield a from Newmarket obtained five dollars from a British immigrant at the Toronto Union Station last night hy a method new to the Toronto police As a result wa arrested and will appear before Commissioner Starr this morning on a charge of obtaining money under false -pre- who had come to Toron to yesterday made the at the Union Station here last night of Arthur new arrival from England May the lad learned that he was on his way to Rochester Mansfield volunteered to buy the ticket This offer was and money given the in a few minutes to May with the Rochester ticket must get you landing certifi cate said the hoy This he ex plained was necessary for all enter ing the United States from Canada and would cost five dollars Con vinced of boys honesty and very grateful for his Kindness handed over the five dollars Mansfield- then wont jo the Canadian Express office obtained one their Wanks and fill- it in the statement that would permit the hearer Arthur May to land at the United States port of May accepted the certificate and was thanking the boy for his kind ness when Constable Holmes who had witnessed the and overheard part the conversation re garding it stopped up and took the hoy in hand S Picnic St Pauls Sunday School held their annual picnic to Bond Lake on Monday Aug weath er man being exceedingly graci ous in providing fine weather en sured an time for all who partook In making this a delightful success A special car left the Metropolitan station at oclock carrying about young people and parents and friends to the lake where they In dulged In games boating etc During the afternoon the scholar of the different took partial sports and prizes were award ed to the successful competitors The following being the proud re cipients of the prizes provided- Boys under years 1st Horace 2nd Prank Birch Girls under years 1st 3rd Holmes Boys under Birch 2nd E Creasy Girls under yean 1st Florence Bacon 2nd May Wright 3rd Crewe Boys years and over 1st Don ald Bobbins 2nd Birch years and over 1st Lily Wright 2nd May Crewe To the primary class was pres ented a toy for each child as a souvenir of the day Tea was served In the at thirty One very pleasing feature of the evening repast wa the singing or the In which not only the children but also their elders took part and sang real heartily to thank the Father for His good food and all the temporal He bestows upon uts all In this life A very pleasant after noon being spent the party Journ eyed home the car leaving the lake at 8 Everybody ex pressed their great satisfaction of almost enjoyable picnic Great praise to those who so accomplished one ot the most successful In connection with the The late The following is taken from the Standard the deceased father the court- eons in Watsons Jewelry Store One of prominent pio neer business men in the person of passed away at his residence at oclock Monday morn ing August after lingering and painful illness ol eight years borne with remarkable- fortitude ami ex emplary patience The deceased was born In London On ami educated in the Grammar School of that city Moving to when Hate place was but a small village he served an appren ticeship with Mr hardware merchant- of whom he ever in terms of the highest respect In with his brother he started business in the village of By In dustry honesty and good business methods they built up a flourishing hardware trade For years the subject of sketch was closely identified with the Interests ot the community in which he lived offered who had slept night in station Calmly he spliced and tied a coarse piece of that a man brought from the At the first cast standing above his knees in Ihe water erstwhile cowboy sent the loop circling over the broad tail the whale a cheer went up- as I many hands drew the knot tight The whales gigantic blows and hauls were in vain It was tied spile and left to strand when it went out Exposure to the air caused the scon to gasp its life away It was about twenty feet long and weighed about two tens LADIES STORE Newmarket Markets State of Ohio City of Toledo Lucas County Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of J Cheney Co doing business in City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that be cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this day of De cember A Seal Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken and acts directly on blood intellect and judgment ot the system Send for testimonials free J CHENEY Co Toledo 0 Sold by alt Druggists Take Halls Family for con stipation he was chosen as one of Mandates first police trustees After the in corporation of the village ho occupi ed a place on the council hoard first as councillor and afterwards Reeve lie was also for some years- one of the Directors the Agricultural So ciety Strict in busyness dealings and undemonstrative in manner he was sometimes misunderstood but those who knew him best realized that he held warm heart and no one appreciated a friend better or had more syinpathy tor those in rouble or won more devoted and family In he was married to MUs To them were born children all of whom are living All skillful surgery medical attendance and selfsacrificing love suffering or prolong life was done He was a member of and under whoso aus pices he was laid to rest In the family plot In Public Cem etery Adams who drow appropriate lessons from the psalm Of the eight children four were present when the last sad rites were performed and four boys in the West failing to arrive home in time KBTTLEBT Mrs has iust returned having had a very enjoyable Hip to Quebec The Equity WATCH Made by the Watch Co The Best Watch for the Money PRICES Jewel 1550 Jewel Gold Filled Jewel Gold Plain Engraved ana All Fully Warranted to Give Sat notion Yours for Good Service a ft CO and 0 P Issuer Marriage Licensee were renewing old acquaintances in Mr and Mrs Sibley Toronto burg last week Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs J at Lake last Thursday Miss Male Black spent Saturday at Lake We are pleased to see Mr and Mrs Dunning home again after spending tho summer in the Wept Among the visitors on Sunday we noticed Mr and Mrs Wreggitt of Toronto at 7 Blacks John Morning and wife at Joseph Cuttings Mrs Turner and the Misses Gallagher of at Robinsons Mrs John Black and Gertie at Luke Gibbons Fred Miller and wife at Albert Sharks Mr Wellington at Mr Charles A and family at Mr- Blacks Mr W and daughter at Roy Wo are pleased to report our Rick to- bo doing nioely Mrs Homer is much improved and Mr Brown is doing nicely Hope see out again in the near future Aug Mt J of 51 avenue commercial traveller- and his family narrowly escaped death by eating salad made from cabbage that bad been sprayed with Paris green The cabbage was secured at South ten don grocery and the mistake was not noticed until the family were taken seriously HI Prompt medical attention restored them CASTOR A for Infanta and Children UK You HafaAIways Bought The order has a membership of near ly the local branch having members The Supreme Lodge meeting it comes to Canada Will bring to 30000 or 10000 delegates members and friends The entire western membership ot the order is supporting Winnipeg and a large delegation of the local have left for Kansas with pros pects of success- in their endeavor A most important addition towest- manufacturing concerns will be the Consumers Ice Company has just decided- to Norwood Winnipeg a plant costing They have already secured a site of two acres The product of the works will be clear pure ice from natural artesian water under he Har rison process which is in use in Chi cago Detroit- Columbus Indianapol is Minneapolis and other large cities in the United States The Norwood plan will the first in Canada The Consumers Ice Com pany is made up leading Winnipeg men with the exception of Alexander Harrison of Chicago who is one leading shareholders The com pany intends to commence operations at the earliest possible date J building will be rushed to completion and the machinery installed without The Plant will consist of compressors and generators of the very latest The capacity of plant at the beginning will be tons a day and about 10 people will The company Will sink wells from which it is an ample supply of- water be secured- The contract will ho let the buildings which will include the Iciwtaff Main building two other buildings ft7 feet each and garage feet The com panys delivers will be made entire ly by and about ma chines will be used Entries filed tor homesteads In the Province of Manitoba the mon of July Wia were in number Rowing an increase of J over the same month last year which exceeded In homestead Aug Fall Wheat per bush Oats pec bush- 0 per bush x0 80- Peae per bush I Bran per ton per ton 200 Hay- per ton new Eggs per 2t- Butter per lb 0 Potatoes new Per hush 1 ot Chickens per lb US Geese per IS 0 Turkeys per lb 0 20- idSummer Clearing Sale Ladies Lawn Blouses fancy hemmed and 150 for Pine J isle Hose for Ladies Fancy White and Colored Parasols at Summer Silks plain and fancy Regular 50c for Regular for Regular for And Moby Other Bargains j LUNDY Toronto Markets Aug 1912 Fall Wheat per bush Oats per bush IS Hay per ton 00 Kggs per ft- per lb 30 Potatoes new per bush I -Vi- I Chickens per lfil- Turkeys per lb 18- GO Ducks per lb 19 ft 21 BANK MONTREAL 1817 Fought a Bio Black Snake in turn exceeded permits issued at Winnipeg in up to the August is 516381100 a sum which is short of the total year cess of the total expended lor tms purpose In IMO There seems to littlei any decrease in the amount of permits building inspector last week total ing The building the newest most and the tallest of Winnipegs will in a days be in actual course of constriction on Its site cor ner Garry street and Alllce ayenu to tho Is in the toot St it has a magnificent frontage of feet on the avenue and the area of plate glass used In Us construc tion will make it pear almost like a glass structure It will have thirteen stories with i root garden street frontage finished in Indiana stone and plate glass In its interior finishings mts the light and a r have been the two principal things in the minds the architects Messrs Ross and MaoKarlnd Montreal and Win nipeg There wilt not be inside flce in all its thirteen floors nor an that has less than a tenfoot window Its corridors stairs and panel work will be nil in mar ble while In basement will be a genuine Rathskeller or Dutch restaurant- Negations are- In progress with one of the large city clubs for the lease of the two floors and the root other floors will be de voted to toe use- of medical pro fession will be sh ed in as the occupants desire and marble floors and wainsoot- will be absolutely antiseptic The entire building will be absolutely fireproof aril its cornbleto cost will Montreal Aug A special to the Herald from Ontario s Attacked by a black snake seven feet in length Mr Frank Hitchrran and his young son fought with the great reptile for halt an hour in a hay field yesterday afternoon before finally doming out victorious jr seventeen years age was driving cutting machine with a pair spiritexf horses One of the wheels passed over the young snakes but the boy did not re alize the ifcnger until the mother the family thrust her long body- up ward under the seat between his feet and bo found the head of the creature waving in his face Terri fied young man sprang from his place and ran out on the pole start ing the- horses into a run end ed In their bolting and only being caught with difficulty by sr who rushed back to the spot and made a quick lunge at the mon ster with his scythe only inflicting a slight cut Infuriated- the snake struck at him and jr thinking his fathers life in seized a sticky screaming with right whereupon the shake attacked the son With the aid of a scythe and club it was finally killed both men falling exhausted when the fight was over CAPITAL ALL PAID UP DVgff UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS MS I e I at Important In Canada New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banting INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will acoooiwosaW as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH CO ROSS Manager was to have preached on Sunday hut Aug 18 Mrs Bingham the aged minister served guest at the Columbia Hotel here church so long reached the pulpit fell seventeen feet from the window in the morning and preached a of her room today and was severely sermon It Is said that in the even- injured She lost her balance while ing the church door was barred to endeavouring to fasten a shutter and him but he climbed in a rear win- fractured her hip one hand and again occupied the pulpit Mrs Bingham is a resident of denounced some of the congrega- delphia foe their actions BADLY NEEDED MONTREAL The much travelled young man just returned from foreign climes j and of course he must entertain bis rich old auntwith whom he was j n favor with stories of the wonder- weekly Newspaper of the ful sights he had seen Yes he l3 national said in the course of his remarks there are some spectacles that can never be forgotten Dear me j uaes exclaimed the absentminded old lady Procuring the from I do wish you would me a all over the world of them Tom THE STANDARD la the National Dominion in all Ont Aug There is trouble in Disciples Church- here over the effort made to oust I Rev pastor for years Recent- the congregation engaged Rev Fall Term from Sept 3rd Its articles are carefully selected and Its editorial policy Is thoroughly TORONTO ONT Stands in a class by itself for j strictly firstclass work year Write today for Independent I A subscription to The Standard costs to any address in Canada or Great Britain I of Pembroke and ho catalogue TOY IT FOR Open all standard Publishing Co handsome l Publlihr Retail at Manufacturers if P Mens and Boys Overcoats Pants and Vests loose no time to are a judge of Values we are offering ii CASH ASP ONE PRICE v I iv iuu in fireoioof awl win TORONTO -VrK-

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