Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Jun 1912, p. 8

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mm JKfi fi as V i EIGHT S3 5 THE ERA 101 ENJOYING THE Core Hit i w A garden party ho Ices of the jiank Sunday or the school grounds on July J A splendid being Bradf ord hand in AURORA DAVIS St Toronto I want lo say to the people of Toronto and elsewhere only medicine and has been for the last four years Previous to that had been very much troubled with Rheumatism and Kidney and had taken many remedies as welt as employing hot application of sail bags etc without getting satisfactory results Noticing the a of I adopted this treatment alto- and a everybody knows since taking I have been enjoying the verv best health and find it a pleasure to follow my vocation of Dancing and Deportment Instruction J- P DAVIS Davis the celebrated teacher of dancing and deportment in Toronto is quite Frank in stating that alone cured him of distressing Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble a bo tor trial site At all dealers or sent receipt of price by Limited Ottawa For Sale v Three Brick Houses two new with latest modern conveniences En quire Hughes Agent Two New Houses For sale in good locality Rented and paying good interest aion in one month K ROBERTSON la Newmarket 3 New Brick Houses On Ave for sale Two are at present occupied and the other one will be ready shortly All modem Conveniences Apply to Isaac Rose Newmarket or French Mi Al bert For Sale new Brick Houses on Park Ave Mr Frank Richardson lost a able ho so Monday The many friends of Mr Andrew will- he pleased to learn lx lias received notice from the COS of hist as iSistoms Officer Aurora Miss is a with in Miss has returned to To ronto alter some weeks at her home will hold a garden party here on Friday the inst T ZEPHYR A shotiiotbe a perrngiicnt Investment guaranteed as Such The is fear lessly guaranteed by dealers as Well as by the makers slrnpl j be cause they know that it will give utlcr sails- faction y611 Wonder that Soma y people buy -0- Sold i J A ALLAN the regular of the epKy met at the home on lurie Some Interest ing readings were given A number wre ttw New home lor Our next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs July at our Press A closed has been fixed the Government of re- notice stating that commenc ing this year frogs may not be caught or during months or June A heavy penalty may be lor violation ot this law The band furnished tlie mu sic at a garden party Landing on Tuesday evening Garrett daughter Mr and Mrs Garrett will be married this week to Mr Jackson of the wedding to taVe place at all modern conveniences also 0 frame house on Elm St For terms apply to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Aves r I Call at the Newmarket Town Real Estate Office And get Prices on a Large Number Uptodate Houses with Conveniences A Snap Houses at a Bargain Get our prices on a Number of Choice Lots for Sale We Buy Town Houses at this and also rent houses Agent Insurance Co What Good Roads to The following is the Gold Medal on What Good loads Means to Canada by of Toronto Garlhaginiftus were the first make systematic practice of roadbuilding no nation derived so many various benefits as that GreOat and won derful are Monuments that perpetuate the name of Home and everything connected with it tout none are so famous as her homes commercial and imperial buoceas was doe to Iter splendid system high ways the relics of which extend from the Pillars of Hercules to he Temple Jerusalem the Roman roadmakers have a tar more important lesson for Canada world will for time iinember the message of Christ which was delivered to humanity through the medium the Ro man roads thousands of people in hamlets scatter ed throughout Canada who are religious Instruction They will not emerge from their barbarous stale the Good in Roads Movement has won its way ine noun try The to the rural meeting place is diminishing the attendance to the schoolhouse is dwindling friendship is being severed with the neighbor living n short and with the person to whom regularly sond a letter and the village preacher is being discouraged What is the reason for this im- the farmer save energies his a ml thereby but loo needs at lower prices And easing by icnpS hounds a giciUr money would bo high the to It costs the Canadian his produce Ihe to railway station or lake poet- it la known that the production of field alone amount 10 tons would eatlmato of fchU tonnage hauled one way or so we have as coat- of learning Wriri- This coTjr could reduced If wirhadflrajiclrfssroada to a saving of per cent lug as a SuYlUg One class of product alone The building good Increase value of taxable lands not only in tho but in the most remote parts could collected in and assets of the nation as well as the landlord would in crease New towns would spring up new railway branches be built and Canada would be settled and developed at a rat Our convicts could be employed building course it is useless to have them- constructed unless carried on in a systematic and scientific way The roads must be graded topped and They should be construct ed so that water will quickly drain oft and so that the greatest ap plied pressure will not force upon the foundation and came mud Be up and ruts to be renewed Wellconstructed roads shorten distances by reducing the time to travel They would give rise tea further exploration sparsel set tled districts and iwould result in discovery and shipping of more mineral and timber wealth T Column HOME haw heard that mobr As wept of Whip awake while all are In her idled lMt the pUhxi Gone her tubes she F itoHate the planter Is in nil the With a Instinct left Hub Ws thrilled win pity a woman thus Who hut shuns Of her that Yet tor We have Surely Where the love plighted Had driven hut of duor- do the sights and token How each rudely to lobe and broken the par their pass and lisping daughter lAVelii sorrow Co fteni As when the Gordon Hewitt Dominion En- tomologist says referring to the deathrate from diseases and spread by the fly he believes the socalled harmless fly the death of thousands infants as well as spreading the germs of typhoid fever WILS0 are the best to rid your house of those dangerous pests To Let After- an illness extending over a number years Hartley Brown of lot Concession fl Whitchurch passed away on Tuesday June In lus year The funeral took place to Bloom In j ton Cemetery Besides his bereaved widow there re main one son at home and one daughter Mrs P Smith ville to mourn his loss The annual school picnic was held at Mussulmans Lake on- Saturday June Music was furnished by Citizens Band The IJneensvillc Orchestra furnished mu sic in the evening for those who wished to the art of the Poisoner pf bliss till tote must kayo her- Where the fiery Tell us not For their uttermost extinction Justice tongues Save save my father a daughters piteous cry Save exclaims a dying mother my poor deluded boy Thus cries of souls the depths of anguish rise While their dearest Sink beneath lifes a J says one it soTr row When the grave had left me lone I was wrong wines poisoned arrow Was to me a thing unknown the blight of all once human In the man Ive loved arid but the lot of Woman Fettered to a fiendish thirst Blest the home whose love has made Type of heaven serene and pure a ENGLISH PAINT w THE I for In I wouldnt bay paint at price My IS worth to nit um ENGLISH a job of I find do quicker find I lhal color longer I dont hive to therefore cheapest ill the I Bennett Newmarket feel- confident that smooth a hard roads would mean more to Canada than any other project I believe that a remarkable awaken ing a renaissance would takepiace The economic and national ad van- 1 Tp allure how long till woe g Born of reeking wrong shall cease And our home in Thy safe keeping Be of rest and peace Canadian Pacific Railway Upper Lakes that would ensue are swell treasury and the countiy r The rooms in the Bank of Toronto building overlooking the corner of Main and streets and at present occupied by the Department Railways and Canals Large in connection also rooms heat ed and provided with caretaker Also a largo hall to rent J WESLEY For Sale Second Hand Doors Sash and Frames Enquire of J YEARS T a i Trade Marks DtSlGfiG C tch wtf for conQCMtntt Scientific liluurtc4 of an identic lot Electric Restorer for Men hos In th body Tim J vitality tod all averted once yon new box or two for Co at CmUiartnu Oat Dr do Vans Female Pi lis JL la pot ion all cheap w mTma told at rile commissioners are improving the appearance of the town by straightening up the sidewalk in front of Mrs Robertsons and Mr Davis properties opposite l Slineys hotel They are also preparing for a sidewalk from Dennis to the Queens Hotel Something unusual in a freak of nature is to be seen on the farm of Palmer Bros of King and It is a smart draft colt with four and five feet The colt which is about one month old is smart and doing well i Tho ladies ot Womens Insti tute Cleared at garden par ty on Mr Ralph Davis Wed nesday evening of last week The grounds were nicely decorated with hunting and Mr Newmarket was In town on Friday Mr A Armstrong on Wednesday tor Quebec and the Mar itime Province He Is booked to In Quebec City and Halifax Mrs Armstrong him The various Methodist appointments on this circuit contributed HO to the Dominion Alliance Fund on Temper ance Mrs J A of was badly hurt a while re turning from ft visit to her Mrs John vis For some rea son her horse became unmanageable anil kicked her In also in juring per arm Mr Pearson brought her Dr where her were attended to Mr Harry Cable was on Monday last in hav ing his collar bone broken He at tempted to gather in which trailing ground while a span of Mr Browns colts running Ho ran out on the tongue the lost his balance and fell to ground wagon going over him passable roads and nothing else Country communities are not go ing to wade through mud to post a letter- to go to school to go to or to visit a friend neither wilt they suiter- their horses to at tempt it They will not be pester ed with doctors bills because the road la transformed into Rural inhabitants are being degraded educationally social and morally Country folk are not to cities because they dont like rural life but because roads if they may be called so are Impassable These people intelligent enough to see that all the discomfort and preven tion of social enjoyment is due to the lack of good roads Here Ilea the greatest lesson of Roman roadbuilders You cannot esti mate In dollars and cents the na tional loss entailed by the constant withdrawal of from farms and by the fading the of characterbuilding ot the country a great American thinker says If new ideas are abroad now hopes arising you will lseeit by the iroads that are build ing Simultaneously with the movement for need lot good roads arises farreuching idea even more profound than the enjoy an era unequalled in its history Good- roads in Canada would mean a- higher standard of Citizenship a people pervaded by education and good tnd a better under standing- and a mutual sympathy between the diverse peoples in the Dominion Major Street Toronto One A J OUT OF PROPORTION the man said Im a selfmade proud individual Well vou are all right except as to head commented the other part of the conversation The part you talk with is out of proportion to the part you with Hows that A DAILY THOUGHT This truth comes to us more and more the longer we live that on what field or in what uniform or with what aims we do our duty very little or even who her duty is great or small splendid or obscure Only to find our duty w and somewhere or somehow to land values Itjs the it faithfully makes us good strong and happy and useful social betterment by which Canada is playing a distinguished part in the uplift of the Now we turn to meaning of roads lit economic sphere la it a good business policy Canadas manufacturers men of commerce and buslnosa admit that Canada noeds such a policy but because they cannot see any solld and available gain that would accrue they dont care The cost of a breakfast roll would be trilling did it not cost tho farmer eighteen cents a bushel more to transport wheat nine miles to a railway station than it from New York to Liverpool a distance of thousand one hundred miles The cost of a boiled egg the payment of Ion from tho to the household The In trinsic value of tho egg is a mere trifle compared with the expense of carriage through two feet of mud roads ha they exist at present a farmer can haul on an average six hun dred pounds- la five lioura with two horses If good roads Were constructed however It has been calculated that horse could draw twelve hundred pounds and more In two hours Not only men and tunes our lives into some feeble echo the life of Brooks KNEW Papa queried little Lola who was looMng through a of agricultural implements what Is a chtllcd plow I know exclaimed her slx-year- Mother Its a plow has stood outside in cold all winter A DAILY THOUGHT Whoso loves a child loves not himself but God whoso delights a child labors with God in His work shop of the world of hearts whoso helps a child brings the Kingdom of God whoso saves a child from the fingers ot sits on the seat with the builders of cities and the procur ers of peace Norman Duncan tti LESSON a Hoy at the head class what are we leaving for liquor as a na tion f9Hl000000 annually SUP to blackboard my First Jake rule and measure this silver dollar How thick is it Nearly an of an inch Well sir how many of them can you put In an inch eight and nine Give the benefit of tlo doubt Call it nine How many inches would it require to pile these in 100000000 Inches How many- feet would that he 8333333 feet How many- rods Is that 505050 rods HftW miles is that 1578 miles Miles of what 158 miles silver dollars laid down packed closely together our national liquor bill would make This is only one years grog bill Reader you facts about this temperance ton nail that a post and read It occasionally It would take ten men with scoop shov els to throw the money away as fast as we are wasting it for Chris tian Observer Navigation Steamers leave Pott Mondays Tuesdays Thursdays and at pm for SAULT STE MARIE PORT ARTHUR AND FORT WIL LIAM The Steamer Manitoba sail ing from Port Wednes days call at Owen Sound leaving that point pm Express Leases Toronto pm on sailing days making direct with Port DOMINION DAK SINGLE FAR 1 Between all stations in Can ada Port Arthur and East GOOD GOING JUNK JULY RETURN MM- IT JULY 3 Minimum Rate of EXCURSIONS dune and and ev ery Second Tuesday until Sept inclusive WINNIPEG and return EDMONTON and return Proportionate rates to other points Return limit days THROUGH TOURIST SLEEP ING CARS Ask nearest CPR Agent for Homeseeers Pamphlet Winnipeg Exhibition July 10 to M l Tickets Full Information ATKINSON Agent Newmarket THERE CAN BE NO SYRUP SO PURE AND WHOLESOME AS BRAND WHY IT FAILED 1 used to think I would know just how to manage my wife when I got her Has your system proved to be a the system may be all right as far a know She has never let me try it No STRAYED Prom the premises May loth one yearling matey belter red and white Any loforjnatldti leading to Its recovery l Alto Juno North east section the southwest of the surveyed town- Mcleod been sold for the sum of per acre Land to north was sold for an theGTR It is a Aid authority that the and CNI intend to build their work shops and machine sloops on the land Pleased Dr Mojrse Indian Root Pills their lingular effectiveness In curing Lumbago and Sciatica to their power of and strengthening the kidneys They enable these organs to thoroughly filter from the blood the uric acid the product of waste matter which gets into the joints and muscles and causes these painful diseases Over half a century cdnstanCuse has conclusively that Dr Morses Ian Root Pills strengthen weak kidneys Cure TRADKUARKRCQ Sheathing Paper highgrade paper odorless tasteless free from tar waterproof exceptionally strong will not tear A durable and effective Interlining for walls floors and ceilings Let show you a sample C iiaWs STAND PAINT CiwK MNUmL Mont Albert man is born the world whose work Is not born with him there Is al ways work And tools to work for those who will And blessed are the horny hands of toil yrup JUST TRY A TIN FROM YOUR GROCER Your money returned if not entirely stisfactory Every tin absolutely guaranteed by Sugars Limited Montttal now FRED NEWMARKET WCODY NEWMARKET W BOSWORTH NEWMARKET BUILDING MATERIAL fe He Hare a I the homo bo right society and the nation wilt not he far wrong The evil lies in the homes So ciety has its gangers hut society does much or the young and it should not be to do all the work of the- parent the day ot reckon ing many one who blames the churches and the schools for the shortcoming of our youth may hear the accusations of Nathan Thou art the man I Rail at the minister the school ihe j as you But first answer your own heart Have done my whole duty to my spring Hamilton Times White Norway sprues Hemlock to spsclml to Order All el teWs work Puss Rob to They talk the behind the gun Yet only In battle his work is done But never ceases In peace or The work the to an behind tho ban SUckUg BatewticsAd Wort THE CANE SONS CO k v f ARCHIVES OFDI TORONtO j fei 1 2 At ii-

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