i MOTHER OF J K I I i ft lv iff i J- LARGE FAMILY How Kcep Her Health HappbcM For Thos Who take Her Advice want to tell you bow much good sin Veg etable Com pound and Sanative Wash done me I on a farm and ave worked very hard 1 am fortyfive years old and am the mother of thirteen children Many people think It strange that I am not broken down with hard work and the care of my fam ily but I tell them of my good friend Vegetable Com pound and that there will bo no back ache and bearing down pains for them if they will take it as I have I am scarcely ever without it in house I will say also that think there Is no better medicine to be found for young girls My eldest daughter has taken Vegetable Com pound for painful periods and Irregular- and It has helped her I am always ready and willing to speak a good word for E Pink- barns Vegetable Compound I tell every one I meet I owe my health and happiness to your wonderful medicine Mrs JOHNSON Scottville Mich Vegetable Com- pound made from native roots and herbs contains no narcotics or harmful drugs and today holds the record of being the the Government for most successful remedy for womans fit manufacturer is known YOUR Changes out from iron Mr Rawing notwithstanding Its protection and has decided to remove the duly On following articles flit braids cotton celluloid xylonite or hard In artificial per- i- of barium trinitrotoluol a glass plates or discs for optical and sill thread when made of cotton Or wood It has also decided to lower duty In mclal parts for cameras in the roJ peppermint oil typewrite silk for neckties and paper matting Drawn iron under four teen is to be free when im ported Great these Items closely and will be found thef are all manufacturers supplies and only as such arc to be through Canadian Customs under Where there is real active between these roducU tlic duty to same extent It an actial to consumers j but as case in a very considerable the list named it Simply means that the reduction of duty will swell the lank account of- the ttSfn materials Tariff changes in suring the facilitating in production of QUI ami lessening of the is mutual advantage wit that result in Collecting so much less in the leue- not the kind of tariff reform the people Canada are yearning for A SJoiy TmA Prow Stiangct Than By AGNES G BROGAN POMP many ways of fixing No two r and us toll you How and Why and and P Your tooth jnrt to DENTISTS BOTES It- is from Ottawa that A Lancaster author of the marriage bill which the Su preme Court declared unconstitution al recently will go to for the Privy Council appeal trial Mr Lancaster was in Ottawa the begin- of this week with Premier and J in ftp effort to have the appeal brought on during mouth OVERLAND OVERLAND MODEL Motor Cars and Trucks 1012 Models are unsurpassed for and Efficiency Afcovs cut re- our FivePassenger Thirty Car in Toronto fully equipped without tail and see our Models SALES CO to Adelaide St West 1 Toronto g dlemg BvmSoI a can to look ftur French 1 Dry CUanlnc nypit n on I I or copy out bock which l ill our Of our priced 1 1 J in My Valet 30 Adelaide St Toronto A number of licensed hotelkeepers of have been heavily fined for selling whiskey and water instead whiskey straight The Globe intimates that the dealers thought the people of the Royal City would not know the difference out this was adding insult to injury remember Guelph before it become a city and the citizens of that period knew the difference between corn- juice and the waters of the Speed as well as the people of today For some little time past our American cousins have been endeav oring to acquire from the Canadian authorities cannon brought from Hunger Hill and now mounted at Quebec In this connection Colonel President of the Quebec Lit erary and Historical Society makes a statement through the Quebec press the gun was not captured at Hunker Hill as the Americans think but always belonged to the British The idea that it was taken in war was given out so as to make it interesting to American visitors Of course- the refusal to hand the gun over to Uncle Sams military authorities at Boston under the cir cumstances thing wont amount to Is the Time have all Your Harness Repaired or Ordered before we are Better Workmanship at the same Price than when the rush comes Just a Few Pair of Blankets and a few String Bells at Greatly Reduced Prices Br- fif in B ffl Harness Made to Order REPAIRING A SPECIALTY CHA8 J Harness Collar Maker Strset Newmarket Ufenirtacturera 4 all Kins of Harness vTho recent reduction in cement duty by was made under the authority of the Audit Act and has quite upset the notions of some hidebound protectionists But poli tics did it all the same It a movo to influence the West Although as strong a protectionist paper as any in Ontario tho Toronto World throws out the suggestion that the same authority might be invoked- in making other cuts in the duties on those articles which have become monopolized by a few manufacturers pooling their interests and waXer- their stocks Yes that is true and what is protection principle so long advocated and maintained by Conservatives Is re sponsible for it- possible combines The chickens arc simply coining home to roost as farmers are now experiencing VEHYlilKELY Boarders Wanted Vacancies lor more at Cedars Cor and Park Ave Mrs k 1 have always been interested said little in the utilization of waste Now where do you sup- peso all these tires go in the end I dont know said the Genial Philosopher but If tley go where consign them there be a terrible smell of rubber some where MAKING HIS AUNT HAPPY r it is duty of at least person happy during the week a Sunday School teach er NowhaVe you done so Johnny YosJ said Johnny promptly That right what did you do I to see my aunt and shes I go The big w etldonflr Dot enjoying his appear ed to of a for ba man companionship and after several unsuccessful attempts at with fellow passengers In the smoker he out on to observation platform sad stood drawing long breaths Of fresh air as though proximity of the trees along the way side stifled Them turning ab ruptly be entered the Its occu pants still sat absorbed In own affairs as bis towering down the aisle then as sank Into bis seat his glance fell upou a girl who sat opposite lie bad not noticed her before but now his bored expression way to one of frank pleasure as be gazed admiringly her charming upturned face There was a of joy about the girl which eurted the corners of her lips and twinkled In her laughing- eyes She regarded the westerner with good humored In terest for a moment then to survey of the ever scen ery Rut to man her very pres ence had changed the dreary atmos phere like a breath from tho sweet wild prairies He saw sa he covertly watched the girl her unaffected light in the new surroundings and was possessed of a sympathetic desire to enjoy with her this passing pano rama He longed to tell her of tho wide reaching lands of his own be loved country and deep purplo the sky which bordered all would understand wad very su what It must mean to man to give lap all this and start life afresh In distant laud a strange new people It was Indeed a great honor to be numbered among the companys stock holders and to be as their busi ness representative In southern city toward which ho was traveling Hoy ton tossed his magazine aside and stared gloomily out of the win dow The train would go rushing on like this eating up the miles between until a certain station would be called then the girl opposite would arise and smilingly pass out of his Ufa forever And she was so different oh so Ideally from any woman ever known If you please said a voice a low voice may I take your tine for a few moments I would like to see that story Take It he answered heartily Well I rather guess you You wont care for the story though he added Nor The girl smiled up at him it such a poor story Poor be exclaimed disgustedly Talk of fiction theres where you get It I wonder the publish Henry twaddle This thing l one of worst he has ever done Couldnt possibly and wouldnt Interest any one If It could Indeed The rising inflection In soft voles Invited further Informa tion and the westerner swaying un steadily with the cars motion slipped Into the seat at her side Yes he continued Its awful rot Couple meet on a railroad train be come acquainted the first mile or two out fall in love second and leave car a few later to procure a marriage license like a moving picture Now In first place what fellow but an out and out chump would ask a girl to marry him In that short space of time while the girl who would accept wouldnt be worth ask ing unlesa of course added laugh ingly they were both Just plain fool ish girl Joined in his laugh merrily Well blur Bald perhaps they were the illustration Is beautiful dont you think She was examining it intently Why exclaimed It might be a picture of this very car girl in the rear seat is like you too- small and dark and happy looking a southerner companion nodded So am I he said A shadow crossed the mans face My home has always the far west ho confided Im afraid Ill find myself mighty different when I try to bo ons of you a The eyes widened Prom far west she repeated wonderlngly Oh I would love to you tell me what It means to live out With almost boyish eagerness he compiled with her request and their laughter rang out often as ths train sped on Its way Tho train cam to a sudden stop presently with much creaking of wheels and brakes and broke off In the midst of an exciting tale to Investigate cause He returned soon with an as suring nod to the girl Just a Utile sand slide ahead be explained but we shall be detained in hour or so while they clear the tracks We shall be very late In reaching destination I am going to sleep You must hot talk to any more the said So ths big westerner obeyed and the lines of his fees softened into a great tenderer as be the sleetilns After what rrurd so time looked up at him like a draw Nesrly ah lie leaned forward Ye he w are ately near your end sod I stand It soy longer simply to tell you right here sod now ho I you known each other long but my for you new ir old as the beginning of the world and I do not ask for a returnOb not By and by perhaps when some of my rough edges are rubbed off and when have a little mors like other people I ben I nlii dare ask you most humbly But now I want job to Boarders Wanted Near factories Apply at the corn er Ontario and Superior streets CHRISTIAN Initialised stirIt la last He- hi hot Water min ute or two to plump thorn- dumplings arc put to cook In 111 not fall apart cold Mater they wll i Children FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA know Im loving you all ine Wherever yon be and If think that there might be a glorious possi bility- some time that you would my wife the big westerners voles trembled ob my dear be whisper ed t would try so hard to be worthy The girl stood up before him Two scarlet burned Id her cheeks and her eyes were filled with tears must not in Ik like that to rue she said severely la so so absurd Why you do not even know my name are going Into station now sod my father will be there to meet me so I will tell it to you She laughed steadily I am said Henry do you Under writer of thatthat awful rot When I spoke to you t bis morning It only I was so to see the Illustration of hi story bid been too hurried to stop and buy a copy of the msgaslne Then when you spoke of my Story so discouraging I wanted to prove to myself art occurrence might actually hap pen So I loading you Oh deliberately all day long to per suade you to love to me see now what e horrible despicable creature I am But not all I made you talk of western life because am a westerb story and needed material YOU gave me a great deal ob a very great dealshe caught her breath and now reckon you will not think we are much n here than with southern ways The westeruef arose and carefully her bundles een welcome to any In- give he said slow ly and deserved punishment for foolishly said about your story But If any sstlsfactlon to you you may know positively that the Sto ry Is entirely bounds of reason for If you had eared for mo today as I do care for you this would have been a parallel case girl brushed her band hastily across her eyes An eld gentleman was coming down the aisle Why Sylvia my dear he cried your train been Wo have been most snxlous lis turned to This father the girl said is Mr Robert from far west He has been very kind 8hs held out her hand to say goodby but taking proffered band Westerner help ed her down the steps U am staying over at Grand ho- until late tomorrow night he ax- plained And as automobile which bo her homeward turned a corner girl looking back with a dangrsaw him still standing motloolessVa great and strange lonely figure the press of business upon tha following day could not banish from bis mem ory the girls witching haunting face and returned to his hotel at evening weary and depressed A letter for you sir said the clerk at the desk and tore open the envelope with a frown 1 would like to see you again to ask forgiveness he read Pleases will you call tonight The note was signed simply Sylvia Reynolds but in parenthesis was add the well known name of Henry Hobbs A great light overspread westerners face Will you tell dio the quickest way to Magnolia avenue asked of the clerk at the desk It was she herself who opened tha door greeting him with outstretched welcoming hands so lovely In her clinging pink gown that abashed before be wildering vision You were good to let me come ha said at last wonderfully good The girl came nearer Do you know why sent for you she asked tatlngly It waa not to ask forgive ness because because you will have nothing to forgive Something In the shy upward glance of her dark eyes caused a great hope to spring within him You mean he asked tensely laughed It a tremulous laugh I been thinking about my story she said nndarid I wanted to tell you that Is a parallel case She took hasty refuge behind a tall chair as he rushed toward her And you will marry me he cried unbelievingly A switched at the corners of her lips Any man who would ask a gin at such short notice would be an out and out chump she repeated demurely Sylvlai he entreated And the girl who would accept him she continued mercilessly would not be worth asking With a masterful gesture the west erner Imprisoned the girls small re- hands There a long si lence Unless a muffled voice remarked unless they were both plain foolish She drew back to look up into- his adoring face 1 reckon thaVs It dear she added softly Were both of us plain foolish TT Scrap Wanted Having located on Superior Street opposite Grand Trunk freight sheds I am prepared to pay Top Price for all kindsr scrap iron brass copper rubber rags etc delivered on th premises j or if notified through the postoffice I will collect the same P A Bain Wagon kept on the all Sarnia Juno 33 Tho citizens and Port Huron were aroused on Sunday morning ny a deafening explosion It caused win- daws to rattle and houses to shake lor miles from the plant the Im perial Oil Refinery in the former town A large steel tank there tilled with had taken fir and exploded throwing the- oft into the and starting a blare lusted for hours r 1 I J MrF You Can trust Studebaker the ytuaermkccKUndflrs built of the beat money can an rt the design trio highest piicedf ears It Is low In price be- we build so every it is as good an automobile as an The tho reason for Value have sold to farmer and townsman the vehicles In the world and the honest sili and Workmanship go into Others inoyte you Can always Canadian Car for Canadians Profitable Poultry for four layers Deo Jan M Mar a record for winter lay ing through a season is hard to surpass Buy your eggs or hatching a strain of Rhode Island a peer as table fowl wonderful egg producers tor Aubrey Davit AT EM In all Countries for our ion Inivcrsity coma Si t r StuJeUkerKiujiders Cur fob With Top and I The Corporation or Canada Ltd a St SUMMER SEASON July merges into our autumn term from August teachers anil will take advan tage of our Summer Term continue until gradu ation four or sis months leads direct good salaried nositlon particulars about our courses Write Shaw President Central Business Col lege Toronto Mr Justice awarded to Mrs daughter of the late Father Charles he libel against editor of La Croix OF Tf NOTIOK Is hereby that 1oulse ol City Of Toronto in the County of Ontario Woman will apply to the Parliament Canada at toe next session thereof for a Mill of Divorce rom her Cecil of of Seattle In the State Wash- the ground of nob sup port and adultery Dated at Toronto In the Province Ontario the day Of- April AMD Adelaide St Solicitors for Louise 15ita WRITE TODAY tor dnt June- Three small boys were drowned and damage C A A O to several thousand was this evening when the EXPLAINS KVEIVYTUhVO survey steamer J broke through four gates lock and sank to the bottom the Wei- land Canal In addition to the drowning of the hoys and the severe I damage to canal and steamer all the belongings the crew were 50 J lis Supremacy in the Realm of is acknowledged by the Illustrious and Tone Critics of the i The Best is the Cheapest By direct from tho Manufacturer the Gerhard Heintznian Piano is not a Price Prohibitive Instrument even those of Means Used Pianos taken in exchange consUmtlv on hand at Bargains Write for Prices Gerhard Limited CITY HALL SQUARE TORONTO t m one of who will receive our Prize Contest checks f A COUPON CANADA CEMENT COMPANY UM1TED Herald Quit Montraal Please lend me lull of the Contest and a free copy of your hook What the Farmer Cin Do With Concrete A J Jit I I I I I I THERE will be twelve cash prizes in each of the nine provinces 108 in all in the Prize Contest for Canadian Farmers The Contest was so successful in interest in the use of Concrete on the farm that a second contest in which three times as many prizes artf offered was decided upon for this year The Contest year Is divided into ihree cU A and iheie will be four in each class First SO Second Fourth priie Thus there are three three Prizes three prizes and three Prizes fyr each DESCRIPTION OF CLASSES Each Class there will be Second Third and Fourth Prizes 2 15 and 10 for Each Province ai a tin ClASS B lfJc4 Oh ll tie fcer M hl CiBU M Utdl CLAMC la w Ml itlilfti cMcnu work tor Oil Dont think that you must use a large quantity of cement in order to priie The quantity ofcement used does not count in Classes and Many of last year prize little cement When you enter the Contest you a to win a cash of as the certainty that you Will add a to your farm If you a copy be sure and ask for oar book Whit the Fanner Can Do With Concrete only suggest many improvements use in entering will tell you all about the use of concrete on the farm f Jost rht ui ibt or tosttl VUI l0 Wkk Ik Publicity Cement Company limited I Bldf Montreal u I A I r S 1 I I CI aUu ARCHIVES OF TORONTO m i- I 9 ip