hvi a v Eye Aches J AND Head Aches Arc often the result o Ixrt us Watson Watchmaker and Graduate Optician JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON The Era acknowledged to be the Beat County well as tlie Oldest m York per If pal advance SI to No Taper sen outside I of York unless I fcM I J Newmarke Ont Friday June 28 MX No ai Oar Toronto tetter N Pvptcscd Site ftWKMlKlSfls KU May I 1 1 and a Mouse or I a vk IN A BEAVER BOA worth your while this Wall It otters the carpenter another good You build ami most of why not the and Ceilings toot lioaver completely the place lath and plaster is It oosta less opportunity tor design ahd has the wither great advantages described below Board is made ekCtod woods reduced to fibrous and pressed into panels of thickness with pebbled surface admirably suited to tintinj stciKiliie or hand painting The panels are nailed di rectly to the wall and ceiling beams or may be put on over the lath and piaster of old walls seams covered with panelstrips offering a wide variety of artistic design Heaver Board resists the passage beat cold and souil it with stands shock strain or vibration it is quickly and easily put up does not check crack or deteriorate with It costs less than lumber or lath and plaster Price c per- Square Ft bo pleasnl to give you any THE PAINT STORE inns PHONE NEWMARKET J v The Banko Toronto Joint Deposit Accounts Many our customers are finding these Joint Savings Accounts very convenient The money withdrawn by of the parties at any time without delay or by the survivor should- one die Interest is paid from the day the money is deposited and continues to the day It is withdrawn NEWMARKET BRANCH C FIELD MANAGER fc 1 I South End Lumber Yard THE BEST BRAND OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Count A New Car to Hand this week P W PEARSON Church aid CARTERSFRED BOWSER AN BISHOP- Phone I Correct Clothing for Men CORRECT IN STYLE CORRECT- IN QUALITY I CORRECT IN PRICE It is the absolute correction of our Clothes in every respect tljat maintains tho reputation of our store as a Clothescenter for men who aim to use discretion In their selections Call In at once YOUR TAILOR PHONE WILLIS i NEWMARKET MAIN ST Rail level on portion of her IhdMrt- prxUiUint iif Hon Militia to right override further as any eVuieli lias law law A A Wage Officer lot b- m in Ration tt the He has had enough the dob to 1st seet i car the total Company within the the of store limits this season wilt be W ftotuway ft Tfi sales she has ltsn using th Baptist tefian and Methodist ministers as said hooks turns that the pawn have not the evangelical mond rings in- lighting YEARS AGO on the T Andrew removed hu old American Hotel notf occupied Mr Stan A Hut for- sale at a lire at last It originated In Mr A Campbell The large jftierclai Bock Is now a mass of Reeves ami Messrs I try Mailer Morris laid I The of picnic was advanced stage both lines held in Mr A aid Jackson were the win ners of prizes for selling Ag Society of membership lor the rent year ses were among principal rtvvu Country should on then guard The the grades one day last wcV feerf avenue set re to his clothing In recuse toKs Elbow Rivers vSSSS ffile for the house- The Co ahon lemiSKaming to is Friday on a tour of cation day to do magnetic work en Hrdson a success last fcatur If- through Ifiaf part the havinc in view expect running trains into to the of a line steamers Let 25 YEARS AGO Arctic under command of Captain CouiilarA which left en MR JACKSON formerly of Who has of the Steamer T hold rushed to his wrapping him in lankl and thus the blaze- He was pushed to Hospital arid now out of danger His hock and legs were severely burn ed by Sept 1st next This -yl- The Experimental at Ft Churchill and He is make five lines railways centred is among the points be not to return till here wKeh is a very strong visited When they return we shall indkbtloii that is -destined- hear what they County to 50000 for Roads Bylaws were drawn up at the The Agricultural Society has de cided to hold their excursion to Farm on the of this Ticcts to and return J Mr Harry was presented with a beautiful Pipe in of his services as Secre tary for nine years ol the- Ladder Co A list of the County of York From amount of business at attire out in the put the Land ft is thnt and game here meeting will he on Lwo ladies the tackled them that real estate here was Dominion caused by the demise of Hon J p has declined til position One evening lost week two married colored no tion to have an had it allrght Each partially dressed In female of the Meeting and naturally enough the re- but I am good authocitv the them and notifed the that it is not yet up to that try of the insult The two men oa the Yours trly fird lark were arrested anh next it was liscoverel that the women in- Calgary Jtne 15 suited were own wives After -t- i Veins in jail all night the Magistrate VTA let hem next morning with a ZONDEK reprimand- i Demoliiion of the old Government -r- 1U ir have to say Pedlars not in he future re oI that district for farming permitted to shout in the streets centres of the west an effort sell their goods il Another noticeable fact is the calls at to the city council sustains a recommend of schools city fact that tiojmade the- legislation and re- there being five under contact at tier has indulged in the luxury of an commit ibXfn time their a oast what is moreexpets oting of the York Counts Council the Peace and Coroners totalling up to the country to pav for it The Friday to arrange for grant of pears in todays paper In looking was recently offered the chairmanship schools necessary tor the AuditorGeneral however very pro- to raised by debentures over the names we were surprised at of the Dominion new be- savs and willnot allow the of roads the have since passed fiU the vacancy rapidly up the item to pass unless a Tory Par- The the Finance Coirmittee away I We have teen enjoying delightful gives the necessity authrit which was adopted showed the Miss Grant of Toronto who was days the past two weeks Had a member of a Liberal Govern- original appropriation for left the city by the with sufficient moisture The attempted such a raid on general purposes had been changed to noon train oh Tuesday in company tation is well advarccd for this sea- Dominion treasury how their truly with her parents to make visit at of the vear would howl The of the High Constables Mr Wright Foggs Queensville tut Special Committee moved by County on turning the corner of Queen street an openair Councillor Pugsley expressed beEast she passed away necessity of an assistant for- the in the buggy ondon by High Constable but sid no The Methodist Sunday oi secMcfl of coun- had as yet teen arrived at as to Keswick and had at which opening gun will he an appointee union excursion to Peninsular Park for Western Ontario in A motion made by County Coun- from Millers Wharf on Wednesday Abolish the liar Mr Wells was adopted to the Dominion Day was duly celebrated KC will chief spealer that a deputation be appointed to in Newmarket Grand display the occasion The Abol- wait upon the Ontario Government works in the evening the Bar are printed across the necessity of legislation em- A very successful garden party took centre of the posters powering counties to make place at Mr Henry Mbwd Pine in the fathering in letters a foot for the establishment of the Orchard on Tuesday evening under a mon- HydroElectric power system the auspices of the S r- Of House last week After three days investigation Dr former President for trial last week The Doctors the Rank committed trial next Assizes will be the sensa tion of the court At Grand Lodge meeting the Canadian Order of Oddfellows last week Dr A Thomsonof Gait chosen Grand Master Robert Flem ing of this city Grand Secretary yew indeed are left- recall the m preceding the application i was decided that should Brass Hand furnished plenty of K IS railed by taxation to ray salaries X v who of justice and other A garden party Sbrubmount at was connection withthe T incidentals The- sum of J9670 lib was not as well attend- school system was be raised for the Industrial Home and on Friday expected on account last week at Victoria Lake to pay the eleventh instalment of wet weather the county debentures on the aid wife were in town on Saturday We may electric lights We had to walk the or railways no electric fans no- elec- of Mr Albert of the county debentures trie elevators no vacuum ardt the use of which having been court house no granted to the Board Education The final session of the York to sec them mote frequently no trolley cars ranges few electric or the This experiment la ty Council was held Thursday openair noon which the meeting was sum We had ride in a to walk the horse car that they returned to their summer home city streets one other than conducting openair suburban classes and tubercularly- adjourned to November next The a party from Snow Toronto Grand tM unr inclined children classes will various bridges which arc to tecon- arranging to camp at Big of and everyone tried to live he continued for three months Fitly was the chief topic of dis- Bay Point shortly The Provincial authorities as close to the business section as typical cases selected from varlquscussicn and the majority ot proposals Ah party by Mrs J that Ontario is receiving 35 per possible Hacks did a thriving schools the City have re referred bark to the November was given at her cent of the immigrants coming to ness taken and are now under meeting Ib older home on Tuesday evening Canada this season No less than could not call up anyone on the I go the ground and re- A couple relatives Mr arrived during the first twenty telephone mails and messenger The Borden Government was given Port to council The bridges will paid him a visit from Mark- days ot this month- did the work The telegraph a broad hint in the result of the Pro- necessitate the expenditure of con- ham on Saturday Principal Scott of the Normal was in use tot the Hues were few election In New last amount of money and a by- Mr- Wlmot Smith of has presented Ins All housework was by week The Liberals made practical- law providing for the expenditure of bury had his ankle broken last week result clear- J20000 10 be devoted to this object on returning home from Newmarket Combatting evils In the west J an employee ol the Telcedone Go at the risk of his own life jumped from the side walk and snatched a child from the front of an autocar Mr Rodger was struck on the deft leg by tlie auto ami knocked down but Mrs Haines home at Sharon destroyed by fire Tuesday Taft Nominated was Siege of Delhi that tides will be turned In Ontario when the appeal is lnniV to the electorate to the department of hot- without the handy electric stoves thelya clean sweep and the any of Toronto motorHlriven appliances now in use indicates the Federal passed the readirgtand will On Thursday of last week Rex- In hot days wo sweltered tot the stratums idea of reciprocal trade is adopted at the November meeting Moore Secretary of the electric fan was undreamed of not accord with public sentiment The County lost vrnr Temperance Moral Reform We read by flickering candles or that part of Canada A press in repairing bridges and it is from his western trip favor- oil- lamps and there were lamps despatch states only two mated that the bill for repairs th ably impressed with conditions to illumine the streets after dark were elected- The result is will amount to There were no electric door hells lhus givenLiberal Independents no communication from Conservatives A to office- no electric no tHe opposition Leader wag badly trie chafing dishes roasters grills ago etc Factories rati by steam or water power Cities were covered with a pall of black smoke he saved the child It Was a heroic Could not run through tunnels out the greatest danger Electric The Knights of St John are hold- ventilating systemss for large build ing a convention here this week with W were unheard of slg- all parts of the were not United States and Canada the us trains ran a great deal en qt seven thousand luc VCir Mayor deary suggests Such tfce note an architects bo asked- to compete in last week Rr W dying nee for Toronto square on the head in mak- greatest hardships which might be the- remark- When Sir inflicted upon us today would be to Allen gave his opin on deprive us electricity Without it on the Quebec marriage case question we would ho put to the greatest in- In the Commons he was only a convenlencePUteburg Despatch miserable shuflttng politician -t- -t- the eyes of some folks who surely were Tory and thought they were Chicago June The nomination for the Presidential can didacy was reached the Republican Convention in the Coliseum at The Siege of Delhi will be the his- oclock last night after over twelve spectacle at the Canadian Na- hours of- continuous disorderly -ses- Exhibition this year There is sion without intermission Only one as or grace Abolish the Chicago Juno Former Presi- eye while the tragic drama can- was INSIDE AND OUTSIDE TRIM DOORS SASH AND FRAMES LIME PLASTER A FLOUR FEED RED CLOVER TIMOTHY LUCERNE AND OTHER BALE tfi Order by or EVES rZ Order by or carter fa NEWMARKET ONT Ttie case of M Atlas although ho is now out on parole Is to re viewed by the Minister of Justice Atlas Is now seeking complete pub lic vindication A New Ontario delegation inter viewed the Provincial Government on Friday and the enlarge- Quebec June A Are out Protestant When Hon Mr Borden of works the Chicoutiml in the district Sag- and Hon Mr development tie country this- afternoon destroyed a the thing as Sir Allen it was About delegates were entertained number or buildings including beginning to bo perhaps right at dinner by the Board of Trade SaxueDav the cathedral In the eyes ot these sellsame town hall and the Hotel ties And how that the Supreme I and a of blocks con- Court has the same thing also Minister of par- are oven cathedral wns destroyed th fire- Supreme Court Judges to whom school end National has become famous for Convention in which he met a feat THE MAN BEHIND THE BAR aemiaary Bill inferred agree stores that so tar as the law It They talk of the man behind the gun And the deadly work that he has done But much more deadly work by far Is done by the fellow behind the bar When making roll out one crust- spread with- soft or melt ed butter lay second on the first then put to bake- When done this cake will separate in the middle without cutting two- layers are baked separately In the old- out the cake a littlelarger than the in which It to be bakes and turn up the extra width in a margin to bold the juices the- fc- Part of the gate at lock on Wetland Canal gave way Saturday and navigation was interrupted again for twelve hours Buffalo and people were drowned and number tonlgjit a fiftyfoot dock at Eagle Park- Grand Island Niagara River collapsed the two hundred- and fifty them twelve feet or water A CASTOR A Par Infants and s sc- iiR y- ss3i t i TORONTO V