Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , April 19, 1912, p. 6

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i SUTTOM MOUNT ALBERT irbwUst Vdays flwT Tuesdays was Here on Tuesday The doctor is well spoken a A ft SCHOOL- j We find thai the Instilling regarding our school which appeared In weeks items was written a person too to merit attention The business section of our town lias uiVrgotic a considerable recently and people- who have for some time it Stocktaking has been go ing on tor the past week at I and A P Rowlands When business is resumed days Mr will run the general store formerly Conducted by Mr- with Mr Murray of in charge Mr w open out In Mr Sunt- old stand Allan will follow Mr Rowland oVct Mr Thicker will conduct his feed Rowlands old also moving Brooks Block l a Miss K and Burrows Sides men Messrs Charles Graham UoUf It Fearer If booked hot or and sail oh the Royal was fc lJrstoi Delegate May 1st Mr J of the bead social Toronto is the social siren on last ager the Bans the Mr is on his Mrs John on a daughter in New- York Miss who ttas ho Toronto are fiiSSftd lha the Misses au n There were a nunrtj Miss Karl who was The cards were a Miss auspices the was a most decided tfuccss There were a pood present ho ordinary awl proved a great as the splendid fti Tte Misses Marjory and tMni Bo- I Karl IVuonto were J and a I ru by- the choir Miss I readings h1th Miss Was in and took part over the bolida Miss ArnoUl spent Sunday Keswtck and Mis Win and children for Saskatchewan Mr John of the sum mer tor Winnipeg on Miss Gertrude Moore returqipn Friday to Key Harbor- alter holidays at home roving to school being closed through Mr Kay last week tot the West for the summer Miss Mabel KigMley returned on from a weeks visit in city Dr and wife are spending visit at Jas o Mr Stephen Terry is confined to the house owing to heart trouble Mr Ben Ross had lively time at the pond oti Tuesday when o sjnall break occurred in the dam close to let the The water was out quickly as possible and closed but not before hundred dollars damage was done QUEENSVILLE I j x The regular meeting the Womens Institute will held in lerian Hall Wednesday April Mrs will give a paper on the preparation of meats by discussion and a short program As Mrs always gives an excellent paper it is to be hoped that there will be a tendance A former resident In the person of Mr George died at the residence of his son Mr Walker in Sutton on special ear brought the re mains re for interment on Thurs day afternoon has been an invalid for the past twenty years lie was the largest contributor to the building ot the present Methodist Church of this Village The nearest surviving relatives are his son Mr Walker with whom he has been residing for a number of years a daughter Mrs John Henry and a sister Mrs John Wuddel Mrs- A Mackenzie spent last week with relatives in Toronto Mr and Mrs Frank Wright and child were visiting Mr Wrights par ents here last week The following is th result of the vote on Church Union in the Meth odist Church Official For Against Congregational Members years and over For Against Members under years For Against Adherents For 51 Against with Mr and Mrs It Mr Frank ftMs in en Monday Miss T dimmer of Toronto and Miss EMU Morton Keswick Wtt the guests of Mis Milton Hamilton last Miss Daisy Sheppard is in Toronto and little has returned Mr and Mrs were town on satire- day i Miss Lillian Madden of Toronto was the guest Miss Clara last week Mr John Hamilton ami Phil to town last week Mr Tom laViolette ol Newmarket was home- over the weekend Mr Allen Sennet of has been spending the lKist week with his parents here Miss has alter spending the holiday with her parents- Miss- Epsom was home with parents at Vir ginia last weekt Miss has taken a school at Strange King Miss Jennie has return ed to the Kent School at Toronto Mr Wtllard Arnold was town on Monday James Lyons of Virginia was in Toronto on Mrs Donald Ego and Angus are spending a tew days in town with her mother J The ladies on the program tea observe inany thanks Miss Crocker the organist receipts were about tea dollars ami the Aid are to be gratulftted Miss Aa and Dora Styles were at last week Rev MA brother the late minister here at Newmarket the other Sun day Mr and Mrs Smaller an4 Roes iotfc here for Wednesday Mr and Mrs Taylor visaing their daughter Mrs Luke on Wednesday Mr Sam Allen is up i new wire fence has and Will bo Orders iic all kinds printing ftlSO agent lor To ronto newspapers was Urge lot of Shipped from par OIH A it hear that Miss tiles Is to the new teacher at the public school in place Miss her today though little for year through the lUk r And why they will tell life thai to sec sone Sharon In last It Some arranged In pairs and Jessie and Flora sounding those Whats in a farm uhlr I been flodV WcA M to been all I to owing jo frr and roads ftlfe lug oil sandy And summer days are the Owl will- hoot once more Tift PSs f Womans Pwer Over Man J i Sutton Minstrels artists go- to put up a big show in the Town Hall Sutton on Fridayev ening April All the latest songs choruses jokes and local will be also Selections by the and Irish It will be the the miss it- reserved at t store Plan now en Farewell Was given at St- Hall oh evening in honor of MrUiid Mrs J Siriiilley who are making their home at ftua- das SO ladies and I were present Reeve read an Messrs James and Frank gave a short speech after- which silver disl KESWICK silver dish was to Mrs and a fine WCtU this place are travelling bag to Mr very much They have fa ley and a pleasant evening a profitable also with song and Mr is going on the start of Thimble Tea Clara gave a Thimble Tea last Wednesday afternoon in honour of her guest Miss Lilian Madden There wore about ten or a ladies and a- most time was spent sucee Star We wish them new home About ess new home has got away very There is hardly any on School opened here on Monday af ter the Easter holidays Over- end took Mr class in the morning Miss was present hut the new teacher had not turned up Mr Allen Sonne tt will take her class until her arrival Mail Carrier Mr Charles Hart is now of the mail made Local News Wo had quite a storm accompanied with thunder and lightning last by Mr Win Martin day but on Monday We had the first Spring it being font warm and the music of the could be heard in the- evening The snow this week I the Filth The winter severe as it was seem to have hurt the wleat If the weather is favorable there are great prospers for this year Glad to hear Mr Will is getting along so well the im provement continues he will be wag ing before long Glad to hear Mrs J improving Sorry to hear Mrs Young is not getting along as well as hoped the is House Party Mrs Morrison gave a house party last WcdnebMay evening when about a doen ladies and gentlemen were present and a most enjoyable time spent Vestry Meeting The following were elected at the Vestry Meeting of St James Church last week Wardens Messrs Richard Virginia We hear that Messrs Wm and Martin have bought the im ported Clydesdale Baron Lawrence from Mr James Nolan Doble Miller Real Estate Brokers iv- I t Wv ft KESWICK a The nice weather is drying up the streets Some the surrounding roads are quite dry We are sorry to say that Mr John dots improve any and at present is very low Mr Joe and Miss Purdy are visiting relatives hero The Womens Institute had a very successful meeting at Mrs Joseph Pollocks Tuesday afternoon Mr Will has got his tann er boarder We believe he has come to a good place to learn farming Mr John Mann is very low with pneumonia The meeting last Friday was a large success The afternoon meeting was quite well attended and a good deal of Interest was shown In the business Mr Fletcher two Verjr Interesting chapters from a Missionary book Quite a number the members who were able to be present for afternoon meeting came for tea A Very pleasant social time was spent in the evening The pro ceeds the evening were ten dollars The Circle are laying out for a big years work and they appreciate very much the kindness the host and hostess Friday Mr and Mrs Miss Alice Mann oh Saturday to teach at Linden We were glad hear of her success In her Normal Exams r- The ladles of the Christian Church Intend holding a- Maple Syrup Social in the Hall on Friday April They will give a good tea with hot cakes maple syrup A good program will be given Keep this date In Tie Children Cry ASTORIA Uxbridge MONEY TO LOAN FARMS FOR SALE FARMS TO RENT Properties for Sale A Rumour We hear that Mr Alex Burrows has soldj his residence The Manor to Reeve Arthur Pugsley Egypt We are sorry to hear that Miss is Mr Charles Sin clair is much the same Death regret to report the death of Mr George of Mr Walker of this town who passed away at his sons resi dence on Monday last April the Mr was years of age The funeral takes- place on 18th from Sutton by special car Internment at Springtime Messrs Brooks Bros are busy paluting residence ot Mrs Rae Mr Bert Brooks has opened the store lately vacated by Morton as a paperhanging ware house for Mr King has returned- to the city after spending Easter week with his parents The market on Tuesday was well attended Prices still firm Bring along your produce The thunder storm on Sunday night was quite The almanac made a poor guess this time We often young staying enjoyable time for the of May A contest in elocution is to take place between tight young people four girls and four tor a silver medal AH of the contestants will receive a prize It is to be hoped that- the young people will take an interest in this as It is an extra good plan Mrs was visiting her parents over Suniay here jtfer mother returned home with her on Tuesday An Organized Bible Class was form ed last Friday night The president Mr J C Purdy has called a busi ness meeting for tonight to meet at his place All young men welcomei whether or not The Womens Foreign and Home Missionary Society the Christian Church are having today at Mrs F Morions Miss Vera Smith of was guest of Miss Llewelln Mann for a couple of days last week Miss Nellie Smith of and Miss Irene Kelly of Newmarket were visiting at Have you seen those fine hats at Coles yet My theyre just- all right Call soon I am sure Miss would be glad to see you The Choir the Methodist Church are forward to a Tarty Pull were a away over night but its- getting worse since some older ones started the Properties lo Rent ft Western Propositions worth Looking Into- Manufacturers Life ft We Represent The Sick List We are glad to bo able to report that Mrs Tremayue is some better and the following are still improving Mrs Sidney Mrs Percy Mrs Master Harry Bailey and little Lorne Osborne Lantern Lecture- Tcnlght Friday at sharp a lantern lecture will be given la- St James Hall Sutton by P C Lav- Harris Esq ot Toronto sec of the Humane Society There will be a silver collection Everyone should be present as this will bo most interesting The Royal Fire Insurance Co lb Merchants Fire Insurance Co The Independent Fire Insurance Co The General Animals anoe Co ot Canada mother Mrs Brooks Issuer of Marriage Licenses Stevenson Cedar Brae Conveyancing Done I in town on Tuesday J A MCFARLAND Late News Miss Ego of Virginia is spending a few days with her grand- was Mr and Mrs Silas Ernes were in game BALDWIN BREEZES Queons7llle town the other day- Burrows the Grocer Sutton f that Seeding and Gardening Is wo would ask you all to step in and over our Seeds and Compare Prices with others and see it we cannot save you some money as we them Marked Very Close and Everything Else Burrows the Grocer Sutton The has about the good Lord be thanked It Is a de lightful experience to once more tread mother earth Charles has been taking stock connection with the transfer of s business to John Yates Jolin Taylor is rapidly declining His brother Henry ol died last week Charles Sinclair doesnt improve as he should do this lovely Herman Pringle lis apparently much better He can smile out loud now Master Willard son of Ed Cryder- had the misfortune to fall oil a load of poles The wheel ran over his leg and fractured it Emory had the great pleas ure of dumping the Owl into a pond No damages beyond getting his feath ers wet betel the Owl The greatest flood that Baldwin ev er experienced Is now thing of the past but scar of the wound re mains A scene and meets the eye on every hand Frank Is making active preparations to repair the damage Scores of farmers voluntarily offer their ser vices Chopping will he resumed at the mill in tea days steam power Several car lots of flour arid will be in soon The mill this will be put on a cement wall Right Stamp of Neighbor As soon as allowed repairs Thomas came with team and assisted for several days In prevent ing further damage By great and persistent effort they saved tho barn from being washed away I guess Frank appreciates such a neighbor A friend In need is fti friend indeed The Owls woodpile down to zero and still tho weather was cold Again that- Tommy was to the fore He brought us a load of No hardwood Price is a tree will offering Tommy is up to such practical jokes More power to Father Bill Crittenden MuskoVa is removing back to evermore become a Rildwla citizen Sugar making got Its death blow The Owl always falls in for a feast Uncle Johnston through the medium the Little- is generous and Aunt Sally smiles add nods her approval The enormous snow drift the larg est I ever saw which- our village for weeks has about disappeared Good riddance to bad rubbish Squire Stat ton and his i better halt Thump Thump What was that- Only a culvert washed out There are quite a few in the vicinity which are hard on the buggies Mrs Edward Rose has Keen very sick for the last few days and at present is very low Bast QwlUlmbury Council Sharon April The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of East held this May Munici pal Hall Sharon all members pres ent Communications era Hospital re from A Rogers re crushed- stone and agreement between Albert Police Village and the Township Moved by Kelley seconded by Burrows That the agreement be tween the Police Village of Albert and this Township of East having been approved by this Council do here by authorize the Reeve to sign the same Carried Moved by seconded by Proctor That Reeve Coun cilor Burrows and the Clerk be and are hereby appointed a com mittee to- different road divisions throughout Township Carried The Reeve Introduced a ByLaw to apportion commute and the amount of statute labor to bo levied tor the year By- Law read a first time Moved and seconded that rule 30 be sus pended and that the bylaw be read a second and third time this day Carried Council went Into committee Mr Burrows in chair committee rose and- reported blank filled Re duced one third Bylaw passed The Reeve introduced a bylaw to appoint road overseers pound Pence viewers and sheep valuators Bylaw read a first time moved and seconded that rule 30 be suspended and that the lylaw be react a second and third time this day Carried Council Into committee of the whole Mr Proctor In the chair committee rose and report 3d blanks filled ByLaw read a third time and passed Moved by seconded by Proctor and resolved that the issue his order on the Trea surer for payment as follows vis J Wright work on road Cole snow- killing dog Dr Grab am work on road A Mcintosh Robertson Cowleaon work on road 65 A West opening road 300 J Smith expenses to Toronto And that the corporate seal be hereto attached Carried Council adjourned to meet on of May in Sharon at Carried i the Woman endowment it iba power to awaken and hold the para and hones ol a worthy man When loi it and Still lores on no in wide world cm know heart aoay endures The woman who from weak- and her ajntem loiei her personal magnetism Her health and she her look bar amiability and Womanly V fiaffalo of hit Staff of able Tin jireioribed tor nd cured many women He hat a remedy for ailments It Is known as Dr Tierces It Is a positive for the weaknesses and disorder to women It purifies reulaea strenitbeni and heals Medicine dealers sell It No dealer will advise you to accept a substitute la order to make little larger profit it makes weak women strong sick Women welt- Dr Pignut ngmlmtm Stomscb flowed 1 EEDS With the so close at baud you will want to know the We ate tolly prepared to supply with tin- BEST to be procured in Timothy Red Clover Alfalfa THE Pit ICE IS AM Remember the Quality is the Very Highest New Stock of Boots Shoes to select from They keep your feet DRY and ABLE JGJr1oFARLAND80N QUEENSVILLE A H GASH THE DOMINION BANK a Ganoral CapIUl up Fund Total A Necessity When Travelling Travellers Checks and Letters Credit lisued by bank are cashed la any pari world They are selfidentifying and make easy matter to ready money at any stage of Journey If lost stolen they of no finder or thief Full Information regarding these conveniences of travel maybe obtained at any branch of Douimioh Mount Albert Branch S TERRY Manager Canadian Northern ft Free Homesteads ALONG THE LINE OF THE Canadian Northern Railway IN MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA The Government has thrown open for entry Free Home steads acres each along the linos of the Canadian Northern Railway in Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta At least of these are within a radius miles ot operated the Com pany while the balance will be served by Branches now under con struction or projected Alberta the Province already noteworthy for its fertile lands and salubrious Climate takes first place in th total homesteads of fering But the wonderful Wheat Lands of Saskatchewan are well represented in the free Farms which have been thrown open for entry oldest settled the threeholds out a large MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Western Canada is so big that practically every farming condition Is met with in the combined total There is open country which needs some clearing and also the rolling land where loam and climate are admirably adapted to the needs farm ing The atmosphere Clear Dry and land the best land to live in The best Homesteads are rapidly being taken up and Intending set tlers will be well advised to their selection without delay Write for a free booklet giving location and a description the land being offered A copy will palled to anyone making appli cation to Asst General Passenger Agent an Northern Building Toronto i ft De Laval Cream Separators Standard and used In per cent ol the World f a Creameries Represented by STUART MCDONALD PHOTOCRAPHERS SUTTON WEST r ft Photographs for Lockets Developing and Finishing for Amateurs V smsm iffi TORONTO 9i

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