Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , April 19, 1912, p. 3

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will meet at the- Lodge at next Monday flowed by a SmoketV alien dance Church At the evening service on Sunday next April choir will sing Maundys sacred Pardon and Is a very beautiful work anil be interest to lovers ft music Property on the Jump Talk about West this town has about as much IWWfti as will find anywhere Two Sears ago a pCC at properly here was Sold for Last year bait the same property was soul for than and a short time ago the of the last division refused for bait the piece that During the past winter building on Andrew street sold to separate individuals Already there are indications of thirty new houses going Up la Town this sum mer The is besMcd with applications tor water Ask Us to Show You Reaver Hoard used instead lath and also to cover rack ed walls and ceilings ft Hardware THE special visits to alloy Fays Many people- expressed fears on Sunday evening that the thunder and lightning betokened cold weath er Miss Fry Of In the Box beat at the Specially Is oft work Hits week on account of injury lo- her arm- Kail Wheat is looking Well tig work is still continued at the Office Specially Jo press of orders Mr Harrison of la lyons houses on Tlmpthy St preparations im the Domino Dance Death List Will Exceed Thirteen ST t L AGENTS FOR PATTERNS J Canadians are Missing Vtfv 1 i Convict the Dramatic Club in with the llymiuisium bus reason to be gratified tot the result the last Friday ev ening The Town Hall was filled with an orderly and appreciative au dience of the performers parts perlectioii and the maintained throughout The exhibition on the parallel bats by a dozen the young men was imite a surprise and the tableau was very pretty The caricature humor ist Mr Toronto was very good and was repeatedly recalled it was about wtKMi the program was brought to u close The Her can Boys added over to the Gymnasia fund feel thankful for the patronage accorded Silver The New Rivals Sterling Silver and w the Richest o Table Sit lings per Tea Spoons Desert Spoons Desert Forks Table Spoons 100 Table fe Jewolera and P ft- Ticket Issuer of Marriage Licenses New April- According to the latest advices received by he Canard the lrpatnla survivors from the vU arrive 4 Sandy at oclock every aiiehtttiHc Mee in flu transnilsslon hews from the show that only of the BIO of the are safe on Ok ship The passengtrji riiirncs u in ashore jesteelu wireies must be as the lives of view steam er with oft the Hanks Sunday night is believed to The Canadians on tlie Titanic as saved has been greO tweAtyour hours pate es earning from various cities la the The nSost accurate compilation places the saved at and the missing at33 this loss of life is a total loss of the steamship esti mates at Mo with cargo and lewels worth Many persons IntetnatcnalWSni- are still uifarconniel The Titanic weighed She was- a four tunneled boat tins New Spring Goods Arriving Every Day USE Prints New Muslins New Window Shades Wo carry a Vrr Stock of Shade from to the Very fret the Upper deck distance the top of futinds to the keel was feet As for the wore an of ship Theft Were private pffe ess Parisian and PqIiu In the Sou persons djhe In CoiVv fort the inw ftul hi addition rvatuurbnt where iou dip a la carte Then there were baths a piKl a finely It tint gyni- mid a A the Montreal Stat says Insurances li3iiirt the oargo and the latter was Insured for 1 00o00o the owners ile of The by the was mie per cent and the for wis fif ty guineas per cent when the steam ship was to be sinking It Is understood that the cargo in cluding a of din- which is separately in addition to- the underwriters are probably- also liable lor considerable sums tor per sonal as business men fluently themselves when abroad Nearly ICmio sacks of mail went Carpels a In All Wool in Tapestry Carpels inUrUsseis jqUires- in Union ail pW and Oil iii all widths from yard to four yards Is and Shoes Spring Styles being shown la Variety We kepiesent the Very Best pi and Pair sell v I KIOTILKDY I While Celery JOe Jar Maple Syrup of I0o Canned- tin French pot Panned Fresh Herring for J So Lemon and Orange Butter Jar If you would like us to call for your Grocery Monday and Phone A BRUNTONL i dovn including sacks of great slack rising a fraction over matter 1a- br ied We at Public SchooL School re opened lor the spring term on Monday with an aggregate attendance 130 being more than the number at this time last year j The pupils are divided as follows A Cornell III Miss K Truman Miss Miss 5S Miss as Hardy VU Mils Ironside VUI Miss McKay Miss Morton The ninth teacher has become necessity so that thirtysix stats haw been placed in the hall of the School building All are oc cupied and some classes are still very large WideAwake Business Men Looking for the best Western Ca nada proposition in general store barber hardware or other lines will receive information and all possible assistance by corresponding with ft VanAlytyne of of Trade Our Western Letter involved in purchase of the site and the erection of this be very eloso to Winnipeg April There is a feeling of ism abroad in the of the west and in all the lines of business another year activity is confidently expected reports of trade conditions are coming- in daily A paper mill and factory is to be erected and completed this year on the cornet of Poplar avenue and Levis street in Klnuvcod at a cost A com pany been under the The regular meeting of lie Womens will be held at hoiiie Mrs If the of April Two The by Mrs The Evil oi by aiiss A full attendance of hers is requested as there business to tUscuSs Sir It Wilkinson is about to leave this village and abode He intends having a sale of his effects on Saturday Initiation at meeting P on Tuesday April Mr Robert Seymour Porcupine Mrs Mr Fred Cook of Toronto spent few days at Mr Geo Williamsons Mrs anil child of Toronto visiting her mother Mrs Butcher Howard of King City is staying with his cousin Harold Mur ray lor a time Mr- and Mrs Louis Mount are spending a aw days in London WOODS STANDARD PATTERNS STORE of a new mill The site socuiod The Big Articles that will inae your much easier Liquid Veneer end a Wash ing Machine Hardware will tell more POSITIONS Were offered our graduates dur ing March according to our Tile You never need wait Thorough pre with us insures immed iate returns in rash to you Get free catalogue Central Busi ness College and streets Toronto Shaw Many Business Colleges close Vacation during the Summer ELLIOTT for Excellent i Public School Board It is time the Public School Board got busy and let the contract for the new school building in St Andrews Ward The ground has not been pur- Chased yet nor have the plans Veen approved A special meeting of the i Board was called for but only two members put in an I Since school opened on Monday with an attendance over more scholars have been added to the roll The crowded condition of the present accommodation 1 Immediate action With the way the hallway is blocked in the Model School with extra seats it re quires about eight minutes for the second story pupils to make an exit No fire escapes are provided and should there any occasion tor a hurried vacation of the premises there is no telling what the consequences might be This Is a crisis time and business should be attended to Ev ery fall TORONTO Docs not NOW is an Time to Commence a Course Write for Catalogue ami houses arc all busy The tremendous growth of the S on the Co have this week opened the new warehouse at the and Adelaide a piece of ground at the hack and nob less than per The construction is reinforced l ls with brick facing The is the result the AbImm in Wester Canada 1ms JP gdiSS to make plans tor a warehouse mU held by them Tte Swift tons by the aUUUco week opened the and- dryers All the vafous corner kinds ln i ireots It covers he Ufa feet frontal W rate A large amount of railway work is projected this spring and summer in cluding tho Hudsons railway Work has already been started at some points and will add to the- years activity considerably Con- struct ion work- on the new parlia ment buildings will be this year at Winnipeg The palatial Grand Trunk hotel Lord Selkirk is now Well under way and work on the new Agricultural College is now resumed The new Dominion Govern- Armory is also on this years program Among the splendid new subject to a duty of from to 35 per cent There is therefore a splen did opening this cfass of as an enormous quantity the com modity to manufactured used annually in the city and west Some ninety business men of Win nipeg will leave on May 23 on their third annual trip arranged Tratle Expansion Committee of the Winnipeg Industrial to- Columbia- Special steamers will convey the whole parly through the Arrowhead and Kootenai lakes The AsswMatei Boards of Trade will ar range an elaborate convened val- examinatiens for the winter term at S No 11 King Marks possible Ger trude John Stanley Marks possible Alice Mildred Walton Jr III Marks possible Fox Blackburn 3 IS Sri Graee SomtSrvillc Herbert Rohm 333 Shanks various Herbert Page 115 Shanks ab Sr Harry Wiltson Albert Jr I Carman Wilson iiie Willie Curtis Allan Curtis Al fred Page I J Teacher W Buy I A Dont away per of foot Money CORSETS fclqual to Any American Make MODEL Very Low Bust Long Hip The Correct Style for Your New Spring Costume Model 60S tor the Stout Figure Selfadjusting La Diva Hip Reducing Corset- Many other Styles to choose from Prices varying from 50 cents to C LUNDY ton Paper BANK OF MONTREAL Established J Live Stock Market Slight drop in cattle in Toronto this week No change in sheep and lambs Another advance in hogs- They now cars in Toronto ituotcd at country points Toronto Markets i Allll IU100000 I iftsooinii CAPITAL ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Branch at air important eatre in Caaaoa and in London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Every description of a Banking traubctedL INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Oatarlo Bank Branch will be as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH I fcperrins Gorham St ouse Gut Flowers Narcissus Carnations Sweet Ferns etc Funeral Designs Every De scription Made on Shortest No tice Bridal Bouquets Specialty Lettuce Parsley Radish Pep per Grass PRICKS REASONABLE liar Bank of Com- ill handle Ratty to vkmim build- mainland the build supply the for the the which will include five weeks delay means much next to the public schools E RealEstate Broker Newmarket of Agriculture The class at the High School is disbanded or season The young Has the following for Quick Sale and men were interested and were I Immediate Possession fitted by the course and nearly all of said it was their intention to NT My A take another course next winter The District Representative Mr J Steckley Is now engaged in the Orchards He is pruning and treating two chard s for practical belonging to Mr Tool on 2nd Con a short distance south of Picketing Col and one oh the Town Lino be tween Whitchurch and Markham are being sprayed this week ho pre vent the scale which is very prevalent in this community Mr Steckley Is being provided with an assistant this week Mr M who has been In attendance the Agricultural College and any farmer desiring information about his orchard or on any other agricultural subject should ciall at the office of the nearly opposite the Market and Mr Steck will bo pleased to give any as sistance free of charge Already he has visited several orchards and told the farmers what to do All persons interested In fruit growing should vis it one of orchards that are acres splendid Soil good build ings House and Barn water running in stable Lots of fruit Only mile from village of where- tho electric cars have station very suit able for Market Gardening Price Terms easy Beautiful Brick Residences in Every convenience Nice lawns and gardens and in desirable locations at from to 3 Fine Brick Homes All complete nicely located and equipped with all modern conveniences at to Comfortable Houses 6 to 8 rooms splendid gardens- good w and all In first class condition at from to REMARKABLE TRIP WITHIN THE ARCTIC CIRCLE A despatch from Dawson Alaska says Josepn an explorer Also suburban property for market gardening and a few choice sections Alberta near to good towns Apply E Real Broker Newmarket aialn Meat buildings to be completed or and steamboat tour of that during the coming vear aw the Sank line of Montreal Canadian Bank Com- handle party to Victoria and inAce Union ing Sterling Hank ex Free Press ani Lindsay J and a dining car 4 is estimated that the new resijj In Wild Country dental buildings put up in Winnipeg last year absorbed no less than feet of frontage or more than miles oi street frontage This use of residential property was required to erect thereon the dwellings for whicb permits were issued These fig ures only include dwellings within arrived here after years city limits nor do they include continuous residence In the Lower nay other than River country bordering on ings of which there were the Arctic Ocean He is schools churches factories wttte- Albert Ross an Indian boy houses apartment blocks stores of- came from Fort jn fice and miscellaneous buildings It time ot 12J dayswith Is safe to say that tor building hours all kinds in Winnipeg cq with- three light used up and absorbed over flour and bacon They live miles of frontage flvc gave most of the It is that ftSSl different trades industries and wife whom he left with friends in order to help the InDozey orprospectora and trappers making their choice ol what their life are living In the Mackenzie wilder- work- is tobe This plan was launch- several accompanied by their at a luncheon given by His Honor wives Mr Jactjuet said the LieutenantGovernor and the Tones an Englishman Is at Eskimo committee which was formed in con- Lake gathering birds for a London with the Winnipeg Industrial society Bureau to have in charge putting No word has been received of plan in operation weot to Fort MacPherson tram and work energetically and can now see Alexander explorers according to the project an established fact and Mr is feared they are giving every promise of proving IN lost self of very great value Already such talks have been given by prom inent Winnipeg men well versed in all the various trader Fall Wheat per bush Goose Wheat- per bush Oats per bush Barley per bush Peas per bush Rye per bush Hay per ton Eggs per doz Butter per lb 44 April 0 ft 94 0 0 53 SO 0 17 0 Town Hall Newmarket 10 1 I Thursday UNDER THE AUSPICES OF TflB Potatoes per bag 1 Chickens per Turkeys per K Geese per lb 0 Pucks per lb Anglican Young People Association Newmarket Markets April Fall wheat per bush 0 Oats per bush 0 50 Barley per bush- 80 Peas per bush Bran per ton 27 0 29 0 0 1 0 0 0 Musical in 2 Acts Shorts per too Hay per ton Eggs per Butter per lb- Potatoes per bag Chickens per Gees- per lb it Turkeys per lb 10 Principals 30 Chorus Voices I V t Tickets 35c and Cents in Plan open at Pattersons Drug Store Monday Evening April at oclock FROM J Head of Hie Winnipeg Gram Exchange has Just returned from a trip to Eastern Canada While he succtededln resting of China April A boat into which passengers of the British steamer were disembarking capsized today and persons mostly women were drown ed Winnipeg April A woman was his friends who are capitalists lathe lb or a ttwalvestoy l In the- very heart of Winnipeg street on entering the The- rite has been secured and the of allgpon aged exact will he ta formerly of Montreal a few days- amount of capital tled l0 dead She had been in some maiin than who was with her at night whio dis- New York fc On Monday we will show a few pices of r 1 S a CO m fn I I I

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