THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1911 Women suffering from any form of Illness are Invited to promptly com municate with Mrs at Lynn Mass All letters are receded opened read and answered by women A wo man caw freely talk her private ill ness to a woman has been es tablished this con between Mrs and the women of America which has Just Think it Oven more wo have reflected upon the manifesto embracing political platform of the Ontario Opposition the more our convictions have- been j strengthened it is platform of j progress and in harmony with principles upon which the Liberal par- ly stands As the Ictcrboro ICxani- remarks A perusal ill will show that if it is applied to the of Ontario it will mean advancement nod progressive and live and I oh promises the Croatian of a Department for New Ontario a Commissi to suggest measures to prevent decline in rural population public ownership of electric telephone and oter public utilities technical instruction in fanning in rural schools ever been broken orchards and special levhnt- has she pub- ical instruction in ins a testimonial or used a letter giving to municipalities withont the written consent of the to hunt iinpioVmems from A taxation restoration of Mi del School allowed these confidential letters to get out of their possession as the measures for the hundreds of thousands of them in supply of touchers a civil their files will attest commission and appointments with Out of the vast volume of experience promoting merit alter which Mrs has to draw Hive of from it is more than possible that she contributions from bas gained the very knowledge needed 1 gong public prosecutor to prevent in your case She asks no thin in re- etc Action along turn except good will and her advice has helped thousands Surely indicates piogress and a any woman rich or poor should be positive desire for betterment CM glad to take advantage of this Iconise thai section of the Press sup ous offer of assistance Address Mrs potting j slate government Suffered Intense Pains in My Left Side Do you realize it is better to be safe than sorry that the best policy to lock the stable door before the horse is stolen Dr Miles Heart Remedy cured Mrs C- Cokey of a stub- horn case of heart disease such as thousands arc now suffering with Read what she says He fore I began taking Or- Milts Remedy btfeo suffering from heart trouble for over fie I had so weak that it was impossible or me to do minuted work whole intense rains in leftside and under the ulder Made could nut the left side ju was so short oi breath that 1 thought should never le able to take breath again The excitement would bring on the I had scarcely taken a haltbottle of the Heart Remedy be fore could free marked change in cndi ton I to sleep Our Western Letter tea ell had a good appetite and proved so rapidly when 1 bottles I was completely If you have any of symptoms Mrs mentions it is your duty to protect yourself Dr Miles Heart Remedy is what you need the first ails to benefit your money is returned Ask druggist MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto Can Winnipeg Nov The Union Han of Canada headquarters from Quebec to marks another staro of the westward SSs course of financial empire Union ILuik is one the strongest in a- and is particularly in West where a splendid system of branch system up from the lime of the bunas opening in Winnipeg in ami by vigorous gga and farsiited methods of banking business The Union Hank total amounting to over hirlyfiuir million dollars arid its Winnipeg build ing was for some the tallest structure in Winiiipg- stories and splendidly located in the very heart of business section tj In choosing to make Winnipeg the Union Hank follows in the of the Northern an institution that to make this city lis Chief office- centre The Northern SSm is made up almost of men ftfjii is a 190 western institution With paidup I SS capital of and a rest account ciJIi Us ill Store o A Few of Our Prices the of the lumber operating in Prince that one hundred and 100 Hut dock Hitters LOO Our Prlw care of Medicine Co Lynn Mass Every woman to fiOpago Text Book It is not a book for general distribution as it is too l lie as Candidate to re- platforms upon the leader and his supports are straW fire indicative to the present appeal to ol a wind that is blowing that may develop into a storm on the school the present appeal to the overlaps some of the in the platform of Whit ney Government possibly this- expensive It is free and only may be Ink obtainable mail Write for parties the hut as between the Liberals propose lion The same paper adds million feel of lumber will be cut I In the wolds tu the north of that j gg city this winter Fully Ave thousand will he needed for this J work Men are starting to come in tJ slowly and theie is still very gteat demand for labor Many people do not realize banking city Winnipeg glVis but banking clearings of a ml- jijJj lion dollars this year will make a S strong impression the world There has been a steady in crease from the first of the Tills three I D Kidney for Chases 35 Carters Little Liver fills Thomas MO it III hi I I I I I lno IS 18 A Few lliUintli Hulus regular iah to clear at i GET IT AT of the vear and gsg ijihOlM on the tor week ending in his manifesto mean that eight millions wc The it today he is waiting to see how in New House ill in of the Aheady 0 Canadian Impress Company and tins makes it 3 thereto Sir James and his supporters have proposed ami pro mised yet alter about seveu years of finvthi power have ailed to art It is time ffA has represented the Riding eve since the death of the late Hon St John will have to fight at the Road Improvement Work convention the foe the rtfarHifis of billion dollars IT WILL COST YOU Phone 9 isnta that the billion dollar mark will be passed before the end of the year Only two other cities in Canada Men treat and Toronto yearly to anil from trains handled with despatch Us 130 nasi SSI us w us gas ill 5 nomination this ike that amount is sue The Dominion subsidy to Ontario this year will reach being a NEW YORK DENTISTS siatiinefits tint appeared ill the Toronto press last week we I learn thai Mr in foe construction roads I leading into the city is putting the I population Under the census finishing touches on highways that the- Capita Subsidy reached built this The Ontario started as a in ii of Canada after Confedera- tens us that progress has si the Federal subsidy been made this year and if the frost amounted to does not set in too soon there is a possibility that the work will ownership and control of uc late the fall During the past telephones is plank in the Libera platform of this Province Two or ST KILLED week men were at work and ten rollers When the winter sets i the iff Mr the rollers and other Implements will be recently appointed leader of the par- close proximity to where Substantial progress Is being made on the building of a l of Indus try under the management of Win nipeg Development arid Industrial This building will have Main Street frontage of feet a further frontage Water Street of The exterior effect will be I on 1h lines of the best exposition architecture ami the interior will be taken up with exhibition space In dustrial offices offices for thai planning commission and a large assemble hall hi bits will be of an industrial char- stored in they are now being used so as to be ready to resume work when the three days after it received the en- although much space will also he up by exhibits of natural resources products and agricultural displays The and its equip ment will be th largest and most complete of its kind in Canada and in Ontario Sir James Whitney Ontarios Conservative Premier gave out a statement the effect that Christmas Photos May this remind you of the fact that will soon be here and one of Most Val ued you can present to your Friends is a Picture of Yourself We have the Goods to Please you come a Dont lav live us a call Photo Artist Phone 153 Newmarket ILLUSTRATED Oil spring opens arc Hon I Lucas Minister without among the largest In the world Work on It is being Pushed vigorous 10 DUSTY DAYS WHEN YOU SWEEP absorbs the dust brightens the floor and cleans the carpet One week free trial Yours for health DUSTBANE All GROCERS portfolio is enquiring into the We arc also told that the I li of pabllo ownership and control Commissioner is not going l of telephones Perhaps the Ontario waste winter idleness ami En- Government may be able to select a James states that tlie men other popular planks from the now employed will be continued at platform part of the Con- work during the winter as he has policy in the future program drawn up The purpose is to get material ready during the winter for the continuation of the road Improvement enterprise Stone will Mr Lucas report before elections are pulled oft the The Mail A takes lc drawn in sleighs and dumped lo platform call- side of the highway where needed Granite is being obtained and brought from and with a view baying the tare ready occupation by the first of the new year Sharp winter weather put a check on threshing all over the west Manitoba how ever was well with the work aid as many farmers were sensible I enough stack their grain this year threshing Will go forward far better than in former years when everybody tried to thresh from stock and save slacking The dry season of for the placing of the Teinis- and Northern Ontario In the same position as other and the wet one that has just the limestone- which is IrailWays in the matter if payment have brought lessons in good used as a hinder will Ik brought from taxes and asks why arming methods home to Western SI Marys and tax he levied on the Teinis- farmer that will have the effect unloading will he done principal- A Northern Ontario proving his work much at Westm Richmond The answer is plain Why should the Kail road work is being pushed with mil and June- which the vigor demanded by great development past slimmer the and Northern Kail- ftIM growth this year way passes be deprived of right will inleiest to Kast and Has the Black Knight come to your home Let him show you the quick easy way to shine the stoves Black Knight takes alt the hard work and dirty work out polishing Its a paste- so there is no watery mixture to be prepared Just few rubs With cloth or brush brings a mirrorlike shine that you can see your face And the shine lasts Moil handle ud BllCk If your dealer canuot it roc a big cau sent postpaid P CO LIMITED Hamilton Out 10 a ft Horticultural Exhibition TORONTO November to SINGLE FAR FOR THE ROUND TRIP A Binns Toronto a York Co lowed the stone to thrown directly tax thereon the same a the from its cars and in ttior do In to this way the work was facilitated lines of railway Simply lie ns team hauling was dispensed wltji Northern iVc make no doubt that when 1 Ontario is i Packed in Barrels and for use in stores ofliccs public buildings now under way are Com- I pie ted an effort will made for the further extension of these highways J into the county BOTES Notice of ApplicatiOD to Parliament Notice is given that Isabella mo Helen Horncastle tie city To- WnsUtucncIcs in in the County York Wince will elect a rep- Ontario married ply to the Parliament at the next session thereof for of Divorce from husband John i Daniel of the said City of Toronto the rtl adultery is fords no reason why the local corpor ations through which the line passes should be debarred from the right tu impose a tax rate thereon especially when the surplus revenue derived from its operation is distributed municipalities When our and grandfathers went to the village school in the years gone by chestnuts could be bought for a quart affile corner West know that it has been decided to locate the site Of the taking cons interest in at a point miles south of era Canada and the establishment at Ottawa to be known as June- of a Belgian Consulate is This new city will rcloYldence of recognition suit of the building of the main car and engine at the junction point of the Toronto o and Ottawa Ihekn doses an Port Arthur Winnipeg and Q full woman will r the Ontario Assemble grocery Today cost at whole- of Canada general Sections pale lie per pound or per ton for lull to the close of last week the Con- We are told that a Sew England Dated at Toronto in the Province of Ontario the day of August AD GODFREY Toronto St roronto Out Solicitors for Isabella Helen I loin- cast Northern Grown Trees Apple Pear Plum Cherry Peach Grapes Small Ornamentals Evergreens Flowering Shrubs Etc in the Nursery line Catalogue free Send of your wants for prices Agents wanted apply for terms J Nurseryman Port Elgin There are people who are certain that one good turn deserves three municipalities in On tario will vote on the local option bylaw in January next JMi cures colds lungs ft His Royal Highness the Governor of Canada has received a cablegram from London stating the design or the new Canadian stamps which was selected by Hon Itodolph An OrderinCouncil will put through at an early date order ing the printing the stamps The public expect the stamps In put in circulation about New Years The State of Maine still remains The final corrections poll ing divisions give the following re sult forrepeal of prohibition against repeal Major ity for continuing the prohibition There is report current In Official circles that a special session of the State Assembly will be Called to consider certain amendments to the constitution permit enact ment of liquor laws which may be enforced The Toronto Tclegsam seems to think that the question will become a vital Issue at the ap proaching Provincial Elections It says There is more than passing significance to the action of Conserv ative conventions rejecting John Gallagher in and Amos A chard win in Eat Hastings and the move of the party managers in North M in bringing forward farmer hud one tree from which he last year six hundred lbs of nuts At lie per wholesale this means At tills rate the growth of a line of nut trees around cultivated fields of a farm- would he worth more than ihe grain crops the farm would produce lust think it over keep system in pink of condition Their singular curative pro perties discovered by an Indian tribe Introduced nearly a century ago com- pounded since 1857 the Comstock Laboratories at Brockvllle Ontario Morses Hoot Pills have a remarkable record for consistently curing constipa- purifying the bloodbanlshlng headaches and clearing the skin 25c a box everywhere v s iy Sonic of us take adversity in and others take it all at Port Arthur Winnipeg and one tun swoop but we all due line making it the l breaking point for nil Iraflic Five thousand men will eventually be cm- ployed it is estimated that In live years live million dollars will be spent On this sight Slock yards on a large scale are also contemplated In a interview Sir Donald Mann stated that in twelve days CN It western lines had handled over seven million bushels wheat which Constituted a record for the It is estimated that the be tween the foothills and the Rockies and the head of the lakes will handle between 5 and 60 million bushels of wheat this year approximately more than Carried last year Settlement along the lines of the In the West has been tho companys expectations with the result that they look for greater traf fic next year in passengers freight and grain hooking toward completion of Its lines the CNH has let contracts to a Kansas City firm for the construction ten steel bridges along the route of the between and Kamloops total cost to amount to approximately There will be two of of the main Thompson River and on of the North Thompson River The International Harvester Com pany has recently erected a cent new warehouse at- Sas katchewan has rcen pro vided for Cars of machinery It is slated several Implement companies will erect warehouses at in the near future commercial importance has received a tribute from lie govern ment of Belgium In an- nonhcd of a government for Sas katchewan with some ast Belgian capitalists have leer With added for admission cou pon to the exhibition From d an Northern Ontario Railway Sta tions Grafton and Inter mediate points to Toronto Good going Nov to inclusive Valid to return until November 0 Apply to O Agents for tick- and information Asst Gen Pass Agent Toronto a HARNESS NEEDS chas Harness and Collar Maker Main Street Newmarket Manufacturers of all Kinds of Harness 2 WEEKS SPECIAL Horse Blankets for Horse Blankets tor Halters Double and tra Heavy Long Leather Shank for SI only Set Track- Harness Headed Lines etc 1800 ONLY Come and See my HandMade Team Harness Made to and the prices are right Axle Grease Oils Whips Brushes and all Supplies kept in stock REPAIRING A Is the present salary of Miss Long who obtained her business training in our school- Results snug savings account bright outlook promotions Would you like to earn- a week Send lor our catalogue tohay and learn how Central Business College To ronto Shaw Principal- Thinking of Building a Silo Better Build it Concrete f rf T HI construction of a Silo affords an excellent example ef what the farmer can do with Concrete and of the superiority of Concrete over all other material for various structural work about the farm f usual wooden silo besides being is far from satisfactory In first place It does not and more Important still being far from weatherproof Its contents become producing an condition A Silo built of Concrete on the other hand Is practically everlasting it Is proof against heat cold and moisture and it has the merit of comparative economy- What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete Tells you how to use Co lit constructing Hitching Potts Cisterns Blocks Dalrlt Houses Tanks Pcultry Houses Foundations Root Cellars Fence Posts Feeding Floors Clutters Hens Shelter Walls Sthles Stairs This economy feature further ex plained In our free book What Can Do With which tails how mix and use Concrete for the making of silos and other building on the farm You may send me a copy of book entitled What the Can Do With Stalls Steps Tanks Troughs Walks Well Curbs Etc etc etc and send for tho book today Canada Cement Co Rational Bank Building Montreal