Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , November 10, 1911, p. 8

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a Tmtii Drhei To Til Pain FRUITATIVES CURED HIM Trenton Out Jan I a dreadful sufferer for many from Stomach and Liver Trouble but bit greatest suffering was from violent headaches They were so dis tressing that I almost had to give up my business I went to Toronto consulted specialists and yore glasses but nothing did me any good and the headache became intolerable I was then induced to try Fmit-t- and from the beginning I was better and in a short time I was quite well again no more headaches and I threw my glasses away not only cured headaches but completely cured me of all indigestion and restored me lo- health again J McCOMB is the greatest cure for headaches in the world and it the only medicine made of fruit juices will always cure Head aches Indigestion and all Stomach and Bowel Troubles a tor for or trial size At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa PROMINENT RAILROADMAN A Discovery JI KINO CITY I Want a House If so call on Hughes Estate Agent Real Houses for Sale good brick houses apply to Hughes agent New Brick House On Prospect Ave for sale Apply to H Eves Newmarket Two New Houses For sale in good locality Rented good Interest Posses sion in one month ROBERTSON Newmarket New Brick House Sale with all modern conveni ences also a number of choice build- fag lots Apply to For with summer kitchen pantry good basement Lot Apply to Mrs George Dicks Joseph Ave Newmarket For New brick house on Ontario street rooms pantry closets separate wide 00 pier3 also rear verandah bay window cel lar full size and divided furnace downstairs in oak upstairs in Georgia pine wired for elftrie lights cement walks home for farmer Come and Terms to suit purchaser If not sold reasonable time will be for to good tenant W Scott Main street North A Court for the revision of Voters Lists for the Township of King be held at King City op Saturday November commencing at a Judge- Morgan will preside -a- The marriage of Miss Adelaide May Armstrong daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Armstrong of Toronto to Rev J H A incum bent of the parish of place in St Pauls Church in that city on Wednesday The bride wore her travelling suit of navy blue serge and hat to match The ceremony was performed by the Venerable Archdea con Cody After a short honeymoon trip Mr Mrs will re side at the in Mr T brother of the bride presided at the organ -o- The work on the bridge between and has commenced Market was largely attended on Wednesday last and large prices were paid Miss Young of Toronto is spending a few days with J Dennis here Mr Patrick ONeill spent a few davs at Mr John Cuttings near Mr Elmer Black of Linton spent Saturday at his fathers borne near Aurora Mr Edward Banian has returned to Moon College to regain his speed in stenography A great crowd from this vicinity look in the Newmarket Fair and re port having a good time Mr OBrien of Vancouver C spent a few days with relatives in this vicinity last week Rev Father Wedlock was present at the funeral of the late John of A Halloween Pumpkin Pie Social was held on the in the town hall here and was a great success Mr Norman was in Bradford a days this week at tending the wedding of his sister The Womens Institute have rented the north part of Mrs res idence and are busy furnishing same A raffle was held at Mr William Doyles and was a great success Bucks geese were the prizes Robert we are informed robbed by someone hear his own farm while coming home one night last week and relieved of a hundred dollars Forty devotion in the Rom an Catholic Church at King com menced November Jrd Rev Father of was in attend ance and special was furnished Resorcin is one of the eftcetr Ingredients that Really Pro mote Hair Growth when ADVISES HIS TO TRY GIN FOR THE KIDNEYS jvVV have been a Pullman Conductor on 1 the C P and Michigan Central during the last three years About four years I was laid up intense pains in the groin a very sore back and suffered most severely when I tried to urinate I treated with my family physician for two months for gravel In the bladder but did not receive any benefit About that time I metanother railroad man who had been similarly affected and who had been cured by taking Gin Pi lis after THE STUDY OF i Cleveland Plain Dealer The Western woman who complain ed ttut while th National destroyers ever discovered by science and with Beta IC to advise band concerning the proper care of which is both germicidal a septic a combination is formed which destroys the germs which rob the hair of its natural nourishment and also creafcs- a clean healthy con dition of the scalp which prevents the development of new germs Pilocarpi although hot coloring or dye is a wellknown in gredient for restoring the hair to its natural color when tneloss of hair has been caused by a disease ol the scalp These ingredients in proper with alcohol added as a julant and for its welldenned nourish ing properties perfect perhaps the most effective remedy is known for scalp ard hair troubles We have a remedy which is chiefly composed of these ingredients If It r having been given up by a prominent physician who treated him for Diabetes He is now running on the road and Is perfectly cured lie strongly advised me to try Gin Pills which I did with the result that the pains left me entirely FRANK IDE a box for Sample free Write National Drug and Chemical Co of Canada limited A Toronto If you suffer with Constipation or need a gentle laxative take ATION LAZY a box 105 in com- his farewell sermon in Trinity church on Sunday He and the farnily will move to New York in A Toronto firm has bought five hundred acres of land around Bales lake by the Choir Greenhouses Cut Roses Carnations Friday Funeral Flowers Bulbs Special Tulip Mixture per larc and sure to Dower Hyacinths named sorts each varieties Hyacinths Purity Tulips named varf- each Daffodil sin gle and double White Sacred 2c Iris 5c Spawn Brick a AURORA George Patrick died suddenly on Thursday night He had been work ing as usual on farm during the day In the evening of feeling faint and- expired in a few minutes lie was years old arid lived in King Township all his life Funeral was hold On Sunday Inter ment in Aurora Cemetery Mr of this dace a telegram week from a Michigan where bis father Mr Henry is living stating that latter was vflry ill Mr along wioh aunt Mrs Wm Reynolds leJt lor Michigan at once Later accounts stated that with aunt Mrs I low On Thursday of laat wek Mr John Dunning had the misfortune to lose two of his children within an hour the one from indigestion and the other from infantile par alysis Much ayrnpathy la felt for the bereaved parents At the High games A Surprise in Store Several subscribers to the Family Herald and Weekly Star this dis trict have received copy of the beautiful premium picture entitle Home Again A copy has also reached this office It certainly sur passes any pictt re given by great paper before How such a beau tiful work art all ready for fram ing can be included with such great family paper for the small sum of a dollar year is a mystery The Family Herald and Weekly Star should add thousands subscribers this season They well deserve it for never before has such value been given There is a big prise in store for those receive the picture Home Again Big Fire London Nov In a fire entailing a loss of almost SI and as a rcrsult of which several hundred peo ple are thrown out employment the chief business district of this city was wiped out by lire early this morning the section destroyed com prising the principle dry goods and departmental stores The street railway system was put completely out of lot sev eral hours All feed wires were cut and it was impossible to get them connected for long As a result the citizens felt the influ ence of the fire They walked and many did not the cat until they reached tin down town district and saw the ruined stores- Scores of places many a long dis tance away took fire from huge pieces of dry and packing cases which were by the strong wind and only the hard work of the volun teers prevented many serious blazes with other extremely Valu able medicine agents We it to positively cure dandruff and to grow even if the scalp in spots is bald If there is any vitaliuy in the roots it will cure baldness or we will refund your if the scalp has a dazed shiny appearance it is an indication that baldness is permanent but in other instances we believe baldness is curable We want everyone troubled with scalp disease or loss to try Rexall Hair Tonic If it does not cure and grow hair to the satisfaction of we will without question or quibble return every cent paid us for it We print this guarantee on every- bottle it has effected a positive cure per cent of cases where put a Hair Tonic is entirely unlike and we think in every partic ular better than anything else we know of Tor the purpose for is prescribed We urge you to try this preparation at our entire risk Certainly we know of no better guar to give you Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at our store The Store 1 Drug Store Newmar ket his hogs it was not prepared her In the care and tracing her children was not giving to ne cessarily vain regrets or the guid- ance she sought will be furnished it the proposal the National- Child Labor Committee with headquarters in New York is enacted into law The tendency of modern progressive government is towards more intimate service in behalf the people It may be called paternalism but it properly exercised it is at once so and so inoffensive that the public welcomes it The problems that deal with childhood are cf- the- utmost to so ciety since our of to morrow is recruited from the ranks of the boys and girls of today No nation that is careless of its child- hood can hope long to survive The proposed new bureau would the direction of an expert with the prestige and resources of the Govern ment behind him for the promotion of health vigor and general efficiency of the Children of the nation ON TEMPERANCE TEACHING IN SCHOOLS strong man is strong all over No man can be who Buffering from weak stomach with its consequent indigestion or from some other disease of the stomach and its associated organs which Ira- pairs digestion and nutrition For when the stomach weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition contained in food which is the source of all physical strength When a feel just right when be doesnt sleep well has an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach after eating is languid nervous irritable and he is losing the nutrition needed to finch a man should use Dr Golden Medical Discovery It cures diseases the stomach ana other or An us of digestion and nutrition It enriches the blood Invigorates the liver strengthens the kidneys nourish the nerves and so GIVES HEALTH AND STRENGTH To THE WHOLE BODY You cant afford to accept a nostrum as a substitute for medicine op Jmosition not even though the urgent may thereby make a little bigger profit Ingredients printed on For One Days Work Magazine Announces they will Man or Woman in NEWMARKET or in any surrounding town or village any article which may be setafcj from new large catalogue of premiums All you have to do is to secure a few subscriptions to leading monthly publication A few Skates Boxing Gloves Books Write today for one of their catalogues A postcard first to win one of these splendid premiums King Plowing Match The King and Vaughan Plowmens branch of the Ontario Plowmens As sociation held annual match last Friday Nov i on the farms of Mr Ferguson and Mrs lot King- About one thousand people attended the match work in sod and stubble was of a hUJi order Thursday being nay no doubt kept many plowmen from a distance away Twentysev en plowmen contested Mrs provided a splendid repast for all The awards were as First Class open to all Camer on Wellington King Thomas Mc Lean Toronto Kennedy A gilt court Stanley finish Thomas McLean Best ins and outs Bert Kennedy I Jest plowed land in soil Cameron Secondclass in sod I Ed King- crown Kd finish Best Ins and outs Third class in sod under years 1 has TIc- following resolution was also adopted by the British on the last the three days Proceed- cost council after a most and instructive discussion That this Council of the National British Womens Tempcrgnce Association wel comes enthusiasm the syllabus just by tin President of the Hoard of Education entitled Lessons on Temperance rejoices that this leaching is to be establish ed in all the elementary schools and that for all those schools where teachers are not yet qualified by spec ial training to this the services arc to be secured of the staff of lecturers who have of late years been sent out by var ious societies to carry on this edu cational temperance work in schools this Council is thank ful that by the 1908 code hygiene and temperance is now included as one of the recognised subjects- for the students in training colleges thus se curing that all our teachers in the future will be thoroughly grounded in thse allimport dnt matters This Council sends the president of the board of Education its deep and heartfelt thanks for having brought universal temperance teaching schools -VOOO- iionrs devoted to the work will ho sufficient to earn the article you MAGAZINE will forward the premium you earn MCLEANS of your spaie aft Among some of the splendid premiums offered are Gold Bicycles Hand Bajs Suit Cases Cameras will do He Hie Mac LEANS MAGAZINE University Ayenue TORONTO CANADA OUR HEW METHOD TREATMENT will euro you and make a man of you Under ho brain becomes active all pimply blotches find ulcers up nerves in and despondency the bright tbo trior I and mental dnUns cease no more vital the system You tl yourself a man an I know a failure Dont let and fajifB rob you of your hard earned dollars NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT DH1NK A lady residing in through the prescriptions adviser had secretly acquired habits ot of which it was utterly impossible to cure her notwithstanding the efforts made by herhUBbaml and friends for that pur pose One day the medical man who was accustomed to attend her called at the house to visit some oth er patient in it he had to wait a considerable time More any servant opened door to him No did he cuter the passage than he heard ilic Bound of sonic one sobbing violently aid a maidservant came up to Mm and Oh sir please do come speak t mis tress In such a way we nothing with her She THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter relates experience was with Nervous Debility for many years Hay It to became ileifirhrrit and didnt care nil tLer I or not Imagined at mo guessed secret Imaginative dreams at me In the IN SOU- The I A mating and assuming considerable Importance in upper Normandy The cliffs Ihe region undermfned by subterranean springs and by the waves of the Channel slip Ham i Joseph Wells j conducted him to the head of EXECUTORS Notice to Public Notice is the provided in that that all person having claims against estate James r York County Koztfte dealer who at Newmar ket on the day of September IWI fcre to hie with for the of Wild estate full particulars of their aroperly on or before the ay of November as the executors will to distribute parties entitled rtferd to of whose claims notice stall then have been received V Hoi for KxeeutorSj on marble made of water way be rubbed ofl by or with an old toothbrush to yv- v- sVw MY Richmond Hill won both the foot- 1 all and They are of ball and the basketball matches The High School concert be held on On Monday of week Mr Harry going down the of Whitchurch below Vandori and on the Marsh road there was a threshing machine water tank which there was not room to pass By some means his mare stepped over the edge of the road and got into the mud It took about an hour to get her out and In the a part of Mr gramophone was lost Whether that pert of the road is legally pro tected will be Investigated Mr Raise met with a serious accident on Saturday Its when driving Into his own The rig went over the end the culvert and threw Mr out cutting his head and otherwise bruiting him On Wednesday morning Mr J Hills child was stricken with in fantile paralysis and before a doc tor could be summoned it had passed away The oldfashioned teameeting the Methodist church on Monday evening was a great success The proceeds Monday night togeth er with the Sunday collections am ounted to On Sunday some young men sup posed be from Toronto went out through White Hose and shot of Mr fed Lloyds geese three of which they took away with them They- also shot one of Mr tii left a mass containing Hints Ve flint fall to the bottom of the sea where become flat and take an Their color I blue spotted with brown yellow or red stripes They are to manufac ture concrete stone and earthenware and their dust in even employed to make paint powder tons of an nually picked up on the beaches Host of it Ik sent abroad A woman lb Mayor of Kansas and are In State women holding eleo- live two probate court Judges King Ileal crown finish and outs Jos Wells FourthClass in sod under years l Harold Wilson crown finish Ins ami outs Harold Wilson in mens Cooper Vaughan Hoy King McDonald can then the kitchen stairs and about half way down she perceived the lady of the house with three of her child ren before her who crying bitterly while Imploring her hack The doctor In per asked the maidservant Heres the biggest can of easyshining stove polish on the market V Stephens It On ground The Auxiliary of Trinity church will hold a sale of work in the market building on and U They will have all kinds of presents for iaasj and anO handkerchiefs and fishpond for children Refreshments will also be served at Ma Lemon has told his ho tel to a gentleman from Toronto Who will take possession early in Mr preached 1 I Iff a tlirh tut COB It iaUf carry tcl a Ml u- tin it tit r Stephen McAustrey King Percy I farcy Klnx Scott King Martin Kin Win Mc Donald Cooper Ins and Sixth class stubble under years I Walter r own King Wllford Windlass crown Walter Brown finish Walter Heat and outs Windlass Sownth class under years Hoy Wilson Vaughan Harper Wells KIdk Alex Valk Intn King crown Hoy Wilson Roy Wilson Rest Ins and Wells Beet team In sod or Hoy Best groomed and equipped team in mens class and team in Classes Vells Second Third Best team In third class Jo Wells Best going team In stubble looking plowman Hoy Best looking plpwboy Camer on Judges In 1st 2nd on1 Mb classes Nell Wrn In 3rd claBrxa John Black Nelson best and equipment Ifhn Lady Judges Misses Wilson Kefler and a was matter with her mistress Oh sir she replied she is always clown into the wine cellar to brandy and all we can do we cant keep her from it Master has lock ed up the key but she has got an other one made and what to do with her we dont know Muster and the poor children are almost heartbrok en about it The lady hearing the stranger voice turned her head toward it and recognized the doctor A sudden change immediately came over her now rose from her scat and rush- upxtatrs she upbraided htm In the most violent manner Did you see me seated there she said with my children me Imploring me not to Bo Ink the win cellar And who was it taught me to go there It was through you hid your pre- fccriptlotis that I got the habit from no other cause There Is not iri the world a woman more sober than I wan before you attended and taught me to drink I am bringing disgrace upon my and family and I know It and can help it and bate it all the time And all through you I say again Now go out of thly house nev er Bet foot In it again Ah may look hut I mean what more begone and never me see you afiain Exchange tack of bead sod were cold morning poor appetite eye blurred memory etc In tin told hofarcxi I took kinds anil tried I was Induced to consult Dm Knnw l ilivi lost nil taili in IIke ft drowning I commenced the New Method It my life TJio Improvement win like 1 feel the rigor pOlDgthroufh I and I have sod continue to do to GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Oe nd VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS DEBILITY BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and allDUttm to Mid CONSULTATION FREE BOOKS FREE to call for a iUoo Blank for Horn Treatment Cor Michigan Ave and St Detroit Mich All letters from Canada addressed to our Canadian j Windsor If you desire to see ua personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Windior Writ for our fc- making food cako try Mixing ftlmond row flavoring Voodfcn are KWrally or articles require heating or cooked you say let SHOULD KNOW That the alcohol the more liable to contract destructive tu berculosis and That alcohol every form and amount particularly Injurious to children their growing todies and to be witheld from them That the alcohol disturbs mental faculties and markedly In terfere with the ability to receive mental Impression and therefore f bat every of alcohol by artecta unfavorably the Instruction It renders the pupil dltobedlfrnt and refractory That alcohol by weakening centres Involved In reflection ami selfcontrol leads the way open for the Impression of lower impulses That It Is selfevident that by such Conditions the moral nature of the child Is greatly endangered That an energetic campaign against alcohol would open the way for a advance In culture and health That practical cooperation of the teaching fraternity In the Solution of alcohol question is from every standpoint urgently desirable Scrubbing brushes should be when not in use In airy place with the bristles down a R0MPTLY SECURE We solicit the of laccia other who thca4rtaacft of having their ate par Inventors treat I nd Dr YEARS Tnot Marks ff Ac K5giS IriTaotVn ii re tbrouih in US flmerlA TORONTO RETURN or ONTARIO Horticultural Exhibition Tickets good Nov to Inclusive RETURN LIMIT NOV CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLORIDA Return at reduced rates now on sale at any Grand Ticket Full partlculftts from rnjnk Agent address A DUFJfi Toronto J Agent IP YOU ARE GOING TO EH ST OR get rates and a Call on the local agent Through Tr Toronto to Van couver p daily For tickets and Sleepers to ATKINSON ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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