Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , November 10, 1911, p. 6

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AGENT lE ALBERT Annual Sale I FOR MOUNT ALBERT ANNIVERSARY SERVICES In Albert Methodist Church will be conducted on Sunday Dec 3rd by Rev John Locke of Toronto- BAPTISMAL SERVICE On recent Sabbath morning the usual service at the Presbyterian church was preceded by a baptismal service at which no fewer than tysii children were presented for baptism During the past few days the weath er here has been cold and damp The farmers in the neighborhood are busy plowing and getting in their roots Be sure and see one band bills ol the PERSONAL Masters Stewart and Douglas Thompson were guests of their grand father Mr Johnston over the week end The youngsters drove over from Engagement Mr Mrs of Newmarket and Jacksons Point announce the en gagement of thir Miss Ada Maud to Mr Edward John Clark of Toronto Bible The Geneva New Testament The Bishops Bible The Bible Chap- Reader Doris Stephens Speaker Rev A McNeill Citizenship Municipal Government Reader Milne Speaker Max The service at Christ Church on Sunday will be at p The con gregation has been steadily growing for some time and it is hoped this will continue during the winter I I J Local Reeve Charles had a valuable horse die this week We are glad to report that those who suffering from measles are nearly well Mr Jerry Grahams- sale of v BALDWIN months Report SHAKERS r r PRINTS TOWELLINGS COTTONS UNDERWEAR HATS CAPS BOOTS AND SHOES ETC Cost Price FWSMITH Queensville their home at in a cart stock and implements takes place on drawn by a dirninutive Welsh pony j a nova and pretty turnout which atr tracted considerable attention on the street Mr ami Mrs Gates and son of Keswick were guests of he Misses the weekend BRIEFLETS Mr Win Rear proprietor of the hotel has been seriously ill for the past few days fir Horace and family have moved to where they will make their home for the future The books of the Public Library removed this week to the store of Mr Roy Rose who will as librarian The ladies of the Institute now charge oft the library Wednesday the We regret to announce the of Mrs George Crocker of this town She passed away suddenly at her home on Tuesday afternoon We feel sure much- sympathy is felt for the in their day of trouble Mr Sam Was in town on Monday ANNOUNCEMENT On and after Thursday and Friday September and TERRY WILL HAVE HER Fall Millinery DISPLAYED AT The Reliable Store WICK The Increase in General Store Trade strengthens our prospects of a Big Millinery Trade Call early and get just what you want COLES I Lands At HI 00 per acre in Edmonton on easy terms of payment Mount Albert At Mr safe last Saturday Mr Merrick paid for a fine mare Mr Kennedy put up 1200 for another An Unbroken colt sold for Cat tle averaged per head The sale altogether turned In about Fred Graham v as sentenced at St Thomas to ten years In the tor picking pockets The readers of this paper will be learn that there is at least that science has able to cure In all Its stages that Catarrh Halls Catarrh Core la tl positive cure now known to the medical fraternity a constitutional disease a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken upon the Mood mucous surfaces of the system destroying the foundation of disease and giving the patient by building up the and assisting nature In doing Its he proprietors have so faith In curative powers Ota Hundred Dollars any case that it falls to cure tor list of testimonials Co Halls FaAlly Pills for SCHOOL REPORT Room I Honor list for October Names are in order of merit Leila Woodcock Donald Ross Ruth Gordon Kenneth Smith Jr Vera Dyke Lila An- Will son Annie John Draper Clifford Kightley I Bruce Ross Arthur Evelyn Cook Ren Manners Jr I Edna Dike James Rolling Primer Class A Evelyn West Nor man Smith Ralph Crouch Class Jessie Hansford Willie Draper Ada Crouch Willert Charlie Morton- Deportment perfect Ruth don Walter Draper Madill John Draper Bruce Ross Honors Alice A Metzgar Donald Ross Clifford Evelyn Cook Gordon Wagg Arthur Charlie Allen Average attendance I SUTTON Fire The house belonging to Lem Welsh who is working in the city was burnt to the ground on Tuesday night the cause of the fire is unknown Everyone around town was sorry hear of the death of Magis trate which took place at Toronto last week Mr James Lyons of Virginia who is oh a visit to his son at Marie was expected home on Wednes day- night Lantern Lecture Rev Jesse Gibson Toronto Sec retary of the Upper Canada Bible Society pave his lecture entitled With the Bible from the Capo to Cairo on Tuesday evening There was not a large audience ow ing to the unfavorable weather but those who were there thoroughly en joyed the views of Africa and the lecturers address Rev A Sinclair was elected president for the coming year Mr Alex Grant reelected secretary The executive committee are Mrs Miss Pringle and Miss Camer on The collection up although a very bad night was between five and six dollars Man About Town Tho Halloween party given by the Misses passed off with great eclat It was unanimously pronounc ed fine especially the refreshments Mrs John Oldham is very sjowly from her long illness She is yet only able sit up a few minutes at a time Our juvenile sports arc on the war path these days Our pond is haunted Dark objects are seen intently straling along its banks Bang Bang you bear and the spirits move out over the waters and gather in the sometimes Bruce Riddel is the champion in this game Mr Roy Tomlinson is moving back to Baldwin from London the metro polis of the wild and west where he went to seek his fortune He saw a silver lining to the cloud hut it was quicksilver and eluded his A thictongueil gent flim- him to the of grasp flammed Auction sales are on every days program and Messrs K ester and are showing oil their spouting abilities The funeral of the late Win was a large repre sentative one on Wednesday after noon of last week The chief mourn ers present were his daughters Misses Olive and Mary Tomlinson Mrs Geo Wat ton and his sisters Mrs Harry Park Port Perry and Mrs Scott His sister Mrs Report No Scott lop October- Oldham Carrie Harrison Willie Stokes Amy Brooks Ill Flossie Brooks Oldham Pearly Brooke Cain Beaver Sr Olive Mai prize Clar ence Johnston Olive Johnston Nor man Oldham Viola Jr Laura Oldham Kenneth Stiver Marion Stokes Murray Stokes Donald Stiver Ewart Main- prize Daisy Austin Corner Sr Julia Sr I Daisy Broad Gladys Brooks Gladys Corner Kenneth Stanley Cain Norman Cor ner I Etta Stokes Tablet Florence Stiver Andrew Main prize Minnie Not Wain Stiver Bain Roy teacher Sec 5N for Pupils examined on Literature Ge ography Spelling Reading Drawing j banish sick complexion and the evil effects of coruupauon 25 a at all dtugguU Drug Co of Canada Limited i When you want to make a PAYING takeover Gilt Edged Proposition and when that INVESTMENT the Direction of let us show what we have that we may to you their SUPERIOR VALUE We fca the Best Stock at the Best Value I Writing and Conduct Absent for or ever oRered In Heavy Shirtings we are STRONG These are PARTICULARLY more exams 117 Roy V- Class Harold Ada Stiles Jr Earl Morton 2 III Lizzie Hamilton 1 Pearl Stiles Gladstone- York -Hcr- Iman Ada Edwards I Alma Sweet 111 Jr III Hamilton Marjorie Stiles his brother Geo Mitchell Elmer Tomlinson Port Huron Miss Cora Tomlinson and his only son Edmund New Ontario were un able to bo present Will Stevensons threshing- outfit under command of Wesley Riddel is making a thorough cleanout of the bams in this neighborhood Hamilton Barter Wilbcrt Vera 121 Sheppard 103 No definiie total lass Johnston OS worth 117 Mary lrec Morton lift Gladys Carl Anderson Rhea Barker 318 Wight Jdo Kay veteran tax col- Harold Pollard Grace Tay- is his annual tramp Can any municipality boast Eirst Rook Viola York Miss Myrtle Hamilton of visiting sister Mrs Percy Miss Edna of Bradford was the guest or Miss Annie Wright over the weekend M Mr Norman Stevenson of Toronto visited his Miss Cain over Sunday and Monday Miss Gray Mr Walter Gray Laurel anil Mr Oscar Johnston guests at Mrs Gilbert jstons over Sunday The Anniversary Services in the On Sunday were I well attended The sermons by Rev Geo Lawrence of Bond Head weni both inspiring music by mental Choir was excellent and the Personal Mibs Spears and end of Toronto Were visiting Mr and Mrs Mc Kay over the weekmd Mr Grose of Keswick was in town on Wednesday Miss Margaret Phillipsol Toronto is visiting her parents Mrs Roy Torn I ins on and children are staying with Mr Mrs aid Riddel Egypt The Misses Osborne and Mr Percy Osborne were at Keswick day Miss Atkinson of Toronto has been Staying week with Mr Mrs George Brooks Miss Minnie ol Union- Se ville Stayed lye with MrJT- greatly enjoyed and much and Mrs Allen such a faithful servant John Miller King John and Queen Anne has purchased a a Brownhill Clifford Hamilton Lillife Mabel palace in jVandeberg Everett Sweet 202 Malcolm Heavy English Medium Light Colors Re in Flannelette Medium Light Colors Reg in Heavy Medium Light Colors 31 in- Heavy White Reg He for Heavy Dark Shirting Reg and He for lie yard Lined Shirting Extra Good Value at 15c A Heavy Dark plaid Shirting Reg for card for for 10c for me WE HAVE THAT Lovely Table Syrup on Tap v Ever so much NICER that you and at LESS MONEY too HAVE BEEN Try Some BUYING in linn lie Convinced J QUEENSVILLE An honest man Frank has a rare gold coin a I Iove which Ik treasures day recently by an oversight Hamilton Taylor Tom- ate hut won Mi he passed it out as ten cents pay ment oi wages to his hired man farm had been given him by his A I be Marguerite Shaw Ruth before death By breaking the will as a curio Belle Philips Vandcherg forfeited the from the n Taylor Tom- jt ate hut won the full title to the my Stephens Primer Eddie Mitch Warren I woodcraft for several ton Gladys Ruth Rev was Id the city on Tuesday attending the Presbytery Mrs Duncan Grant of Cobalt is vis iting Mr James Earl Mr Mike Nolan Toronto was at his home it Virginia over Sunday Mr Chalmers of Renfrew was visiting his mother at Lake Shore I Chalmers has hotn HI for some Miss Griffin was the guest of Miss lean this Mr Fred Williams of Toronto home last week Mr and Mrs V Crocker and child of Toronto home to Mrs Crockers funeral Mr of the visiting relatives and friends at this week hie Frank lilvetwell was In the on Wednesday Mr Donald Grant vai at fn Monday Mr Vida Earl were at Newmarket week Thorn Toronto who has staying with Miss Jean baa returned home fthufe Toronto spent weekend Miss Pearl Evans Mr and Mrs Keith were the guest of and Arthur this week j ri Mews We are glad to ay that tfce lraVrn are headway at the appreciated The inclement weather on Monday greatly Interfered with the attendance at the Fowl Supper but the program and supper which followed were Rev Mackenzie of the Christian Church Newmarket was a very wit ty chairman Introduced the df Items program with spi cy remarks The speeches by Rev Ross who handled subject of the Cartridge Box very ably Br Firth who told us of the different styles of Ballot Box Mr Jackson who gave Idea of the work of our Mall Box and Rev R J ftimpson who dealt with woman the crea ture has made wearer of the contents of the Band Box were very Interesting and Instructive Miss Williams clear sweet voice was heard to good advantage In and The Old Green Isle Mr the possessor of a fine baritone voice greatly plea sod the with selections A good reading by Mrs McNeill and an an them the choir completed one of the best for a long time It was regretted that three the bent numbers were omitted owing lateness of the hour Henry lldill As soon as Henry dis covered the error he returned the coin and received the bosss blessing Uncle Owl has been bis muscles in weeks down In Whippoorwill Glen and thereby broadening the scope of Uncle far away to sunny south It gives ono a most prodigious appetite Which it takes whole pumpkin pie to Our local hunters were completely beaten out by the coons and failed to get a solitary one Master M and Miss turned in and put them to shame as they have each secured a coon hy trapping Eddie Barker Stanley Murray Barker Harris Wight Present Every Day Lizzie ton limmie Hamilton Irene- Mor- York farm Era for 15c till Jan 1st to The success a meat pie or pud ding depends on the meal being well cooked and tender the gravy rich and properly seasoned and the frost audi digestible Send th ERA to absent friend If You arc Not at Your Best dont It In Get letter If your stomach 1 wrong your liver arid are on tod your Impure He cfacerrul cd As the helped of A will you will give the help it A Aqua make Kt fading and help you all the line to a cleat- from urn in to healthy active organs remedy will help Restore Your Full Report of School Cain Mary Lewis Frank Mabel Marie I jr Coomr Nellie Milr Bert Rote Ada Wright Henry Long- fM Cain Millie Miller May Robins Book Alma Thompson Lulu Elmer Miller Mildred Halter Ronald Mr Flossie Wright ins Present ttiy day Maty Lewis Frank Mil- palter Ronald Bennett Ella Teacher fa I- Program of the League Nov ft Studies in Bible Biography Reader Nelson Vrlght City Missions Luke A J and Reader Dan Moore SpeakerElla Milne and Social VetllotW Close to The Great to BALDWIN Death of Mr W A well and favourably known resi dent this neighborhood quietly pas- away at his home Baldwin on Saturday morning Oct 28th Al though in- had been ailing for some time death was not expected and It tame a shock the and neighborhood Deceased was born In North County in the year 1840 and was years old He married Bessie of Barrier years ago who departed from two years and two months previous to lh death of her husband Four daugh ters and one son also four brothers and three listers arc left to their loss Deceased was well known In muni cipal life having assessed Township thirtyone years and was holding trie office Of our school for the year at time of death also ustlce of Peace for the pant six years He WM a staunch Conservative In politics and being a man of Influence and ability wan a good worker for bin party In relig ion was Episcopalian and regular attendant ol St Church He was a kind and neigh bor and was liked by all who knew Mm HOLLAND LANDING Rev A McNeil will preach ipr- sermon In tho Methodist Church next evening oclock to Canadian Order Chosen- Friends A large attendance- expected The ol the Christ Church Guild have arranged to hold a Saws age Social in the Public School Hall on Tuesday evening Sup per vlll be served from to o clock after which an will given consisting of music and songs and the of an amusing comedy In throe enti tled a ol Monkeys by talent and by friends from Newmarket and Toron- I Average Attendance Cert rude fen cher Revolution in China Pckin Nov The Legations cn- that the end of the Munch dynasty is imminent- There seems no of saving even a throne The provinces north of the are now declaring for a republic The only force Of troops largo enough to cope with the local situation are but there are indications tonight will be surrounded heore days by Chinese Where the court will take refuge is a question There are evidences that the court Intftided proceed to Kan Troops guarding the route to that town which lies In the province of miles northwest of were expected to dynamite the tunnel after the passage the train hearing the Emporer and household Re ports have now been received that Chang Kla Is unsafe American soldiers with a supply ol skyrockets were Kent to each outly ing mission compound today The has advised the Americans come Into the quarter or seek othnr places of safety A concerted attack upon tlie foreigners Is not feared but are many within the city who are opposed to foreigners Who educated In Jap an and Was believed to be a pathlzer with the revolutionary movement has been at Shi Kal Chang Thirty Mancbu sol diers rushed Into the tent where lie was sleeping and murdered the Gen eral who had been deposited and placed under arrest had secretly gone over to the revolutionists and was hot raying the Manchus The of Wu was followed fighting between the Mancbu and Chinese troops Several officers and men on both sides were killed Chang ShaoTsn who was appointed by Imperial edict as envoy to proceed to the Yang Tie provinc es to the people- has de- the appointment saying that he preferred remain his own troops at Lanchau National Asembl- Yuan Shi as Prime Minister of China OB BANK HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Osier MP President Matthews VicePresident CAPITAL RESERVE TOTAL A branch of this Hank will be established In London England 1st July next at This Branch will Issue letters of credit and drafts in all Im portant points in Canada negotiate bills sent for collection make telegraphic transfers and transact every description banking trainees Information will be furnished on all Canadian matters A spe cial department will he provided for the use of visitors and bearers of our letters of credit C A Manager on Plctoh Nov At the here Albro M Trenton suc ceeded in breaking the will of bis lather the late Nostrand Sprague Deceased died In an es tate valued at to his daughter Mrs Richard Duke Toron to and a son Dr Perth Albro vaa willed the life tenure a farm on Island worth 5350 and In succeeded In that thU SUTTON WEST Copying Framing A DOBLE Enlarging A E MILLER Farms for Sale Business Places If Buying or Selling Write Us J mile from wlllirnbury Tp not far from a I good market Town bind level and a rich clay loam MO under cul tivation acres swamp roomed frame house bank barn and other out building rural mall delivery elec tric line mile away On very easy terms acres mile from and miles Stoullvlllc acres under- cultivation acre orchard roomed stone house hank bams Implement hous and piggery Terms down balance arrang ed acres miles from good soil under cultivation win- tor grain all In and ploughing done barns on each lot good frame house 2 acre orchard plenty o water all In good repair Oct our terms court land all cleared and under cultivation rich clay loam soil land level two good wells windmill wa ter forced to house and stables 12 bank good stalling other outlwlldlngs all in good repair Terms down balance arrange at per cent i from Sunderland So acres under I tlvatlon balance In pasture and tim ber small orchard clay loam land slightly rolling barn and other outbuildings cash balance arranged- ST miles from haven clav loam well No waste soil our torms Purchasers buy stock and Implements acres in of County York miles from Mt Albert mile from church from Post all cleared acres under cultivation good clay loom soil acre of bearing orchard plenty of good water comfortape log house good hank barn 3d and ottter outbuildings 500 arid balance arranged We have a number clients to exchange Western Ian lands Have louso hip rooed to ofler Real Estate Brokers I 1 i HIVES OF 1 1

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