I i J Robertson Barrister Notary Public Ac OfficeMain St Newmarket i SIT loan on good Farm curity prank meeting on Monday even ing Nov in Society Hall over Hank of Montreal is AND COLLECTOR tion of officers lot 1912 a full aW tendance is requested Bolton He practical Pinter PaperHanger House Decorator- DENCBCornct Streets Notwithstanding the attractions Niagara and the Fair and the approach of Thanks giving holidays the Ladies Aid or the Off Clank Methodist Church cleared over at their Talent Sale last Friday after noon Main Street DENTIST Newmarket Brleflets i J Leghorn Buff Sellers 2nd J Archie Leghorn White Em- 3rd Wesley VG P Leghorn White J 2nd Archie 3rd Cecil A mantle of the beautiful cover ed the ground last Friday morning Newmarket Fair just missed it Three more candidates joined the or Wilkinson jSS Ladies Curling Club At Home last night A new departure in the Fair Ground last was lady constable Did you see her First touch of winter last Friday morning when a mantle of the was thrown over everything jjyrnan Issuer of MARRIAGE it the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private if desired NEWMARKET Very Successful two concerts held in the Town Hall on the last two nights of the Black Squire 2nd Geo Close Black HenG Lee 2nd Geo Close white Cock Cros by White Hen Gib 2nd Crosby Buff Cock 2nd S Sellers Huff Hen 1st and 2nd Sellers Black Cock- Mann 2nd J Orphington Black Hen 1st 2nd Mann Polish Mann Polish Hen Sellers Rock barred Cock 1st and 2nd Archie 3rd A Hocking Plymouth Rock hatred- Hen 1st 2nd Archie 3rd Robert A Hocking Plymouth Hock Buff Cock Archie bably been in tending to try Red Tea for some time but from force of habit have lust kept on using another tea S Break the Habit and buy Red Rose next time Plymouth Rocks Leo Rhode Island Red named E Richardson Black Spanish named J as P i I SOLO IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN a rtnn did her part well while Monuments and Headstones Fair under the auspices the Ag- 2nd RH Crosby ricullural Society attended Hen H with much success The Highland- 2nd Annie Band gave splendid selections etc- I he little Highland dancer before ordering elsewhere It Plymouth Rock white Cock A A 2nd Lee Plymouth Rock white Hen Sel lers 2nd A A Ma com son Red Caps Hen A Hill Rhode Is Red Cock Sellers 2nd Dr S J Boyd WB Graduate In medicine of Toronto J also Licentiate of the Presentation Toronto was very favorably received Miss Rita Irwin accompanying him a proficient manner The pro- peals of the two were Roveoomb Cock Bunt Reid 2nd Richardson Hen 1st 2nd Lanshan Mann Pullet Mann Leghorn B Cockerel Seders 2nd Hunt Leghorn Pullet Sellers 2nd Hunt Cockerel Archie 2nd Geo Close- 3rd Barber GRAIN AND SEEDS White winter wheat P 2 Stephens Red winter wheat ens Wild goose wheat Young T Stephens- WARE STORE it Sir rowed barley T Steph- ens AOC No 21 barley Steph ens Black oatsT Stephens Young White oats Young Stephens Large peas Young Stephens Small white peas T Steph ens Young Blue peas T Stephens Buckwheat Stephens 2 Ed Johnston Yellow corn Young White corn U Young White beans large U Young W Stephens White beans small W Stephens Sellers Beans W Stephens Red clover seed R S Young clover seed Timothy seed S Sellers MANUFACTURERS Team J Single buggy harness J You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line of- a PSi Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc a mmm NEWMARKET Leiorn bull 2 J 2nd R Crosby 3rd J Single coupe harness J Wtt Royal College Physicians and mem- the past summer one the Richardson Cortege Surgeons lie Methodist Sunday I Spanish Black Cock J Former clinical assistant Mr A Harris a of Trent rfoorflelde Eye Hospital and College Kar Nose and Throat Hospital London England Leghorn brown Cockerel 1st 2nd Archie 3rd S Sel lers Leghorn brown Pullet 1st 2nd Archie Empringham Sellers Leghorn white 2nd 1st 2nd the teachers Miss Laura I Spanish Black 2nd S and one of Ibc members of Trent the KpwoTthIeagueKsecutive Mr Law- wWt Office Cor Main and Timothy j entered into- the tie 2nd R Crosby monial state A few days com- Hen Or J Telephone No from the Sunday School and 2nd Crosby Cogitation Hours the homes the Golden Scl eral parties and presented each will Golden Hen 1st 2nd i s services may be had at any ecu el the or night by calling at the or phone G Time Card GOING NORTH P Toronto Newmarket 250 705 Wi appreciation of their services and forj Sellers future The first two silver Cock 1st 2nd seta of silver cutlery GOING SOUTH a p Hie teachers and officers of the School the tbird with three pieces of cut glass from the league Convention At the convention in Toronto last month Mr Walter Rolling King took up the subject the Fifth Class 620 work in Rural School advocating Newmarket 50 Toronto Furnace Work of Our Specialties the Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS SOUS Next to Smiths Grocery that it was a shame on the schools of Ontario to turn a boy out the public school as soon as lie had pass ed the entrance He had successfully taught a fifth in a rural school for arid considered it a ratter than a hindrance the re mainder the fcchool One of the most profitable hours of the Convention was the topic Some J Cochin bun Cock 1st 2nd W Wyandotts silver Hen 1st 2nd white Cock flarnet 2nd 1 3rd Geo 2rd white Hen Garnet Tri 2nd Geo 3rd Hunt Reid Cock Sellers 2nd Hunt Langshan Hen Sellers 2nd BUnt Reid Any other variety Cock Archie Empringham 2nd Any other Variety Hen Archie 2nd Sellers Game Cock Bunt Red 2nd CI J Lawrie Game Hen Bunt 2nd 2nd Archie 3rd black Cockerel Richardson 2nd Squires- Minorcas Pullet 1st 2nd Squires white Cockerel Crosby white Pullet 1st 2nd R Crosby huff Cockerel Sel lers black Pullet 1st difficulties I have mot with in which of the teachers present took part stating difficulties he or she had had or giving plans that had teen successful in overcoming diffi culties experienced by others Mr Mulloy I explained the donation towards the of Physical Culture Mil- Drill ad Rifle Com petition in public schools The Exec utive were authorized to devise a plan Cochin huff 2nd W partridge 1st 2nd Crosby Cochin white Cock It Cros by Cochin white- Hen 1st 2nd ft Crosby Cock H 2nd Bedroom furniture N J Road- Diningroom furniture J Parlor suite J Farm waggon Blizzard 2 Blizzard Single 2 T waggon Blizzard Road waggon rubber tires 2 J Democrat Blizzard Cutter J 2 Bliz zard Ag implements J Trench DAIRY PRO DOCK Crock lbs butter by Blizzard and Willis Ten lbs butter in lb by J Hill and Willis lbs butter in lb rolls by Parr Crock lbs butter by George Leslie Mrs Gilbert Johnston 10 lb roll butter by J Crock lbs butter by J Mil- lardMrs Fetch lbs butter in lb rolls by P J J 10 lb roll butter by Mrs Ed Johnston lbs butter in lb rolls by and Willis 10 lbs butter in lb rolls by Buckle and Willis lbs butter in 1 lb rolls by Jas Morrison R and Willis lb crock butter George Wright Co and Willis lb crock butter by A and Willis lb crock butter by J El- Rhode Is Red 2nd vWge- and Polish Cockerel Mann Polish Pullet Mann 2nd ft Richardson Ply Rock buff Cockerel Archie 2nd J Lawrie Ply Rock Pullet 1st 2nd Archie Ply Rock barred Cockerel 1st 2nd Archie 3rd Bunt Ply Rock barred Pullet J Proctor 2nd 3rd Robt A Hacking Ply Rock white Cockerel 1st 2nd A P A MaUomson 3rd Bunt Reid Ply Rock- white 2nd A P A Malcomson 3rd Bunt Reid J Large Stock to Select From AT THE I Toronto Jobbing House WANTED- A LIVE For Newmarket And surrounding District to ill Stock for The Nurseries More Trees will be In Kail of Hill and of ever be fore in history of Ontario The Orchard of the future will best paying part of farm men ship Tree Culture Promts in Can Made permanent Territory fttONE TORONTO for distribution of Yorks Seabright Hen 2nd R If snare Crosby for I Hi were Any other variety Cornell Newmarket 2nd filers Any variety Hen G J Trench Rich- mood Hill McDonald Ail- A neon as mottled Cockerel harrlson mottled 1st A- 2nd firahmas Cockerel Hunt Reid Executive Committee Mr Aurora Miss Holla day New market Mr MISS Pearson Aurora Jrd I J Crosby Pullet 1st 2nd ill Crosby Cochin Hull Cockerel 1st Hellers Rhode Ik Red Pullet 1st 2nd Sellers Cockerel 2nd 2nd Lee Spanish Black Cockerel 1st a 2nd Trent Spanish black 2nd Trent null Cockerel J Lawrie huff 1st it 2nd J Golden 2nd Richardson Golden Pullet 1st 2nd W silver Cockerel Wyandotts siller Pullet 1st 2nd Presentation Last Thursday evening about young people gathered it uff 2nd the home of Mr J Willis to say Lawrie farewell to Willis as he was- Partridge A tor Toronto After play- Laurie 2nd Crosby ling some- games and having a live- PartrWgc pullet Mqnn lime A Mackenzie read 2nd f following address- Crosby Newmarket Oct ion Wo Mr Kdgar Willis W Richardson Crosby 2nd IV Dear Brother You are soon to j Game Cockerel Crosby leave tbe secucstereil walks 2nd lbs butter In lb rolls by I J and Willis lb roll butter by Geo Has- Ruckle lbs butter in lb rolls Stephens lbs butter in lb printsMrs A R Evans DOMESTIC PRODUCTS Preserved Gooseberries Millard Preserver currants Mrs R Hatch Mrs J Partridge Coll canned fruit Mrs V Young Mrs Mrs Wil frid Orange marmalade Mrs Wilfrid Geo Millard Raspberry Jam Mrs Mrs Strawberry jam Mrs L Bog- art Mrs Howard Cane Coll of JelliesMrs Young Mrs P Grape Wine Mrs Gardner n c Have Hand a Large of White Pine Norway Hemlock etc to Order Special Wyandotts fi Johnston Peter 1 cock Mrs Gardner white Pullet Geo Has- Vinegar Mrs R 2nd Mrs P 3rd J Hatch Mm Wilfrid Tomato Catsup Pair Chicks for Market Mrs Lee 2nd J Proctor John 1 A other Variety Cockerel I M 2nd Crosby Any other Variety PuletR J l Croahy 2nd Continued on Sash Flooring Moulding All Kinds of work Ash and Georgia Pine Run to Order Dressing Resawlng Sticking Turning and AH Such Work the 1 Boyds Livery hope when you are engaged in In the city that your inter ests will be Just as great along r to Horses moral and spiritual lines as they J I we have added an FOR AT TEND of year r in been here shall be glad to hear of your further progress in the line chosen career arid although may not have the privilege meeting With you as often in the future as we have done In lie pant we hoot to see you often and enjoy trie pleasure your fel lowship and now in token of our goodwill and frlendisMo for you we the Society peg you to accept this of brushes and may and Geese A 2nd human body have their In a disordered stomach Our experience with Tablets us believe them FOB SALE- sry form fcult the be told Ite it on the farm Apply to W Kra for till Jan 1st r 7 bis good providence g ou rite for ROW In ell life on behalf of the Rev A Mackenzie Mr Mr Russell Mr Waiter Graham Cora Miss Collins After the reading of the ad dress and Mr Willi reply re Pigeons 2nd J Rrouffhlou Pigeons Carriers J f to he among the most dependable 2nd rcmtllcs known for the relief of in- Tails A A Mai- chronic dyspepsia The 2nd Arthur ingredients are Soothing and healing Parlor Arthur Inflamed membranes of the 2nd It A Hacking atomach They are in You Save bare leg tumblers Arthur 2nd It A Hacking Pigeons Tumblers J Mo- ah Guinea J Rabbits 1st 2nd A Hill Hares 1st 2nd A Rest Cock Runt Reid Rest Hen 1 Rest Cockerel Archie licit the greatest digestive aids known to medicine The relief afford Is very prompt Their use persistency regularity for a short time tends to bring about a cessation of pains caused all stomach disorders Tablets help to Insure healthy appetite to aid thus- ironmtc nutrition An evfdenceiol our sincere In Tablets we ask you to try them at our If they do give yon Eggs named Cochin p Pence Dorkings Lee lame named Me entire satisfaction will return monev without question or formality They come prices HIM Rernctn- you can obtain only at our store The Rexall Store R Newmarket It is amazing how many steps you save In the course of a day to say nothing of time if you have a telephone When you have worked around the house all day you find the telephone a most welcome laborsaver Who would bo without telephone ser vice Our twoparty line service costs less than cnt8 a day SEE OUR LOCAL MANAGER in in I rt1 giffe The Bell Telephone Company OF CANADA I OF ONTARIO TORONTO