Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , November 3, 1911, p. 1

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MANY PEOPLE Wave eye troubles who suspect it- They try medicines etc the proper cure is GLASSES will test your TGWATSOH and Graduate Optician The Era ia acknowledged to be the Beat Leading County as well as being the Oldest in York County WATSONS jewelry Store if a G JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON AssistantEditor J Newmarket Ont Friday Nov 3 I No- Copies each THE GRAVITY WASHER Saves Womens Lives Makes Washday a Pleasant Day New and Practical Idea Oar Toronto letter In a quarrel between two young wo men on Elm street the other day one slashed the other with a butcher- knife and had to be taken to the hospital where nineteen stitches were retiuirL The offender was arrested- has been received that when the next attempt is mace to People on the Grounds the Last Day People who hive travelled and many who have exhibited at the principal Judged by P Hicks Lapp A Pigsley LEICESTER SHEEP Aged 2nd J Ram one 2nd R Armstrong Ram Lamb 2nd Pinder Aged Ewe 2nd R Yearling Ewe 1st 2nd J Pin- YEARS AGO i a From Nov fly across the Atlantic Canada will County Fairs in this Province were more than usual interest An free to admit that the Fair held at aviation expedition is to start in a J Newmarket last week was about the few weeks from Atlantic City biggest and best rural fair held Spring Colt or Gelding or 2rs oldFred J and Mr of Toronto is to be among the passengers Mr is president of the Ontario son 2nd Grant Oldham Yearling Gelding Fitly J A Cody 2nd Tansley Turnout tires Ben The entries numbered nearly 5C0 2nd Hiram Potter and the gate receipts on tle last day Turnout steel tires J H Prcctor Over 5000 washers in use in Toronto alone Think This Over How did your Mother do the washing With a Washboard How Grandmother wash With a Washboard How did your GreatGran I mother wash With the of Course Going still further back they washed with wooden Pounder Well instead of going back or standing still why should you not go forward Pounder was good enough before the washboard came In And tire washboard was good enough before the Washing Machine was invented Nov the washboard is as much out of date as the Pounder and the Spinning Wheel or other of the olden times The washboard way is the slow hard wearing way Hard on the back bad for the hands wearing on the nerves making muscles and sore is why the Gravity Washer has been instantaneous success is growing the favor of women everywhere Because it saves all this labor ard annoyance by doing the washing year Tire and Rubber Co of Ca- amoioted to nearly The exhibit of Heavy sur- Word comes from Winnipeg that passed anything ever shown hero he- George Brown who abducted Miss fore but Light Horses were a little Gladys Price the school- j deficient in quantity v has been sentenced to eight There was a good show of cattle years in the penitentiary at but the quality was not quite lip to Davis When Mrs Courtney of Oriljtte standard presumably on account Single in lia died in this city she left to short pasturage J A Son each of four sisters with the Never was there such a collection Brood Son of sheep before and the quality Colt or A Boag was A 1- Breeders were here from of viso that if the sisters found the were go to not the 2nd A Davis Ram Lamb P Son Two Year Old 2n t Aged Thomi son 2nd P Yearling apt Brv ynton Son CARRIAGE HORSES 2nd Wrn 1 Span P Jeffrey 2nd Lamb J l 2nd Thcmpson Walker SHROPSHIRE SWEEP Aged Ram Thos 2nd J Ram shear 1st 2nd Thomas Rev lachlan Taylors lectures in jthe Methodist Church on Egypt and the Holy Land delighted large and attentive audiences during the- week On account of ill health Dr Sey mour is making a visit to sonic health sesorts in the States During this year the Corporation has constructed feet of- sidewalk six feet wide and 1518 of fourfoot sidewalk without increasing the tax shear Wm Thompson Jolm Graham occasion this 2nd R SHEEP Aged Ram P WBoynton Son 2nd J Ram one 2ml Son A parish priest of Mayo Ire- points outside the County and all Hall land for amongst the exhibitors were in their Ram Lamb Hail 2nd J poor Mrs Courtneys death occur- 1 praise of the new huildi or Am i liaR red ayear ago and the has pjga tire of which Black- been advertising for the sisters or lowed free of charge Visitors too I Stalljon yrs over J A Boag heirs Some nineteen People commented favorably upon the enter- on Yearling Ewe Hall 2nd J prise of the Board of Directors in Stallion 2 J A Boag Son week to thank customers who have patronized his Utilitarian Store next door to Mr Millards cabinet Main St Ed Note This was located in a building which then occupied the site of the brick store lately occupied by the Reform Com mittee Jr has a twocol umn letter about the Town Hall in reply to Dr J J Hunter Whitchurch Society prize list appears in this issue of the Era fur nished by J a red Lloyd Secretary- Treasurer pro The slow was admitted to he the best ever held presented claims from the arid from Mayo Ireland have from Here is the reported experience of a lady who spent the holidays down at a seashore watering place This is awkward I flirted with a young this respect Nearly every visit in new building was occupied it was a pleasure to pass through The expansion of the poultry busi ness in this secUoi of the country was manifest by over entries J Brood Mare Hall Draught Mare On rein A Evans Filly Imp or Can 1st 2nd J A Son Yearling Filly J A Boag Son CANADIAN DRAUGHT HOUSES 1 PHONE HARDWARE NEWMARKET man at the senshore and we I large building filled to overi Stallion over pretended to be rich Now find flowing Simpson lives in our city Bui you he lives in neednt see him if you dont care Jo I cant hIp very well seeing him sometimes It seems he collects the payments on our piano OXFORD DOWN SHEEP Aged Lamb J A Ram one shear J A CcrswelL Ram Lamb I A Cerswell 2nd J Crone A Son I Aged Ewe fit 2nd J A well Yearling Ewe 1st 2nd J A The Banko Toronto Joint Deposit Accounts Many of our customers are Joint Savings Accounts The money can be withdrawn by either of the parties at any time without delay or by surrlvor should one die Interest Is paid from the day the money Is deposited and continues to the day It Is withdrawn NEWMARKET BRANCH FIELD MANAGER In the implement section Mr Yearling- Stallion Ryerson Grant of Albert had a very at- 2nd Thos Watts tractive exhibit A engine Harness Bert Starr of iniquo design which generated its Crake R A 2nd J own electricity and cooled the cylin- Brood Mare W CI Fans 2nd A Son One seeking without the use of water was it I pointnents to the nursing stall of driving a New Idea Manure Spreader Colt or Church the Public Schools of Ibis commanded tire attention of the 2nd Hoi borne I Aged Ram Lemon farmers The engine is manufactured Yearling Gelding or Filly Ayefs- at is the best we Grant 2nd Bert Starr I one shear Union 2nd Homework is too common The East York Poultry Show week held in the Aberdeen Rink was have yet the hist ever Over entries the class of birds shown was to some of our best poultry fanciers Twenty challenge cups were offered in addition to regular prizes Gelding or Filly 2 seen in that line The Spreader is made in Ohio and the 2ml Jno Canadian Depot is at Hamilton Mr Cart Horse 1st A 2nd closed orders for the Spring Colt or Filly Spreader so well pleased were the Grose 2nd A Evans- farmers with its construction Mare with Thru- Offspring S Some of the birds changed hands at I Everything seemed to show ad- Eraser astonishing pair was sold vantage in the Main Building ard all Stiillion or over J day long streams of pCOJle passed in A Son Fred a milk dealer of Da- and all well pleased with the AGRICULTURAL HORSES visville was seriously injured on J Thursday of last week by being run into by an automobile while driving his milk wagon along street The auto got badly smashed A mats chorus is being organized show mark Work When we first passed I he work was in the hands of the judges but after they got through and tic exhibit was properly Aycrs Ram Lamb 1st 2nd S Lemon Aged 2rd Alfred Avers Yearling EweAlfred Aycrs 2nd Ewe Lamb 1st 2nd Alfred Avers SPECIAL Fat Ewe Alfred Aye 2nd John Crone Son Fat Wether W 2nd J well pleased with the shall have to correct a re- otter 2nd A last week about the Lad- Williamson I est Flock Thompson 1st 2nd J A MareBell Bros Spring Colt or Grose 2nd A Evans I Yearling Monkman 25 YEARS AGO From Era Nov 5 On Tuesday opening last officers were installed for the current quarter in the Royal Templars by S Cane assisted by J S Dales The office members were Thos Brad- as T W secretary Dr Scott treasurer L Lehman chaplain Mr I Wright has secured Mr Kcitchs old stand on Main street to make an exhibition of stores Pybus has mafic raise of a dandy new sign Mr EdmuAd is slicking up his front fence again It gets a coat of paint every fall and looks neat all the year round There were fil cases on the Division Court docket when Judge Morgan took his seat on the bench last Fri day During the past month bar rels of Hour bushels of Barley bushels of oats car of wheat 2 cars of woodenwarc head cattle and other merchandise were shipped from Newmarket Depot The first meeting of the North York voices in connection with the tire display was found to be Y the view of holding thy A great praise There wen- al- for men after the re- most MO entries in this department are over on the largest ever made and the work as a whole was exceedingly choice Among the guests on the grounds a church services Sabbath evenings The story of AttorneyGeneral acceptance of a judgeship the last day of the Fair were South End Lumber Yard of Mr taking his ntarv Mr J j place in the Cabinet is Armstrong M P and Mr nied Ill- M P P oxwarden living in Parliament Sutton Reeve Willoighby of was up before the Police Ma- Keswick Reeve Thompson Holland I 20Foot Ladders 200 Loads Cut Kindling Wood 4Foot Mixed Slabs Saturday on a bigamy charge fift wife it is alleged J Deputy lives in Sew York City Remanded fillips for a week Mr will pie- Landing Reeve Smith Fafrbarn of Sliaron Deputy of King Reeve Reeve Poote of Whitchurch Aurora Clarke Gelding or Filly old M Cain 2nd T Shrnpshire Yearling Gelding or Filly John Lucky GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES in Harness A Wallace 2nd Marvin Hedge Mare Thos Brown 2nd W Harrison Spring Colt or Fitly Harri son 2nd Thos Brown Gelding or Filly old John 2nd Yearling Gelding or Team driven by hop A BOW Lemon Fred in P Pearson On Church BOWSER AMD BISHOP -r- Bide at Assies which opens here Markluim Deputy of week Reeve Cameron of Vaughan Reeve A youth ten yVars old residing of Deputy avenue playing with toy of Nigh Wallace 1 Best Walking Team Dennis a a New Fall Materials Are In kOOVJodge of what le worn this HMO Ve invito to look over we you will this slock fall of you buy for let you engine left the out of bottle an explosion small fire Doyle who say he has no home was run over by a Grand Trunk freight train at Princess street crossing He was taken to bo where it was found to amputate a of Reeve Watson of York Deputy Barker Deputy of York Tp The of the Mil Highlander Band of Toronto the last two days of the Fair and at both concert Was appreciated No than automobiles were counted on grounds at once and there were four morn on Che streets A Pole named Philip who at hhe same time Where did they all was jammed between two freight cars come On the last Friday later died TAHJR PHONE MAIN Rough Lumber and Inside Trim YAxAm for DM Trim Hospital oti the tracks to take a short cut home Hiss Alice Holmes was down by a delivery auto the other day but fortunately no bouts were broken means something to railways It Ik estimated that passed through Union Station on Saturday Five more people were Kurt In auto accidentsone fatally on Saturday auto Was In charge of a 15 yearOld youth Two people are un der arrest His Royal Highness the of Cornaught has Con son ted to open tho National Fair In this city next year Mr Osier he was refused the portfolio of WfllSter of in the Borden Cabinet his refusal M to portfolio befog offered to an In person of Hon Mr White whom soma of Con servatives of this city kicked without success The city authorities had hard work to thankful Thanksgiving of Intruding respect ing Municipal Board The annual concert of the Toronto College of Mlfeic for evening Nov The Toronto Humane Society to establish a for the care of horses poor men leading the city fcay are opposed to the reason to Hon f White as Min ister of Finance who has Ufa vlce- of a trust company Horse Races 2nd Day Free for all 1 3 I I 2nd A Judges RobtMillot John Scott Berkshire Swine Aged boar Lemon Brood Wesley Boar pig of 1 I Lcm- sole pig of J Palmer Bros Chester White bow pig l and JBlTehie Bow pig or Ritchie J pa hire Brood bow Jas P Imported Yorkshire White- Aged Prlaby J Cuawell Brood bow J A it Boar pig of inn J A j a Farmers Club this fall will take in the old postoffice Nettle Kthon 2nd 13000 Class- Bessie Bryson Dan Patch Principal Lady J 1st Geo 3500 2nd Hughes 3rd 1600 Following Is a continuation of the from last week SPECIALS Driving If Mathtson Lady Driver Miss Vernon 2nd Miss Francis Roadster in Harness Grant Oldham 2nd Watts Dark Horse 1st A 2nd A Wallace Team of A Single Pony and under A Single Pony and under Alva 2nd Parkins Saddle Horse Jos- High Stepping Horse 2nd A If Son Stallion In Harness 2nd Ben Vhytock Span In proctor 2nd Hastings Single in Hiram Pot- 2V mi Beat Groomed Yearling Young Judge John CATTLE Short Horn Cattle- Aged bull Walker Yearling bullJohn H Milch tow John Heifer years oldJ Proctor How pig or Yearling Proctor R Jersey Cattle- Swine and Willis mid Registered Milch cow and and Willis Heifer years giving and Willis Yearling and 2 and Willis Heifer and and Willis Bull and Willis Hereford Cattle- Palmer Wm 2nd Lyons Single in name 2nd- J Calhoun Brood Mare J Harrison Bros Mlleh cow Palmer Clark son Heifer years and 2 Harrison Yearling heller I and Heifer calf and Harrison Bull calf Palmer Bros Harrison Holiteln Cattle- Bull Edgar Dennis Milch cow 1 and Edgar Den- Heifer years old and Ed gar Dennis Yearling heifer and Edgar Dennis Heifer calfEdgar Dennis Bull calf and Edgar Den- nit Cattle- Milch cow beef grade J Proctor Geo Millard Milch cow dairy Den nis A Cody Best cow Special Chas Den nis Heifer years old I an Geo Millard Yearling heifer and George Millard Yearling and J Proctor Geo Millard Pat Proctor Herd dairy Grade Geo Millard Herd of milch cows any breed J A Cody I Registered bow J A bacon hogs J A Judged by P and J POULTRY Cock Sellers Anconas Hen 1st Sellers Cock Close 2nd Lawrle Andaluslan Hen 1st 2nd J Light Cock I si 2nd It Crosby Light Hen 1st 2nd Mann Dark Cock Cros by Dark Hen Crosby 2nd Sellers Cochin Bun Cock J Lawrle Cochin 2nd J Cochin partridge Cock Lawrle 2nd Crosby Cochin partridge Hen 1st A Mann Dorkings Cock Sellers Dorkings Hen Sellers 2nd If Crosby Game Red Cock Bunt Reid Game Red Hen let It Crosby Indian Hen 1st 2nd Sellers C A 2nd R Crosby Hen M 2nd G leghorn Br Cock- Bunt 2nd Sellers 3rd Bunt and Reld leghorn Br Hen 1st 2nd S Sellers 3rd leghorn Brown Cock A Hill 2rjd Sellers 3rd Archie- foghorn Brown Hen 1st A 2nd Archie 3rd A Hill Coaclude4 on jags place tomorrow building Mr Isaac Silver has purchased vacant lot on the corner of Prospect and streets and has com menced operations for the of a new brickclad rcsidt nco There were no pranks played on All Halloween to the credit of the boys town A lady lost her purse at the recent Fair here and It was supposed to have been stolen by a turned out however that Mr Francis Lundy found the purse has handed It over to owner St Pauls Church grounds were nicely graded by the gratuitous la bour of about a doen with their earns on Tuesday j Wed At the residence of her Inlaw R Howard in Toronto on the 20th Oct relict of Wilson Esq of Bast in the year of her ftOSx For Household Accidents firs sag BBS 2nd It 2nd TORONTO IS SO VBRY USEFUL Read How Beneficial it Proved in this case Mrs If Sawyer of writes My husband Is gaged on a farm and one day while chopping Wood top of the axe broke and fell- upon Ills foot cutting a nasty gash IJe wound was so bad that we first thought we would to get a doctor but we finally decided to dress tiro cut with Well the treatment prov ed a great success It not only eased the pain but prevented any inflamma tion and right from first applying the cut began to heal It Is now completely healed and my husband says he will never be without a box of the house for wo are sure It saved us a great deaf of expense Over and over again has boon proved to be the workers best remedy As soon as applied to a cut a burn a scald or any other akin In jury It relieves pain and sets up healing It also prevents blood-pols- 0 Inflammation It is cure for eczema pllea ulcers old wounds ringworm bad leg scalp sores festering running sores erup tions cold chapped hands etc Its absolute purity also makes it an Ideal bairn for babies Soap should be used along with the balm for washing all sore places This soap will be found ex cellent for babys bath even where the balm Is riot being used All druggists and stores sell at a box and Soap at a tablet or post free from ZamBuk Co Toronto upon receipt of price Refuse harmful substitutes

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