it I A i completely i Sydney Mikes Jan For many years I suffered tortures from Indigestion and Dyspepsia Two years I was so bad that I vomited my food constantly I alto suffered with Constipation I consulted physicians as was afraid the disease was cancer bat medicine gave only temporary relief ftUf CTTJ I ZEPHYR A meeting of the T Was held at the home our President Mrs en Oct The- next meeting will be a Mothers Meeting to be held at Mrs Heaths and a invitation Is extended to all mothers to be present Come and bring the babies Tea will be served Press Sept YEARS OLD AND GETTING WELL Vi V Banks to Pills STOUFFVILLE Rev J pastor of the Baptist Church tendered his resigna tion on Kept a with leave town shortly The anniversary services will be held in the Methodist here on Oct 22 when Rev J Stewart of Aurora will preach both morning and evening On Oct and not on Thursday Oct as previously announced a tea meeting and entertainment will bo held at the church from to p which a musical program with recitations will be held in the audi torium of the church annual harvest thanksgiv ing services were successful Rev A former pastor was the special preacher ana rector Mr A and his able assistant Mr Williams the services The choir under faithful management of the or ganist Mrs did work to the satisfaction of the large con gregations Mr Henderson of and Mrs Marchant of rendered solos at the respective services and were highly appreciated The church was pretty in her har vest home garb and the the largest in a very long time if not altogether The festival on Monday evening Sept was wellattended and surpassed all at this very On Prospect Ave for sale Apply exciting and busy season The young I read in the Maritime Baptist about and the cures this medicine was making and I decided to try it- After taking three boxes I found a great change for the belter and now I can say has entirely cured me when every other treatment failed and I reverently say Thank God for Fruitatives EDWIN ORAM St Fmitatives sweetens the stomach increases the actual quantity of gastric juice in the stomach and ensures com plete digestion of all sensible food Fruitatives is the only medicine in the world made of fruit juices a box for or trial site At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa Want a House If w call on 0 Hughes Real Agent New Brick House to H Eves new Houses For tale in good locality Rented tad paying good interest in one month K ROBERTSON Newmarket New Brick House For Sale with all modern conveni ences alto a number of choice build- rag lots Apply to I For Sale Roomed House with summer token pantry good basement Lot Apply to Mrs George Dicks Joseph Ave Newmarket folks as well as the older ladies of the congregation seemed to vie with each other as to who be the most entertaining and helpful to th large audience present The Concert was high class and many were comments thereon The local talent- Mrs Mrs and Mr Henderson cannot receive- too much praise for rendering of their part of the program Mrs Courtney on this occasion as well as on many others has proven herself to be an artist of very high class The boy dinger Douglas arid Miss Webster elocutionist of Toronto wo great applause It is indeed to all denominations uniting on such occasions IM the part two years I have been suffering with Kidney Trouble severe pains in my back at times and with feet ankles and legs so very swollen that I found great difficulty in moving ground the house even in slipper I am to tell you since taking GIN PILLS the pain has gone the swelling has subsided and again wear my have not been upon my feet for nearly two years I am seventy years of age and am sixth GIN PILLS A people with lame backs who suffer with Rheumatism or Kidney or Bladder Trouble will find welcome relief in GIN PILLS Every box guaranteed and money refunded if satisfactory a box for sample free if you write National Drug Chemical Co of Canada Limited A Toronto For 8ale Heavy Spring Colt Chief Carriage Spring Colt Captain Bull fit for service Reg Berkshire Sow bred to Reg Berkshire Boar due now Oxford Down Ram Lambs- Come tee or write for particulars and breeding prices right DENNIS Newmarket J Two rinks bowlers down from A Han dale one day last week losing to the Bradford men eight points The Bradford Fish Co shipped of to Buffalo on Tuesday morning Repeated efforts will it is that great f For house on Ontario street 6 rooms pantry closets separate bath Wide on brick piers also rear verandah bay window cel lar full size and divided finltbed In oak upstairs in wired for electric hoped clean the river nuisance the carp A very high wind prevailed for nearly twentyfour hours last Wednes day the result the bulk of apple crop was Mown on the Apples were already very SCarce and this will put them near ly out of sight this winter for us Potatoes are fcafd a fail ure being both few in number and exceedingly small Mrs A Pratt left morn- I for Belleville where lie Is now on the Stall of the Beal Dumb Insti tute Mr Roy Rogers of son f our wellknown townsman Mr John Terms to suit purchaser If not In reasonable time win be rental to good tenant Main fctrtet North cement walks home fori has purchased the- Witness ieUr farmer Come and toWng on Thursday Mr Rogers learned the printing trade at the Witness office and has worked since for some yearn in office of Mercury He in a practical man and We hope to Bee the Bradford Witness become one of the best weokjies In bounty Him- Mr Harry of was in on Hurray Mr and Mrs Kves of were in town on Mrs W Richardson and Miss Helen of Newmarket a lew town tills week Witnejs received last month for were left unfill ed for trained are Eg that we ran fcflord guarantee a position graduate refund money you are to succeed write for our beautiful catalogue today Business College To- Principal 4 zfsmM Kiss Is Spending a week with friends in the city Mr Stanley Richards of Aurora is Installing a hot viter and plumbing In Mr Harvey Clarkei new residence Mr Frank A ridge met With a serious accident or morn- Ms hand was caught In a and badly Quite a from tWt vicinity I took supper at Tottenham ojUiJttUle of grain are corning to elevators at time Mr of the If having buildings fcd fired uptodate of Wisconsin A spent Saturday with Mrs We are to hear Mr M Doyle who la It Improving as well as could be ex pected We ire hear of Mr Frank Abridge having tot and thumb almost taken off a taw his try Telephone Co is ad ding numerous suUcnbetl to The Order a to given tee tte second week In Nov ember The Lev brick houses In the part of the town are almost com pleted Mr Joseph McDonald is acting as station agent and conductor on the fc Aurora railroad Mr is- taking a vacation Miss Mae Wilson of has returned to St Josephs Convent to resume her studies There was a large attendance at the harvest thanksgiving services in con nection with St Mary Magdalenes Church which were held on Sunday Oct A grand celebration was Held on Thursday evening honor of Mr A M Armstrong M P elect for North York The celebration com menced by a torchlight procession headed by eight men on horseback Aurora Brass Band a number of and carriages and torch lights three abreast The Streets were lined with spectators to the hall where they assembled and speeches were made congratulating Mr Arm strong and the Tory party W MEAT AND GANGER In view the fact that meat and especially fresh meat is com paratively very cheap in Austra lia and in consequence its use probably very much more general than in any other country it may be interesting account of meat being frequently associated with cancer to note the incidence of this disease In the total number of deaths reported in the Commonwealth was Of this number or per cent were due to cancer If the population is estimated at four million five hundred thousand the incidence would be one death per annum In every of the popu lation This rate very much low er than that or the United States Great Britain or Germany TURBINES AS FISH TRAPS The that lactones may be very destructive to fish through their turbines seems to be modi fied by recent experience Nearly a score of years ago Sir Thomas Brady expressed the opinion that few fry survive an encounter with a turbine and his experiments tended to prove that most of these passing through are killed A Scotch investigator now finds that young and old fish may at least easily avoid the turbines Not less than twenty experiments with trout and salmon have been report ed by Prof Mcintosh of the Mar ine Laboratory of St Andrews and one of the striking results was the ease with which trout swam about the turbine pits without be ing drawn Into the vortex caused by the action of the turbines They seemed quite capable of avoiding being Injured except In of some special accident Under good conditions they could out of the turbine pits and pass upstream to seek some safo way of getting by the turbines Mr Kent Hamilton was awarded one thousand hollars dam ages against the Maryland Casualty Co which caused his arrest on a charge of misappropriation In Montreal SI was collected in fines one day from keepers of dis orderly You dont have to mix Knight Stove Polish There Is no black watery liquid to stain your hands or dirty the floor There no hard brick scrape no trouble no no hard rubbing Mack Knight la a firm paste ready to use quickly applied and shines quick a Its as in and to use shot polish and a big above can be with it almost easily lr4U State If to tor fc cab tit V V CO oat Hi Blade Pr erl Brown single comrA Coomer Buff OrpjngJbons 1st 2nd Mrs Dr Graham Pr Cochins 1st 2nd Gorman Pr Black Cochins Nor man Pigeons Norman White Winter Wheat Levi 2nd Jacob Smith Spring Wheat Gilbert Johnston Bush Rye Tansley Large Buckwheat Edward Johns ton Small Peas Gilbert Johnston Black Oats Gilbert Johnston White Oats Levi Indian Corn eats Gilbert John- ton Beans 2nd Gilbert Johnston Judges Gibbons A Reynolds IMPLEMENTS Covered buggy Geo Open buggy Geo Cutter and 2 Geo Set team harness and Set single harness Set single strap harness FRUIT Beat Northern apples Jas Lumbers Toronto Mrs Gil bert Johnston Best winter apples J Newmarket Mrs Gilbert Johnston St Lawrence apples Fred son Snow Gilbert John ston John Northern Mrs Gilbert Johnston Peregrine I Greenings Jacob Smith Frank King of Tompkins Pere grine Silas Sennett Ben DavisBert Starr John Golden Russets R T Peregrine 2 Levi Baldwins Wro Pippins Peregrine Edward Johnston Sweets John 2 Bell Flower Edward Johnston 2 Gilbert Johnston Crab applesMrs A J Milne Gilbert Johnston Flemish Beauty pear Gilbert Johnston Miller Pears any kind Gilbert John ston Levi LADIES WORK Wool Mitts single knittedMrs B Mrs A Boyd Wool Mitts double ward Johnston Cain Wool socks Louisa Fisher W Gents shirt white home laun- 2 A Wait Gents shirt fancy r Johnston Sofa pillow any kind and Fred Carriage or sofa Louisa B Fisher Splasher Mrs Louisa Fisher Specimen of darning Louisa Fisher 2 Mrs A Boyd Ladys apron hand made Mrs J Maxwell Worked button holes six in cot ton or woollen goods and Mrs A Boyd Table mats six Louisa B Fish er Fred Piecework quilt Mrs Worked slippersMaxwell Ayl- Mrs A Boyd rochet shawl Mrs K Pillow Shams Mrs A Boyd Louisa Fisher Fancy screen Mrs A Boyd Bet white underwear hand made Maxwell I Wm Kavan- Collection of photos Frank Fancy whisk holder Louisa Fisher Mrs A J Milne doyliesMrs A Boyd Louisa Fisher Ladys collar case Mrs Vs Louisa Fisher Sofa embroidered Fred Cowieson Landys slippers fancy Louisa Fisher 2 Mrs A Boyd Hairpin holder Miss Edna Bog- art Louisa Fisher Towel strap fancy Louisa Fisher 2 Mrs A J Milne Laundry bag Mrs A Boyd Louisa Fisher Home made rug It den 2 Fred Crochet quilt cotton- ft Pere grine CHILDRENS WORK Canadian weed properly named Jacob Smith Half dozen tea biscuits by girl under years Mrs A J Milne Chocolate cake by girl under It years J Lemon pie by girl under years J Prizes have offered by the branch of the Womens Institute for School Sections and as follows Class Ruth Richardson Willie III ClassNellie Stan ley ClassGladys Towers Willie Gents night shirt fancy Recom mended Mrs A J Mrs Miss Pearl Cain DAIRY lbs butler In crock by V Humphrey Toronto butter to be come his property Peregrine lbs butter In lb rolls by a Co Toronto butter to become their property Cain Mrs- Gilbert Johnston 10 lbs butter In crock by Bros Toronto butter to become their property Miller 10 lbs butter lb rolls by A A Allan Toronto butter 10 their property R Peregrine lbs butter in lb rolls by Lukes Bradford butter to become his B P Cain lbs butter In crock by John Hi Millard Newmarket butter to i come their property Miller ibsfioriey in comb Newmarket honey to become his property Mrs A J Milne 10 lbs honey in jar by Fred honey to become property Joa Clark Beat lbs in jar by A Mckenzie Queensville honey to become his property Mrs Gilbert Johnston honey in jar by Wal ter Eves Newmarket honey to be come his property Joseph Clark Best maple syrup gallon by Sharpe Holland Landing syr up to become his property Mrs Gilbert Johnston 2 Mrs A J Milne Collection of canned fruits not less than varieties Edward Johnston Collection of canned pickles not less than 6 varieties Edward Johnston Home made bread lb loaf- Silas Sennet R made bread by girl under years R Peregrine Sam Miller Home made wine Edward John ston W Best collection of ladys home baking J B Cowieson SpecialBy John of Toronto for the best lbs crock of butter to become his property John Pair dressed chickens to be dry plucked Mrs Dr Graham 2 Silas Pair dressed ducks to be dry plucked Thos Miller Peregrine FANCY WORK Lace collar fancy Mrs A Boyd 2 Miss Edna Sweeping cap and duster bag Louisa Fisher Mrs A Boyd Necktie Miss Edna Mrs Fancy stock collar Miss Edna Louisa Fisher Pen Wiper Mrs A Boyd Miss Edna Lace doylies Mrs W Tatting Louisa Fisher Point lace Mrs Orate Lou isa Fisher Lace any kind Mrs Kavanagh Collection of laces MrsE Louiea Fisher Tea tray cloth Mrs Mrs A Boyd Netting Williams Lou isa Fisher Table or stand cover Maxwell Aylwanl Miss Edna Embroidery on silk Maxwell Aylward 2 Mrs Embroidery on cottonLouisa Fisher 2 Edna Piano scarf- Mrs E Toilet set Mrs E Roman embroidery Mrs Louisa Fisher Outline work Edna Louisa B Fisher Drawn work Louisa B Fisher Mrs E Fancy Pincushion A Wait 2 Edna Sideboard drape Edna Louisa B Fisher Hatpin holder Louisa Fisher Mrs A J Milne Teapot Louisa Fisher Mrs Centre piece linen Wil liams Fred Cowieson lace Mrs 2 Louisa Fisher Hair receiver and match holder Louisa Fisher Mrs Embroidered photo aim Lou isa Fisher Doylies any kind Mrs Mrs A Boyd Bead Work Louisa Fisher Mrs Sofa cushion worked on velvet Ladys handmade Jewel ease W Kavanagh Maxwell Shadow embroidery Louisa Fisher 2 Mrs Burnt work Mrs 2 Mrs A Boyd Novelties new and original Mrs Gilbert Johnston 2 Mrs A Boyd Fancy shaving pad and razor holder Fred- Cowieson Louisa Fisher Sofa cushion embroidered on or gandieLouisa Fisher Mrs A J Milne Fancy tooth brush holder Edna Bogart 2 Louisa Fisher Cut flowers collection Mrs J B Bridal bouquet 1 and A Walt Crayon drawing free hand Gil bert Johnston Oil painting any subject Miller Mrs Water color any subject Gilbert John son Louisa B Fisher Pencil drawing free hand Max well Aylward 2 Miller Painting or china Fred 2 Mrs silk or Velvet Mrs Gilbert Johnston Silk embroidery on linen Frank Mrs Coronation braid tray cloth T 2 Ed Coronation braid and centre piece Ed Necktie holderMrs A J Milne roots and Vegetables Best collection of garden veget ables not less than varieties and of each Mrs Gilbert Johnston heads cauliflower Mrs Gil bert Johnston Mrs Edward Tur heads cabbages Mrs Edward Mrs Gilbert Johnston table beets J 2d table carrots Levi Weddel Mrs Edward Turney tomatoes Thos Miller J citrons Marwln Tansley heads celery Mrs Ed Mrs Gilbert Johnston red onions Thos Miller J white onions J pumpkins yellow J son 2 Maxwell Aylward Weddel Hubbard squash Marvlo Rut- ledge J Mammoth pumpkins J Yellow onions J 2 Mrs winter radishes Edward John ston Tansley- relieve and cure indigestion acidity of the flatulence dyspepsia They the stomach by supplying the needed for be digestion of ail kinds of food Try one after each meal If your not stocked send- a and we will mall you a box V Drag mad ChosOcU Coop say f CtauU limited all m Youll always see a good Roof on a Neat Wellkept Barn Perhaps you wonder what makes the difference in the appearance of two barns or driving sheds Look closely the next time you pass and youll see its the roof that makes the difference Samson Ready Roofing costs less in the first place than many other roofings looks better and lasts for a long time- You dont need a carpenter to put it on Do it yourself It only takes a short time to put a weatherproof roof on a fair sized building The roofing that carries the Samson Brand is easily applied looks well and Gives Perfect Satisfaction if READ mm Ask your dealer to show you a sample be satisfied S HOWLAND SONS CCX Limited TORONTO Firm Tult till getting reliable well tools Hoes Hayforks Manure Forks etc They yea complete I Stock Judging Competition for Young Men years of and under at On Last Day Oct at pm Three Classes of Stock will be Judged and the prizes given fli 1st 3rd 300 30ft 200 100 icy Draft Bee rattle Cattle Contestants wilt meet at the Ontario Department Agricul ture at 1 pm alter which the Contestants will Mart judging Men advantage this Good Opportunity for Practical Work in Stock Judging No Particulars see write 1 Ontario Agriculture Newmarket Oat i DEBILITATI rbl YOUNG MEM AND MIDDLEAGED the victims of cat Indlicretloaa and latere who are la Ufa you are the can restore to and Spark Of and you hare treated with other ired tried ilre Our Hew Mttkod ratehd bUddrtof from has re- upplnfiM to hundreds of hornet ftucceuful men who were We specific rein for each IntllTlduM case to the and corniUcatIonswo no Intent medicines Is one Of of our ucce our treatment can not fall for we adapted to each Individual Only ewe dona Canada for over 20 Years CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY you a victim Have you lost tomarryr I fat your Our New Mthod Treetmtnt will cure you It lias done for It do for you Coruulutloa No matter who treated you write for no of Book Manhood of Men NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT Event oh en to or 9BM of FREE FOR HOME Cor Michigan Ave and Grlswotd St Detroit Mich NOTICE l letters from Canada must be to our Depart ment In Windsor Out If you to us personally call our Medical Institute in Detroit a we see and treat no in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Windsor Ont Writ tut our Potatoes Perfection Will to Johnston Potatoes White Elephant Johnston Potatoes White Star Johnston Potatoes Empire John ston Potatoes Early Everett Johnston Potatoes any other kind Mar vin Johnston boots for feed Wrn turnips John st on Swede turnips Marvin Long red mangolds and Mar vin Yellow mangolds P Cain Marvin Long white carrots Marvin Rut- ledge white carrots Marvin Miller Table parsnips Mrs White turnips re commended of Application- to Notice is given that Isabella Helen the city of roato in the County York of Ontario married woman will ap ply to the Parliament Canada at the next session thereof for of Divorce from her husband John Daniel Mechanic of the said City of Toronto on the of adultery Dated at Toronto In the province Ontario the day of August AD GODFREY HENDERSON Toronto St Toronto Solicitors for Isabella Helen caatle