it7j iiiS weeks M HAI IB OS ft Oct BARGAIN DAY us will be Every Day in Line China Fancy or finer and Willi Every pie we cannot One tine of Ta Sets etc in describe them all King Plowing Match This year the great Plowing Match under the auspices of the King and Afghan Plowmans Association will take place on a farm near on Friday November 3rd Newmar ket was canvassed for prizes last Sat urday and responded liberally as us ual The list will be ready this wee Some Snaps In secondhand Stoves in Coal Heaters and Rinses at Hard ware Ask to see them This is OddFellows Night the Moving Take it in Secure your seat in advance the Concert in the Town Hall next Wednesday and Thursday nights A GERMAN CRITICISM OF THE PANAMA a 1 A i A Methodist Church Last Sunday was a Rich Cut Glass Berry Bowls regular price to each lor each day and large congregations assembl ed at the Town Hall where Key J Simpson preached two fine sermons on the- and Commandments The piano sec tions during toe my God to Thee by Miss Rita Ir win was exceptionally Hunters Supplies In Guns Rifles Ammunition Knives Campers Axes Flash Lights See our hunting window linns Hardware Organ Recital The Choir of St Andrews Church intend giving an Organ and Choir re cital on Wednesday Nov Mr Frank tenor soloist and contralto soloist of Toronto been engaged to take part in this concert A splendid program is being prepared Keep the date in mind El DIRECT IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA China Hall Grocery THE PLACE TO GET Up Against It Last Sunday afternoon Dr Scott took friends out for a ride in his auto- When mar Bradford the machine refused to go and the Dr had to get a livery to bring his guests home A expert up from Newmarket to sea what was the matter and found that a small pin bad worn so nearly through that it broke and thus stranded the car Friends Church A reception was tendered the Rev John Webb and Mrs Webb at the Friends Church on Tuesday evening An address of welcome was given by Dr Firth followed by J Widdf- field and others Roth Mr and Mrs Webb replied in words of appreciation and pleasure Beautiful piano solos were given by Miss Elsie Phillips and Miss Smiley teacher of music at Pickering- College Ice cream and cake were served and a social hour enjoy ed Many were prevented at tending on of the rain on Visit the Moving Picture Show to night Friday and see something good The Corporation a making r pairs to abutments at Huron street bridge AND Sliced by Machinery thick or thin just to the Taste W I The leading Reliable 9 Delivery Phone CORNER Or Main Timothy The shipments of live stock Newmarket keep up two and three cars a week It is rumored that Mr Allen Howard is going out of the business It is quite a while since you attend ed the Colonial Theatre Dont miss show A week from Monday is Thanksgiv ing Day Christian Church The pastor will speak at both ser vices next Sunday on the following subjects a the only bead of the Church pm Repentance What is it The Ladies Aid will give their an nual- Hot Fowl Supper on from to ft m after which a de bate will be given on Resolved that Capital Punishment should be ed The famous Male Quar tette of Toronto will sing numerous pieces during the program See ills mm yjr Greenhouses Safe The Ladies Aid of th Methodist will hold of their Tal ent tales in Temperance Hall on Fri day of next week Oct com mencing pm The excellence and variety of the homemade cooking offered are making these sales ex ceedingly popular Proceeds are for the new Pipe Or gan in the new church The ladies have alto got A Mile of Coppers on the string arid a little friendly competition is likely to give the pro ject considerable interest Vote of Church Union At the annual meeting of the Gener al Conference Committee of the Methodist Church in Toronto on Wednesday last it was decided to submit the question of Church Union to the oTicial boards and the member ship of the Methodist Church within next six months presumably the third quarterly meeting of the board and in any event not later than he of April next There will be three ballots prepared one for mem bers of official board one for the members of the church over years of age and one for members under years of age A separate ballot for information will be taken of the adherents Canadian Home Circle In ration of the 27th an niversary the the lo cal circle last Wednesday night pre pared a social Evening for the friends Of the members An interesting pro gram was presented songs by Mrs Gibbons Mrs and Mr Bar- stow a recitation by Mr readings Mrs Miss and Mr Mr p Pearson gave short address on the benefits of a Fraternal Life Insurance and Mr A spoke alout the advantages of the Canadian Home Circle Mr Wood head added much to evenings entertainment some splendid selections on As the next meeting of the Circle will be Fair night it was leaded to it to Nov There recently appeared in a review of conditions and prospects at the Isthmus of Pan ama may probably be en as representing the average German view of our stupendous task of cutting a waterway from the Atlantic td the Pacific at that point It takes but a- cursory reading of the article which will be found in full in the current issue of the Sup- to convey the impression that the writer is strongly both as to the completion of the canal in and as to its com- utility after it has been thrown open for traffic American reports of rapid progress are con- to be optimistic extraordinary obstacles have yet to be overcome and the officials responsible for the canal are be- set by worries and fears Of the five kinds of difficulties sanitary financial technical and commercial enumerated by Prometheus it is admitted that the Americans who themselves masters of the- art of sanitation have surmounted the hygienic and climatic obstacles which all but prevented the con struction of the Panama Railway half a century ago Seeing that the United States regards it as a mat- of national honor to carry the work through the financial basis of the enterprise is considered to be secure It is easy for any one who is familiar with the canal problem to predict the line of criticism which will be followed by any one who approaches the unusual geological and technical difficulties which the construction of the canal had openi up In the present case the of the Dam and the permanence of the of the Cut are called a question but in neither case is any new light shed upon the subject nor are any I possibilities of failure suggested which have not been made the sub- J WW rn i mm r v mi i Will llfW ill rer- J J mm of careful study and practical experiment by the engineers in charge of the work An experi mental darn has demonstrated that the materials used in the I builtup Dam will be proof against seepage and there is no evidence that any continuous and outcropping strata of pervi ous material is to be found neith er of the two underlying cal gorges which will form part of the foundation upon which the dam will rest Compacted by the great weight of the overlying dam feet in height the underlying material as revealed by hundreds of borings is such that there is every reason to believe that the Thats what you need for this vari able climate Shoes that wont stand the weath er thab shrink and harden and lose shape are not the shoes for buyers But Shoes or OutDoor Conditions will Measure ful ly up to Your Demands and Expecta tions Get your feet into the Best Shoe this Season and Prove its Worth for Wear and Weather The Men Main St West sub- surface thoroughly compact ed by the enormous weight of the and the great iues- how far can the opening of Cut Rose Carnations Friday Fun ral Bulbs Special Tulip Mixture pec large stand ard and sure to flower Ditch Hyacinths named torts each mixed varieties Hyacinths Purity Tulips named Daffodils sjn- and double c White Sacred Miles iv Crocus 4c Spawn Brick Eighteen Dollars Will buy a and wood range perfect cooker and baker We have beet there is in Stoves Hardware I iW Another Landmark lone Sunday evening last Wtii Inst there away one of the old of North York in the person of Mr Patrick Guthrie Deceased had been ill lor about two months but being of robust nature and strong I Constitution it was not thought that death would claim him in Such si time However surrounded By his friends he yielded to the In evitable at the ripe age of years and six months Mr Guthrie was Presentation Friday evening some twenty members of St Pauls Church Guild sprang a surprise on one of iher members Mrs W P nee Mfss Price by going in a body to her residence and taking uossesrilpn of the place As soon a order was restored the following address was read accom panied silver dish Dear We the Young Womens Guild of St Pauls have met Iwre to night to present you with this gift to our appreciation of your work amongst us during the past years Also to with you all lioss success in your new life hoping at the time you will darn will prove to be as watertight the darn itself It is true as Prometheus states that this construction has been much and severely criticised in America but it should be noted that this criticism was made be fore the extensive borings and the carefully carried out tests had demonstrated to the satisfaction of our engineers that the structure will be stable and secure against seepage Regarding the unquestionably se rious slides in the Cut to which much attention is given it is to say that these slides were expected and provided for in the estimate of final cost The un stable character of the Mountain had been suggested by the experience of the French when they commenced the cutting and further established by the borings made by the American engineers An estimate of six million dollars was made by Col to cov er the probable extra cost of re moving the slides The latest ad vice from the Isthmus are to the effect that on the more import ant of the slides the movement appears tot have ceased and that present Indications show that the waterway serve diver writer believes that the ex of the eleven ntal roads in Canada and the tin ted and the recent open ing similar routes across America to say nothing of the Railway have r largely removed the trade neces sities which in former years c bo for the construction of the Panama waterway Very is his comparison of the value in millions of dollars of mer chandise which was shipped from American ports to both American and foreign porta via Panama and in successive years from to In the value for Panama wan in this had risen to The value for the Railway for five and onethird months In 100C7 the year of open ing was and in to this had risen lor the twelve months to the astounding total of How far the forecast of Her man review will prove to be cor rect time alone can tell It is our Now is the time you should wear Good Hoots IS- Cheap hoes Cheap Wo believe Buying Cheap to Save Money is like Stopping a Clock to Save Time climatic years past have made it possible for the engineers by using their calcula tions upon the maximum rainfall W land maximum flood discharge to veil and favorably known your fork with us In Use provision for every nd ire- possible contingency Furnace for Sale good as new Cost sell at hall of the hrst of the iitvty o return A work of in in a outbreak in the Arctic circle around Newmarket having resided here during the greater part bin life He was married to Ann eldest the late of who with one Mrs Osborne wife A Mr Osborne of this town still survive him Ills funeral on morning and lie weather My Inclement v as by a very respectable rium- by the Hector on of tie Guild Mrs expressed her apprecia tion h she could under I he nod the evening In social everybody thoroughly enjoying belves appeara tide however another proof or the careful study which foreign nations are making of the commer cial aspects of the canal It quite a question whether our I own commercial bodies and the federal government are giving thin the old bugaboo of by n Ktidttl Bible earthquakes although Its merchant marine to reap the legitimate fruits of Newmarkets Exclusive Shoe Store Repairing and Promptly Done i distinctly to bib credit that unlike Amor lean critics he impar tially points to the fact that the Panama region comparatively arc his great national undertaking we take early steps to PHONE UPQItA a her old friends whom came mains were after in the church of choice which were conducted by iter Whitney- few J j ocopie of this community from Toronto ills re- Mr and Mrs J Interred at from our Altliough DO YOU WANT Will 125 month in addition to VOW present Come many cannot now afford business wtornen ruro in have earned that much more Your men are putting IbcmseJyes through college are earning musical artistic professional education Canadian Is tr one lit home magazine In Canada It has the quality and looks the quality which it a seller It a- year a it Is Canadian and rxrarly loyal fam ily in own subscribe PAY AND KM AT TRACTIVE BUY may seem at first hut cnvurad the of foornal will the vox and of others have done lis teach you anew wfty money and developing give and prizes Write lor our offer subscription workers CANADIAN If A Copt to Any Who J a flood Home Magazine not been definitely decided and Mrs expect to move Toronto A grand patriotic concert and apron Is coining off hi on Oct a program the kind is prepared consist ing of and literary n The proeerffii will towards the cholera riots broke out at near Rome Fire night did 9000 to the Ontario Mrs Peter of burned death In lighting ft fire with coal oil Vm shot a silver grey fox In near The pelt is worth M steamer made a spe cial trip Montreal on Saturday of canned goods should Unprepared this way Boll the turnips drain I ard mash thoroughly fork Take care there si re no lumps Add pepper ad a little butter To prevent Irons from wrap I them in brown paper and put them away in a dry place If they have a i rusty tly ma be brightened again by rubbing over a board with sand would pass through an earthquake of some severity With- U ffiLAB out either fracture of displacement We are free admit however that when our critic comes to the question of commercial future of the canal he Is much more to the point lie considers It doubt ful If the Panama Canal Is destined to become tho Important artery of commerce and the worthy rival American c American Torontos mayor Is said to he on anxious seat lie doesnt to run for mayor or seek Pail Pure Mover Honey Pall Pure Leal Pair Pure Leaf arid per tin Milk per tin French Peas per tin lfto Canned Pine Apple per tin or Bull Dog for 2 7 Pars Castile or Oatmeal Soap for This is a Spot Cash Sale for Ten Days Cut this out and bring it J- of the Canal that It Is design ed to be believing that It makes Its appearance too late to render to civilization the service that It might have tendered at an earlier date In the history of the commercial world Had canal ex isted the history of development might have been very different the northeastern part of the Pa cific Ocean would not have re mained almost unknown until the middle of the nineteenth and the route of traffic between Europe and Australia and eastern Asia have been vlu Panama and would have become no estab lished that it could scarcely have been diverted by the construction Of the Canal But the devel opment of the trade routes ban been baaed on absence of a in the Ontario With you and nave Article- Charged at Above Prices evening paper tells Use our own Blond of Teas Banish the Tea Pcddlars the package teas let acquainted with merits Howards if ho Wants Mlilntercited ho can Controller arc The corporations and trusts now going to Have their Innings Blends Perfect Satisfaction Phone In Every Package HOWARD if Ontario elected of the Premier but when he selected new A cheap disinfectant to use when i two Cabinet Ministers for the or washing utensils In finance iUllways he sick room Is made by a tia- passed whole threescore inl thir- spoonful of turpentine to every pall- and selected two Ontario men of hot water Turpentine who had not been elected The 1 powerful disinfectant and Will dttpci can only draw one WO disagreeable OnHtlo ton- Sir Victor I said alcohol to was commonest cause disease for respective potions Long before the poisonous was the unseen of developed In man or woman alcohol i bad the the homo and to cause disease and or lions pulled the wire Send the Era to absent friends vice In many serious ways Wire Fencing Fire Years Success With FIELD AND MADE BY The Canadian Steel Wire Co Ltd Come and see Quality and prices For Sale By J Near High School Newmarket Ontario A A E it