Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , October 20, 1911, p. 5

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J Robertson Barrister Notary Public c St Newmarket to loan on good Farm prank Duncan fl COLLECTOR Bolton poetical Palter House Decorator Corner Niagara and and Dr Clank Main Street DENTIST Newmarket Oft Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Newmarket Issuer MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private papers issued at private resi dence if desired NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head before ordering elsewhere Weeks Bests Newmarket Fair The Directors have made the follow ing changes in their Prize List In Class Section Best Mare with three of her Off spring will now be Best Draught Mare with two of her offspring- Also the price of admission for a child under years of age on the Se cond Day Oct will be five cents and not fifteen as advertised Womens Institute Newmarket Womens Institute was held at the home Mrs Gibbons on Saturday afternoon It was a most beautiful drive out and a most delightful spent at the prettiest country home The Boys Apple Competition will be held in the Provincial Agricultur al Tent presided over by Mr Ed wards Boys years and under will be to compete hose Heels Mr Manning is modernizing the hose reels by putting shafts onto them On top is a seat for two and on the back is a step on which two can stand In case of ire a horsy can be attached to the reel and the hose and firemen tak en to the fire They Will not only gain time by this method but the firemen will- be fit to work when they get to the fire One reel will be red another bine and the third one white Dr J Boyd HB in tea may mean to you flavor or strength or fragrant richness Red Rose Tea is blended with such nicety that it is the combination of all three points of merit Will you try a NEVE SOLD IH BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It Crops in Saskatchewan Run over by his own automobile Skatoon Oc Reports badly Jut about head and bad to Saskatchewan con- be taken to St Michaels Hospital J Wagner cranked his machine while the la5 clutch was still and ftelore has enabled farmers and get out of the way the i mate progress withy guard struck him and threw him to the crop which the effect of maturing the and putting it in to good condition for shipping The outstanding feature the report the ground- Five men were found dead Sunday in their rooms in the Occi dental Hotel by the victims- were one room and the fifth was in an adjacent chamber In the room wire the four were found wtotnet a radius of or a halfopened gas jet and partly hundred miles from Saskatoon east turned connection with gas heater south as were discovered and the gas that to a rlAlUn a a radius of v escaped in this room was the cause of death of the five In one corner of the room there was a half- filled bottle of brandy and in the other corner was an empty beer bot tle The gas jet was partly turned on and the valve of a small heater els acre in wheat bushels to the acre in oats and flax not than twenty bushels The grade is low but not so low as- was antici pated three weeks ago There is some No Northern some No and any quantity of and l was also partly turned as though it had been kicked The room showed a lot of wheat that will not signs of general disorder and men bad apparently fallen asleep soon af ter reaching it as none of the other boarders were disturbed by any noise Stepped on a Nail Mrs Burke had a very painful experience a few days ago She No School The Public School were closed yes terday and today order to permit teachers to attend the County Convention in Toronto both days Business Rushing Special departments in Canes Messrs I Town Council Regular meeting last Monday can ing all present Mr J A Allan was heard with reference to the removal of steps and porch on Main and Water streets at and were grade at all and therefore cannot be shipped The proportion of such wheat is estimated notto exceed five per cent of the- crop A Libera Offer We Guarantee to Relieve Dyspepsia If we fail medicine costs Nothing To unquestionably prove to the peo ple that indigestion and dyspepsia Can relieved and that the Davis Tannery and the Of- Dyspepsia Tablets will bring Specialty a working overtime about this result we will furnish to eaten up to orders That well for business sounds end of Niagara street Both of the above referred to the Road Bridge Committee The following bills passed John Murphy cartage More Water Services in was on chair arranging some of Applications for six more water Stream also her housework and when services were made to J- Robertson Co service box flI3 formula as well as down she stepped on to last Monday Time J ft Smith Sons lumber care exercised in their manufacture Tor putting in water services this T freight medicine absolutely free- if it fails to give satisfaction to anyone using it The remarkable success of Dyspepsia Tablett is due to the high degree scientific skill used in thclr formula as well as to of the Royal Former clinical assistant a small nail that chanced to be Eye Hospital and Uni- on his head The nail College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital England Office Cor Main and Timothy Telephone No 110 Consultation Hours My be had at any the day or night by calling at the office or T Time Card NORTH Leave P- Toronto Newmarket 250 at 1025 340 1050 GOING SOUTH ran through the sole of her boot and right up through her little toe so that the boot was literally nailed on to her foot She was alone but succeeded in pulling the nail out which had to be done before she could get her boot off Her foot getting better nicely The Womens Missionary Society held their monthly meeting at the season is to a close By lumber resolution of the Council services I Pittsburg Coal Will be installed after the 1st of No- Duty on above 21 Stringer unloading same Bell Tel Co service We Try to Please Every customer want J Caldwell glazing Hall M Andrews lumber ac Applications for Water Service from Brielets Hoys playing football last Saturday a p Toronto Furnace Work of Our Specialties gee the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS to Smiths home of Mrs Caw on broke large pane of glass in Mr day afternoon Oct 11th and was j Hunters residence attended with the President in chair The meeting opened in marketed the usual way Program consisted of farmers intend there is very little grain here- Apparently to feed it on their premises A profession of Newmarket took i the Fair Fri day Pickering College smoke stack is be ing ialsed ten feet to better draft for the heating plant The friends of this paper will please hand us in news items when they are Work by Mrs rules for Watch Tower by Mrs and a verbal report on the Work in China by Mrs Gardner A pleasing feature a the meeting was the report of the Crusade Day and as result of the visiting six teen new members were enrolled and eleven new subscribers for the Out- Look The President extended a hearty welcome to all who joined re- marriage after auxiliary now have a member- the death of a man ship of and hope to reach married again hundred mark Ihe closed by and by Mrs Ir win At the close Mrs Cans kindly served refreshments We prefer not to publish a after the child is weaned or a the honeymoon is over South The first granted and the lust three referred to the Com Application for Current from 1 Norman Wright Victoria- street granted Communication from regarding the registration of plan of II Cane opening new street run- off Prospect A Ye Referred to It Com with in structions to prepare resolution for next meeting of Council Communication with reference to nance of Mrs Mary Chan Her at Mirnico Asylum referred to PI a nee Committee Council the wellknown properties of Iter his WANTED A For District tell Stock for The Nurseries More Trees planted in Kali of than ever will be end be fore in history of Ontario Te Orchard of the future will be the be part of farm We men Tree Culture How Profits in FruitGrowing Car Write for particulars TORONTO Stock Judging Competition A new feature will be added to the Newmarket Fair this year which will be both Interesting and educational Mr J A of he local branch he Department of Agriculture made arrangements with Fair Board for holding Railway officials say that high heels hobble skirts lead to many accidents daughter of Mrs I Hair REFINED WOMEN THE WORLD OVER USB IT Every woman knows that there la nothing so good for hair and scalp of Fort William was fatal- trouble as Sage If Part ly burned in extinguishing her moth ers Clothing which IraI caught fire She also will die I I Oct Prank Coffin Postmaster at was arrested to day on a charge of falsifying accounts and was taken to fail to await his trial It that Sage Is used two three times a week It will keep the nice and clean and remove dandruff It makes the hair lustrous and fluffy and keeps It from falling out We urge every woman who loves radiant and fascinating hair to go to J Pattersons Drug Store today and get a large cent bottle of PS- each class Stockmen all recognize that the only way to become a proficient of Live Is by practical work in judging This is the first opportunity of fKh work In County if fcboujrif taken advantage of by a large number of young mew Ihe contestants will meet at the llepartment of Agriculture Exhibit at if p on the last day of the- Fair I Oct they WlllCOm- their work I On half hour for and writing few reasons on each class of animals No entry fee will Charged For further particu lar write or see Mr Edwards De partment of Agriculture Newmarket Oat found by father lying on the ground breathing his last An ex amination proved that the colt had kicked him over the heart Rochester Oct Mrs bert Agnew placed two In a crib yesterday and gave Elmer results In the way of enormous yields of Egyptian wheat have been obtalnted In the lower Rio Valley on the American according to auth orized statements made by the Department Of Arl- 1 and Pepsin have been combined with Carminatives other agents and constantly employed recopnied by the entire medical profession as In valuable to the treatment of indiges tion and dyspepsia The Pepsin used in Recall Dyspep sia is carefully prepared so as to develop its greatest efficiency Pep sin supplies to the apparatus one of the most important elements of the digestive fluid Without it the digestion and assimilation of foods are impossible The Carminatives possess properties which aid in relieving the disturbanc es an I Pain caused hy undigested food This combination of these ingredients makes remedy invaluable for the complete relief of indigestion and dys pepsia We are so certain this that we urge you to try Rcxall Dyspepsia Tablets on our own personal guaran tee Three sizes and Remember you can obtain Remedies only at our Store The Rcxall Store 1 Y Newmarket BOO A NEW MATERIAL FOR SAFES Safe makers and safe breakers are engaged in a contest similar to that the makers of guns and armor plate Safe breakers roeth- have lately been much improv ed especially by use of the so- called welding cess which makes it possible to penetrate iron arid steel plates of great thickness in a short time by means of the flame This advance in criminal practice ban produced corresponding im provements In the construction of safes and vaults Lately the well- known armor plate makers the of have produced a new material which especially suitable for the protection of safes and vaults as according to the I note in the Journal it cannot be fused or penetrated by the or burners now In use or at least it offers ho great a resistance to fusion that an inordinately long time and en ormous quantities of gas are re quired The material Is a variety of cast steel which Is extremely months old the older a nursing hot- culture This grain belongs the best bo tie The after satisfying his as corn and loofI hunger to play with the hot- mechanical forcing In tie it at arms length he lhe order to make a hole ii i it mi iJVS lV it grown by means of Irrigation 11 produces two to three crops baby brother on the head him year the same land from Instantly planting of the seed The sec- fct a disastrous and third crops spring up fire occurred on the farm of Mr from the stubble and give yields four miles- from this place com- equally as abundant as the first destroying large barn Wd Instances these stables together with two fine Clyde to bushels of Boyds Livery in to First Class Horses A I we Lave added FOR HIRE AT- ELLIOTT tWa year in -potl- worth from tV to a Write for catalogue Superior instruction in all sartmentfi i iiA In any form the ptuxtaser Mutt be told is Apply to H Eta till Jan 1st Narrow A little over a week ago Mr James boo of Mr of Whitchurch a narrow escape from drown ing He and a corapaplon were coming down the Montreal River In a canoe hey got down some Of the rapids all right but when they came to the Indian Chute the place where Mr Manning was drowned they were unable to keep the canoe straight and both Were thrown Into the turbulent water Both men are expert swimmers and after a severe Struggle of ov er twenty minutes they managed to reach the In an exhaust ed condition from sold water iui the tremendous efforts they had to put forth They were car ried down the a long dis tance by the Swift current and lost all their provisions and bag gage as well as most of their in- I Mr was confined to bed from the effects of the strnggl When we fast heard trom him gale horses two registered bulls sev eral hogs hundred and fifty bens two- thousand bushels of tons of hay harness etc The loss grain for each crop or if total of bushels per acre for the three crops nil harvested within a peri od of nine months The used chiefly for feed for live will be about twelve thousand dollars stock although a wholesome flour and Incendiarism is Xeoere Qiwei the was killed in Sickness usually caused the accu mulation of matter and impurities within the body Dr Morses Indies Root Pills enable the bowels the kidneys the lungs and of the skin to throw off these impurities Thus they prevent or cure 25c a box may bo made from It and used for bread Oct w Arthur who has been trial his I Iff here for stabblnK Kurd last August was today sen tenced to life Imprisonment Italys third super dreadnought was launched Saturday A cyclone weckd and lour people at Den Davis Indiana An earthquake In vicinity of Catania has many deaths and much damage On a farm at Manitoba a field of acre of has yielded bushels which means bushels the acre and It will rade No hard Parrlc Charlotte awarder SI damages from Iwveph J for breach of promise to marry at the assises here today flere was no defence The partlwi live in atul caoU Inches a plate of this ma terial millimeters inches thick with the oxyacetylene bum- from to hours time from to gallons of oxygen and to gallons of acety lene are required according to the results of a number of experi ments The average safe breaker has not so much time Or so much gas at his disposal One of the steel cylinders in which compress ed gases are transported contains about 1100 gallons of uncompress ed gas weighs about pounds According to the most favorable results given above at least four such cylinders would be required and their transportation In addition to that of the other apparatus needed Is ft task to stagger the boldest safe cracker The extraordinary hardness of the plate opposes no serious obstacle to working them In a shoo as the rivet holes required can be made directly in the casting or they can be bored In softer steel parts es pecially provided for that pur- pone The only defect of the plates Is the present Impossibility of mak ing them thinner than inches It appears not Improbable that this difficulty will be overcome tor only a year ago It Impossible to make plates of less thick ness than Inches In which con dition of course they were practi cally useless for the conatructlon of safes and treasure vaults Sherman Kagar wh Ma age years was sentenced at the Napanec asnles to life in KlnsfcUn penitentiary for having last summer commit Jed an oh Doyle of a hlinMy respectable lady aged about fifty NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE s You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line of- Electric Light m vr r- 2 Paints Oils Glass Etc- A W ALLAN COM NEWMARKET A Large Stock to Select From AT THE Toronto Jobbing House Have on Hand a of fit of ra White Pine Norway Hemlock etc to Order Special Sat Doors Sash Flooring Moulding and All Kinds of ISuilde vork ABh and Pine to Order Sticking Turning and All Such Work SONS GO t 9 So ol HON fi You Have More for everything if you have a Telephone Time is money and in the time you save the cost of Telephone Service is more than made up Our twoparty lino service costs less than 5 cents a day only a year j S SS 3E S T fflav m i M i manager j The Bell Telephone Company of Canada flRCMIVcaOKON

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