AFTER J i Ad at Ottawa ap points Hen Messrs White Foster Monk and Rogers as the new Treasury Board which is to authorize all money votes LydiaEPinkbamsVegeta ble Compound Cured ner Midgie Station One can hardly believe this as it is not but it was my case For ten months I suffered from suppression I had different doctors tried different me dicines but none helped me friends told me would go into a decline One day a lady friend told me what your medi cine had done for her so I wrote you for advice and re ceived your reply with pleasure I started taking K Vegetable Compound and at the bottle eh wed improvement Now I am regular and never was well in my life to medicine Please publish my letter for the benefit of others MRS Hicks Station Indian Head Sask E Pink- hams Vegetable Compound is indeed a boon to women who suffer from female My health is better now than it baa been in my five years of married life and I thank you for the your advice and medicine have one me I had spent hundreds of dollars on doctors without receiving any benefit Mrs Cooper Box Indian Head Saskatchewan The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of forms of female complaints is Vegetable Compound Since the defeat of the Liberals the Toronto Star has grown more face tious than ever ft says Mr intimated that he was a dumb waiter He roust have thought it was a kitchen Cabinet which Mr Borden was constructing I Report has it that Hon Provincial Treasurer is seeking a seat in the Federal Senate The Hamilr ton Times says He probably hopes to escape explanations about Farm ers Bank matters Those Toronto World and loans for instance Scotch Presbyterians are as scarce as hens teeth in the Borden Cabi net says the Hamilton Times what is more they do say it was Hon who brought Bourassa up to Ontario to speak igainst the navy What do the Britishborn think him Hon Geo the members of the Borden Cabinet sworn into office last week is a na tive American The Star calls atten tion to a remark of the Hon Sam Hughes who spoke of American set tlers as galvanized But he wont dare sav it to Hon Geo His Royal the Duke as GovernorGeneral of Canada reached Quebec last Friday and in this capacity he and the less were officially welcomed by repre sentatives of Dominion and of Quebec Province also by ition after demonstrate of popular feeling whenever and wherever they appeared in public they out out for bo too and us Thoy MAY bo saved Curtl the la worth you nothing DrLGTHOMSON SUCCESSOR DENTISTS The new Borden Administration a is composed of fifteen mem bers Of these eight belong to the legal profession one two physicians one financier two merchants one manufacturer one lumberman and two gentlemen In religion seven are Anglicans six Methodists four Roman Catholics and one Baptist There is not a Presbyterian or farmer among them Dr Raised Me i the GraveM Tior This is a strong statement to make but It is exactly what Mrs Thomas Taylor of Blum Texas said in expressing her opinion of this remedy Pr Miles Restorative Nervine raised me from the grave and I have much confidence in it I can never enough f medicines If offered me for the second bottle of Nervine that I said no indeed MRS THOMAS TAYLOR Blum Tex Nervous exhaustion is a com- occurence of modern life The wear and tear on the nervous system is greater now than at any time since the world began For sleeplessness poor appetite and that run down feeling nothing is so good as Dr Miles Nervine Your nerves are your life and lack of vital energy makes existence a misery Dr Miles Nervine will tone up your nervous system Ask any druggist If the flratbottlofollo to your money Is returned MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto Can OLD FRISCO It seems strange that living today can recollect the time when a woman seen in San Francisco would cause more excitement and curiosity than en elephant or a gir affe would have a few months ago In a book on the city published thirty years ago the writer tells his experiences of the earliest days of the city when the chief in habitants were rough miners and eager fortunehunters Men pined for the sight of a gen tle womans face In near San Francisco some miners discov ered an old bonnet lying the road Without a word they their picks and shovels joined hands as if by WHALE Probably it wont be very long before our meat markets will be selling whale meat in large quant ities to customers It may be come very popular when people begin to realize that the flesh of this great ocean monBter is very palatable It may also a part in solving the high cost of living it will be much cheaper than beef Roy Chapman Andrews in an article in one of the current magazines speaks particularly of the whale as food in Japan He says Few people realize the great part which whale meat plays in the life of the ordinary Japanese Too poor to buy beef their diet would include little but rice fish and vegetables were it not for the great supply of flesh and blubber- furnished by these huge water In winter the meat of the humpback whale which is most highly esteemed sometimes brings as much as thirty sen fifteen cents per pound but this is unusual Or dinarily it can be bought for fif teen sen or less But the edible proportions are not only the flesh and blubber Certain parts of the viscera are prepared for human consumption and what remains is first tried out to extract the oil then clipped by girls using hard knives and dried in the sun for fertilizer Whale meat is very coarse grained and tastes Home- thing like venison but has a flav or peculiarly its own I have eat en it for many days in succession and found it not only palatable but healthful The Japanese pre pare it in a variety of ways but perhaps it is most frequently chopped finely mixed with veget ables and eaten raw dressed with a brown sauce ram nag alia est A3 BarB erf mi Sb Saturday Oct we will give with every dollar purchase of Goods I One Pair of Griffons SEE THEM OUR WINDOW Webster New International Dictionary THE WEBSTER It is ft HEW field of worlds culture only new In I more between two Not only Premier Blam ed tlie in the face the Farm ers in selecting his Cabinet but the Conservative press of Toronto intimates that the country has now got a government which it does not want The News for in- stance Pays it will carry out the roost radical program ever announced a Canadian parly leader On the other hand the Telegram remarks So far as heard from he doors of Hie Borden have been in the face of every true friend public and public I rights inside the The Opposition can only look on with Complacency and see how the result pans out The Montreal Star We cannot profess to be delighted with Mr first demonstration of his conception of Ms duties as Prime Minister with a free hand and expresses the thought that his Government is wholly unshadowed by evn a ques tion as to the character and reputa tion of some of morns No Confidence We Hack up our Statements with our Personal Reputation and Money Wo are so positive that we can re lieve constipation no matter how chronic it may he that we oler to furnish all medicine free of if we fail We think that it is worse than use less to attempt to cure constipation with Cathartic drugs Cathartics may do harm They may cause a reaction irritate and weaken the preconcerted signal and danced bowels and constipation more rapturously about the dilapidated headgear In an auctionroom one day dur ing a crowded sale some one shouted Two ladies are going along the sidewalk Instantly the crowd of purchasers rushed out pellmell startling the unconscious objects or their interest into the impression that there was a fire or an earthquake When a certain Judge arrived In with his wife and little child ren men crowded about the liny ones asking permission to to shake hands with them to give them gold nuggets or lit tle bags of duff p It only with ww divided A fitroka of talus doubt Mr will be by I hi criticism I of friends on delighted the pari Premier Whitney told city lit if mm Beta tie wwrcJopetofa t c sorry to statements the Courts ftnd the one rWuiie ho knows us yon this work A KliM CO tu was Very made in COMPOUND INTEREST A man may secure an absolutely sure income of a year for his little year old daughter or granddaughter from the time she is the end of her days if he will pay the Canadian Govern ment the sum of If she should die at any time before reaching the annuity age the money paid together with per cent compound interest will he re funded to the purchaser or as he may direct There are but few parents who when they under stand the matter will not be anxi ous to make the if they can spare the money in order to have the assurance that their daughter no matter what reverses overtake her after she is would the newspapers in reference to change to be made in the Ontario chronic Constipation is often and may he caused by weakness of the nerves muscles of the large intestine or colon- To cure you must therefore be to tone up and strengthen those parts and restore it to healthier activity The discovery of the active princi ple of our remedy involved the labor of skilful research chemists This remedy produces results such as are expected from the best of the best- known intestinal tonics and it is particularly prompt in its results- We Want you to try Order lies on our guarantee They are ex ceedingly pleasant to take and are ideal for children They apparently act directly on the nerves and mus cles of the bowels having it would seem a on other or gans and glands They do not purge or cause inconvenience If they do not dure chronic i or habitual constip ation and thus relieve the myriads of associate or dependent chronc ail ments your money will be refunded Try Orderlies at our risk Three sizes of packages you can obtain only store Tin- Store It Drug Store Newmarket NEW PREHKKVKR iT ens mm OS Store Canadian Express Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch The normal form of the cats pu pil is then the same as that of the human pupil but when submitted to the influence of light its be havior differs In a bright light our pupils become very small cir cles while those of a cat turn into ovals or narrow slits The general effect is the same in either case namely to diminish the quantity of light passing into the eye In the larger animals of the cat family such as tigers the pupil sometimes behaves exactly like a human pupil and when brightly il luminated contracts into a minute circle instead of becoming linear In the case of domestic cats the odder the animal the more fre quently does the pupil assume a circular form He added here have a comfortable income In her Old age an income that she can not be deprived of by any person no foundation lor by any process of law Nearly farmers from tho United States settled in the Canadian Northwest last year WELL WELL THIS a HOMEDYE ANYONE can use Hi dyed ALL these DIFrTREHTHIHOS of Goods SAME for thm whatever and suggeaUon has bun made to that effect Hence the Story about he for superintendent Canadian North York a Cabinet sit was Government Annuities Ottawa to all bunCorntf Mr Full particulars of this excellent scheme may be had on application whom letters free of postage Sufferers Prom Piles I Hon Mr of forests and Mines and re port has it that Canity stands head and shoulders higher up official rank than North HAS i A f handful in a line reprtKtniaUve tor official and preferment wltenever opportunity offers all this Provincial General election is now on and when noise and dust of the Contest over the chances are that T will be if aspirations for po litical preferment the the electorate WHEN YOU SWEEP absorbs the dust the floor and cleans the carpet One free trial Yours or ALL A Binns mm Friction on hemorrhoid veins that are swollen Inflamed and with blood is causes the r- pain awl stinging and smarting of piles applied Will found before morning ihousands of people ihU not he guide by the experience of others Mr of Prince- write must thank you Tor the benefit from summer I Oct One Wftd from piles I started week ago today Miss Violet and found It gavel aged a graduate of Toronto j arid I contlnJjed It and Normal School disappeared from l or four I aur ay it effected a Sfrangc Cane WKVMARKFf toe Representative Wanted at once for work in ioMlity per day Opportunity to if- rapidly llbezally for not luUxur tioeal Toronto to me relief niter using isolated of Dillon Port fa Pleased to lmTry District cure The was school- teacher having charge of torfi street Koch Quebec J jojnjjsurs in the nefilorbood can highly recointrionij On Monday morning early she walk- to everyone who suffers from ed out of the back door of her piles into the forest and Magistrate of not been or heard of since Co says suffered detectives have been jlona from plica but to locality and scores have assist- now cured me in the search without result Mr Win of Upper Nine Mile murder and abduction bavel tlvfr Coo says ill been advanced by Wtered from piles the pain wellknown believes I being almost I ithat the has been abducted audi tried various ointments but every held a prisoner in one of the re- thin tried faffed Undo the slight- i mote the district of trying vur- A search sfxty mem Is te- 1 remedies when I heard of 1 if organized for tomorrow last resource trial A Her a time a j complete cure cure for skin in- wl eczema varico veins cuts burns bruises Ball In Police tenied John a to months In the Cen tral with lafche because he hid guilty of criminal upon a girl Cooper a teamster at killed vfc team away at the and when wheel fc4ririt the drtTer out tod bit broken chaps cold etc boa druggists and or free from amHiilf Co Torotito Refuse all Imitations Try amBuk the other day at Victoria brought codfish from consular reports describe a new form of life preserver which it is proposed to introduce into German Navy It consists of two swimming cushions bound together by straps ami arranged to lie upon the breast and back The novel feature of the apparatus is electric lump which Is worn on the forehead The lamp burns 3 CI hours and is provided with a reflector which throws Its light for a distance of several hundred yards at night The life preserv er can be buckled on in seconds Scientific American NATIONAL TREK OK CHINA The of woodoil tree in worthily named the national tree of China It is stately in with smooth green bark and WideSpread I branches affording a fine shade ft bears a fruit re sembling a shell bark hickory nut but urge as a small orange Koch nut contains three triangular seed fl similar to small Brazil nuts The oil Is pressed from these seeds and the rcfus els used an a fertiliz er The oil need principally lor polishing WOP Work and dressing leather Considerable quantities are exported The wood of the tree is d for making musical Instruments fine boxes and the framework of small housed ft Is believed that this tree might flourish In warm er parts of the United Scientific American ABOUT LAUGHTER All the world laughs though the nations have different ways of showing mirth The Chinese laugh is not as hearty or as expressive as the European or American It oftener a titter than a genuine burst of merriment There is lit tle character or force in it As for Arab laugh we hear of its hil arious ring The Arab is general ly a stolid fellow who must see a reason fort a laugh or be surprised into it In Persia a man who laughs Is considered effemin ate but free license is given to fe male merriment One reads of the grave Turk and the sober Egyp tian but it is not recorded that they have not moments of mirth when the fez bobs or the veil shakes under the pressure of some particularly- good thing In Mo hammed himself Christian writers have noted cordiality and jocose- and they say there was a good ringing laugh in the proj phet with all his seriousness 1 1 mirth lias been described as languid and musical the Herman as deliberate the French as spasmo dic and uncertain the upperclass English as guarded and not always genuine the lowerclass English explosive the Scottish of all classes as hearty and the Irish rollicking I No Chine of Mr 1 Simple and for Color Cud Booklet f Mont al York Radial Railway etropolitan Division The management of the Toronto i York Radial Railway Winter TimeTable will into effect on Monday Oct The am and from Toronto to Newmarket can celled The cars leaving Toronto ton are as follows and it and The am and from Newmarket to Toronto have been cancelled 8PECIAL RATES TO THE SPOKANE VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE PORTLAND FROM TORONTO Second Class Kept 15 to Oct PROPORTIONATE RATER FROM ONTARIO POINTS through Tr Toronto to Van couver 1020 pm daily For tickets and Sleepers apply to ATKINSON Agent Newmarket Cars leaving Sutton for Toronto ti as follows am am and pm Time tables may be secured any of the ticket offices or upon ap plication at the Head Offices ii after Oct LIVINGSTON Traffic Manager The difference between the or dinary photograph and the kind wo make is duo to our skill and highgrade equipment Every Bitter Is given Individu al attention and treatment and the results we produce arc pho tographic portraits rot photographs Let ns demon strate our skill by tot you the best portrait you have over had you wish to have a photo of your home or any view work us a call I Photo Artist Phone Newmarket THE CATS i The pupil of a cats eye ordin arily appears as a long narrow or a straight vertical black line The animal seems to be look ing through mere In the Iris of its eve especially when It faces the light In semidarkness the pupil widens Into a beautiful oval One la accustomed to regard the narrowness of the pupil as the distinguished peculiarity of the eyes of cats A writer in Harpers Weekly states that oil animals the cat family share this peculiar ity Yet this natural shape of pupil of the cats is circular By varying the quantity ofllght entering the eyes experimenters have seen the pupils of the eyes of cats and tigers change from straight lines to perfect circles and while under the Influence of which suspends for a time the muscular control of the eye they are always circular Canada in Cash Prizes for Farmers R sm tho conditions of are con ducting for the farm ers of Canada In prises will be award ed lo each Province These prises wilt be divided Into four ctfrnlstln of to In who ill titt daring of PRIZE to In eh urn im of O lo la who I of tar kind of on j with SI00OO la who hut of lo toy par ticular of work i la farmer In Canada Is Therefore do not be deterred from enter- lea by any feeling that you would havo chance your neighbor For remem ber Prises and D have no whatever upon the quantity As a matter of fact your success this con test will a ureal on your careful of our l60pse book What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete In book sent free on request to any farmer full Instructions are as the uses of concrete and plena for every kind of farm buildings and farm utility Youll see the need of IhU book whether you are to try for a prise or not It you have not sot your copy yet write for It tonight cut off attached cou ponor a postcard will do your narna and ad- drca thereto and mat It tonight Canad Ctment Company Limited ay ARCHIVES OF ON