Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , October 13, 1911, p. 8

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mm EIGHT 1 s AURORA Ont July I a dreadful sufferer for man jtit from Sick Headaches and Bilious ness or Torpid Liver tried many ana physicians but nothing seemed to do roe any good I finally tied and after the first I bo much better that I con tinued using these fruit tablets and they have entirely cured me I certainly can recommend vtive to anyone who suffers from Headaches Biliousness or Stomach Trouble Mas ISAAC VANSICKLE Thousands of people have had the experience as Mrs VanSiclcIe They have tried doctors and taken all torts of medicine only to find that the one and only actually cures these is the only medicine in the made of fruit juices and is the greatest Liver Cure ever dis covered It acts directly on Liver Kidneys and Skinsweetens the second got a way stomach snd purifies the blood a box for or trial size At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa remedy The harvest festival on Mon day night a success Mrs George Wood of Newmarket was a visitor in town on Thursday A farewell party was tendered Mr Williams at the home of Mrs James on Friday night The little so of Mr John Thomp son of the tenth line had the misfor tune to break his arm Want a House If call on Hughes Real Estate Agent A good quire of House to Rent Louse even- roomed Stephens En- New Brick House On Prospect Ave for sale Apply to H Eves Newmarket 27 new riouse street for or to rent Possession Oct 17th Apply to Edgar Willis box The Sisman Shoe Co are so with orders that they are compelled to run three nights a week While visiting her in Toronto last week Mrs Dr Pearson had the misfortune to fall and break her arm just below tiie elbow- Mr Walter Wool who purchased the Major farm south of here had sheep killed by dogs this week Ho succeeded in killing one of the dogs lie follow ed the animal however to its own ers residence Mr Wood will take action against the owner of the dogs to recover the value of the sheep kill- el Acourt for the revision of the Vot ers List for the Township Whit church was held n the Town Hall on Wednesday before Morgan two hundred appeals were en tered of which were added to the list and struck- off the balance dismissed Mr Davidson of Mt- Al bert conducted the case- for there- formers and Mr Lennox fur Conservatives there Is Bare to come physical suffering at times suffering hard to suffer ing which wilt be followed by serious sickness if the first symptoms are- neglected But this suffering will Soon bo for gotten and there will be no after conse quences If relief is obtained from a safe reliable natural corrective medicine 1 ought to be on hand every home ready for at first sign of trouble This famous family remedy has proved in years and years of trial its power to correct physical trouble and to ward off disease i Try for yourself or in your home a few doses and sec how the bodily system is strengthened and refreshed and how surely and effectively they offering Your can you in villi helpful directions Do you feel that you simply cant go any farther that you must have rest for that lame and aching back- relief from that constant deadtired feelingfreedom from that stabbing darting pains It is natures warning the kidneys are giv ing out and need the help of Booths Kidney Pills the guar anteed kidney remedy In ev ery- machine there is one part that works the hardest and gives out first The kidneys work night and day and naturally a life of unusual activity doubles the duties or the kidneys and in time the strain tells The kid neys give out and nature cries stop Booths Kidney Pills are sold by all dealers postpaid from the Booth Co Ltd port Erie There is no pill just as good Send for a free box The test will prove the truth of our statement Sold and guaranteed by J Patterson Newmarket No person may hunt take kill or destroy Any grouse pheasant prairie fowl or partridge except from the day of October to tho day of November both days inclusive Ducks of all kinds or any other water fowl except from the day of September to the day of any year both days inclusive except from the 15- th day of September to the day of December In any year both inclusive no capercaulize to be hunted taoen or killed before the day of September 1915 except from the last day of October to the day of De cember in any year both days in clusive Notwithstanding anything in this Act the wood hare or cotton tail rabbit may be taken or killed In any manner by ihe owner occu pant or lessee of any land upon which it can be proved to cause actual damage to trees and shrubs or by any mamber of the family of such owneroccupant or lessee provided that any of these animals under this subsection shall be handed over to the nearest of ficer of the department for dis tribution to charitable institutions The against to bribe a Two New Houses For sale in good locality Rented and good interest Posses sion in one month ROBERTSON Newmarket of preferred Valient of Conservative voter at tame up More Magistrate on Tuesday afternoon A con siderable crowd was present to heal the trial After examining three wit the case was adjourned ntil Saturday this week with the that it would adjourned till some lowing week to meet the convenience of the parties The original charge of offering was amended read offer and agree to to induce to vote for II- Mowat pleaded not to charge I The harvest decora tions in addition to the lowers made rich setting for the beautiful gowns of the bride and her attendants Miss Cumberland entered first as maid of honor followed by Steven son and Cumberland as flower hearers came Miss Helen sister of the bride and Miss Turner Cousin of groom wearing pink dresses and lastly the bride On her fathers arm The brides gown of white satin was very handsome as also the veil the latter being the one worn by greatgrandmother Mrs Miller at the time of her wedding About guests were present Mr Crakes team of heavy draughts took first at Fair As this span is valued it would he a pretty good team that will heat them be in tlie New Brick House For Sale with all modern convenl- 1 who was the first also a number of choice build- rag lots Apply to I S McCAULEY For 8ale 7Roomed with kitchen pantry good basement Lot Apply to Mrs George Diets Ave For and land Stable and all conveniences House room atone foundation cellar kitchen I his Is a tnap for cah purchaser Apply to J At Post Office Holland Landing For had been working him lor souk- time hut had a couple of weeks before the election The reastn gave was Wiat he had a barn to and also that he had to do some driving and seeing voters For latter services 1 was to get per day and expenses which was more than the witness had been Riv ing li- witness did not know Of having any means out side of What he earned by day labor Thomas a blacksmith at knew knew he had from Amos and A Smith and that he had considerable driving Vallentyna poke to the on Sep tember and asked him if he was taking a interest in the election Mr smelled a rat and de siring to bad Vallentyne on said no thin if if could not ie made Interesting him and it might The next re mark from Mr the court and fence up lief ears Mr stated tint the had said that some around I there were and that he might as well have some too If he l wanted any he was to tome around see Mm More the lion J here was nothing further Bald New brick house on Ontario street rooms pantry closets separate batfj wide verandah on wick piers rear verandah bay window full fcize and divided furnace downstairs finished In oak upstairs Georgia pine wired for electric lights cement walks fin home for farmer Com and see Terms to suit purchaser If not sold M Kmerson ton A large number of her friends congregated and presented her with a marble clock and an ad dress as a tangible proof of the esteem in which her friends regard her Mr Henry Doyle read ad dress and Mr Hugh pre sented the gift Monday Concert was held in connection with the Anglican anniversary in town hall where splendid tea was serv ed After the supper was over the hall was quickly hi led by those who desired to listen to the intellectual treat It proved to be all one could desire in form of entertainment The following artists- took part Miss Webster of Toronto Mrs Mar- chant Mr Dick Henderson of Bramp ton and Muster Douglas accompanied by his mother Mrs Pinker J on accompanied Mr Hen derson very- effectively Miss Grace Oordon is spending a few days with her parents i Orchard Mr Angus McKay has laid up for a couple of wuks with a broken wrist Mrs A Weaver and daughter spent a few days vith the formers parents at Pine Orchard last week The local Independent frder of are C4nteniplatin giving a con cert sometime near tle middle of No vember Mr Hector arrived home on Thursday from Northern Ontario where has been located as a lire ranger Mr Fred Sutton from the same locality last week Mr and Mrs John are taking a weeks holiday Mr Joe Mo Donald is acting as station agent and conductor on A Hail way in the absence of Mr Mr William Mr Anglican rector preachd his farewell at on Sunday hist Mr Wil liams returns college He leaves a large number of warm friends here Friends of Mr arid Mrs Robert were shocked to learn on lay of death of ittlc son little fellow had been suffering for Mime Mm- with infantile paralysis to whfch he finally succumbed Anniversary of the Anglican were held at School Reports Report of School Section No Scott for September- Oldham Wil lie Stokes Carrie Harrison Amy J rooks III Stiver Olive Wain Flossie JSrooks Jarre Old ham Pearly Brooks Cain Willie Heaver Mainprise Clarence Johnston Olive Johnston Norman Oldham Viola Laura Oldham Kcnnein Stiver Marion Murray Stokes Daisy Main- prize Austin Corner Bain Julia Sr I Daisy Broad Gladys Cor ner Gladys Brooks Kenneth Stanley Cain Norman Corner Jr I Etta Stokes Tablet Andrew Flor ence Stiver Minnie Adeline Not graded Donald Stiver Teacher Field Crops and Live Stock in Canada This report on the field crops of Canada gives their average con by provinces at the end August together With estimates production of spring wheat oats and barley at that time The per cent wheat is given as 8680 or oats ft and of bar ley which about five to seven per cent higher than- last year and nearly the same as two years ago The Other crops range in condition from to per cent and are generally somewhat lower than in The rains August hindered the- ripening grain and some injury was caused by hailstorms low temperature and rust Towards the end of the month frost prevailed in many sec tions of the North West provinces he full extent of which could not be determined at the date of the reports but in the case of wheat oats and barley production was lowered by probably per cent In the older provinces the grains ripened earlier and little damage was sustained excepting from the drought in some Idealities and the reported condition was or over The average yield of spring wheat is estimated at 10H bushels per acre or the Dominion which is seven bushels more than last year and the total yield at bushels The fall wheat was reported last month bushels being grown al most wholly in Ontario and Al berta The total wheat yield of the country is therefore esti mated to bo bushels or bushels more than last year at the same date The ayer- per acre is bushels or 30 bushels per acre more than last year tho Dominion the yield of oats is given as 368153000 bush els which is bushels more than last years estimate at Report of Mt Pleasant Public School No September Pupils examined in arithmetic composition spelling drawing and writing Names in or der of merit Class Roy Morton Ill Pearl Stiles Lizzie Ham ilton Herman Gladstone York Ada Sweet Jr Ill Jennie Hamilton Hamilton Stiles Mitchell Karl Barker Wllbcrt Pollard Vera Veroa if Gordon Stephens in time will to o good tenant V Scott Main street North Ariz Oct railroad Operator at Torres with this town yesterday lows enough to report or twenty people bad been 1 11- or drowned the which from Tuesday to tut wet A the lots of life occurred Ortiz a Dear Torre olonia tn- villa- wan virtually wip ed u four or Art live VVallcntyne had enough money to buy my vole The court then Adjourned alter the bail accused ovn each by Kel ler an bad been re newed Mrs gave a dance on Wednesday evening as farewell tot Miss Margery Miss was one of most popular young ladles the arid she will be by a large circle J An induction service was held In Trinity Church Monday evening when V I new rector was formally Inducted by Ven Cody of Toronto After the was spent In the parish Sunday services were well tended The was In the Mr Toronto conducted the services The best suitable talent has secured for the grand concert to be held hen- on Friday night Oct lb last day of the fair No one will think missing an entertainment that promises to am of former years A event irj the presentation to Mabel op Monday evening at home parents Mr arid Mrs Alex Credit- The readers of this paper will be to learn that there la at a evening that has able cure In all stages Mr Pratt disposing of that Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure I the only positive cure now fcnown to the medical fraternity Car the a a constitutional treatment Catarrh Cure Is Inter- that he prefers natlf directly upon blood surfaces of the system the foundation of 1 1 if position x Vitta and going where be secured fctn of the Deal and fclifte After a year a halls perigee in he decided prefers the teaching proft ik Mr of h i possible scceesot Mr Pratt v been in several day dtaeavs and giving the patient looking Into by bttlldlng the costito- iA nature In WOtV The so In curative powers Hundred Dollars lot case that it Mis to cure VsrJi tor list testimonials Address J Co Toledo Bold Take Hails Family Pills tot v A fclai meeting of council I held Thursday which a Urge number of the ratepayer were present to dltcuss the longsUttdlng dispute between the and the town as site of the de pot The railway is desirous at east of Street tA they allowed to do it Toe matter will be taken up at meeting of Dominion Railway Commission on the Inst awl decided by ratepayer to bold former position An exceptionally pretty wedding took place In Trinity at Ion Tuesday morning when Mist Mar gery ttlevenxoo became the bride of Mr of of Toronto at The was conducted by assisted by V Shines So They Slay Shine a Jo to srrtTT wotaui who In It her to toTt clean to tiiil applied and a few brings a polish BlaJc all the hard work and work of stove ban Kalfat will Mil jw a for V Co Oat Jr Darker Thomas Wight Carl Anderson Mary Irene Morton Harold Taylor I Herbert Viola York Mabel Vanrierberg Clifford Hamilton Everett Sweet Primer A Willie Hamilton Mar guerite rnan Ruth Bos wort hi Van- Belle Phillips Tommy Stephens Carson Taylor Primer Dora lover Warren Murray Darker Mitchell Marker Stanley Vandeiberjj Harris Present every Pearl War ren Hamilton Hat- tie Average attendance Gertrude Teacher No Reason For Doubt A STATEMENT OK BY A guarantee complete relief all from or In every we fall wo will the medicine free ItCXall are a ef fective bowel reulaUr and tonic They aim to reestablish function In a way do not cause griping or They are Bo pleasant to take and work that they may be taken by any one at any They thoroughly tone up the whole system to healthy activity Orderlies and Wbal for the use of children old folks arid persons We can not too highly to all sufferers from any arid Three arid you can obtain Remedies In Mils Community only at our store J Drug Newmarket Three of In Hamilton occurred Friday and two affrays Saturday night r f the date and the average at bushels per acre being more last year by MO bushels The average for barley is also higher than hi it year by bushels and the total yield is estimated at bushels as against 30 38V DO million bushels last year The estimated yield of spring wheat for Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta this year Is 181635000 bushels of fall wheat of oats bushels and of barley bushels as compared with bushels spring wheat bushels of all wheat bushels of oats and bushels of barley in the previous year In Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia and New Brunswick the es timated yield of spring wheat Is of oats and of barley bush- in Quebec bushels of spring wheat bushels of oats and bushels at bar ley In Ontario bushels of spring wheat bushels of fall wheat bushels of oats and bushels of bar ley The firial estimates of last year printed in the supplementary ed ition of the December Monthly gave the production for the whole country as bushels fall wheat 133379600 bushels spring wheat 323449000 bushels outs and 45147600 bushels of barley The average condition of live stock for the whole of Canada Is over ranging from for sheep to for swine In A wo provinces It falls below and In these It relates to milch cows arid other cattle which range from 86 to Will Send 5000 in Canada Oct For the purpose of Inaugurating a big colon- cation project the Duke of Suther land has acquired a substantial In terest in ol land Villi to a Landing on the west side River miles below Port lie Intends to sell his farms On easy terms any of his Scottish who desire to etnkrato to Canada The first colony will bo es tablished next Spring The Duke has also view the ac quisition of larger tracts in same district and will not restrict to his own but In tends offer liberal Inducements for emigration from Scotland- His acnt Is now examining various land pro positions Before leaving British Columbia the Duke his bellel that ho would bo the means of sending people to Columbia year Chicago Oct Word was received at police headquarters In this city that the Dank ill vM wrecked by dynamite and the sale robbed early today are new and different from ordinary They their purpose without disturbing thereatof Ova and are therefore lha Ideal laxative for the nursing mother as they do not affect the chit Compounded like all by expert If unsatisfactory well return your money a box If your druggist has not yet them lend and mail them Canada MoDOetl Stock Judging Competition for Young Men years of and under at On Last Day Oct at 1 pm Three Classes of St will be Judged and the following prizes given Draft Beef Cattle Dairy Cattle Horses 1st 2nd 200 on 3rd SI 01 I CO I CO of As will rjciil- Contestants will at Ontario Department Exhibit at pm after which the Contestants judging Young Men advantage of this Good Opportunity Practical Work Stock Judging No Fee For or write J EDWARDS Ontario of Newmarket flont Shingle that Roof use Samson Ready Roofing Made in three thicknesses 2 and 3 ply 36 inches wide Each roll will cover square feet net including a- 2inch lap at the seamy Nails caps and cement are furnished without extra charge r A roofing that protects the building it covers Just a short lime required to lay roofing and it requires no further at watertight storm proof lasting fircresiatintf roof that will increase the value of your build ing and protect the contents dealer to show you Ready Roofing The kind that lasts Anyone can put It on Will not taint the rainwater Cheaper than shingles Gives perfect satisfaction I lowland Sons Co Toronto Ask for Samion Brand on the Farm Tools you buy Samson Brand meant and durability good material end satisfaction 3 Marry SECRETS OF HOME LIFE made by patients the New Method Treatment They know it Cores or TcttirnonlU iud without CONBTITCTIONAL No Th pot nil from my and arms ami I KurM a hi to you fufgtl Ih tor You name In It to an I to rlvd toon you once More etc TWO MONTHS CDIIED HIM No til Blnxlf In In urlna anil night Veins on ln back weak I rrcfWtd your Ititrr of date I In I to that aftr taking two month treatment I at I haw no ft Una of thin coming one year TUB WOULD DIFFERENT No MIS I not had a I when and am rtne The world ftrrni altojtther tut and I thank for mt you You have an honest doctor with me I VARICOSE VKIN8 No ivlin treatment single In in Inimorul liilti Varicose on both on face etc After two months wriira an Yur i hand and to thai I think I My have dis appeared for a and It a cur I nil I tired I havo no drslre for whatever and if I ia ilk I have I- to believe I will you for your kind attention etc l FOUNDS IN ONE MONTH No 1351 hail a chronic of Nervous lilt y and and down In Vlor and vitality After on treatment h- Iowa I am fftidlnjr pounds In one month Hi win have to r r report I amlieKlnnlnji to troi like a rnm I feel my Is Kf ttlnir lettr every Ills I tat IJear I this lust months treatment that will have to f at time I would cured but I put fldenca you from the and you y 1 him cured me CURBS OR HO PAY BLOOD AND W VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS DEBILITY URINARY COfLAUITS ICIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES nd U FREE BOOKS FREE n for a OtilUo Blank lor Horn Trtmnt AHUltM from CbIi to our WINDSOR Cor Michigan Ave and GrUwotd St Detroit Mich hut 83 Were last month for help wcro left for trained help are no wo to a position to graduate or refund tui tion money you are to succeed write for our beautiful catalogue today Central College To ronto Shaw Principal a of nl who Uib of their MUiMM chut KMrU pur till and Application to Parliament Notice Is given that Isabella Helen of the city of To ronto in the County of York of Ontario married woman will ap ply to the Parliament of at the next session thereof for a BUI of Divorce from her husband John Daniel Mechanic of the City of Toronto on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto In the Province of Ontario the of August i A I GODFREY PHELAK A HENDERSON Toronto St Toronto Ont- Solicitors for Isabella Helen Horn- FOB Fir Wood in any form to suit the purchaser Must bo aold The tim ber is on farm Apply to ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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