FOUR THE ERA FRIDAY OCTOBER i EDITORIflli NOTES A proclamation appears in last J Saturdays Official Gazette at I tawa warning all subjects Kin George in Canada to observe strict neutrality in the war between Turkey and Italy Torontos official t the Ecumenical Conference v For five months I delegates presentcd a striking painful and to the way the followers of John Wesley used to received the ago By Vegetable Compound Que Without Vegetable Compound I Dr Miles Nervine Completely Cured Our Little Boy of Fits A family can suffer no greater affliction than to have a child periods and inflammation of the uterus suf fered and thought often of death I con sulted two doctors who could do nothing for me went to a hospital and the best doc- tore said I must submit to an oper ation because I had a tumor I went back home much discouraged One of my cousins advised me to take your Compound as it had cured her I did to and soon commenced to feel better and my appetite came back with the first bottle Now I feel no pain and am cured Your remedy is deserving of praise Mrs Emma Quebec Another Operation Avoided I run a sewing machine in a large factory and got al run down I had to give up work for I could riot Stand the in back The doctor raid I needed an operation for womb trouble but Vegetable did more for the doctors did I have gained five pounds hope that every one who is suffering from female trouble tij backache will take the Compound I owe my thanks to Mrs She is the working girls friend for health and all women who suffer should write to her and take her advice MlSSTlLME Jay St Thirty of unparalleled success confirms the power of Vegetable Compound to cure female di- A Toronto evening paper rises to remark that rumor has it that the biscuit manufacturing interests of Dominion are considering a mercer n early proof of what the friends the reciprocity said would likely follow its rejection A Luxe Booklet The railways of the American Con tinent vie with each other in produc ing their publications in artistic and attractive style anil th Grand Trunk have received the from Con noisseurs for the leaders in this direction With their usual taste they have just issued a very jeet to fits or epilepsy Many a handsome brochure slightly different father or mother would give their j to tho ordinary run of railway book- all to restore such a child to health inasmuch as there is Mot Tarn to tell you of descriptive matter in to publication tut is book views that cell without words The name this unique piece of advertising is simply Vistas with the Grand Trunk trade mark cne corner of the cover The cover itself is a reproduction in colors from Paint ing of The International the finest and fastest train in The Telegram of Friday rises to Aside from the TemisfcamingJ New Ontario Railway which owes its origin to Hon Ross and evergrowing efficiency to Sir Whitneys L I chart the whole Department Mines and Forests has not done as much to open up New Ontario in six years as art adequate department I do six months If a Grit paper had this Mir Mail and Empire iv into hysteric it Ottawa correspondent remarks Hon Mr in re- from position of leaves to his successors a n re spect to the ncial affairs minion- lie- leaves an overflowing our boy who was completely of fits He commenced hav ing hem at years of age and had them or years I tried three doctors 2nd one specialist but all of them said hi could net be cured but Dr Restorative Nervine Miles Nerve and Liver Fills rrrd compete euro He is nosr si and gay- It has been three years sino he 1 shall give Dr Miles medicines raise wherever I go You arc at iberty to as- this letter as you see fit and anyone writing to me J trill answer if enclose stamp or reply F Windfall Dr Miles Nervine da Inside the took are found maps of the Grand Trunk Railway PS 3tr ma Kim ami mam Diua asm ram For Early Spring Garden Flowers and the Grand Trunk Pacific and a series of sixtyone pictures of HYASQlN HS OT Single These pictures are TULIPS- Double or Single Canadian seen is reproduced in fmsst of mi compounded especially negatives and printed on nervous diseases such as fits The a is just it is represented to be process from direct photographic a for spasms St Vims dance convul sions and epilepsy These diseases frequently lc2d to insanity or cause weak minds Dr Miles Nervine has proven most effective in reliev ing these dreaded maladies druggists If the first bottle fails to benefit your money is returned CO Toronto Can MILES Our Western Letter Winnipeg Man Jet ISM The t the ny Wm of v ho is on he Indian list got drunk one day last week and arrested and before a who him an I costs having liliot The man A If purchased the liquor for fined and costs A system has been adopted by I r- of sm sets CROCUS NARCISSUS or DAFFODILS CHINESE SACRED LILIES A T mail are turned in at the post ohce jTL jf iilvVT treasury and a sheet lor Mens six- months of the- year which will go Great Britain next year provides iis i- instead Western Canada as ferial prosperous Budget- has it- iloiie the past two years The There an- no outstanding temporary I rip organized two last- or other There the purpose building Up is funded for trade months to come as the Wi and has been sue- tin- last year in doing thai and promoting closer friendship between the witbout stamped and are post- marked by and pail for in j- huh with stamps I IPS Fear of having a tooth extracted is our special treat ment Wo four and five at tlDlmpoi8iblo if at tended by pain tn of tut t A budding genius it business houses could equip- red with a meter just as a house is equipped with a and velopes passed it iitomati- weiKhed an I the amount due for collected hi the mail Anyway the posing stamp go has been tried on the Charge that Star Ik IB si En a US- emu Canadian Express Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch Phone li C fc is li r I A few davs a the Toronto onan ten stive trip will he made of iCZZ press bail that British trade centres and cities for Hie tin- should three if purpose forming better acquaint- j not four in the business men of Cabinet The names of loSe Mr Ames Mr excursion has taken and Mr Osier were -mention- shape and will follow itmcr- coin- Ibcsj cities finds a phitv iMool Crewe that Ml Dieted Mr- Foster in and he goes Bushy odoii Bedford ytl as IVilasi way WEBSTERS NEW international Dictionary the vebster The Only Hew unabridged dic tionary in many years Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library Covers every field of knowl edge An Encyclopedia in a single book Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page Words Pages Illustrations Cost nearly half a million dollars Let us tell you about this most remarkable volume Write tor pi j ti this paper Pocket despaUh ae feiafs Mr Borden lu will be I on to the for lime to form hi was dictated I t- Bremen protests of Ontario and in particiil- Hook Mol ar of Toronto against the proposal While lorrnlo Toronto and district La r mil UMt ok ABA Wv i A 3 W to include tin- served notice Mr of Mr White or with land and from thence to Harwich and As at present suggested the iry of three leu the difiirenee them the connections into landing in protested first favors on ocean route from Montreal to London the second On November the lh rt Montreal to Liverpool and I he third there is be hid i 1 1 am Hon a Montreal Bristol groat Mens Convention Water was turned on the big covering twenty three counties in- power plant week and cur- eluding covered this tt transmitted over line newspaper in Ibis vili take to the have from one to plant in thoroughly reliable working Iwenlyiive order but the civic and power pastors and in fin- nun iiia iinivii ruic the speakers is lhai- The plant is by far the biggest Sir Andrew who entered tin in I he except of Winnipeg Indian Service in and remained Strut Railway and Winnipeg Is a J A vs of the is dent of delivering ii Hie of the be ami much active lie rebinud to Scotland Mis activities in In service Covered a wide tphre tnVinber of- ia ft k5 saw If- jap Jl grave This I A id line in it lie an even more Held for pew people and than a JI dne iitrbal work In which in- and other forms if jiUiiii lull Ihere a from the drdga the most progressive men of might be old face but report rvilid I hat was mem of remedial and I tie City to Hon yea be wan hind revenue an him recilj touch with all ihe to Mr Mm ttliyiv of country ami ftii of r I- way experience two ir Bury is a man experience and fin- West like Mr jury has in Wet Hit that knows man of ahd all Import oier fanatic in tried to he Bay and mi rat Indian Power of tilth i f Bur in been eheitit of the anadian Iaeili- The I luring last minilraUon and I ices a iinpo clause ol pie lure stands fri volinne and saved lit- found Hie mail In Hie was poor reieb joy and Ho thai no one would diem man was praying for the sick recent yearn of sorrow and IBs mother had all money and nil sickness in group his healing without flu re- Hill that the slory of which we ore man number six can bill r dollars to him at bis own The man with his hail And find did the Hi a mile mi his I m1 allies II Leicester Oct St A oil slow eorges Church three large Alex Sinclairs factories were destroyed by fire just after dinner Mr I hen- at The lire is said to luvi been the disastrous in the his Ion leieestei way it mile wield a broom would hair done so but lb And rev- 1 1 he man that to II Bay to leading 111111 of I he West of lift 5 thK- mm wWlUo In Lot rtt a pistol and Mr Milt- Illd loot and sick nine yeais be Hick and for four yean ha been- lielplesn o in the pi tare hern dress and undress him him you valer the An I left for above pjetnii- and description by Id Wil liam of Mr Williams of Dm who lias I work ihe She writes us as follows ve- me great pleaUe in 1 1 ip SWEEP I he dust 1 door arid clean Mr is a Xova Gentian ami InaAvhearlcd know j f Oils imam t And now the an I ome lilS ao he- a ale broken mn in ft a few nid has la- Iftfj of more Mr the Inst a liiih- from of Brother now M In lin er for the Hudsons Bat wheel and freed the 1 or soul why few day freedom have driven will bundled tin- all oriow from Una hut laiph sly and will be in Toronto Sod hold meetings fiom the v- with the VMA the to Areal rom Sir a on bo mi fona In a ill carpet Ceylon la- is time trial fori ALL A Burns no give wp of done And hat is lb- is Will haft 1 I lip hair id an unwonted period of clouds and has been two roHlruinn lain and liny and Instead 0 Although- niorc delay unfavorable Tim is so I appreciation rain In wiiillwf an the We lias known In end reit In lb many But It Is not ball a miniaijrc lake and oOnds an evcclliit re- marO fr Wllit iiisand visitors Kali on final find I know ton will br ivri much bdas they ale Very I Iron for the hi I III re u nid can that half has not yet been old pli have from across Io aill to bat been I la A short time go we hid the Mire of Mis Ann 1 whom will remember a an evangelist in with us for a few days Words are Inadequate if add Mr Be and flair son Kit WELL WELL loss Is estimated lire in house which was shed after tire had bur up Mis Sinclair had her I THIS HOME DYE I ANYONE Ma ALL I KIHU5 I used 1 ji I i Til difference between tie photograph and the wo make is due to our skill and highgrade equipment sitter is given Individu al attention and treatment and the results we product- pAnralts not mere ly pjiotograpbs Let us denn-n- our skill by making for you the best portrait you have over had If you wish to have a photo of your home or any view work glveus a call It it IOC Artist Ihone Newmarket fold The rest of l that nobei il in the work man in pie I lire band Mr Bell ties ma- of one of life Oct The I White for e for black lie Inside the But rtTiJjf Jy he wan nn avowed ser Stores Angelrs and yli been assistance curing of in I I at hfr oH-f- bunding the most wi heritor si Hill- for Ml Jan aw a Way It was seat to Toil Mope for a hanlkerehkf for eastern papers lie was city of this man The Lord Journal before Two were killed and II hurt an I lip fo a r 1 it a ridial workcar collided with a train Rochester hours later the man yielded his Soul He went forth with joyyjHAlci aliary He school Inspector at On Reduction Sale TO TO NEW PREMISES NOW IS VOIH Sweat each Brushes regular for Combs Halters and up Double and Stitched Genuine Flexible Tree Har ness Og for Double Stitched Single HnineSs pa tent Leather Trimmed for Solid Nickel Harness reg for J Nickel Harness reg for J OLD STAND SPECIAL RATES TO TUB FROM TORONTO Second Class Sept to I I NTS Through Train Toronto to Van couver p in- daily For tickets and Sleepers apply to ATKINSON- Agent Newmarket r 1 1 HP ONTARIO 7