Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , October 6, 1911, p. 8

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1 J av t- I I I saved my Lite A May I look upon my recovery as nothing short of a- miracle I was for eleven years constantly suffering from Chronic Dyspepsia and Indigestion I was treated by several doctors and they simply did roe no good During the latter part of my illness I was so thin that I weighed only pounds and everything I ate TEMPERAXOEVILLE Quite a number of our young people responded to the Invitationsissued by the committee in charge of the Barn Dance at Mr Geo McDonalds on Friday evening of last week and trap ped to tbe excellent music provided by Sinclair Bros of until the wee small hours of the morning ZEPHYR U The Zephyr held Us annual meeting in the Presbyterian room on Wed Sept Election of officers was held Most of the officers returned- Next meet ing will be held at the home of our President can have a clear brain active muscles and firm nerves if your bowels are sluggish but see what a help to you will be a few doses of III J li she uses without affectation and her singing was much appreciated by the congregation The doctors gave me up to die as the stomach trouble produced heart weak ness and I was frequently unconscious I received the Last Rites Of The Church At this time a lady strongly urged me to try When I had taken one box I as much better and after three boxes I was practically well again and had gained pounds I have taken boxes in all and now weigh pounds and am well Madame ARTHUR is the only medicine in the world made of intensified fruit juices and always cures Indigestion a box for or trial size At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa New Brick House On Prospect Ave for sale Apply to Eves Newmarket 27 V had a very pleasant surprise on the evening of bis birthday Sept when about twenty young people of the Peoples Class came to his home gave expression of their kind remembrsnre of him as pastor and teacher On thy anniversary of his birth It was complete sur prise but it was not long before the purpose of their corning was revealed After the usual greetings extend ed the Pastor his wife and the young people all heartily in spending a social time The evening passed very pleasantly alt seemingly ft curate of the I enjoyed themselves Before leaving the the young ladies served lunch The young men provided raw fruits mel ons peaches and grapes were in pro fusion After singing When the roll SCHUMBEIUJ Mr Fred Skinner has purchased a car of the newest style and also a fine wagon There was large attendance at the harvest thanksgiving services in con nection with St Mary Magdalenes Church which were held last Sunday Rev ft Church of the Epiphany taking work at both services Rev is about resign the Rectorship of Trinity Church in this town ami moving to New York The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church intend holding supper on the- evening Thanksgiving Day The Young Mens Bible Class of the Methodist Church are arranging to bold an At Home in the Lecture Room of the church on Wednesday evening October Is Called up Yonder and prayer the young people dispersed having pastor wife much happier by their visit High Class Advertising House to Rent Fast Side Prospect Street Mod ern conveniences to ISAAC silver New- Brick House On street for sale or to tent Possession Oct Apply to Edgar Willis box Newmarket Two New Houses For sale in good locality Rented paying good Interest Anniversary services in connection with Methodist Church will he held on Sunday Oct when Rev St rang ways A of Weston will preach at The latest report received from the Grand Trunk System from their rep resentatives at the Festival Km- Palace London gives particulars regarding the in terest that is being shown the exhibit that the Grand Trunk Grand Trunk Pacific in stalled their handsome building erected expressly fur this event The number of people who have vis- jited this pavilion up to Sept 2nd has been and the pieces of literature descrintie companys lines that have been ion in one month ROBERTSON Newmarket Bolton Methodist Church trlbuted to furnish music of the exhibit is the series of cinematograph shows given in Grand Trunk Railway Pavilion daily and the opening Johnston of Toronto lhe festival May last 720 lecture People each one of which has been attended by hundreds of people The building in which the exhibits are installed is a replica of the nificent new station that the Grand and i choir will furnish music at vices On Monday evening the special feature a knife and fork supper will be hed in the basement of the church Tea served from J to after which Rev Johnston of Toronto deliver Places Winnipeg Man- Oct Western weather continues to be rainy- and none too good for threshing to long spells of hot- dry weather Winnipeg has had rain every week since May a dur ing that time there have been two or more showers in Pro perly conserred this moisture the crops through next if it should chance that there is very little ram Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather the season is one of the bus iest Winnipeg has ev seen The city is growing with even more than its wonted amazing speed and trade business of all kinds and people ore flocking Winnipeg this fall What ever might have been influence of reciprocity in Winnipeg it seems rejection of pact will not have- any deterrent effect Indeed new armories new provincial parlia ment buildings a new military train ing ground a new university are counted upon as certain to be added to Winnipegs equipment as a great center of The Worlds Fair project may he revived soon ex tension of Manitoba boundaries is taken for granted It is announced that Mirnoipols and St Louis and the Iowa Central railroads will hot abandon their plan of entering Western Canada although reciprocity was rejected Newman acting for the roads named says We will go right ahead with the work merging the Iowa Central 2nd Minneapolis and St Louis and when that step has been completed and the necessary financing arranged construction will commence on exten sions that will connect these roads with he Canadian Northern and the Grand Trunk Pacific There other facts which go to show that interest in Western Cana da in the United States is at high pitch Anticipating the attention which would he aroused by the elec tion the Industrial Burca of this The trail from Edmonton to has borne all the traffic out of the Northland all the goods for trade into the great ever district was discovered by McKenzie ago The lll also complete their- line to Peace Riv er as far as Pembina River this about miles in all- Remark able progress has been made on the main line to the coast and the line ra now as far as Pass From the coast east steel has beep laid as far as Hope and nearly 20- men are busy building the line through British Columbia to steel coming through from the prai ries Sir William Whyte VicePresident of the Canadian Pacific Railroad re tired from active service as railway man last week after fifty years of experience that covered every position from to VicePresident Sir William to Canada from Scotland when he twenty years old and made a remark able success of life hers He has been very active in western many years Sir William is talked Of to succeed Lord High Commissioner for Canada in England A splendid banquet and farewell reception was tendered Sir Daniel If MacMillan retired LieutenantGover nor Manitoba in this city last week The function was held in the Royal Alexander hotel and was at tended by an exceedingly large num ber of people Sir Williom presided and Sir Daniel and were presented with rich gifts in honor of the and as souvenirs of the friendship and re gard in which they are held J j WHEREAS five years ago the word was unknown in Canada and is today admitted to be the finest cure for skin injuries and diseases Continued from Page Best Huntley lb Extract Honey Bul lock Railton LADIES WORK Judges Miss Miss Miss Miss A 2inch Patchwork Cotton city put on an advertising in the frig United States dailies bet Hand Knitting Wool Socks Mrs opened up the day after the In a week from the date of the Bu reau advertisements appearance Com missioner Charles Roland received six hundred and fifty answers from various parts Inited States chiefly from industrial centers tbe direction of the campaign having been toward securing new industries for Winnipeg There is also great inter est among manufacturers the Old Country agents of largo films in Britain arc looting over West for suitable sites for branch factories that tliey will he nearer the Canadian market Water is to turned the big civic hydroelectric plant ibis week and will be only cit- in New Brick House For Sale with all modern conveni ences also a number lag lots- Apply to For 8ale House with pantry good Lot Apply Joseph Ave A grand organ will be held in the Methodist Church here Mon- Trunk have erected at Ottawa and evening Oct The recital its ornate design and classic ill 1 given by Prof Edgar Dow- architecture has elicited admiration Organist St Stephens from all who have seen it Church Toronto assisted by two fhe general exhibit is one of the of choice build- nale soloists of his choir An that the Grand Trunk have will given by stalled compare those at the Pastor exhibitions of recent years and lodist Church Aurora This will be jib company were gratified a few of the best concerts the days ago to learn that they had doubt will be well patronized the highest honors from the The proceeds are in aid of the Organ Jury of awards by the award of Fund Bummer basement to Mrs George 25 Farm for Sale Consists of 100 acres being lot RICHMOND HILL M Monday afternoon Mr M Pat ton called Mr J Boyles at Rich mond Hill and loaded his light rig Prix for The Trunk exhibit in London this year is splendid advertisement for the Dominion of Canada on King All under cultivation with two fine calves be had orchard Frame barn frame While closing gate the road bout Two wells and a creek Ap ply BROWN School For House and acre of land Stable all House con tains rooms stone foundation Urge cellar kitchen Ibis is a Sot purchaser Apply to 1 At Post Office Wit Holland Landing Mr Pa I ton driver was by received over cattle started for home at conduct a lively gallop One of the calvti I was thrown out opposite barber shop turned the corner Lome Ave dragging die No Icorglna Cent marks were as follows Viola Flossie Horner Doris Graham Stiles HI Arnold Gladys Arnold FOE SALE Fire Wood in any form to suit the purchaser Mutt be sold tim ber ft on farm Apply to Two Farms for i lot Con and the i4 Con Bast more or lean The farm of good clay loam I id farm of mile north Of lot Coo BRADFORD Messrs and Jno Cur ry were in Newmarket on examining the architecture etc of rink there with a lew to for the building of a rink in Bradford Mr Moses Knight has purchased the standing timber on a 200 acre farm near and haft rented farm with house and outbuilding fr two years Ms will do away with necessity of erecting buffdings for the men and horses while en gaged In Mr lft On Tuesday to take Charge the farm a Watt of Bond Head taken suddenly ill last week with proved to in of has ordered for him a or three month Always a vigorous speaker parish calf by a rope and v Mop Alma Bacon Greenwood favloiet te ll Charlie Lyon Frances Homer Baon Teddy Jr Corner Harding I a lack Arnold Ross at the rear of Trenchs hop Hi- calves were uninjured and the did not aeetn think that It had run away fv Waller Roy Horner- Average attendance Miss L Krkvbod teacher situated about Also west bail East mote or lets hie old well situated lwd strain too at building rfowli For partipjlars apply and that on tot A IK AN It fc Xcidas Befool- The fcWjtuteJy Write for our Bo te at old A Boyd 2 Kemp Hand Knitting Wool A Boyd 2 Kemp Hand Knitting Fancy Cotton Lace Mrs A Kemp Slippers any kind Fisher Mrs A Boyd Crochet Work in Cotton Kemp Mrs A Boyd Crochet Work in B Fish er Mrs A Boyd Crochet Counterpane cotton Kemp Set Table Linen Kernp Fisher Bet Dinner Mats Kemp Fisher Novelties new and original Kemp 2 Mrs A Boyd Braiding on Cotton AND WHEREAS it has been represented to us that there are still some good Canadians and even some mothers and heads of families who have not yet tried this great balm we hereby offer a REWARD one free trial box of to every person who has not yet tried this wonderful balm PROVIDED they send by mail to us this proclamation together with onecent stamp to pay return postage of such box AND PROVIDED that they address such application to our offices at Toronto J Given cur hand his day Good Tools Good Work and Good he West rnperiy with Up Kem power a Rood labor supply and ample transportation facilities lor His of industries anv Suburban and agricultural growth keep pace with tbe progress tbe and towns I Union General Passenger of ihiQrand Trunk Hallway reports per cent Increase in acreage under crop along OTI this year flow settlers have gone out the lines Ibis year and the earli er settlers who preceded the railway into new country themselves and are doing mil II Knox Stonewall a farmer of wide experience in the United and re turning from a to Texas last week says there in in the country from Houston any other part of Texas thai he saw to Induce farmers to Western Canada for Star State Mr Knox went to to buy land ly found Conditions favor able but returned without ami says there Is a hotter chance for farmers It make money in Mani toba than In Texas The Canadian Northern Railway that they would over seventeen million dollars In Western Canada In Improvements and to their line from work that done this summer it would appear that all this money haBbeen The CN It entered Jaw on its way Weal and will soon Calgary plans lor entrance and ter minals in city have been Pled with the city government The branch about 190 from to by which the Cana dian Northern vlll have en trance to has taken over the operating department and a freight service being operat ed fcr Munwn Steel laid as far as Creek on the landing line and jading lias been Into the Landing this the year one the will iraturated at toe rest will will post Mr vm Turner met with accident when a barrel of lime exploded and contents were over him Me was preparing to do some at Mr at when Wie accident occurred Mr Turner overtly burned the arm irA face and Serious Injury Previous to her to Toron to Thompson valuanle from of ler the P Thompson rneat church departure will much ffl Church Mitt Willis of Aurora assisted the choir on last a In the of In the duet with Mr My up to Willis Us a clear vol which branch before the of and will do away oldest trading Sure Signs Tea Cloth Kemp 2 Mrs A Boyd Drawn Work Kemp J Howard Tatting Kemp Netting Mrs Boyd Sideboard Drape Kemp Fisher Tea Cosy made up embroidery Kemp Table Centrepiece in white Kemp 2 J Howard Drawing Boom Table Cov er Fisher Kemp Handkerchief Fisher Kemp A The between a hard day of heavy back- breaking labor and a long day of efficient toil is mostly due to the tools usetj- Use Samson Brand Farm Tools They are strongly made correctly built and last a lifetime The demand for Samson Brand goods is steadily growing which shows better than anything else the satisfaction of the users Try the tools Youll know then what real efficiency is Ask your dealer to show you just what Samson Brand means A CO I Outline Work Fishery Kemp Darned Fisher Sewing Plain hand made Fisher Kemp Sewing Ladles Hand made Fisher Trimmed Pinafore Samson Ready is cheaper than shingles lV M Kemp Mrs Taylor Babys Dress Or Taylor Panel any kind M Kemp Painting on Satin Fisher Kernp Painting in oilM Painting water Kemp Painting on china Kemp Crayon Drawing Kernp Painted Centrepiece M Kemp embroidery Mrs A Boyd Kernp Mount embroidery Kemp Fisher Applique work Kemp Mrs A Boyd Fancy Shirt WaistMrs Tay lor 2 Kemp y Pillow Sham Drawn Work Urn li A Boyd 2 B Fisher Photo Frame Embroidery Kemp Pierced Brass Fisher Wood ULCERS BOILS SWOLLEN GLANDS BLOTCHES PIMPLES AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT 2 i 9 Kemp Has the Black Knight come your home Let him show you the quick and way to shine the stoves Black Knight takes all the hard and dirty work out of polishing Its a paste so there is no watery mixture to be prepared Juat a few with cloth or brings tht you can for a f THAT VOL your back is constantly aching and if you experience dull shooting pains if your urine is thick and cloudy or your ard painful your kidneys and bladder are out of order Ne glect quickly brings on dia betes lumbago etc Booths Kid ney are guaranteed to relieve or your money hack They are the world greatest for kidney blad der trouble All box or postpaid from the proprietors The It T Booth Co Limited Fori Kris Free trial en application Bold and guaranteed by V J Pat tersons Drug Store Kernp Burnt Kemp Mrs A Boyd Button Hole CollectionMrs A Boyd 2 M Kernp WORK Plain Dearborn Hemmed Bilk on Dearborn Pin Boadway KpWingM Dearborn Dearborn Dressed DollM Dearbo WOOdwok plain or King c to attention of all thou tM any Blaod or Skin Dittut to our Haw MtiKod TrlmDt as a euro or coniiLilntv There is no ex- or any a from no mailer hereditary or our treatment all the blood tbm Our vait In thousand most casei to perfect a euro without on the for Benefit Yo DaHve if you have any j r con- of Chug and us to you quickly OUT ill of MUod TrtmM jkln com clear ail up ore out hair In the become retirn victim realises anew life up to him YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE SmJ Bootht on of Mn THE GOLDEN MONITOR FREE to call writ for a Qucitlon foe Treatment orn CopyEthel Macdonald Wacdonald Kthel K Greenwood Hand Bennett Collection DahliasMrs J Collection Asters Mm Brooks Bennett Collection of Marigolds J Mrs W Brooks Collection of PeasMrs Brooks Bennett Collection Plants in Howard The charge against it Valen- of attempting to bribe ft Conservative Scrutineer has beep adjourned ill Tuesday the request of Counsel Val- secured ball Cor Michigan Ave and Detroit Mich AH letters from Canada mast be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart ment in Windsor One you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute In Detroit as we see and treat no In our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows DR3 KENNEDY KENNEDY Windsor Oat Writ for CALLS Vere received last month lor help wero left unfill ed for trained help so that wo can afford to guarantee a position to every graduate or tui tion money If you are to succeed write for our beautiful catalogue today Central Business College To ronto Shaw Principal the of EtrttDd who the their rU ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO notice of Application to Parliament Is hereby given that Isabella Helen of the city of To ronto in the County of York province of Ontario married woman will to tho Parliament of Canada- at tbe next session thereof or a BUI of Divorce from her husband John Daniel Mechanic of the City of Toronto on ground adultery Dated at Toronto In the province Ontario the day of August AD GODFREY HENDERSON Toronto St for Isabella Helen How- V Ham8hlre Hog For Sale registered Apply to lot rear of Con of Pine Orchard 0 i A I

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