mm v CURES r st 9aa 11 f J Added to the Long List due lo This Famous Remedy Glanford Station taken E Vegetable- Com pound for years and never found any medicine to compare with it 1 had ulcers and fall ing of the uterus and doctors did me no good I suffered dreadfully until I began taking your medicine It also helped other women to whom I have recommended it Mrs Henry Clark Station Ontario Another Core Harvey Bank I can highly recommend Pink hams Vege table Compound to any suffering woman have taken it for female weakness and painful menstruation and it cured Mrs Barbour Because your case is a difficult one doctors having done you no good do not continue without giving E Vegetable Com pound a trial It has cured many cases of female ills such as in flammation ulceration displacements fibroid tumors irregularities periodic backache that bearingdown feeling indigestion dizziness and nervous prostration It costs but a trifle to try it and the result is worth millions to many women If you want special advice write lor It to Mrs Lynn Mass It Is free and always helpful V Sheriff Brady of Woodstock is dead after years service another vac ancy for the Provincial Government to person of the House tawa shows that lawyers as a rule They number compared with farmers mer chants doctors 17 manufacturers lumbermen newspapermen notaries and brokers one labor man was elected An Ottawa despatch says the new gold coins will ls- sued from the Royal Mint in a few weeks head King will one side and the Canadian coat lot arms on the tho five and ten pieces being about identical in An Associated press despatch con firms the statement that Maine went dry a majority vote of- but there are technical to be settled by the Governor If fcc ion the technical objections State will continue its old of local option According a recent decision it is lawful for on man to make for another on a racecourse although il legal for to ply heir loca tions this in mind however it be found possible to drive their vehicles through existing statutory law Loopholes in the law are peculiar When representatives of ih Toronto and York Radial Railway appeared before the Ontario Railway I last week to ask for approval of plans for the deviation of the Metro politan line from Yonge street at avenue to a new of terminating on lurch avenue way fii they were the city counter proposi tion from the city to connect with the city tut system The whole matter was adjourned until October i NEW YORK DENTISTS TORONTO The Government I Wednesday No were made stepping out but in with the usual contracts were let for the Various public works for which tenders had received and for which fiary funds were voted by Parliament include the ct or National Transcontinental terminals at Quebec the dredging j Improvements at St and the Intercolonial Railway extension thru eastern Scotia- ft a That SVill Relieve The piercing pains of Neuralgia which often follows a bad cold or La Grippe arc frequently almost un bearable and few medicines afford any relief to the sufferer- I am a rural mail carrier and have been a user of the Dr Miles medicines for years Dr Miles AntiPain Pills cant be beaten They are the have found that will relieve my neuralgia and tried most everything- besides medicine from the doctor I am willing to tell anyone what the AntiPain Pills did for meV Charles Box Woodvill Ohio If you like Mr Hildcrbrandt have tried most everything in vain why not do as he did fight your aches and pains with Dr Miles AntiPain Pills Let the pills bear the brunt of the battle No matter how stubborn the con test they will come out victorious Dr Miles AntiPain Pills stand on their recoTd which is a long list of cures extending back a generation DruggUts everywhere sell them If package falls benefit your will return your money MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto Can New THE MERRIAM WEBSTER only in ore between two laMtrntloBM with divided A titzok of in volume First S S 100 Years Old In view of the approaching annual Convention of the Ontario Sunday Association it is interest to note that there are more than fifty thousand Sunday Schools in Ontario almost fifty per cent of the entire number throughout Dominion o One hundred rears ago the first Sunday School in Ontario was organ ized October in the village of now The tcliool was organized by William Swart who came to this country in response a from a missionary committee instead goS to India as he had originally planned The outgrowth of this first is the strong con gregation of the First Presbyterian Church They boused in a splendid church edifice oh the Corner of the city Central In view of the local celebration in October which is to climax in the holding of the annual con vention of the Ontario Sunday School Association building has been thoroughly renovated and the organ rebuilt A year ago In convention at awa Out the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church Norman backed by the and Vicinity Pastors As sociation urged the Claims of as the next meeting place and Hamilton city which had waited one His Royal Highness the Dikc of the new Governor Gen eral of Canada is expected to arrive at Quebec on the l3th Accord ing to the official program for the day His Royal Highness will lave the oath office in the provincial Legislative Chamber Ahich is being tpociall decorated for the occasion Dinner will served at Spencer I year generously yielded to Wood at and reception will rock Hes cl follow at The city will he illuminated in the evening and Mis Royal Highness Rill have drive through the principal streets after which he will leave by special train for Ottawa by id this work Vim CKIMUM Reports manufacturing centres are emphatic in declaring that furs will go up this fall and winter some dealers bay the advance will le from to per cent In almost all The reason for this increase from the increased for furs during the past five vears while at the same time the district where fur was formerly plentiful have be come thickly- and furbearing animals difficult to get This is par ticularly true of Canada the lidr of immigration has been flowing into those parts of country vUre the most valuable fur animals were plentiful Wholesale dealers predict that furs will increase In Price as these more marked in the development the country DUST A landfill in a line WHEN YOU SWEEP 1 absorbs the brighten the floor and carpet fret for I DUS7MH A Binns mm Canadas prosperity is slgnady by he trade returns tor the month of August which gain J eighteen million dollars com pared with August The total lrad- for the month v as of which was in imports a gain of nine In exports the principal gain was in agricultural which totalled an of nearly five preceding Aituijc the customs Acre over the last year the half of he Customs ha total led an Increase if nearly one million per j new vill trade and fc be most rapid in history of paved for another at the The Provincial Sunday School Con vention at Oct to promises ihe most complete ever offered to an Ontario audience It has several features never ljfore introduced Hardly a phase of Sun day School Interest but finds place for consideration Among those tak ing prominent part In program Rev Cape of Montreal Que General Secretary of the Sunday School Cflion ot the Province of Que bec Rev J a A Rev Farewell BA P K wellknown workers in the field work of Sunday School denominational efforts and many other local leaders In addition to home talent ho pro gram contains Rev A DO of York to Rev A of Internation al and world Mrs Mary Foster of Chicago III one he o the international Sunday School Association and Mr Alfred liny Syracuse who Mas Gen eral Secretary of the Ontario Manila Association for thirteen yarn The music leader will Mr Richie Bell Superintendent of the Montreal Sailors Institute A Rpcelal souvenir program and music booklet of lhlrtytwj Is prepared J he others Dam Burst tost flood foiiowin the bursting- a dam at Austin caused the death of 35 jiersons on Saturday Ihe dam belonged the Lum ber Company and held or gallons of water It stood the head of a little valley in which the town Austin with 2500 people nestled The dam was about seven miles a the town The food water did not spend its force until it bad gone ten miles it bore hige mass of timber on the Test of the wave which served to tatter down all obstacles little Austin was wiped out of existence The dam was a large concrete struc ture recently built Relief was sent from surrounding cities Talcs eyewitnsses of the loss of life were of a- heartrending nature The immediate scene of the obliter ation of Austin covers an area of a mile wide and one and threequarters miles long This com prised the section and the valley residence Nearly a mile above stood the mammoth con crete dam of the Paper and Pulp feet long and feet thick at the bottom tap ering to a thickness of feet at the top Back of this dam yesterday lay a reservoir of Water ntle and a half an average feet deep Directly in front of the darn the plant of the company with Fourmain buildings Stacked high nearby was 700000 cords inch wood and slabs also a Portion of the Companys immense stock totalling in flqb feet of hardwood and hemlock This was a five year supply probably the last cut of the region valued at A mill stream Freeman Run flow ed thru the town into Creek leading to the River The town proper was smart little place of comfortable frame houses more substantial buildings along the main street which ran from side to side across ra vine principal business build ings included the brick structure oc cupied jointly by the Austin Bank anil the the department store Buck Goodyear Hotel and the Commercial House and general stores Five minutes after the dam this had been swept of its scen ery and setting Along the foothills were thrown telescoped houses while both sides and fragments piled Catapulted together At either end Main street brick buildings acted as buffers as the 25foot wall of water rushed downward with its mass of debris Almost billhigh wood and brick were piled strange o the contents of stores homes and of varied length timbers and sticks shot into the mass Spectators many of whom barely being victims of disaster and hundreds of people from surround ing towns looked down from sleep hillsides on Austin and through a vdU of fog Sunday morning to see the wreckage of some four hundred houses a score of business Mocks three churches and several large lumber mills arid three miles further down the river at ostello the ruins of more than fifty buildings The flood d not spend its force it raced for more than ten miles from the reservoir Wharton further on suffered somewhat hut is practically intact lhc loss of life at where the residents had more is believed to le hut three The property loss in the Valley is estimated at upwards v ass A mm FOR HOUSE FLOWERS a 1 g For Early Spring Garden Flowers to Double or Single TULIPS- Double or Single CROCUS NARCISSUS or DAFFODILS CHINESE SACRED LILIES AT Store pit m pi Canadian Express Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch Phone era I One Mi I lion Dollars for a Good Stomach Oiler Should lie Warning very Man and Woman The newspapers and rnedlcil jour nals recently have had much to say relative to a famous millionares of a million dollars for a new stom ach This was too busy l worry fl the of bis stomach lie allowed his run from had to Worse Until In the end It became incurable His misfortune as Anxiety in Britain London Sept 20 Great Bri tain more than in any other country outside of tlie ants war between Italy and Turkey causes apprehension Damage to interests and prestige is a factor in the resultant The danger is how far Turkey will exer cise ami time her re taliation to how far racial and religions feeling may excite them to political activities Much the darkest clouds tonight seem to be in the direction of Greece Strong fear prevails lest Turkish pride and the necessity for the Young Turks Government to Rain popularity may incite the Government to show that it can play the game of ag gression and demand Greece to give up her claims en Crete officials more concerned over possibilities of trouble in the Balkans and Greece than with the ac tual conflict over Tripoli- The theory gains ground here that Italys stroke is the lat a of the program agreed upon by powers of Triple Kn- that it was arranged when Austria took and Herzegovina and Italy only wailed an opportune moment to carry it Into Austrias acquisition of the two provinces Germanys forward -cve- in Morocco and Italys compen sating campaign near by art- inter preted by unfriendly observers as too logical to considered mere Incc pendent acts hands tied in the present strained relations in The Government cannot aord to incur the enmity of either belligerent by taking with the Other Yet her neutrality means a loss of Influence with Turkey which she has hcn struggling re tain since the beginning of the Young Turk rcrjroe s Write for our Free Book telling how and at what price we clean and the finest garments opera cloaks waists silks and satins gloves laces and gentlemens clothes as well as draperies and curtains gyr suggestions will save you dollars pay express one way on goods from outside Toronto to Mrs Lyons London- took in mistake for medicine al most succumbed MY VALET 1 Adelaide St it of fiscal ft year Storm in Nova Scotia space and entertainment promises to tax he capacity of Is therefore being Controlled by Issuing to delegates direct the of Ontario Sunday School Confederation building Toronto These cre dentials will I- Issued of plleafiim on the principle of first Mr Vn Kingston President Mr Hamilton to Chairman of the Com Mr Irwin To rn it retary Treasurer Rev The Ponced for public In Barrels this in office and Oct I ibe ard rain Storm Which over city last caused much damage shipping and properly telegraph were blown down the Is com plete One death occurred result of a coming in contact with a wire The vic tim was a young named Mabel who the ijA was struck by an virc body was Jpt 20AItert burned this morning berry a farmer damage to thro- miles west of Athens lost Mr life in a broke out hi front ly this morning The Coronation was hid gained hlon from her moorings ftear the covered went h fftmovnt into stable In to aave to be tome hones lost vay t tm the shore below cut li steamer Is aged man prosperowt and ashore at Bastern by family The and con- j the steamer has were totally to her Ahy husjness Is more ratpectable than what is termed loafing A man had hotter sell clams by the pailful than hang around public resorts murdering time and his own reputation WELL WELL I THIS a HOME USC dyed ALU KIMDS J of Good It If 9 I very one who suffers with dyspep sia for a few years will give every thing owns for new stomaeh is commonly caused abnormal state of gastric or by luck of tone in the walls of It stoihach The result Is that the stomach loses Its power to food ore now able- to supply certain elements to help to rolore gastric juices digestive and to aid In making hi Strong and well We know that Tablets the most dependable re- for stomachs and dyspepsia We want y to try them ml will return your money if you are not more satisfied with the Three sizes cents you can obtain Itemed in this community only at our store The itcxUl Store J Reduction Sale PREVIOUS TO REMOVING TO NEW PREMI8E8 NOW IS YOUR CHANCE Sweat Pads 25c each Brushes regular for Eclipse Combs reg 25c for 20c Halters and Shanks from up Double and Stitched Genuine Rubber Flexible Tree Har ness rog- for Double and Stitched Rubber Single Harness pa tent leather Trimmed reg for Solid Nickel Harness for Nickel Harness for J ROCHES OLD STAND The difference between or dinary photograph and the kind we make is due to our skill and highgrade equipment Every sitter is given Individu al attention and treatment and the results wo produce are pho tographic portraits not mere ly photographs Let us demon strate our skill by making lor you the best portrait you have ever had If you wish to have a photo of your home or any view work give us a call Photo Artist Phone 153a Newmarket Married people may well their attention on the fact that two horses pull a load together there is hly one tongue between them The Grand Trunk Hallway System baa In course of construction at the Turcot Works of Canada Car and Foundry Co steel und box earn delivery will lie Commenced about October 1st and the whole Con signment will lie completed this year These cars are of lbs and Incorporate all latest improve ments in car construction 8PECIAL RATES TO THE SPOKANE VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE PORTLAND FROM TORONTO Second Class Sept to Oct With PROPORTIONATE RATES FROM ONTARIO POINTS Through Train Toronto to Van couver p rii daily For tickets and Sleepers apply to ATKINSON Agent Newmarket SO in Cash Prizes for Farmers Your Photograph Wi in a ay A i London Oct ma temporarily hurled but there are farmers In Western helped to bury it and who are now having Certainly those who have bogs to sell at present time have been given some thing think A ycek ego they were by drop in the price from that of the Monday before the elections of forty cent Now another drop of cents Ik arranged tot tomorrow the price set by the packers being the farmers can take It j or leave That part of he con- public iiint j expect their J economic theories to work out by a drop In the price of moats MONO the we our big Contest on of tor farmer In each Province who ut with a photograph the of any kind of work don en hit farm durlnr with CANADA For Ihli work of description la Included Now soon in you flnlah that new alio barn feeding floor or dairy that youve been ihlnklnir of why not It and Bend Ihe picture to The photograph necessarily have to be taken by a professional or expert In fact your soni or your daugh ters camera will do Or falling this you might use the kodak of your neighbors ion near by la any event dont let the Idea Of having a photograph made deter you from entering the competition Par ticularly as we have requested your local dealer to help In Ciea where It not conveni ent for the farmer to pro cure a crner in neighborhood By this means you are placed on an equal foot ing with ovtry other contestant the clroular which you full particular of the conditions and of the other three prises Every dealer who soils CANADA Cement will have on hand supply of these circulars and hell give you one if you Just ask for It Or If you prefer you can use attached to upon or a postcard will do send It to us and youll receive the complete details of the contest by return mall If you havent received your copy of What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete write for that too Illustrated book of pages full of useful and practical In formation of the uses of Write us tonight and youll receive the book and the circular promptly Do not delay sit right down take your pen or pencil and flU out the coupon NOW fZl J r J J f J Cnnnrln Cement Company Limited Building MoaUsJ