SSi gear Girls Wanted Apply to Clothing Suckling Pigs For sate Apply to Newmarket For Sale Cheap Horse buggy sets harness cutter ssd one old buggy Apply to A Thompson EDITORIIIj NOTES Wanted Any one having a good farm to Tent good buildings ord in tail please write to Bo Brown Hill 10 Agents Wanted In this vicinity to handle our ling sweaters coats and hand init novelties The- Hand Knit Co street Toro Wanted LADIES to do Plain and light sew ing at home whole or spare time Good pay work sent any distance paid send stamp for full particulars National Manufactur ing Company Montreal nod re SOPRANO Will accept concert engagements and limited number pupils in singing Under the British Preference Policy of the Administration the between Canada and tha Umpire has been enormously policy which the Conservatives under the leadership of Mr opposed The question now aiises will the Conservatives now carry their objections into practice and repeal the Fielding tariff in this res pect We shall see by their acts the country will be able to judge- The Canadian Home Journal for October is a very attractive number It starts a new story by Annie Swan attention is given in this number to home furnishing and dec oration There are practical painting suggestions colors and treatment for rooms of different sizes and Miss Lulu Planter and arrived Montreal on Monday at- and were met by MrsiPlayi 0k ters three Mrs of Mies Greta and Vera They all school hear Mrs I Rose is just recovering from a severe attack of I a grippe Mr A eldest son is attending Trinity College Toronto Mr Davidson is backirbm Tottenham the employ of the Mr it Ross and family are lack from the this week for good Mr J Y is in Bos ton thes week attending the annual Convention Mrs Robinson Whiteside of Brad ford vis ted her friend Mrs Geo- on Saturdays Miss Beatrice Wesley is attending Victoria College Toronto and boarding at Hall- amounts light There is a enter taining and helpful description of the average girls room as it is and asU Newmarket friends might be and an interesting treatlze on wall papers were quests at Miss Agnes apartment of the- week Miss Hattie Hartry matron at Minneapolis City Hospital is The recent victory for the Looser- cost people a months vacation ducats The Boston Herald of last week gives the following MrThos Cross Miss ere Scotia he went top vote against the reciprocity J- Prospect avenue He was but one of the Thornton visited who bad xn shipped home it her daughter Mrs Simpson is stated vote negatively Kvety- Methodist Parsonage over- Sunday body who returned to the Province Miss Vesta Thompson spent the reported a bangup vacation weekend at homtv and attended her grandfathers funeral on Saturday The Methodist fc now in session in Toronto is Albert OnMhe the most important Protest- bait express Saturday visit ada her son at New ten days as its name implies is Mrs Irving will rfctive Address fl gathering ever held in C Main More Toronto care of implies is re strong of Methodism the world a street on The Conference meets once in aaVj Oct from to home together the Co balt- express Tuesday night The for eign tourists were delighted beyond measure with their trip which ried five months We clip the following from the Winchester Indira Daily Herald want to welcome the new pas tor of the church to Winches ter He has taken of a splen did congregation and will find here a great field for worn He will find that the people of Winchester are appreciative while on the proves disappointing he will not j be long in discovering that be is not liked the Rev Frank Cornell a most pleasing personality Everywhere be has he has met with phenomenal success and I know he will here From the recommen dation he brings I believe the Friends are fortunate in securing his services He seems to have every qualification necessary for a minister of the gospel and I form this opinion I as a result of only a few minutes conversation- with him wish him a most successful pastorate in Win chester and I hope to Bee the Friends grow under his guiding hand raj- M twentieth AT T v IT PAYS I FIT Where Others Fail Cider Mill Fanners will please take notice that Cider will he made on Tuesdays and Thursdays at per gal WALTER WATSON Card of Thanks Mr C A Thompson and family de- tiro to return their sincere thanks to Foe many friends who so ren dered assistance and extended their sympathy in time of bereavement ten years and the gathering low con- in Toronto is tb fourth of Thompson and Mr series It has no legislative or ad- Gardner attended the funeral authority or Mrg Bradford on thireU the Conference be- Wednesday simply meetings to discuss topics Wilkinson celebrat- along lines of evangelical sociological interest to Methodism in the widest sense the word and we make no doubt its influence will be felt outside of this denomination their first wedding anniversary evening last week with a few of their friends Mr Cody son of Mr J A Cody has bought out Mr Fred grocery and took posses- Mrs Haines of Toronto vas guest of the Misses Fairies for a few days last week Major Sharp and wife of called at Mr Mr has gone attend ricultural College at Thj Adult Bible Class of the Metho dist Sunday School spent a social evening at the home of Mr I Gray Mrs Edgar Storey and children an- visiting relatives in Mr of Toronto spent Sunday town Mrs Win Swales of is visiting relatives for few weeks J GREGORYS FOR Cleaning and Pressing and REPAIR WOItK OVER HUNTERS STORK NEWMARKET House FOR SALE Bathroom clothes closeie and two pantries Fine stone cellar Peace furnace good Domestic and hard water well BOOM in hall sitting room and din ing room Prospect street nposite Gold Found in Labrador Tuesday Mrs John Miss Flora St Johns Oct The arrived home on Thursday of last steamer Kite his arrived in this liar- week after having spent most alter a mouths voyage in Movable summer in the West which she was supposed to Mr Watson got home on trading in Northern Iabrador and Monday after an eight weeks trip that great unchartered ice-sheath- through the Northwest as far as waste known us Baffins Land Vancouver which he greatly enjoyed Two men had chartered the Kite Toronto vis or this voyage were Sunday with his son Mr Walter and attended the fun- ard White of St Johns M Thompson on Mon- and were regarded ln experienced There was no by the homecoming of the little steamer the sorriest of all the seal- a son Master ing fleet and the men who gone on h were generally reckoned but street wiser men obituary of the late Simon One of the sailors on the Kite was Thompson of Mr A on shore leave a mellow mo- Thompson of this town was prepared exhibited a threeounce nugget for this issue hut has not yet of almost virgin gold which he said I us School Apply to Freeman he had dug out of a vein with Mre Simpson and daughter during the voyage of his Mrs Theodore Simpson of Van- were new as traders the returned from visit to vessel As for trade why he declarMrs Marrov at od the vessel engaged in trade at all but rather in a Col- Mr John Warren came up from lection of a of quartz rock sand the Monday attend the tun- mineral formation of Mrs Thompson and Mr from Sutton or the TUB CRADLE In on Oct For New brick bouse on Ontario street rooms pantry closets separate bath wide verandah on piers also rear verandah bay window nugget opened up a Taylor nd divided full size downstairs finished in oak upstairs age in pine wired for electric tights cement walks fine home for farmer field of enquiry about Kites voy- same purpose and a result it was learned that voyage is prospect which reported to have the great Wastes of Upper and Baffins Terms to ft not soldi to a gold bed far richer in reasonable time will be lhtt Klondike or to A tenant W Scott Main Street North Want a House so call or Hughes Real Agent Closer enquiry developed that the return cargo the Kite as by entry the Customs House was five tons of mineral simples ihey were gold quart and Hiss While Mrs J It her little daughter of Wyanet were vis iting their cousin Mrs this week Mr and Mrs Robertson came home from the on Tues day but the two eldest daughters ex pect to stay at the summer cottage two weeks longer j Treating the Forest as a Crop The progress of the conservation po licy of Canada as applied forest resources depends more Forestry Brand of the Department of the Interior than upon any other organization Upon the technical knowledge and executive ability ol the officers of Forestry Depart ment depends the future of the for est on acres o Dominion Forest Reserves well as upon the largo are of nonagricultural forest land in Western Canada which lor the good of the country may yet be set aside as permanent forest re serves In addition to looking a Dominion lands the Forestry Is now being asked by Eastern land owners to furnish advice as to the best means of securing at the earliest date profitable crop timber waste or wood lots The proper administration of forest lands re quired a special knowledge of the trees best adapted each region their uses arid of the markets Fur ther there is needed knowledge of the habits of all trees especially of the merchantable species so that It may he known how rapidly they grow how they produce seed when and under what Conditions the ger minates and in what way and young trees are affected by their surroundings Such knowledge in gained only by long and ex perience In order that the new Rocky Mountain Forest Reserves may be administered according to thj TUB ALTAR Scientific knowledge In Toronto by experience the Forestry is now making detailed studies of the habits of the merchantable of Through merit alone Queen Quality shoes are famous the world over Year after year are by women in search the latest in style best of workmanship end the uttermost in footwear comfort Each season Queen Qualify shoes set the mark fc Just as the Sterling mark silver indicates the purest metal so- does Queen Quality stp for the test in- the realm in variety charm of style Queen Quality stands supreme For the Fall and Winter season we arc making an exceptional showing Even Fifth Avenues most blase shop would be delighted with the flexi bility newness and snap beautiful models The Knob toe the high top and short vamp are here a well as all other uptodat ideas in We ask the pleasure of visit while our stuck js at its best CASH STORE NEWMARKET J IS House to Rent placer gold copper Iron mica Messrs Win and Joe Holmes ago dolomite who are on Jhe Toronto Police Force ind schist The placertwere home on Sunday and wafted over stuff was a quantity of gravel dug on Monday to attend the funeral of out the rivers and dry beds In Mrs Thompson Baffins Land M of who ex ist to Mr a Mrs a daughter Sept 1011 to Mr and Mrs Sam- Granger a ton RALPH In Newmarket on Sept to Mr and Mrs Frank Ralph eon Victoria Memorial Hospital Toronto Oct 3rd to Mr and Mrs P Ham ilton a and grandson to Mr Robt of Newmarket Roth doing well A bouse En quire of i Stephens trees on the pastern slope the Rockies in Alberta and has one of the men In charge of the work to study he system of forest manage ment practiced during the past by the highly developed States Forest Service in Whs Nation al forests of Montana The States foresters spent large sums of money and availed of of other men in Dr Armstrong oo the ult Mr Charles McDonaM of Toronto to Ingram formerly of Newmarket IF YOU ARE NEEDING OR Vocal Instructor of Toronto will be at Levmarket on which terns a quarter of an ounce to Ism for In a eloni SSX or gold to pound ol Panning the was ver8umlay visiting I find that man has Mrs urc- i i llw since the days of the scattered J protection and of California departure reproduction of the forest and the I it I Mr Mm A It tin llraAh it birth at Mrs it and Smith refuse to and Mrs John Canadian Forestry Intends to thing about discoveries or Illinois visited his largely iy experience to how they first explored and hroliicr Mr and I prospected over the country iIlH Main they to gather samples of turned to their home on Friday School Section No Scott Sept ore and It was in a part of this unknown Mrs Mrs Maw Mrs a art and goldlKarlng Furnace for it a part of this unknown Mrs Maw Mrs Oldham mil a riubbard daring ex- Mrs Cane Mrs Nell W wit a Morton and Mrs Mi l of J his life tended the V of- 1 Richmond Hill on Tuesday and Wed car Brooks Cain Willie kilV Sept at St Enochs Presbyterian Church Toronto by the Rev W It Find- lay assisted by the Dr Stuart of Toronto Dibit Training College second daughter of Mr and Mrs Richard Moore Toronto to John Wesley Hon Mr and Mrs Abraham Out St- James Hanover Sept 101 by Rev W Henderson rec tor Jasper ol Newmarket to M Pearl of Newmarket WAIIACKMOUANTAt St Hel ens Presbytery Toron by the Rev Father Walsh Miss May to Mr Fred son of Mr Mrs P J Wallace formerly of this Town You cannot do Better than Buy them from Desirable Residence for Sale in i Ave Hamilton Out was Jrsatlra ropery the of- vi his brother 1 fice of the Express Co at Valium also undo and Heaver Mr HOllvo Clarence j the Norma Presbyterian Church on DA VIES COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS to suit you Our Phono No is Uso it and get your goods Deliver ed promptly but no Who this old home I that the elections ha very sorry Closet Furnace and fihU- College cannot be round fjJS SfS Apply Wll f party I Stiver Minnie Adeline 0 hound In m9 Miss Rhcta card appears In Issue of the Is Pall vault Jbe In the Life a Companys building There In flood pail headers tor Ipblfe private entrance and factory wrVmao an tt steady employment fe highest warn Apply FO Rett Wi fax I trance could For Sale TUB On M drfnf J Im afraid a few Rows to fecen a to you HARRY never mind that Ill how I very tM ere roil left for local vocaMit who ban re complimentary notices in the City papers Is accept concert engagements or teach pupils In She Ik popular young and we wish much RevOto a Webber of fatur one time pastor of the here gave- us a call while In Town Saturday Mr Webber Is presi dent of- the Temperance and Moral Reform League rl was here to see for himself Local Option was working In Newmarket Me was much pleased with Jr Stokes Tablet Andrew Florence Not Donald Stiver Roy Teacher THE Furnitore Undertaking House You buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A Night calls to at John Millard sad Oct 1011 by Rev It Montgomery to Miss Beat rice daughter of Mr Hugh TUB TOMB TIRMR80NIn Newmarket on Sep- 30 foil R- beloved wife of Mr Chan A Thompson and months- SELECTED Lines of Drugs and Chemicals COMPLETE IN ITS LINE OK PATENT AND PROPRIETORY IS PHYSICIANS PERSCRIPTIONS PREPARED FROM OUR CHOICE LINE OF DRUGS J PATTERSON NEXT DOOR TO P08T OFFICE Holt on Kept at the residence son Mr Frank Thompson Simon Thompson his fifith year GRAHAM At late Oct John ham aged years Phono No Store Phone No fit J NORTH AH Orders win receive and Prompt snm DOOMS THAT BEALLY TEAOH you the thing you want to know and a way you can i nook Horn power end and CODCrttt pluuibiDa iii and Lease etc for bOOkl will ihe and you and need Writs today tor and complttS lllituiud ml popular It li J DRAKE CO of Self Educational Chleiflt I i ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO