S viv j iri I J- i I I i I i ft Leather Label Overalls and Smocks The kind Witt the Big Guarantee SHOES Hire you the New Seamless Working Shoe There are seams to rip out Dry Goods We have just received a ires of Prints Shakers Towelling etc can save you money ftfcf two prices rr r I MANAGER f V Mary Coal Oil American Water White ISC- gal tal Paint a ghoul Liquid Paint at a quart Every can SMITH Queensvi PERSONAL Mrs Hunter and Mrs Hunter of Toronto have been visits in town this week Mr A E Sloan of the Dominion Bank West Toronto is home on his holidays Mr Hoy severed his Con nection with the Dominion Bank and returned to his home in Lindsay Mr of Lindsay is taking Mr place on the Dominion Rank staff- Mrs Idle of New York and Mrs Milne of Orillia visiting their brother Rev this week Mr Roy Rose and bride are spend ing their honeymoon in parts un known but are expected back the lat ter part of this week Mrs John A Ramsden in town for few days visit re cently SUTTON McKEWONS MILLINERY Is acknowledged to be the newest finest and most uptodate hats by the most fashionable ladies of Mount- Al bert and i- ANNOUNCEMENT On and after Thursday and Friday September 28 and TERRY will have her Fall Millinery DISPLAYED AT The Reliable Store KESWICK The Increase in General Store Trade strengthens our prospers of a Big Millinery Trade Call early and get just what you want- COLES KESWICK PRESENTATION OF MEDALS Miss Leila of Mt Albert just now and Miss Mary Moulds of winner of the medals awarded by Miss Leek to her music pupils received their medals a few days ago The medal awarded to Miss Moulds second year piano is in the form of a cross of burnished silver in laid with blue enamel This cross forms the background for a medal lion- of gold suitably inscribed the whole suspended from a scroll bur nished silver A trifle smaller and different de sign vet in its wav none less beautiful is the one awarded to Miss Sloane first year piano It is a carved oxidised silver medallion of gold bearing inscription suspended from a burnished silver scroll The winning of these prizes implies nut only marked musical ability on the part of the pupil excellent tuition on the part of the teacher but involves an immense amount of diligent application and arduous work for concerned so we extend heart iest congratulations to all- Personal Mrs John who has been vis iting her son Oliver in Toronto has returned home Mr Jack Tremayne was the city week who has been staying with Mr and Mrs Kelson has re turned to Toronto Mr and Mrs Rice of Wetland are visiting relatives and friends this neighborhood Mr Dug Howard has returned from the West Mrs Fairfield and child Lcth- staying with Mr and Mrs Lake Vachell Miss Pearl Evans was the city this week- Mr and Mrs Switzer and Wesley were at for the weekend Mr Stanley is on a visit t Buffalo Miss James of is staying with Miss McDonald the farm Miss Jennie McClellan was in town over the weekend Mr J Winter of is the argent at the station Miss V Earl the milliner had a very busy on Monday being the first day of her Fall Millinery Show The Town Hall is in the hands of the painters Sir and Mrs Holbotn motored over to Lindsay Fair last week J ToNight Friday Dont forget the Fair Concert to night at the Town Hail The art ists include Harvey Miss Ruby Wilson Miss Lilian and Miss Bell Thompson Doors open at 3d and concert a Admission Reserved seats 35c Late cars to Newmarket Man About Town I STREET WORTH The Rev A Mackenzie is to give an address atttie Poplar Bank Sun day School on Sundav afternoon October the 1st This is an op portunity that does not come a good attendance in- re quested The school opens at All are cordially invited to be pres ent A New Laxative hi Vat known to modern principle which make to much hotter than ordinary physics White thoroughly effective they never purge- or cause nausea and never lose their One of the of lino box If your druggist haa not yet them send and mail Company lira ft we WEST FRANKLIN next Sunday at halfpast BALDWIN Seed Wheat for 8ale Red and Dawsons from years crop Guaranteed clean A NOTICE will Met fa hereby given that a Court be held to the Voters Act by His Honor the Judge of the Court of the York the Municipal Hall at Sharon on MONDAY the of Oct at oclock airf to beat de termine be several complaints of er rors and in the Voters List of the at East for All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the time and place A Clerk Dated Kept 1011 QUILTING PARTY A grilling party tliat will long ho famous in the of sewing circles I was that which was held in the of the- Church on Wed nesday of last week The quilting was under the auspices of the and its object was to prepare some quilts for their mis sion box The party began in the forenoon and lasted till sundown About sixty ladies were present Refreshments were served at noon and lea time Everybody thoroughly en joyed the social day But they did more than chat and visit over their sewing for at the close o the day no less than nine good thick not only quilted also bound bore mute yet eloquent testimony to fidelity and energy with which the ladies dis charged their duty Mrs John entertained a number of her friends to a recently A few of those Invited were pre vented from attending by clrcum- but upwards of a score of ladies were present and had a most enjoyable afternoon Mr and Mrs R J Allen and child ren of stayed the week end with Mr arid Mrs Sam Allen Mr Sydie is at Mr John was in town on election day Mr and Mrs Walker were in the city on Tuesday Mr Huntley of late implement ftgent here was in town on Monday Mr Maxwell of Markham is manager at the Bank while Mr is on his holidays Mr Alex Thompson stayed weekend Primrose Cottage Jack sons Point Miss Margaret McCloud stayed over Sunday with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Wm Fry Mrarid Mrs Walter Earl and have returned to the Mr and Mrs John Ward are visit ing their son Archie Toronto Messrs Alex and larnes Grant have returned home from R John ite service on Sunday night was conducted by Prof Dale A large congregation him good Hit on Friday Tell attend The program which by Mi On irce Moat of art black the efforts the and his plow JieYtral from neighbor- boo in Sutton Fair Mr Irwin Hamilton Intends having tale fhurhday 8th i people of miss farmer neighbor and mason Mr Robert Davidsons little fell fro mow lb other day badly bruised but thankful received to serious 1 J e- CORNERS cay boy Hi to ftfld Holt afternoon at ifjs Ridge has got teacher This makes differ have had this year looks fcs if something was wroog ttrfs one will stick the Mr and Mr V J spent dav at Mr J fiEorry Mrs poorly says there ate bells tinging wonder who a I tell you you want like o yoflr let yM married too a ard her lather Mr A spent Sunday at Mr Mr at at Mr J family 4hH ire SHARON Mrs and Mrs have been ill are much and able to lie out Mr who has boon working for Mr Sllckwpod left village week to reside in Newmarket and work on the railroad Mrs fir ice of visit ing her Sister Mrs Mrs J Will and two spent over Sunday at Mrs mothers Mr It ffayHng left or the West on Monday to attend to business On He expects to a number friends while there Kvery person is complaining of the scarcity of water partlihrly farmers but the showers vi are having vill relieve the situation a little Mir Ruth left on Tuesday to the Faculty of Miss Haines has been very successful in all her examinations nd all hope to her In tome School at an early iate Pauline it very welcome guest among the neigh bor as well at her mothers tut she left for her home In Chicago Wednesday Mr A J sod Mrs Hughes have been attendlngJYtarly Meeting the time tween wrvii with Mr Daniel Phillip on fctreot Special Service iharikWin for Harvest will be held in James on Sunday pm With characteristic and good win the member of the are to make the day a mcrrTayie and us ual the emblems Harvest The harvtit will 1 fcrM it hoped a will te in tnglng to or rrny The ladies of o fit James have teen working energet ically for some tme past In prepara tion for Sale of Work to he held a axptcted early in December Further particulars will he course given look forward In anticipation of- the event sod to do what they ran to make ft a will be a good time ard to your civic Improvement Society Prize List No Best general appearance of Lawn Boulevard and Vegetable 1st Wm Dolby 2nd Roljt Recommended Greenwood Alex Burrows No Kept Lawn and yard 1st John Percy 2nd Kay Recommenced Frank Lawrence A Sheppard Richard Osborne James liurch Mrs Burrows F No Best Collection Flowers 1st W A Dixon 2nd Win Recommended K John Percy McKay No Best Flower lied 1st K Recommended Mrs Kay Nor Best Window Box Hanging Basket or Vase 1st A Dixon 2nd Dolby Keith seed of Toronto very kindly acted a- Judge and was much pleased at lie the village The improvement society hope that everybody having garden will com pete next year and try and make it a K success If any one needs mil plants Mr W A Dixon will IJiem at Cost price y A Dixon K Greenwood Sec Pres Ratepayers About three months ago the rate- pa of village of Sutton held a meeting in the Town Hall on the question of supplying water to the vii it was moved seconded unani mously to vote to pay expense of boring for water on How ards Hill Sir then nothing more has been heard of It and we the ratepayers would like to know why the Council look no sUps in the mat ter An Interested Ratepayer Presbyterian Church MISS who from convent after eighteen yearn ment and who is now engaged by he Presbyterian Church at Toronto as a social worker will address a at Church on Thursday the of Oct Miss is good speaker arid should bear her story which Is very Inter- eating The choir be in attendance Meeting at pm sharp Every body welcome Jafves Church The Harvest Thanksgiving services will take next Sunday Oct J at Rev T- w Peterson Christ Church Toronto will occupy the pul pit In the morning at flower service at and evening at Special music the choir invited items Mrs fell from the verandah tho other day but we are lad to say there were no bones broken Mr v is the ticket agent here Mr Parka horse Won the big race at last week We are glad to report that Mr Jack Hutching was hotter on for till Jan Messrs Thom and Valen tine Jr are representing this section on the jury at the As sizes Mrs John Oldham still remains in a very precarious condition A slight improvement is the report of her physician Mrs Andy Miller jr the of her motherinlaw Mrs John Alexander Those little darlings Misses Mabel Agin an4 Jessie of Par- ling avenue Toronto are again snug ly at for a weeks visit Wolfe family were in the city last week attending Jewish holiday festivals The Wolfe Bros will soon much to is -un- Church ten Miss Mary of Toronto visiting Mrs Win for days Mr and Mrs Dowries of visited atMrs s oyer day Miss Brown of Toronto Mr Cooks over Sunday Miss Laura Cook was home Sunday Mr Roy Cook of Albert here over Sunday Mr Sloan was also at Mr Cooks over Sunday Better fix that gate so that pic can get it open without a at was peo- TO OUR NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS HOLLAND LANDING On Friday evening at a ter rible explosion occurred at Hotel when the acetyline plant blew up seriously injuring Mr James and Mr Fred Shields and wrecking the north side of the hotel and have proved themselves were tlemcoi and upright in their dealings Shields is Our coon hunters do a deal of hunting but coon can they catch for the coon seems too sharp for them The coon family are un usually numerous in dis neigh borhood That was an awful slap the Era gave His Nibns of the ald some weeks ago over his remarks on the peanut politician I almost wondered if he would recover n time to poll his vote for the great and valorous Armstrong The no doubt wears a very fortuitous smile It is reported that King Swamp had a surprise in Mr store for his neighbor Dicky a loyal Britisher He bad a pole and all necessaries in readiness that when the joyful news came Reciprocity wins he would raise Old Glory to the breeze over the Palace and thus rub it in Alas alas King Kd and Old Glory not to be seen on the The Owl took no active part in the campaign Reciprocity the par ty issue did not accord with his views and so he quietly stayed at home and minded his own business hint to those who thought to con vince him against his will Hes ol the same opinion still blown clean out- able t be around but Mr is still confined to his bed as his face and head is badly cut and burnt Mr Wilson who has been spending few weeks here left for the West on Wednesday Mrs Sharp- of Orillia is visit ing at the Royal Mrs H Chapman spent a few last week in with her daughter Nellie who has Leon ill with typhoid We arc pleased to bay Miss Chapman is gradually im proving on the road to recovery We are sorry to say that Mr Lane is ill and we hope of hear of his speedy recovery again Mr J A of Victoria Har bor spent Sunday with his father Mr A The annual services of Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the blessings of harvest will be held in Christ Church on Sunday next Oct 1st at 11 am when there will he a celebration of the Communion and at pm The Church has long been noted for its beautiful adorn ment at this yearly festival And workers are busy deter mined that this years decorations shall eclipse all previous records The choir has been practising special J Our Future Watchword We will after Oct do STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS Wc know that can make it of ADVANTAGE to OURSELVES and OUR CUSTOMERS more particularly to CUSTOMERS As you doubtless know every man who conducts a Credit Business no matter how CAREFUL he is he is BOUND 10 have a certain percentage his AC COUNTS LOST and course YOU his CUSTOMERS are called upon to p for in INCREASED PRICES By doing a STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS we will cut this out and give to our Customers LOWER PRICE ADVANTAGE that is CHEAPER GOODS There is no reason why you who meet jour obligations should be called upon PAY ANOTHER MANS DEBTS as well WATCH THIS SPACE FOR OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS NO MATTER HOW SMALL NOR FOR HOW SHOUT A TIME J v QUEENSVILLE band will Lb in attendance IV J White and Jules Brazil will entertain- in the evening Secure your seat early Burned to ground on Saturday morning last the implement shop occupied by J A Mitchell agent for ment of J R- which the International Harvester Co when completed will make a largo doubt set on fire by some vagabond a of weeks rest among the Musk ok a resorts Miss Gertie Arnold pur popular dressmaker is home for a couple ol weeks Newton Graham is putting an to his house under the Bessie are moving into Palace this week and long may they live to enjoy lis cosy accommodation Go to post hymns and music for some lime past Fran and his services worthy of this occasion It is hoped that even larger congregations will present than last year when the church was well filled to up their voices in Thanksgiving to God for His many mercies Mr Hugh Taylor returned to ity College on Tuesday for his years Course of study He spent I In hist two weeks at KESWICK date of the Meth- and the flection was Dont forget the anniversary The rain since much needed The camping season being over more attention can he paid to store trade and it requirements The Sunday School ob served the Robert Rally Day service on Sunday last Addi son gave ah address on the Life and Works of Robert and other features of work Rev P Addison will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist Church next Sunday morning at the usual hour Mr S new ho so is completion Mr D is remodelling old house In the village hire The contract for the Mud Creek bridge a little south of here has been let to Mr Terry ft ill to be built with cement hutments and the covering Is also to be reenforced concrete Mlis of spent a lew days thin week with her friend Miss Draper Mr Ross Cunningham was visiting with near Keswick on Sunday last- If anybody wlhhes to a fine lot of chickens call at Sandy Mun- roes the tailor He has got to be a great chicken fancier Dont forget Methodist Church AnnverHary Sunday Monday the and Ui of October On Sunday Rev of preach a and feature of the evening service in the part to he taken by the exmember The annual TeaMeeting will be held on evening Tea feervtd In Temperance Hall from to oclock followed a fine program In the church Ad- dresses by Campbell and Mc Neil recitations Mrs McNeil quartette from and toe Church will assisted Miss of Mrs of others A big crowd expected and good time prornDed Usual price mission a quarter i I has improvement to the homestead Our little burg was scene of wild enthusiasm on the night of when nearly one hundred gathered to hear the reports oe Dr Arnold is spending a few days under the parental roof to Mr and Mrs on Sept a son still lorn A corn roast was held in Pick erings grove on Friday last The great Scott Fair will he held building itself was worth in the neighborhood of with about worth of contents Contents partly covered but no insurance on the building We hope guilty one will be found Era for till Jan 1st Wanted Chief ojierator and assistant for Telephone Central Continuous ser vice Residence provided Write quick Mount Albert Telephone Co at on Albeit Ltd Mount Albert were Era for till Jan 1st JUS The Rev W Amos Aurora will conduct preparatory service on Fri day evening In the Presbyterian Church Sacrament tin- Lords Supper will be dispensed on Oct 1st The Rev of Sutton will conduct preparatory service at Mt Pleasant Presbyterian Church On Thursday 2th Childrens Day in the was a gnat suc cess last Sunday Largest attend ance or years A ol Scouts and their friends took place last Satur day night when the following appointed as Management tee Dr Graham FirstVice J Secretary A McNeill Treasurer Ross McFarlacW- meeting held on Tues day night at which presidid Mr was Scout Master with Ross Milne an an assistant Scout Master The hoys decided to run booth en the Fair Grounds during the Fair and a committee was appointed from their number to look altirihe erec tion a suitable building for the purpose A two weeks series of special meet ings opened in Methodist Church here under the leadership Rev Robert MdiArdy of Toronto The attendance has been Increasing and interest deepening each night The meetings are held every night but Saturday and open with a song ser vice Jit a quarter to eight oclock On Sunday the will bo held at the usual hours oclock and pm F A have an nounced that on and alter Oct 1st they will do a cash There is no doubt but that peo ple of Queens vjlle will hack them up In this modern and only proper way to do business HEAD OFFICE TORONTO E P Osier President Matthews VicePresident CAPITAL RESERVE TOTAL ASSETS A branch of this Bank will be established In London England on 1st July noxt at Comhill This Branch wilt issue letters of credit and drafts in all im portant points In Canada negotiate bills sent for collection make telegraphic transfers and every description banking noisiness Information will be on all Canadian matters A spe cial department will be provided for the of visitors and bearers of our letters of credit A Manager SUTTON WEST Copying A DOBLE Framing Enlarging i A E MILLER James wife and arnily are visiting under par ental roofs for a short period Our worthy pastor Mr Jeflrles resumed his on Sunday after Farms for Sale Business Places If Buying or Selling Write Us Q Kf0 acres under cultivation The best of land All fair buildings Good neighborhood Best of roads Convenient to Church School and Post Office The best of water near Lake Simoon Terms can bo Blacksmith Shop And and Lot for sale Doing Business Shoeing about town horses and large trade Cash Business Write for Particulars OUU- workable and pasture good soil Within half mile from Mt Albert Good water and creek barn ton silo- Outbuild ings Milk route In connection It desired Terms balance arranged at per acres IS miles from To ronto Convenient to church school Soil clay loam well drained Bank barn and out buildings Brick house rooms Hard and soft wa ter forms to suit purchaser acres -Mark- bam township miles from station School and cburoh very convenient Land clay loam level lie acre cultivated bal ance pasture bush wells and a spring roomed house brick and frame 36x00 30x63 Si bling for head Outbuilding cash Balance arranged for 8500- acres about miles from Bel- haven Good clay land well water ed No waste soil Buildings fair Get our terms may buy stock and implements Real Estate Brokers UXBRIDGE ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO I