Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , September 29, 1911, p. 3

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I I Peeks THlt GOT OS anOOT TOW Church 1 Presbyterian Church The WiHg Workers have had a threedays recovering the church and deserve great praise for the splendid result of their her culean task The Forty Hours Devotion win at Iotas Church on jar at am Father Toronto weak on Monday evening at will Sun- will of Fowl Supper The Ladies Aid of the Christian Church arranged to hold their annual Hot Fowl Supper on Tuesday No pains will be spared to make this one of the best yet held Par ticulars later Please remember the date- As Others See Us great contest has aroused That the two countries arc the worse friends lor this struggle is perfectly ob vious Mr Editor T Rochester Democrat of us should the language of the Indian bury the hatchet The and Special Offer The Era will be sent to any address in or the British Isles now ill the end of the year for rt balance of the year free to new subscribers paving in advance midnight on Saturday a vear extra to papers another of our oldest and most res- he ted States Pected citizens passed in the person of Mr Samuel who has been in feeble health for over two Tory party has teen put in power the tax will continue our millionaires will grow richer and consumer will foot the bills As en American citizen residing temporarily in Canada was amazed afc the tre mendous current of feeling that swept through the land during the recent election teacher of truth I could not help but feel sorry at the sent hard feelings generated by discussion bow families were severed Old Resident done ties sti years and tenderly cared for by his All persons o own or harbor three daughters though his last ill who have not- bought a ta are hereby notified to get Mr was bom at a 0 and tefoii Oct After this date j Yorkshire KngUndTon will be taken for isy- 1 therefore over years of jv No against all owners He was educated in England doss neglecting to get a where he learned mechanical engineer- as a profession In he came to New and then passed on to lbs works of the Reading Railroad at Philadelphia where he labored for ten years In he came for ISC- l st are dogs in the owners do engaged as Ml they win 1 the Toron to added Three more new membe A I goaf on Monday night two of- them ladies highly decorated twentyone locomotives in Canada were built under bis supervision which is very notable achievement The Second Chance though many changes and develop- number of people went to merits bare taken place in the fcer Miss renJerfng of the of the locomotive these were e 1 on Wednesday wonders of strength and endurance in in lie Christian Church The J those early days Alter spend v ill told interesting active with five Moria advantage j motive Works It was here he sup rode the building of the which was placed I in comrnissicn on- the Northern autos went was later merged into iJarrie Tuesday to advertise Trunk system The first jmi fair those three came early days Alter yearn i Toronto Mr The and find was interspersed 1 Newmarket and established beautiful solos by Miss the first foundry machine shop in Those who this occasion priat treat as Miss elocutionist to take village This developed into missed a proportions and was just eve is obtaining national importance in the construction of engine works and cooking stoves the disas trous fire occurred which wiped out Foundry then Saturday night some party I located on site of the present or parties broke into Hunters store Canal basin This Woke up the part- and stole a couple of suits Mr started the clothes a couple of overcoats and foundry in a small way but about in small change Stubs of matches that had been lighted were found in the store showing up and a general feeling of illwill existing everywhere Suf fice to say that a general election does more harm to tempers and feelings of toe people than all our churches can counteract in years Very few of our electors dis cuss political questions in a purely manner without getting tor three days after election I travelled somewhat in New York States While there I got the papers of New York Rochester Buf falo and other leading cities to see how they viewed the recent landslide in Canada me present them to the reader for his calm consideration We want sometimes to see ourselves as others see- us I believe it does us good The New York World says Popular stupidity las a more decisive victory than it gain ed in Canada yesterday was defeated at the polls The credit for the result must be variously apportioned Part of it be longs to the manufacturing which are highly protected in Canada as tbev are in the United Slates and resent even slightest interference with privilege to tax consum ers Part it belongs to the Canadian Pacific Railway which is more con cerned about its own dividends than about the welfare of the Part of it belongs to the United Empire Loyalists who have never yet forgiven the United States for the War of the Revolution- Part it belongs to a superpa triotic Canadian element which fool- As an example of pure buncombe the reciprocity campaign Canada stands supreme This country never witnessed anything like it Canadians have frequently criticised American political methods accusing politicians of insincerity and of using popular rallying cries as a for their own designs No campaign in this country was ever fought en lines more remote from the real issue No politician here ever inflamed pub lic passion more adroitly or made a craftier appeal to popular prejudice It was not reciprocity that was defeated in Canada on Thursday It was annexation National pride was appealed to by the opposition to drive Premier out of office We Conservatives proclaimed an influential newspaper in the Course of the campaign have declared that reciprocity will lead to the of Canada by the United States Therefore to vote for victory at the polls will be regarded jL- a Lad 1 lilt or reciprocity is tin and a Liberal Black Sateen Underskirts for for 98c Black Moire Underskirts From Childrens Sweater Coats From to Ladles Sweater Coats From to Mens Sweater Coats From to We still advise the purchase ot ar Market very strong and prices bound to tie higher We c a great Assortment of I COOKED MEATS Boiled Ham Com Beef Jellied Hocks Jellied Tenderloin SOMETHING NEW Lemon Butter Orange Butter Pineapple Butter per We shall be pleased to call for your gro cery order There is a reason for the enormous increase in our Shoe Business and this is Perfect Fit Stylish Make Fair Price and Every Guaran teed to Satisfaction You run no chance in buying you from us W A By means of a new telephone as tantamount to acceptance of future the SUM wellWilson phone a political union with the United group of electrical and railway men State by a majority of Canadian talked from Montreal to Ft William voters distance of nearlv miles The Buffalo Courier and all the papers I read greatly deplored the appeal to raCi prejudice they arc of the opinion that it will take a day for the good feelings that ex- past to he restored What Is more silly than the motto displayed at a Conservative meeting bore Canada for Canadians If the sentiment were literally enforced our population would be reduced to less than million Immigration ron this week as will be seen would stop and American capital and following inventive genius which is so largely export to here would he sent else j to Well we are thankful to Uncle Common to medium export for many things He supplies with coal nearly man in ton Export hulls to wears a shirt the cotton of which Butchers cattle Picked loads the Southern States and 85 to 15 Fairly good to other things too numerous to men- J Medium to lion But let Veal calves to per cwt An auto in which Cornell and Purvis of were riding crashed into a post when the steering- gear refused to work They were thrown out and the machine wrecked Live Stock Market w Not much change in prices in In J Mr invested In real estate purchasing desirable property that the parties had used these in Main street and erecting the large selecting the clothes etc It is not brick house which he has occupied only the fact that a burglary was lever since The success of his committed that is to be consider- enterprise brought considerable but also the fact that the J whely En means used by the burglar to see Increasing in value so that what they were doing have caused a in heavy la life comfortably loss When a resident of New York Mr married Annie Hill daughter Of Hill of Long Island She died in March leaving three large Presentation On Tuesday of last week a number of the ladies the Church met In the schoolroom of the church to testify to their af fection for and their appreciation of Mrs Cornell Mrs I gave a short address speaking 0 the love Which Mrs Cornell as the pastors wife had Inariirecl in Isabella Josephine and Adeline of whom received education and are residing home The family are staunch ad herents of the and Mr was one of the prime movers in hiving the present church established in Newmarket In tics he always supported the a the party three years mi- the ladies the church and of the Office of Councilman for a their regret her impending 1 number of years lie Was a member of part ore Sirs Levi then I School fearcd that rxiprocity might lead to annexation and the loss of Canadas national identity Part of it belongs to the Conser vative party which appealed to every prejudice and passion in the cam paign to dislodge the Gov ernment Part of it belongs to protected interests which bitterly re sisted the reciprocity hill Congress and helped to promote the Canadian opposition as soon is found themselves beaten in Woshngtfn The time will come we think when Intelligent Canadian opposition will regard yesterdays election as one of the greatest disasters hat has ever befallen the Dominion In speaking the arguments to the electors all the papers I road over here agreed hit she is sue of was rarely if at all discussed by the lory pel bind ers It was the buga boo Canada for the Canadians have no truck with and loyalty to the I Crop ire Yours very truly Alex Mackenzie I Sam reciprocity handed a purse of gold to Mrs Cornell who made a feeling reply Refreshments were then served and a short lime spent social In tercourse See Mrs Hughes Millinery Wort ordering your new Fall Hat and styles are right ex- Mr material success was direct result of his own industry anl ability and during his years of lib- be formed which made him an hon ored and esteemed gentleman a charter member of Tuscan Lodge he was given a masonic funer al on Tuesday afternoon the breth ren turning out in large numbers in full and also acting The service at the bouse was conducted J IllaeV- rector of Pauls Church by former rector and exhibit at fan Pairs An interesting educational bibil will put on lural Fairs County this fall of tv local branch Ontario faytUMti of Agriculture A tent secured where diseased Mud fruits spray materials drainage instruments J bad n of set J lr rfrls shriiw I Wright Mr and Mrs vs yKe The Mail and up is campaign a saying he infamy of paralleled for stretches of the public domain Sate Register TLKSDAV OCT Mr Arthur ton will have a very extensive and important sale of stock irnplej merits and household en Lot Con North bury I A miles east of Hovers Crossing on Metropolitan Usual terms Salcat one W If SATURDAY Sept Sale on the Market Square Newmarket of Pony Outfit at II oclock If A net SATURDAY OCT Mr Daniel Williamson will have an auction sale of farm stock implements etc on rear end of lot con Whitchurch Sale one clock prentice Did You Know It lambs Hogs still lower Top price off cars in Toronto quoted at country points Newmarket Markets Sept 28 mil Fall Wheat per tush 0 Oats per bush 0 Parley per Peas per per Ion CO Shorts per ton Hay per ton 15 0i8 Eggs per ft 27 Butter per If 0 P Potatoes per 1 Chickens per lb lay 18 a mm pact is the thai is vast have Hit of History PoliKcal In Messrs I Toronto Markets Sept 28 Fall Wheat per bush 0 Wheat per bush Oats per Barley per btLsh Peas per bush Hay per ton per lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb J CAPITAL ALL PAlD UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS it 13000000 0 17 i id- 1 it Branches at all important centres in Canada and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description a Hanking business INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS customer ol Ontario Hank Branch will be as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH CO ROSS j 3 rtt j Port Credit The remains Inter led at Newmarket bad tile drainage chart charts showing the Tun also the result grains and many Mr ffarnUel Mr Wilfrid Fred fytA Mr ill In hare A will be an on agricultural matter Is extended to the Obituary Roche tother of Mr away on fhursday of Peeve of Stephen accidentally wot while duck hunting town killed the a of deceased whose maiden name Unit in Dublin Ireland The was In f and came to with parents when a and settled In Brock vf lie n married John Redmond Roche and lived Belleville where Mr Roche taught school for a time J iii Roche died Io sod that the has lived Roche three her too Mr Of sons of vn and Frank J Of Toronto all of her The deceased a of noble character most highly respected by all no a member 0 Methodist church The place last from residence of I fc son by I Thomas the Mr Bryan of Toronto Mr ixrtbfan of at WHEN BLUR here a lime when blur arJ type sterns to and reading This is natures way of telling you to get not 1jfct any made to order for your own ee to wear Try a pair of our ry relieve all eye strain CO and P of to parly friends and campaign financiers proposes hand over the whole conn- try to I Ham pure rot and downright we present to the Mail and he prize The Union and Advert of says or tin- arguments in the contest The of the fear of by lufffjit public had a determining influence upon the minds the voters The Conservative press and orators re sorted to every conceivable means stir up he passions and prejudices of I he people and to play upon tin fears The bugbear of annexation Wan everywhere displayed never shall he slaves was the shibboleth at the public meetings of the Conserva tives Against this kind of cam paigning the calm methods of the Liberals the ap peal to reason had little effect The people resolved thai the filled states made understand that Canada would not be annexed that wanted to have as III tie as possible to do with this country Of course there were various in fluences which bad heir pent upon the result of this remarkable cam paign The powerful Interests the states which fought reciprocity in Congress the their activities to Canada as soon as they Maw that they had lost here It serves their purpose quite as well to win on the other side of the boundary Similar Canadian In tercets also fought the reciprocity pact with all power and the opposition Canadian Railroad was of no small effect Thus reejprootty had to meet the reslstence of a v holly unreasonable and foolish fear loss ludependiuce the mighty forces of the selfish tar- protected Interests and certain other Interests like that of Pacific Railroad which desire to exclusively by restraining the lnlted States as far as possible It for Canada that the has lxn unable sec In reci procity a wedge her from Britain so fa a part of American O loss of this great right trade pact will be a less cordial feeling between lle Canadians and Americans than to between On our part this not to much for we have token comparative ly little interest In Utile but the Cansflans or least of them long cherish the feeling of recent meat toward which ifafi A Call went Washington to I try to gel the reciprocity treaty con tinued with United Slates Why Because Canada reciprocity In Permanent oiler of reci procity wis placed in law of Canada because Canada still riled reciprocity In fohn minister of finance tried in Washington without success to get the treaty renewed Canada still wanting it In Conservatives modified the tariff law 4iut still retained the permanent oiler of reciprocity still desiring It ill Sir John A McDonald to re the matter the people still wanted it In Literals took their and Jifown was successful iff treaty which Congress people still wanted It In the permanent offer was placed in the National lccause Sir John a McDonald that the people wanted and in Conservative party affirmed the ne cessity of protection until flic United States would reciprocity In Sir Charles Sir John Thompson and the Hon foster went twice Washington with an unlimited offer of reciprocity because they held this opinion about the Wishes of the Canadian people- In Sir John Thompson made overtures and although the tariff was revised permanent of fer was retained Ihe opinion of politicians as to wind of Canada Was still very definite in and WH Liberal Gov ernment tried to get reciprocity and abandoned attempts until such time as United would of Its own accord still un der this amiable delusion they treat ed with the Americans when they opened negotiations the con vention was Concluded not a wrd from anyone Indicating anything but that the people of Canada still want ed reciprocity week the prop said not want it That is the majority feald to and 4 4J I 4 I I I 4j L j 1 Pi ii- i mm AND FOLLOWING DAYS tT iy mm 9kii I In the Millinery Department the display is of unusual interest not only as embracing by far the largest and most complete assortment that ever filled our show cases but for the beauty and novelty of the designs The brillancy of the color efiects in many of the models and the wide departure in nearly all from the fashion of the last few seasons is very apparent I 1 Apples promise to be a good crop In prince Two Americans Convicted of borj- lary at Brock were sentenced to a year In prison ihe wooden grain from to struck reef Just outside- the latter harbor and may go pieces John threshing lfk an Moot drop Into feel water a bridge In Brant town ship collapsed Three had close call UP a

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