Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , September 22, 1911, p. 8

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to STRANGE l j Mr and Mrs of Aurora spent Sunday with Mis A Mitchell The Misses Matbeson Toronto have been visiting with Mrs Kel ly A number around here for the harvest in the West Mr Daniel Railing is ill with ty phoid fever A number around took in Mr Abe Kerrs dance and report a good time- I One of prominent gen to highly in But it Mr of Kiatfs Co Mr a of the Peace for the Count end a member of the Board of School CommUiIoncf He also Deacon of Baptist Church in Berwick Indeed it would to find a man more widely more highly respected Here is his opinion of ZimBuk He I Barer that me tatUfdctioa I a itch of Eczema on in hid there for or- Sometime the Would break oat on I bad applied Tar cm meats tried Ml of thirst to obtain a cure but In like the I hid proved atUfaclorf and the ailment I a to for it baf completer aU 1 tin helping my brother opinion of the value of wll lead other to I should be For ibo relief to trr Pile Klein I of tocsu1 or ruoaic lore bid brutes New Brick House On Prospect Ave sale Apply- to Eves Newmarket House to Rent Side Prospect Street Mod ern to ISAAC To Rent New house on St all conveniences Apply to A Two New Houses For sale in good locality and good interest n one month K ROBERTSON Newmarket New Brick House For Sale with all modern convent- also a number of choice build- rag lots Apply to I C The horse buggy and harness re ported to have been stolen from- P and A have boon recovered but the thieves are still at large After driving hard as far as the thieves left the and harness In a clump of trees op posite Victoria Park and turned the horse loose to find its way home Reaching Mitchell the am I mat showing signs of having been hard driven was taken in and cared For Colin Campbell who sent word of his find to there notice was sent to Detective and the missing property was restored to the owners on The annual thanksgiving services in connection with St church were held here last Sunday The I rector Rev J H BA preached at the morning service and the evening Rev of Toronto Mr Richard of Schomherg baritone sans at Loth services On Monday evening the harvest home festival was held the rink An excellent program was presented by the following firstclass talentMaster Douglas the soprano of Toronto Miss May elocutionist of Clinton tone of To ronto and Richard Henderson bari tone of The tea as us ual was excellent attendance on all three occasions the in in of Morgan AURORA Rev J Stewart pastor of the Methodist Church here who has been confined to his house the past three weeks with blood poisoning was able to resume part of bis work on Division Court was held Town Hail here on Tuesday week His Hon- fudge Biding were ten cases on docket but they were all I before noon The Aurora Electric com pany we are informed are making arrangements to supply the town with a twentyfour hour nd power service Mr shipped -fi- hogs last week to the Toronto Market He that he is paying the last For House with kitchen pantry good basement Lot Apply to Mrs George Dicks Joseph Ave Newmarket To Let Prospect informs us Ml or heavy hogs and Up to a fchort time weight bogs commanded price now the heavy weight for light ago light the highest and is for forget the great Scott Fair to here on Tuesday Oct Mrs J for River Parry on Monday Mr and Mrs of Major were visiting her mother Mrs house on opposite College Cement Btebles ard henhouse Terms m Wilson of Mt sue Oct I For further of Sloan has taken apply to Holland finding Farm tor Consist of acres befog lot fon King All under cultivation Good orchard Frame barn frame Two Wells and a creek BROWN For Hew Brick Haute corner Park Ave Kirn St also Elm St to MRS SCOTT The charge of the junior- department of jour public We wish her every success Mr and Mrs too call ed old last week on return to spending the in the West George hays would not trade Old Ontario for all he saw In the Golden West Died One mile of Mr Morgan Jones in bis year after an Illness extending over year Mr Jones was born on the Conceviion of in and a life long on Monday was largely attended ibe sincere sympathy remain the family For fc acre of Stable all convenience House con tone foundation j kitoben TLfe ft snap lor purchaser to J At Post Office Holland FOE 71re Wood fa any form to suit the Must be sold TV tw- will work until to Our any more aftr October Nov we are looking up I Cement fcideAaik been run the street from Mr Gordons gate rods fbla and it expected in a couple of a meant collect we will have cement In of the side Iftsse up church Born on Kept to Mr Mrs If a son Harry spent a few days CANADIAN PHYSICIAN MADE IT ma- Wonderful New Substance Formed By Combining Fruit Juices It takes Canada to do the really big things that are being done thousands of year people have known that fruit was good them without knowing exact why A Canadian physician experimented he found oat juice is about ninetenths water and onetenth solid matter And this solid matter- is and one-ninth- bitter It is the bitter principle that is the curative part of fruit To get the full benefit of fruit one must eat quantities of fresh fruit By the coveryof physician the bitter part fruit juice Is so combinedthat It is made to grow or increase many times In other words a stronger fruit is created This is made into tablets which are known all over Canada under the name of Pruitaiives is the only medicine in the world that cures Constipation JAMES PROUDFOOT of Vankleek Hill says If it were not for FruiMtives I- am fcatisfied I could hot live Chronic nation Para lysis of the Bowels There are two layers of muscles in the bowels which become thin and weak and cannot act In severe cases people go three and even ten days without the bowels moving Esq of Grande Que says I heartily recommend to all who suffer with Constipation Bile a liquid by the liver Is the purga tive of the body Two pints of bile should be poured into the bowels every day In severe constipation only about half a is secreted Vith the muscles of the bowels weak and little bile it Is impossible for the bowels to move regularly A G of says I tried and now I am well from Chronic Constipation from which I Buffered for many years To cure Cons tipation the liver must be stimula ted to pour out more bile and the weak muscles strengthened Mr and Mrs Pox of Ont was cured of p Appendicitis by FruitatlyeV doctors said only an operation could save her life Is not merely a relieving agent but Constipation It tones up the nerves and bowel muscles and increases the flow of bile PARSONS Ont I am of and Newmarket Mr afew days his parents and relatives of spent over Sunday at the home of her father Mr Iter and Mrs Brace and children of Vancouver are spending month with her parents and other relatives There was an overflow attendance atthe meeting in Audi torium last evening Sir Allen was present and gave a masterly address in favor of Sir Allen was presented with highly appreciative address in behalf of the electors of Stotivilte and vicinity The meeting was a very enthusiastic one and the pro ceedings were much enlivened by a number of fine selections rendered our town band Mr William Williamson who lives just line on the met with a serious accident on day shortly after Mr was working fcn the bridge into his bank barn when one of the large doors which must have been left unlocked caught a gust of wind and swung open with such force as to sweep Mr Williamson dash ing with considerable force into a lot of broken lumber lying some or feet below Here he was found shortly after by his son Frank and conveyed the house Dr Fred of who was telephoned for found his collar hone broken in three places several ribs broken one of which penetrated a lung besides minor bruises Mr Williamson who is an old man is seriously hurt but it is hoped fatally In recess of thy spirits chamber there some hidden grief thou ribVtell Let not thine forsake thee hut remember His pitvlng eye who sees and it well- God knows it all And art thou tossed on billows of temptation And do good but evil oft prevails Oh think amiotbe waves of tribula- When earthly hopes earthly refuge fails He knows it all tone up weak digestive Juices which axe lacking food being properly converted Into brawn and sinew red blood and active rain a box at your druggists or from Drag CV of Canada d Art thou oppressed and poor and heavyhearted The heavens- above thee in thick clouds arrayed And wellnigh crushed no earthly strength imparted No friendly voice to say Be afraid He knows it all not MA year and find do me more lliatj any other remedy chronic cannot In a day hut quickly relieve trouble and cure you If a Senator JOHN COSTiGAN of have been a dreadful from for over thirty After for a few months I feel I from cure you a box for trial At all dealers or from The the Two Farms for lot the tot On t more or The farm of p04 arm f la ftboot north of Also hall lot lit mot tit the well Mr fcptndlnK a day In Toronto thin and Margin are with for a week Mr Lfrqubatt ton Mat of Zephyr were with Mr arid Mrs A A barn quite at the but Kerry a loot fr Tofin yroonunton on fuftay of week aid J rnUed a feet for near on d Men- Mr has secured the contract for building a brick bouse In Newmarket and there on Monday Two Bradford bowling went down to on Wednesday evening and enjoyed a very ant game with the One rlnklosf by one point the other Mrs Cane an elderly lady residing near Holland Landing on her way to Bradford on Tuesday wan thrown out of her when her horse took fright at some tows on the so to break her arm In Her husband brought her town where the fractured limb vat set Once more l proved their superiority over mere man Friday afternoon last Mr wA satisfied wiui two previous defeats the hands ft ladies again bad trie nerve to face them were lie and bis braves compelled to taste the ternexs of defeat and by a more than ever he had two new men The attendance at the nion picnic was not as large as on some former occasions The Picnic was under the auspices Ihe St Pat ricks church Dinner was served in the skating rink after which addres ses were delivered ny the following gentlemen Sir Allen Minister of Justice for- Canada Sir William Chief Justice Hon 1 Attorney General of On tario A- Armstrong Con servative Candidate for North York C KC Liberal Can didate for North York a Lennox As politics were barred most of the addresses were of a general character excepting Sir William who delivered fine address on Canada Music was by the Brass In addition to the speaking a very fine program of sports was carried out during the afternoon in the forenoon the Office Specialty Co baseball team of and St Francis of Toronto played a game which resulted in of the latter by a score of St Fran cis then played off With arid were again victorious by a score of and carried the silverware Uwo teams were entered in the foot ball tournament Kettleby and Hel ton the former winning the cup score was Following are the results athletic events race Byrne Fogarty I Oft- yd boys 16 and under Arnold boys and under Leonard race race Standing broad Jump Standing hop step and jump ling Byrne hop step and llng Norton SUTTON Mr Fred of Keswick opened up a butcher shop in Sutton Button Lodge I gave an at home to their rnembero wives and sweethearts on Thursday ev ening An enjoyable time was spent In games etc Quite a number from here at tended the nominations at New market on Thursday Just to think of it reciprocity will bo voted on In One week and then the people will have nothing to talk about Harvey Lloyd will be for the fair concert this year He is a whole show In himself treasurer of the Rectory debt fund has much pleasure In an nouncing that has been bank ed to the credit of the above fund up to date A further sum of six or dollars has been collected and other contribution are prom ised I An the treasurer of the Laura Chapter will bo home In a few days the Regent will wait for her return before sending In the of bazaar A meeting of the will bo call ed shortly to arrange matters for the coming season Dost thou look back upon a life of sinning Forward and tremble for future lot- By Him who sees the end from the Thy tear of penitence is not forgot God knows it all Then go to God your heart before Him There is no grief Father can not feel And let your grateful song of praise adore Him To save forgive and every wound to heal God knows it all Selected always see a good Roof Neat Wellkept Barn Perhaps you wonder what makes the difference in the Appearance of two barns or driving Look closely the next time you pass and youll see its the roof that makes the difference fi lot A PO were raited the care of the the raising in starve Is fcald that pickpockets were operating in the day the nd that several A god fcittd wad Council Meeting Council met In regular session on Monday night all present except Mr The following accounts were or dered paid Graham sand iM gravel work 1181 teaming 400 Metropolitan freight A bylaw levying or was pa amid follows County rats mills rata 10 mills Library rate Town Hall rate mill Village rata The committee was In structed to continue the sidewalk from McKays north on the town line tender of to j the woodwork of the town tall for accepted Mr McKay was instructed to get a scraper for the use of the vil lage Council then adjourned WHAT IT girl and every boy who knows about the Wizard of the plant and flower world loves to bear his opinion about things the wide world of people Somebody asked him this question the other day Do you think that whiskey and to bacco impair the for work Mr Answer if I answered your question simp ly by saying that I never use tobac co in any form and very rarely eith er cofiec or tea you might say that was personal preference and proved 1 can prove to you most conclusively Ihe mild use of stimulants is incompatible with work requiring accurate attention or definite concentration To me in my work of budding work that is as accurate and exacting as watch making I have a force of some men force asked quire men Read Roofing Samson Ready Roofing costs less in the first place than many other roofings looks better and for a long time You dont need a carpenter to put it on Do it yourself It only takes a short time to put a weatherproof roof on a fair sized building The roofing that carries the Samson Brand 13 easily applied looks well and Gives Perfect Satisfaction Ask your dealer be satisfied to show you a sample Use it and H S SONS CO Limited TORONTO a en Firm Tills mens in getting well- made tools Hoes Hayfork Forks etc complete satisfaction i NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT Confined to His Home for Weeks Henry work fitralnlnK and In youth brought men from this at the first- show of time ago my foreman me if look the to the personal habits of my On answered in the nega tive lie surprised me by saying Out the men found to do the delicate work of budding invariably turned to he smokers and drink ers These men while able to do the rough work of fanning call and other delicate work puttering and have to give it up owing to an to their nerve force- men who smoke one cigar day cannot intrust with some varlixmo Vvlos I hard wouM become r I Wiri laid up a week a tune My family was only bopo lut I dreaded it several fcjrtclaliilutfKin lout all money JitJo belter One day my I my coi Kennedy treatment a m delicate are work Cigarettes more damaging than ggff their use by young boys is lt fcriminalCruSader -ioo- The New Voice had never held and not now hold that he Sun day saloon is in any materia respect worse than the Monday OX the Saturday saloon The greatest Bin liquor selling on Sunday lies in the fact that by that sale a tin and souls of nenHgen out in that respect upon week days presents we believe that Clod cares more for men than He tares for days Hut to readUy understood acts the atrocity the sale ol 11- on Sunday has been specially ap parent to the average loan me opposition of the church to the con stant agressions the saloon in that respecti while perhaps a trifle in consistent has sometimes almost heroic The writer remembers some thirty years ago in New State a proportion before leglBlaCure looking to the leglslat o Of the Sunday sale of drink how IbC spread upon their communion tables the min isters on the called upon Ihe congregations to sign them Com pared with that the present worship of religious leaders is pitiable And worse perhaps than anything else Is the Impression that it makes upon the masses outside Hogg of Texas is quot ed as having said concerning the fu sion victory In New York And what did it mean what boat Tammany you want to know Well thats easy That Ill tell you It was trio liquor vote And who sold out for liquor vote Ill tell you It was the minlsurs Think ol that rbnk of them going SO low as that ol the reformers who believe In me suppression of vice- SO Ray go ing down knees to got the votes of the ginmill owners my I Dcd Hon his mo to in A 1 1 1 self they I an I wan slow first I aornowluit for thrro longer was reiardd I con only tarn In Shop treatments I a I your valuable HENRY LOCUST HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED BLOOD POISONS Arc rvrlotisdlavs They the very life vlitirn ftyUrn will cam Mercury It NEW cures all blood OR AGED MEN Imprudent acts or later broken down You feel over on physically an I vitally you are not the titan you i Vllyouhvd lo your Have you Our wlil euro you for you Consultation matter Mho yoil for an honest B00W lioyhooJ ifanhooj HI of Men NO NAMES USED WITHOUT CONSENT PRIVATE on or Confidenlial Qucttloa and of Tratmat FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT Sta J no Percy Acting Headaches Quit when liver and kept in the in which will by the prompt use of Ewywbwfc Cor Michigan Ave and St Detroit Mich AH Idlers from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart ment In Windsor If you desire to see us personally call our Medical Institute in Detroit we sec and treat do In our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters follows DRS KENNEDY KENNEDY OoL Writ for our Mia ji Have on Hand a Stock While Pic Norway Hemlock to Order a Of Doom Sash Flooring Moulding and All Kladi of Iaaide and Pins Run to Order Stloklng Turning Work em son Mr Mr record docs warrant the belief that he would have any special In the act of a bad man who had Bold himself to the but he is shocked at con duct on the pari men to be teachers and why should he not be The New York THE Courage does not consist In toll ti ling danger nor Ignoring It though many deed daring has duel to or the other o these The bravest soul which realising defies It which faces disaster and refuses to TORONTO Canadas High Commercial School The n- Is absolutely Write today for our catalogue tor now I I 1 ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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