Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , September 22, 1911, p. 6

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Newmarket FRIDAY AY SEPTEMBER J i Leather Label Overalls and Smocks The kind the Big Guarantee SHOES you the New Patented Seamless Working Shoe There are seams to rip out Dry Goods We bare just received a fresh stock Prints Shakers Towelling etc and can save you money two prices Coal Oil Best American Water White gal 15c We Have Sbme Special MAN MILLINERY OPENING Dont forget to call and see new and uptodate mil linery SUTTON CARD OF THANKS Mr Little and family wish to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and- friends for their- daring the illness and death of dear wife and mother MILLINERY OPENING Steeper and Dunn wish to announce that they will hold their Fall Millin ery Opening on Tuesday Sept and following days Everybody in vito to inspect our display Miss Sheridan milliner in charge- Paint Paint at a quart should you Every can guaranteed FWSMITH CHILDRENS DAY We again call attention to the Childrens Day service on Sunday morning at the usual time Church service that is to say eleven oclock sharp The members the auxil iary packed the hale of clothing this week which they send annually to the Indians of the NorthWest The hale was valued at upwards of Mr Mulock has left tor the Old Country where he will Join Mrs Mulock The children with maid are staying at Cedar Brae Mrs Fairfield and daughter with the children are still staying Jacksons Point Hiss of Albert has been staying a few the guest of Miss Vid Earl Mrs Cameron who has been stay- her family at McDonald Ave Jacksons Pnint has returned home to Ottawa Mr J was in town last week Mr Hill an old resident or Sutton was visiting Mr McDonald on Tuesday Miss F of To ronto who has a summer cottage near Church has returned home Ivy of Toronto has been staying with her parents Mr and Mrs Harry John L m I r BALDWIN Goodness me- Just to put a quiet us on the Incessant growling for Breezes I hear am to send a budget and I smcerely hope Growers will Iter reading feel a sense of comfort as though had just enjoyed a big tun am so peculiarly constituted on the appro of the autumnal equinox I ant obliged to lay off Im feeling better now Now we enter a period of delight ful fall weather Till Oct fre quent showers and electric sorms very probable Then a Mercury I with its gales cloudy weather and cold waves hops on us along ploughing All the country round about is re- reflating the praises oj the way Mr Ally Jones cared for his father the late Morgan Jones during his long illness Yes is a fine young man a model for our rising men Young ladies should paste this in their hats was Reply from the of North Little Osborne the of sUCCeS5 Island Grore Sept To Newmarket Era Will you kindly give me space i your paper to reply to Mr Kingstons letter of Sept and also one writ ten Sept by a Ratepayer My attention has been drawn to some very Communications in your Issues 0 the and of Sept in regard to a which is said to be closed to trade a part of tho Lake Shore Road for a piece of land purposes a thj writ- seem to go to considerable trou ble to make it appear that this would be a great moneymaker O and I being a of his am very anxious to put the deal through and fact a hardly to take a fair view of the case hav ing some property vicinity Now A never knew that man could not be faithful to even if interested i DRY GOODS aTe etter Than Ever Everybody is delighted with the work done In Millinery at COLES And the sales have thus far exceeded all expectations vill try to satisfy the rest of you you come lie and see our stock and get our prices before buying The Reliable Store WICK PRESBYTERIAN GUILD Next Wednesday night Sept the Literary Committee will have charge of the meeting The enter tainment is to take the form of a rnusioale The program will con tain among other interesting numbers the rendition of the wellknown hymns in different settings and accounts of the circumstances which occasioned the of some most famous hymns A cordial invitation is extended to all Allen and with Mrs Sam tend school here Mrs Smith and child of Newmar ket is staying with her sister Mrs Will Pugsley Mr and Mrs and children of Toronto have been stay ing the past week at Lodge They entertained number of friends the weekend Reeve Arthur and Mrs have returned from the West Mr the auctioneer of was in town on Monday Mr Sawyer and Mr Ritchie who went to laying summer studies at returned o city Rev Donald Davidson has spending week in Toronto the guest of brother Mr Hiram i relatives from the States Mr and Mrs PERSONALS Mr Oswald Smith to this week to resume the Bible Training School there his oath of office or that a man in office should first have his relatives at all destroyed for they might deal present- have and been that valued at His finances vtreMr Sheppard has made a proposition much benefited thereby which the Council Many in fact most of our citizens discussed hut as before stated enfoied a burl in T have never been submitted to the automobile last week The was Council board but whin the question in a sulky mood and didnt want one does come I expect to be found as But just let Sir or Hon I alwayshave been while rcmainn J Davis along and say a servant the people one who will Come Mr Owl Id in a look alter the interests of Hie town- Mr Asset Draper is selling out and ship and true to my oath of office giving up farming His health is doing imy best in my weak way to not good Henry Kay has leased merit the Confidence of the electors Things that are well WORTH LOOKING UP SURE you SEE TMEM the next time you are in the village Here some examples Hair reg Your choice for lie Nets reg for 5c or for Ladies Cashmere Hose for 29cl Ladies Extra Sleeve White Vest reg for Mens Cotton per pair 6 A full line Sweater Coats for tbe us show them to All our new and SHIRTINGS in stock it Certainly to Your Advantage to look them over Our Boot and Shoe Stock old RELIABLE goods EVERY Is MOST COMPLETE over The same Brands in Staples and MODEL in fine PAIR GUARANTEED SOLID LEATHER AND SHOE SATIS FACTION or Your Money refunded There a one or two Linos in Particular we like to call attention to e A Line of Mens Leather Lined Boots with Pegged and Sewed Sole at A Line of Mens Heavy Boots Oil Tan at The same thing in Boys the Best Values in Canada- A Complete Stock Pure Spices To make your Pickling Success use Golden Fyrup Vinegar J A LAND QUEENSVILL TOO SLOW FOR The young man was calling on the girl He didnt know very well fie well decide what night you may call jiext week Win Kay of Virginia Will son J Walton attend- 1a and Miss Ella days in Toronto the wedding of their reice in this week Miss Eva Walton Wilson spent a few last week Messrs I Geo awl Ed arrived home from the West on Tuesday Miss Blackball spent Sunday in To ronto Mr Arnotfa Toole of the is home for a lew days- Buffalo is and Mrs KESWICK Miss Helen is visiting in Dora Hafie and Mr Prank delegates from the are attending the Con vention of the Bradford District which is being at Bond Head Mr has is the city trying new cure for rheuma tism Several from here attended the anniversary services and re port a good time Next Sunday the Methodist having a Rally Day A Special program will given an ad dress by Rev Peter Addison on life of RaiktK the founder the Sunday School person is cordially invited Misses Alice Luella Mann bad a house party last week The girls report having had splendid time and Dawsons Mr Mrs Madden from years Sunday Willi Mr Master Horace is visiting A DO AN Farm to Rent Being parts lots and Con Whitchurch containing 1 acres with good buildings particulars apply on the premises to Hugh Campbell West Franklin For An organ in good repair U a few of purebred Cattle Apply at The Briars Sutton West Mr Will McDonald of visiting his parents Mr Doc McDonald Miss Muriel Howard of is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs John Howard Mr Win Horner of was in town on Wednesday Mr Jack Hutching T we are sorry to report is up a severe cold The following left Tor the West this week Mies daughter of Dr and Mrs Mr Martin of Vachell and Miss Bell They got their tickets from Mr p ticket agent Sutton Fair The three speeding contests Fair next Thursday and Friday probably draw quite a crowd cause some excitement for the will ami visitors r had a crowded night last when the was Sir Allen Ayles- to the Hall for For Sale On Lot Con East a few Brood Sovs apply to i BKLHAVEH Several from thin vicinity took la Ifce chicken pie fcrial t report a A social will be held In Hall OH Friday Sept Election causing quite an Fall themselves plowing roost report the being The on was his brother Willie i the city this J week Miss Dolly and Miss Edith Morton enter their Sunday- School classes last Saturday after noon The children had a jolly time The farmers are cutting their corn this week The crop is better than it has been or years Mr J Mr Murvllle Council Spent Sunday In the southern part of the county Rev P Fletcher preached excellent sermon on Sunday Ihe results of using and Miss Is Toronto and Aurora We welcome the new school teach ers to our community We hope that their stay amongst us may be both to the community and to delivered Mr Daley Was given by the choir Hiss Winch gave a which by Local items Mr ing on Friday chief speaker worth For uptodate millinery go Misses Osborne In the Town buildings Toronto Exhibition had another re cord gate this Rev rend preached at Church on Sunday on the sacrednesB of our Franchise to large The anthem the choir Praise the Father wa much Notwithstanding some wet weather large crowds stood around the Cold stream Guards Rand at the Exhibi tion and to their perform ance Now Is your time to subscribe to the the oldest paper In North York with the local news Messrs Walker A supplying Dr with an up- motor wheel quite a record- breaker are fashionable these days around these The ft have a change of time table this week There are a lev campers hit around the lake shore Rev Dean at St Church on Sunday night said We should pray for guidance the way we should vote Mr Da id the Hat- holler number beau tiful enlargements A and his Window the other day Armstrong had a large meeting here An the Town Hell on Monday night when a number speaker from Toronto took part Mr Sarn Allen The Village Blacksmith Is now agent for the the farm which adjoins his own Mr who has in placing me in the Reeves Before closing I wish to draw the hut she looked good to him wanted to call again the nest night but hardly had the nerve to ask per mission to do so like to come A GOOD REASON in the employ the Cane Co attention of y readers to two for some months is removing his statements taken from Mr from here and locating tons letter of Sept In the first market for good He expresses a place he Rays A portion- of tire pro- great liking for his employers at has been sold to which I am not surprised present reeve who has little lassie arrived at John Old- ed a store and boarding house I am hams some days ago Mrs Old- not the fact that Mr Wil liam has been very low but late re- apparent interest in the ports are favorable I matter has any special significance Almost a national but merely mentioning the j Misses Susan and Emily Anderson are how wonderfully kind hut removing from parts to take listen to this further down in the up residence at Alton It ill he a ton same letter It is unfortunate great loss this community they that Mr the reeve is are most noble young women and I connected in interest with the pro- respect them more I can veil position by reason of the express words I his store and hoardinghouse that The Rev diaries H keen wit was always Ifesed on sterling common sense On day he up again he said he was ready remarked to one of his me the reason why eat Daniel No sir Why was it i one to home about some tine A look of disappoint- be lions didnt caimc over her Next week she said Why isnt that well Ill tell you what to do you come up tomorrow night and Because the most of him was backbone and the rest was grit Youths Companion of the situation of Thomas Cameron is called to attend dilrtcult for him to the assizes a a juror beginning next his duty as reeve of the town- week J Joinstton and his- neigh- are in u1phnih Ta large llie UM b I would like to the cold of winter to freeze out Owl Thats about what it j amounts to Uncle Johnston Is i entirely disinterested he should do Now then Mr Mr Kingston tells us in clearing underbrush logging large the first paragraph what he is not tracts of new land let I would jfroj what he is suggest irr In the I might also say that the proposi tion only dealt with 1100 feet en hundred feet while Mr Kingston yanking out the willow bunches with and probably if the horse and thereby saves himself tak- HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Osier President Matthews VicePresident IOOOOOOOO RESERVE TOTAL ASSETS A branch of this Hank will be established in Iondon England on 1st July next at This will issue letters of credit and drafts- in all im portant points in Canada negotiate bills sent for collection make telegraphic transfers and transact every description ol banking Information will be on all Canadian matters A spe cial department will be provided for the use of visitors and bearers of our letters of credit C A General Manager a larne back Station has retired from farming Mr Phillip Snooks bis soninlaw will manage farm and I hold to say Hell do it well J J Foster has leased Duncan Crawford and row out for model farming Kids swiped Sinclairs feet and probably me I his letter it might he nearer acres oil I remain your servant Charles Willoughhy Reeve North Reciprocity Is chief topic of was a very ruughly in our village these days act Indeed wouldnt cut up such a shine no not A lie ever got q taste of melon The on the kids is melons were jrreen- More next week an on work on The carpenters are at David agues afternoon by an a by Mr of her work a missionary in the slums of one of Sunday night a Interest- was favored address d on f was received from Mr Allan of Sylvan and he say tfciks that lust the place Mr and Dr raaAt a trip through our burg in auto on Saturday Mr treated iix tripsin the other watermeloa IV Cofza St Aid at Kim I Keswick people arrived at ctock and all enjoyed a fijrr to he remembered are to learn Mr mother who of ae Very ill Keswick But if ill leave on for Toronto where its will receive medical treatment f leave will they will decay IU one of pteaeted at to a he topic Taxing Institution A will Introduced by Mr Morton Mr wccj I At annual meeting on the the old were all tforton Cor Sec Delegates to annual convention at Richmond Hill were appointed a of up lU of Wo men Institute will hold regu lar in the Hall AH listen Cordially invited Troth bid in the av stays The Choir gave a concert In the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday night last to the death of Mr Jones te concert did hot place last week There wan not a large audience present all who were there were well pleased A number of chorus es were given by Mr gave a fc alsowme violin solo Which were well received The I ad leg gave a part the and Mr Donald sang The Village which were greatly enjoyed- Alter some more by the holr and recitation by Mr daugh ter a pumpkin Pie supper took place TW done JuwUoe and alter very pleasant evening enjoy ed everyone King was Man About Town roan with a that it co A great many of the cottagers here for few days Mr Cole is filling ice orders at the eighteen extra customers Next season win see a new milk dealer on the route as Mr Morton is leasing his farm and taking over a store at Keswick Mrs and little daughter of Spent week this vicinity after a hummer spent In Scotland Miss Alice Mann leaves on Monday for Toronto Normal Miss Lottie Addison has a as dietician In Victoria pltal Mr who lat year built two large cottage on th North the misfortune to lose hi garage and auto by fire on Thursday night last He was preparing for outing among other things In auto was a sum of In a buck skin In a pocket of cloth ing After the fire thin found he i sale Mr John Mann on Friday for a trip to the coabt Mr Wilson building wide porch to hi second nouse installing w system in each room and making Improvements f Mlxs Mann spent a week with Toronto and Buffalo friends v did your you got borne the other night Not a word She Just sat down at tho piano arid played Tell Ms the Old Story v Wanted Chief operator for fetorhone Central Continuous ser vice Residence provided Vrlto Mount Albert Telephone Co Ltd Mount Albert Roth parties presented their views on this question at meetings held in the schoolhouse A large audience listened to Messrs Armstrong and on tin evening of Sept and heard the arguments advanced the Conservative party On da Sept Messrs Pearson and I Godfrey showed ideas prevalent among the on this All the ttddressefl were splendidly de livered and being entirely free from personalities were much enjoyed by the Miss Whitman has returned alter pleasant vacation spent at her home in During holiday new seats were placed In the schoolhouse and these were very heartily welcomed by the scholar as the old seat were Instruments of torture crowds attended the services In the Church last Sun day The Childrens service the morning proved very Interesting as In addition to the address by Mr several recitations and song Were given the pupils Through the of friends the church was beautifully decorated with frill and flowers The evening ser vice was conducted by Rev of and his excellent dis course wan thoroughly enjoyed by a large audience The choir rendered suitable anthems and the whole ser vice was Inspiring The ladles of this community arc noted for their culinary and the pie social held here on Tuesday even ing WW Just another Instance of living to reputation Those who were present were delighted with an excellent program by mem ber of the Presbyterian church Choir ol Button The vocal oHs by Irani and Leigh heartily appreciated while violin Mr were rendered with his usual Mr and gave recitations which Welldeserved applause Af ter the program the refreshment were served an enjoyable hour was spent in social Intercourse It expected that Rev Overehd Of Sutton will preach here r evening when the of the Lords Supper will le dispensed preparatory will be on Friday evening by Rev MI If man would only pay hi bills as promptly a grudges his crtdlt would he better SUTTON WEST Copying Framing Enlarging A A E MILLER Farms for Sale Business Places Buying or Selling Write Us 150 acres under cultivation The best ol land All fair buildings flood neighborhood Best of Convenient to Church School and Post Office The best of water near Lake Terms can he arrang ed Blacksmith Shop And House and Lot for sale FlrsMiass Business Shoeing about town horses and large count trade ash Business Write lor Particulars HO acres workable bush and pasture good soil Within hall mile from Mt Albert water and creek house barn ton silo Outbuild ings Milk In connection if deftired Terms sash balance arranged at per cent E Real Estate Brokers 100 acres 18 milts To ronto Convenient to church school etc Soil clay loam well drained Bank barn and out buildings Brick house rooms Hard and soft wa ter Terms to suit purchaser -Mark- township 2 mllea from station School and Church vory convenient Land clay level In acres cultivated pasture a bush wells and a spring 10 roomed house brick and frame bams 36x00 bljng for Outbuildings cash Balance arranged f lG0 PJW miles from Bel- haven clay land well water ed No waste soil Buildings fair Oct our terms Purchasers may buy stock and Implements The flies ihat now in your kitchen and dining room were probably feasting on some Indescribable less than an hour ago and as a tingle fly often carries many thousands of disease germs attached to Its hairy body It It the duty of every housekeeper to In exterminating this worst enemy of human race WILSONS a Kill flies In such quantities cannot bo approached by any other fly killer- I J i

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